Ecology - Ecosystems Questions and Answers

Ecology - EcosystemsAs DDT moves up the trophic levels in a food chain or food web its concentration increases disappears remains the same decreases C

Ecology - EcosystemsAlgae blooms produce what results within aquatic systems Use up too much space in the environment resulting in decreased fish populations Deplete oxygen in the water as algae grow Lack of oxygen in the water as they die Provide additional food for fish increasing the populations

Ecology - EcosystemsHow would you expect fisheries to be impacted by the increase in the number and distribution of dead zones Select all that may app New fish species may become available due to changing habitat 000 Number of species available may decline Overall fish numbers may decline Overall fish numbers may increase

Ecology - Ecosystemsis the source of the CFC s that are released into the 2 Explain why biodiversity is one of Earth s greatest natural resources 23 List four human activities that threaten the biodiversity on Earth 24 It is extremely important to protect endangered species but it is more important to protect the entire ecosystem in which an endangered species lives Explain 25 Urban development and urban sprawl cause a reduction in the size of habitats How do you think habitat size affects biodiversity 26 In an attempt to save an endangered species a conservation group decides to relocate many of the endangered individuals to a new and nonnative habitat What are the possible consequences of such an action 27 Humans are changing the biosphere List three global changes occurring that are of concern to biologists and other scientists

Ecology - Ecosystemsbiodiversity what can happen if one species disappears Your answer If one ecosystem has 250 different species of producers and 300 different species of consumers what can you conclude about the biodiversity of that ecosystem 0 poin

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich is larger a biome or an ecosystem O a biome O an ecosystem Ecosystems are the between living and nonliving things in an environment O problems connections O recycling A healthy ecosystem has high levels of biodiversity low levels of biodiversity 1 poi 1 poi 1 poi

Ecology - EcosystemsDifferent species of fish crabs grass and jellyfish in the ocean are an example of O An individual O A population O A community O An ecosystem Different species of living things and the nonliving things like rocks and water are an example of O An individual O A population O A community O An ecosystem What is an ecosystem 1 point All species of living things in an area 1 point 1 point All biotic and abiotic factors in a local area

Ecology - EcosystemsBrygg Rabbits Foxes Carrots Mice Owls A food web Grasses Birds Grasshoppers Grains POSSIBLE POINTS 0 63 Scenario A cold frost severely impacted the grasshopper population Which of the following statements would be true if the population of grasshoppers drastically decreased Select the two correct responses Grass and Grain populations would benefit and grow due to the loss of grasshoppers in the ecosystem O Grass and Grain populations would struggle due to the loss of grasshoppers in the ecosystem OOwl and bird populations would benefit due to the loss of grasshoppers in the ecosystem OOwl and bird populations would struggle due to the loss of grasshoppers in the ecosystem 1 2 3 45 6 7

Ecology - EcosystemsSunlight Rattlesnakes Locusts Prairie Ecosystem Corn Hawks Quail Prairie dogs Wheat Indian grass Molds bacteria yeasts Raw materials 27 Which statement best describes a function of the molds bacteria and yeas this ecosystem 1 They convert light energy into chemical energy 2 They carry out a food making process using inorganic raw materials 3 They break down dead organisms releasing raw materials to the environment Thou act as catalysts to speed up the energy flow between organisms

Ecology - EcosystemsMatch the following animal group behavior with their corresponding description Migration Schooling Flocking Herding Swarm III large number of animals especially birds a social grouping of grazing animals of the same species for defense and reproduction group of fish that swim together 1TS 1 96 a behavior exhibited by organisms of similar size which attack and aggregate together seasonal movement of a specie population to a new location for warmer weather food and reproduction

Ecology - EcosystemsSelect a one biome Conduct research using the internet to find out more information about the biome of your choice Requirements Create a presentation including the following elements Biome Identification terrestrial or aquatic Distribution terrestrial biome or physical and chemical environment aquatic biome Climate terrestrial biome or geologic features aquatic biome Organisms found in the biome Human impact

Ecology - EcosystemsWrite a paragraph response 7 sentence minimum to the following prompt Is the OASIS a useful productive escape from a harsh world or a distraction that creates additional real world problems Your response needs to be a minimum of seven 7 complete sentences with at least one piece of textual evidence don t forget to cite Once complete you will respond thoughtfully to two 2 of your peers also in complete sentences Consider their position do you agree with them Why or why not Be ready to discuss in class

Ecology - EcosystemsList the levels of organization in the biosphere Smallest to Largest Movement of Populations Immigrant Ecology Emigration List 2 biotic and 2 abiotic factor in an ecosystem LABEL the trophic levels What do the arrows in the food chain represent Create an energy pyramid from the above food chain Which level can support the most organisms Who has the greatest biomass Producers aica Algae Producer If there were a toxin in the environment which organism would contain the most What organism is involved in fixing nitrogen during the Nitrogen Cycle CO Zooplankton Primary H O N P Small fishes Squid Fertiary consumers Secondary What percent of the energy is available to the next trophic level 10 Shark What happens to the rest of the energy List ways these elements cycle

Ecology - EcosystemsWhat is Ecology Describe primary succession CAUSES What are pioneer species List two What is the EPA Global varming Describe secondary succession CAUSES What is a climax community What causes it How does overpopulation affect the environment Exceeding carrying capacity What is carrying capacity Label carrying capacity What is a limiting factor List 3 density dependent limiting factors List 3 density independent limiting factors What is the greenhouse effect What would happen if we didn t have the greenhouse effect What does it do to the environment What is an Umbrella Species What organisms benefit from it What is biomagnification What organisms are most affected by biomagnification

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich of the following research studies is least likely to contain a confounding factor variable that provides an alternative explanation for results in its design Researchers randomly assign participants to experimental and control groups Females make up 35 of the experimental group and 75 of the control group To explore trends in the spiritual religious beliefs of students attending U S universities researchers survey a random selection of 500 freshmen at a small private university in the South O To evaluate the effect of a new diet program researchers compare weight loss between participants randomly assigned to treatment diet and control no diet groups while controlling for average daily exercise and pre diet weight Researchers tested the effectiveness of a new tree fertilizer on 10 000 saplings Saplings in the control group no fertilizer were tested in the fall whereas the treatment group fertilizer were tested the following spring

Ecology - EcosystemsQuestion 7 Points 2 In order for the death penalty to be imposed the case must meet which criteria O It may be imposed only for crimes resulting in the death of the victim O The jury that hears the case must decide on the death sentence in a separate hearing It may be imposed only for crime resulting in the death of the victim and only if the jury that hears the case also decides the death sentence question in a separate hearing O It may be imposed only if DNA evidence is used to convict the defendant

Ecology - EcosystemsThat is the population density if there are 400 squirrels living in a forest that covers 20 square miles Use the equation below to calculate the answe A B C D 200 squirrels per square mile 100 squirrels per square mile 40 squirrels per square mile 20 squirrels per square mile population density of individuals area units

Ecology - EcosystemsWhich of the following is part of a lion s ecological niche The lion s role as a top predator A B The lion s place in the ecosystem s food web The climate and available water resources the lion needs to survive All of the above

Ecology - Ecosystems8 Your data analysis should always be tied to OA the federal or state requirements OB family preferences OC the characteristics of the children in your setting OD your larger vision mission and goals

Ecology - Ecosystems18 What s an impact of automation OA Reduced taxes OB Greater economic equality O C Lost jobs O D Higher tariffs

Ecology - EcosystemsLab 09 Amino Acids and Proteins 4 The nitroprusside test a Which amino acids are identified by means of the nitroprusside test b Which protein samples gave positive nitroprusside test results c Comment on the composition of the protein samples based on the results of this test Lab 09 Amino Acids and Proteins Table A Classification Tests Include whether the solution is clear or cloudy the color and if there is a precipitate note its color Classification Test Biuret Xanthoproteic Sakaguchi 1 Water light blue clear Clear Nitroprusside Yellow 2 Albumin ombre purple blue yellow foggy yellow Test Tube and Sample 4 Gelatin 3 Casein ombre purple blue Chunky Clearish light pink pink foggy ombave purple blue Yellow old and are evide clear Clear pink 5 Arginine goldish light blue clear orange Yellow 6 Cysteine Clear clear clear red l Spring 2023 Qurde 7 Tyrosine light blue dark orange yellow Spring Yellow

Ecology - EcosystemsGiven the information of beak depth here does it show variation in beak depth in the population Survivorship High Low Beak var png Narrow Beak Depth O Yes because a range of survivorships for wide beak depths are present in the population O Yes because a range of narrow to wide beak depths are present in the population O No because wide beak depths generally have low survivorship O No because all possible beak depths aren t represented in the population Wide

Ecology - EcosystemsPrecipitation mm 25 20 15 10 O 12 00 Discharge Line Urban Peak Rainfall Rain Event 16 00 20 00 Day 1 Peak Discharge Urban Area 3 Refer to Figure 15 2 00 00 T 04 00 Peak Discharge Rural Area 08 00 12 00 16 00 Day 2 Discharge Line Rural 20 00 00 00 Time Figure 15 2 Two Hypothetical Hydrographs for Rural and Urban Environments 269 04 00 Day 3 35 30 25 20 15 10 s Discharge cubic meters sec a What is the approximate lag time for the urbanized area b What is the approximate lag time for the rural area c Use Your Critical Thinking Skills Why is there a difference between the lag time for an urbanized area and a rural area Explain your response in one to two sentences d Use Your Critical Thinking Skills What if the storm event dropped snow rather than rain What would the hydrograph look like Explain your response in one to two sentences e Use Your Critical Thinking Skills What if the storm event was a warmer more tropical storm dropping a larger quantity of warm rain on a pre existing snow

Ecology - Ecosystems8 Why does indeterminate growth strongly select for male paternal care in many species of fish

Ecology - EcosystemsYou are an environmentalist hoping to gain public interest in protecting the environment Make a poster that influences the public to take some action to improve the environment You can be creative Choose something that interests you Examples could include recycling plastics throwing away things you don t want in the watershed using less fossil fuels plastic not wasting resources etc Your poster must Clearly show what action you want the public to take Show the environmental dangers of not taking action Show how the environment will improve by taking action Be in color and include pictures and words Take the whole poster Make it engaging and interesting so that people will want to stop and look at your poster

Ecology - Ecosystems16 Why are seabirds a great organism to study for consuming plastic What did they find in the baby birds stomach 17 When the plastic toxins bio accumulate in an organism what are the problems effects of this to the organism 18 What gas comes from the dump in Philippians And what crops are they growing on this dump of garbage 19 How do you feel about seeing all the children playing in the trash that surrounds them in Manila Bay or the children who do not go to school but collect plastic for money all day 20 What is BPA Does the FDA regulate any of these chemicals 21 What can you do daily to help reduce plastic from entering our oceans 22 What has Germany done to reduce plastic

Ecology - EcosystemsPlastic Ocean ideo 1 What kind of trash was floating in the Indian Ocean where there are no cruise ships tourist beaches etc 2 How many meters of plastic did the whale have that died on the beach 3 How many billions of oil is used to make plastic bottles 4 How much plastic does the average person use per year 5 What was causing his eyes to burn when he swam in Tasmania waters 6 What percent of land based garbage finds its way to the oceans 7 How many tons of trash is dumped into the ocean each year 8 What were some trash items they saw on the deep ocean floor 9 The trawling net for plankton caught what instead 10 Why are micro plastics toxic and what are even consuming them 11 Microbeads are found in what household items 12 Why do they say plastic breaks up not actually down 13 How do mircoplastics chemicals move up a food chain 14 Why do they burn plastic to cook food 15 Who was at fault for nurdles covering all the beaches like snow

Ecology - EcosystemsDirections For each type of resource land forests air fresh Type of Resource Air Water describe how humans affect the resource and list one way humans can Land Forests Fisheries Human Impact on Earth s Resources How do humans affect this resource How can humans reduce their effect on this resource

Ecology - EcosystemsWhat causes dead zones Select all that may apply Cultural eutrophication Depletion of nutrients within the water Sudden increase in water temperature Industrial wastes being discharged into water Disruption of normal oxygen mixing

Ecology - EcosystemsUsing the image below match each letter with the stage of cultural eutrophication it shows D A A ME B kkk

Ecology - EcosystemsThe runoff of Answer induces Answer This growth reduces Answer levels growth of plants and algae in the water This Answer devoid of suffocates plants and animals and can create Answer waters essentially I life Answer The excessive algal growth may also produce Answer that affect aquatic life eutrophication dead zones neurotoxins agricultural fertilizer oxygen

Ecology - EcosystemsWhat causes dead zones Select all that may apply Industrial wastes being discharged into water Cultural eutrophication Disruption of normal oxygen mixing Depletion of nutrients within the water Sudden increase in water temperature

Ecology - EcosystemsEarthquake secondary waves O pass through solids liquids and gases Otravel quickest through liquids O cannot travel through liquids O easily travel through solid and liquid rocks

Ecology - EcosystemsThe lowest level of environmental complexity that includes living and nonliving factors is the a biome c ecosystem b community d biosphere d biosphere c ecosystem a biome b community

Ecology - Ecosystems8 Researchers are studying a population of robins that has a variety of body masses which is a heritable quantitative factor Graph 1 is a histogram that shows the number of individuals in the population that fall within each range of body masses at the beginning of the study After six summers of higher than usual temperatures and precipitation the distribution has shifted as shown in graph 2 Graph 1 Number of robins 16 Number of robins 14 12 10 4 2 0 Graph 2 16 14 12 10 8 2 0 58 63 58 63 Body Masses of Robins in Year 1 64 69 70 75 76 81 Body mass g 64 69 Body Masses of Robins in Year 7 70 75 Body mass g 76 81 82 87 82 87 88 93 88 93 a How can you use the data to determine which range of masses represents robins that were best adapted to their environment Robins in which range of masses were best adapted to the original environment Robins in which range were best adapted in year 7 3 points b How did natural selection cause a change in the

Ecology - Ecosystems2 Compare the geosphere and hydrosphere by writing the words or phrases that affect each sphere into the Venn diagram building roads deforestation Geosphere overshing pollution Both Littering poor farming practices ocean debris Hydrosphere occan dob overfishing

Ecology - EcosystemsIn many desert ecosystems days are hot and nights are cold Water is scarce so animals seek water wherever possible The spines of a cactus are actually leaves adapted to conserve water T cactus plants have also adapted to live in thin sandy soil Which of the following is a biotic component of a desert ecosystem the scarcity of water the spiny cactus leaves the wide temperature range the thin sandy soil

Ecology - Ecosystemseather Two arctic fox are fighting with a polar bear for a sea lion carcass One fox distracts the bear while the other eats Wha type of limiting factor is the polar bear Herbivory Effect Competition Predator Prey Relationships

Ecology - EcosystemsAn estimated people are without access to a clean water supply 1 Point O 100 000 O 2 million O 790 million 14 The remains of decayed organic matter called plants need to grow 1 Point O parent rock O humus contains nutrients that

Ecology - EcosystemsThe life that exists on Earth today likely arose from a single common ancestor Judge each statement below and select the ones that explain how natural selection has played a role in the diversity of life on Earth from that single ancestor Select all that may apply A Natural selection increased the fitness of certain populations as traits that were considered adaptations became more prevalent in the population x B C D Natural selection reduced the species numbers on a global scale since individual organisms did not mutate quickly enough Natural selection acted on isolated populations separately allowing for those populations to diverge over time allowing for speciation Natural selection maintained the fitness of populations on a global scale which maintained species numbers at a constant level E Natural selection acted on phenotypes that were the result of new mutations in a population

Ecology - EcosystemsWhile genetic engineering has positive benefits there are also concerns associated with widespread use of genetic engineering in agriculture If many farmers begin to plant more genetically modified crops that have an increased tolerance to insects which of the following ma result an increase in the use of pesticides an increase in the contamination of the water supply a decrease in crop productivity on these treated fields a decrease in genetic diversity of the crops

Ecology - EcosystemsExamine the model of the carbon cycle Select ALL of the abiotic factors involved in the cycling of carbon through the ecosystem x A 4x B tree roots x sun C water D decomposition x E factories

Ecology - EcosystemsIdentify the correct food chain that demonstrates the energy flow of this food web plant deer squirrel plant eagle mouse snake coyote plant coyote snake eagle plant grasshopper mouse snake

Ecology - EcosystemsOne of the more in your face ways we affect biodiversity is by introducing dogs to cats ourselves to Miss Trunchbull nonnative species ourselves to The Beas while trying to retriev a baseball

Ecology - EcosystemsO A E B C or Bedrock 22 This horizon has a high concentration of clay and mineral deposits It is built up over many cycles of the soil 23 The top layer of soil made of living and slightly decomposed organic matter 24 This horizon is the substratum or regolith It is considered the bottom layer of the soil 25 Located just below the top layer and is made up of minerals and decomposed organic matter 26 This horizon is not part of the soil and acts as a foundation layer 27 Found only in forested areas Light in color and primarily sand and silt

Ecology - Ecosystemscountries on notecards You take a break from your work only to come back to your c piles of notecards off the desk Match the following statements on the notecards to th He was president during the first multiracial democratic elections in South Africa Answer F W de Klerk Goodluck Jonathan

Ecology - EcosystemsPlease type it and identify the type of cloud Be sure and include the descriptions and characteristics that lead to your identification Please use your own words

Ecology - EcosystemsThe diagram represents a pyramid of energy in an ecosyst Which level would most likely contain members of the plar kingdom

Ecology - EcosystemsPurpose In this assessment you will construct an explanation based on evidence for how the availability of natural resources occurrence of natural hazards and changes in climate have influenced human activity Question Identify and describe at least three pieces of evidence used to construct explanation You should have casual observed and correlational mathematical evidence Be sure to include both the quoted evidence AND the reference to the location of the evidence sources Place each piece of evidence in separate paragraphs Include graphs charts and pictures that are

Ecology - EcosystemsA14 Scale distance of Uranus from the Sun in meters A15 Calculate the scale distance of Neptune from the Sun in kilometers 4497000000 Page 3 A16 Scale distance of Neptune from the Sun in meters A17 Calculate the scale distance of Pluto from the Sun in kilometers 5 91 billion kilometers or 39 5 AU A18 Scale distance of Pluto from the Sun in meters 91x1011m A19 Now create a map in google maps or google my maps Flag a location as the Sun Then measure the scale distance to each planet drop a flag and label its location To measure distances use the ruler icon By default the distances are measured in feet and miles not metric units In the table below I ve given you the scale distance in feet and miles based on converting the answers that you just calculated Share the link to your scale model of the Solar System in the space provided Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Distance from Sun meters feet miles 10 19 27 41 140 256 515 807 1 059 3 474 0 006 0 012 0 017 0 025 0 087 0 159 1 690 0 320 2 648 0 502 0 658 34 64 88 134 458 840 Jola