Ecology - Ecosystems Questions and Answers

Ecology - EcosystemsTrue or False A population pyramid with a wide base has a population that is increa because of a high birth rate fage C 0 00 0 12 Speed 1x 04 Pause

Ecology - Ecosystemsa town in Mozambique there was an overpopulation of rats The rats were reproducing rapidly and destroyin rmlands The town s solution was to bring in a non native cat from Malawi to control the population size of th ts What is one consequence of introducing this non native species A B D No consequences because animals move about freely and the cats would wind up in Mozambique eventually The cat population will grow unchecked because they don t have a natural predator The ecosystem will be altered because all non native species are invasive The cats will not rid the town of the rats since rats are fast reproducers

Ecology - Ecosystems4 Considering the three largest components of the ecological footprint in most developed countries what steps can each person take to reduce their ecological footprint 3 marks

Ecology - Ecosystemsdentify the following scenario as primary or secondary succession raging forest fire sweeps through a local valley in California and is controlled and later snuffed out by firefighters Small sprouts begin to appear the following spring Osecondary succession primary succession

Ecology - EcosystemsImagine you have a clear glass container filled with water You add algae a photosynthetic eukaryote some stones and a small snail an aquatic animal that eats algae and breathes underwater before completely sealing the container so no air can enter or leave the system You place the container under a lamp that provides similar wavelengths to outdoor light Please label your answers 1 and 2 and explain both parts fully and clearly 1 What would each organism algae snail produce What would each organism consume 2 What do you predict would happen over time

Ecology - EcosystemsBased on the fossils found which of the following best describes what the area used to be C4 0 00 0 29 A Fossil Layers Fish skeleton Shell Fern frond Leaf from hardwood tree Speed 1x a lake that was replaced by a forest a forest that was replaced by a sea Youngest Oldest Paused

Ecology - EcosystemsAcross 3 Resources such as oil coal and gas 4 Converted by bacteria from a gas to ammonia 7 Breaks down organic matter 9 Many offspring early in life 12 Unchecked reproductive growth 15 A network of all possible combinations of food chains in an ecosystem 17 Community plus abiotic factors 18 An ecosystem characterized by specific plants and animals 19 This element cycles through photosynthesis and cellular respiration 1 20 Factors such as water habitat and number of predators HT Down Clear cutting a forest Zone of life on earth Eats dead materials Few offspring later in life Resources such as timber livestock and sunlight 10 An environmental challenge caused by cars factories and consumption Group of the same species in an area 12568 11 13 Factors such as temperature rainfall and soil 14 Species that can affect the entire ecosystem 16 Factors such as predators and herbivores

Ecology - Ecosystemsism to the worms fungi and bacteria in the center 0 00 0 29 A C B Speed 1x Worms bacteria and fungi are omnivores that eat plants and animals Worms bacteria and fungi are decomposers that recycle the nutrients of dead organisms Paused

Ecology - EcosystemsCarbon cycle Biotic 6 7 Respiration Total 1 An organism s role in the environment 2 Factors that include the amount of food and competition in an area living factors 8 Producers 3 Releases the energy stored in the chemical bonds of organic molecules into a form more usable by a cell 4 Shows how energy is lost in an ecosystem as you move up the food web 5 The highest amount of individuals an ecosystem can handle based on the amount of resources available A replacement of one group of plants by another overtime until a climax community is reached The original source of all the energy in an ecosystem Shows one path of the flow of energy in an ecosystem Magical Number 9 A close relationship where both organisms benefit 10 What is NOT recycled cycled in an ecosystem 11 Essential part of an ecosystem returns nutrients back into soil so they can be used by plants 12 The build up of toxins with in the food chain higher up more concentration of toxins 13 Uses photosynthesis and respiration 14 Factors like temperature pH amount of sunlight amount of dissolved oxygen 15 Stores the sun s energy in chemical bonds of organic molecules 16 The part of a food web with the most energy and the most biomass 17 A close relationship where one organism benefits and the other is harmed 18 Shows multiple paths of energy through an ecosystem 19 A close relationship where one organism benefits and the other is unharmed

Ecology - Ecosystemsmarks 1 mark 1 mark 8 Conclusions Answer the following two questions Predict the effect of decreasing the amount of light available to the model biosphere Answer 9 Predict the effect of a significant reduction in productivity in Earth s biosphere on levels of the following a atmospheric oxygen Answer b atmospheric carbon dioxide

Ecology - EcosystemsBiosphere in a Bottle on page 57 You will not be performing the lab Using the chart provided below to answer the question Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Number of Organisms 30 3 0 30 30 29 29 29 28 28 25 24 21 19 18 1 Temperature C 19 5 20 0 20 6 21 1 21 9 22 5 23 0 23 6 24 2 25 3 26 0 26 7 27 4 28 5 Observations Place your observations here They may be from your own observations or the observations provided for you in the lesson Answer As the temperature increases the number of organisms decrease and are killed slowly Analysis Note If you did not perform this lab it is still possible to answer the following questions based on your prior knowledge and the data table that is provided for you in the above table Identify the producers consumers and decomposers in your model biosphere Answer 5 The producers in the biosphere would be the sun soil or pun water The consumers would be insects and the decomposers would be aquatic plants

Ecology - Ecosystems1 Ecosystems consist of both 2 Which of the following are abiotic factors Which of the following are biotic factors A Water B Grass D Oxygen 3 What are the 2 abiotic factors most important in characterizing a biomne 4 Which of the following correctly demonstrates the flow of energy in a food chain A Primary consumer secondary consumer tertiary consumer producer B Producer primary consumer secondary consumer tertiary consumer C Tertiary consumer secondary consumer primary consumer producer 5 Ecosystems are made of food which are interconnected food 6 100 of the energy that comes into an ecosystem comes in at the level of the energy from the sun to make its own food by photosynthesis 7 Energy in an ecosystem is lost at a rate of per trophic level B 25 C 50 A 10 9 living C Ants D 75 8 At which trophic level would you find the least of organisms A Producer B Tertiary Consumer C Secondary Consumer E Sand E 90 nonliving factors 13 All mice living together in one area is considered a together in the same area is called a F Caterpillars biomes I work at all trophic levels because death occurs at every trophic level which gets its 10 What are defining factors of a biome 11 Deserts savannas taigas are all examples of Marine oceans lakes ponds and estuaries are all examples of biomes 12 Of the 2 types of biomes you answered in question 10 above which type covers more than 75 of the earth while all mice and all hawks living

Ecology - Ecosystems14 Populations of organisms grow at an rate but factors such as food habitat predators weather disease climate temperature can affect the maximum population size an area can support species where the effects of overhunting this population of 15 Sea otters are an example of a organisms will severely affect the population numbers of other species I ir determined by the of species in a specific area as well as the of different kinds of

Ecology - EcosystemsPlease refer to Figure 1 name the ways in which water reaches the oceans Select all that may apply Evaporation Ground water Flow Precipitation Condensation Soil Heterogeneity Percolation

Ecology - EcosystemsWhat is a disadvantage of renewable energy Electricity and power could become much cheaper O Most sources are expensive to get started Third world countries could have affordable energy O Many people could become energy independent

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich of the following statements is true about an old growth forest It is a renewable resource Once cut they grow back quickly It is a nonrenewable resource It provides poor habitats for plants and animals

Ecology - EcosystemsWhat causes dead zones Select all that may apply Disruption of normal oxygen mixing Sudden increase in water temperature Cultural eutrophication Depletion of nutrients within the water Industrial wastes being discharged into water

Ecology - EcosystemsWhat kind of ecosystem are exotic species especially threatening to O islands O deserts Omarine ecosystems tropical forests

Ecology - EcosystemsThe environment provides humans wit goods and services What examples a the goods and services provided to humans by the environment are listed below Select all choices that may apply Fertile soil to grow food Storage and recycling of chemical nutrients Breathable air Electricity to power homes Metals for manufacturing

Ecology - EcosystemsWhat happens within an ecosystem when a keystone species is removed Many other species also disappear New keystone species will take the original species role The ecosystem will thrive once unlocked The ecosystem will remain in balance

Ecology - EcosystemsTrue or false Evidence negative impact on the environment 2 Cows are responsible for entire civilizations rising and falling True or false Evidence

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich of the following statement s is are TRUE about habitat A habitat is the place where an organism lives and obtains its food II Grass is the habitat for fish III Water is the habitat for grasshoppers III Water is the habitat for grasshoppers O Statements I and II O Statements II only O Statements I and III O Statements I only

Ecology - EcosystemsFind the common denominator Soil Rock O Non living environment O Living environment Water O Biotic environment Air

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich of the following statements is NOT true regarding succession O Succession eventually slows to form a stable pioneer community A major difference between primary and secondary succession is the presence of soil in secondary succe O A climax community is tolerant to environmental conditions An edaphic climax has more than one climax community

Ecology - EcosystemsSolar power can be described as O The most powerful type of power plant for its size O Cheap to start but costly to keep running Expensive at the start but cost effective over time Free to build and free to use

Ecology - EcosystemsDo the water flow and Chinook run size data above support your fish die off hypothesis What claim can you make about the factors that caused the fish die off Select all that may apply The fish need higher water flows to survive The many closely packed fish also made it easier for the pathogen to spread from one fish to another Low water flow and large run size caused the fish to overtax their dissolved oxygen resources The fish developed stronger immune systems toward the pathogen High water flow and small run size provided plenty of oxygen

Ecology - EcosystemsLook at the following energy pyramid Level 2 Level 1 Level 3 O 5 kcal Level 4 O50 kcal O 500 kcal Giant sea bass Small fish Sea Urchin Kelp If the producers have 5000 kcal of energy how much energy will be available for organisms in Level Energy Flow

Ecology - EcosystemsExplain the difference between an exchange pool and a reservoi Answer the questions in 2 3 complete sentences

Ecology - EcosystemsWhat other renewable resource may be an option for energy production in this area O Coal O Wind O Solar O Natural gas

Ecology - EcosystemsPOWER Paragraph 1 Research It For this research paragraph you will research the role that oysters play in the health water quality and economy of the Chesapeake Bay There are problems that are affecting the oysters Fully describe one of them

Ecology - Ecosystemsrates 3 Early measurements of human population size are estimates Why is this

Ecology - Ecosystemsgrass bean plant dragonfly rabbit bacteria A Food Web frog trout 3 What Heterotrophs are found in this food web fox 1 List the producers consumers and decomposers shown in the food web above a Producers b Primary Consumers c Secondary Consumers d Tertiary Consumers c Decomposers 2 What autotrophs are found in this food web 4 List one food chain 5 List a second food chain 6 Add one organism to this food web What is it What other organisms in the food web will it eat What other organisms in the food web will eat it snake Name Date man hawk 7 Remove one organism from this food web What was it What organisms will benefit from this removal What organisms will suffer from this removal 8 Why is a complex food web better than a simple food chain for the survival of the community Per

Ecology - EcosystemsHow does hunting affect an ecosystem biodiversity habitat population pollution food web disrupt evolutionary processes cause genetic mutations and lead to extinction

Ecology - EcosystemsA good sanitation technique is allowing crop residue to decompose naturally over winter O True False

Ecology - EcosystemsSedimentary Metamorphic 2 What type of rock is found at 1 What type of rock is found at 2 What type of rock is found at 3 What type of rock is found at 4 3

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich two gases make up the majority of air that we breathe Multiple Choice O O O O nitrogen and oxygen hydrogen nd oxygen hydrogen and nitrogen carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxygen and carbon dioxide

Ecology - Ecosystems20 Module 1 Lesson 5 2 Assignment Why should you learn about the connections between biodiversity energy flow biomagnification and the cycling of matter You can record your response using graphics text or multimedia Make sure you support your reasons with examples Answer

Ecology - EcosystemsStudy the following endorsement ENDORSE HERE X game M Member FOR DEPOSIT ONLY 000123456789 5 DO NOT SIGN STAMP BELOW THIS LINE What type of endorsement is used O Blank endorsement Restrictive endorsement O Special endorsement

Ecology - EcosystemsRead the passage and answer the question which follows Amanda loves to shop She likes to go to the mall and visit all her favorite stores Often she uses a card to pay for her purchases As a result her monthly bill on the card is extremely high due to added interest What type of card does Amanda use often when she shops O A credit card O A debit card O A charge card O A gift card

Ecology - EcosystemsStudy the following diagram Discover Citibank Chase Banks Which of the following choice completes the diagram Credit card companies Issuer banks American Express

Ecology - EcosystemsA Sulfur dioxide SO Nitric oxide NO E Use the illustration to answer these questions 1 What is represented by the arrow labeled A and what is its source 2 Which letter represents primary pollutants 3 What is one of the effects of the processes shown in this diagram Sulfuric acid H SO Nitric acid HNO3 B Acid precipitation Please answer in complete sentences 2 points for Arrow and and its source 1 point for primary pollutants 2 points for an effe the processes shown in this diagram with an explanation

Ecology - EcosystemsBiology You are working in a lab to investigate immune responses to liver cancer caused by an oncogenic virus that infects hepatocytes liver cells Wild type mice develop small tumors when they are infected by this virus When mutant mice that lack RAG recombinases are infected by this virus they develop large tumors that quickly become lethal You transplant cells from lymph nodes of tumor bearing RAG deficient mice into wild type mice and two weeks later you infect the transplanted mice with the virus You observe that tumors do not develop at all in transplanted wild type mice Which of the following is the MOST likely explanation for this observation Group of answer choices The tumor cells have upregulated PD L1 and PD L2 checkpoint ligands Transplanted dendritic cells cross presenting tumor antigens activated CTLS in the recipient mice which carried out effective immunosurveillance Transplanted CTLs carried out effective immunosurveillance Transplanted helper T cells induced B cell class switching leading to antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity ADCC The tumor cells are producing TGF beta

Ecology - EcosystemsTEXT ANSWER Describe what you did to study for the Unit 11 Ecology Test Answer in at least 3 complete sentences H Normal 11 BIUS X

Ecology - EcosystemsLabel the following terms on the diagram of the water cycle below aquifer condensation evaporation precipitation runoff transpiration 2 PENCIL THIN BLACK


Ecology - EcosystemsO a process of setting goals developing a plan to achieve them and putting the plan into action something you aim for something you want to be do or have at some time in the future O giving up something you want now to get something better in the future

Ecology - EcosystemsArrange the biological waste disposa steps in the correct order Package in bags or containers Decontaminate treat Package in box bag units Secure lid with packing tape Label Fill out online pickup request

Ecology - EcosystemsAnswer marks Reflect and Connect Why should you learn about the connections between biodiversity energy flow biomagnification and the cycling of matter You can record your response using graphics text or multimedia Make sure you support your reasons with examples