Ecology - Environmental Issues Questions and Answers

Ecology - Environmental IssuesOne of the popular general purpose operating system among the following is O Mac OS O Windows

Ecology - Environmental Issuesng into the desired format for easy access and analysis O Data discovery O Data mapping O Data review Data wrangling

Ecology - Environmental Issuesn 2006 the IAU defined a new class of celestial objects dwarf planets Explain why this is consistent with the nature of science described during lecture also located in chapter 1

Ecology - Environmental IssuesShare Outlook contact as so recipients can import them directly into their contact lists in Gmail Apple Mail and many other mail programs

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of the following is one of the major causes of a hard disk drive failure O Disk Management system O Antivirus software OLAN settings

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of the following storage devices is called thun drive O CD O DVD O USB Flash drives

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of the following digits represent binary numbers O 0 and 2 O 0 and 1 O 1 and 2 O 0 and 9

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of the following is TRUE about computer storage I Computer storage is measured in bytes KB MB GB and TB II Computers can store only limited data III Storage holds data instructions and information for future use O I and II O I II and III O II and III I and III

Ecology - Environmental Issuesis a networking device used to divide a extensive network into smaller segments O Switch O Bridge O Protocol

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich is the group that contains Use Presenter View option in MS PowerPoint 2013

Ecology - Environmental Issuesslides as you present in MS PowerPoint 2013 O Pen and Laser Pointer tools O Black or Unblack slide show O Select all slides

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich key is used to move to the previous slide in Presenter View of MS PowerPoint 2013 O Spacebar

Ecology - Environmental IssuesEmployers are looking for an employee with employability skills with specialized training with a good driving record with a college degree

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhat does the apply design template do O Changes the content of the slide O Adds functionally to the slide O Changes the look of the slide without changing the content

Ecology - Environmental Issuesg each option to the correct location on the image tch each effect to the phenomenon that caused it Snails and mussels get endangered Sea levels increase Dry climates become drier The number of birds laying defective eggs increases Acid Rain Crustaceans become rare Global Warming

Ecology - Environmental IssuesIn an organization chart to center all of the boxes below the selected box which of the following options would you click O Standard O Both O Left Hanging O Right Hanging

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich physical feature provides ecotourism because people want to look at the wildlife and see the the swamp

Ecology - Environmental IssuesRoberto Rey Agudo The New York Times Opinion July 14 2018 I have an accent So do you I am an immigrant who has spent nearly as much time in the United States as I have in my home country Spain I am also the director of Dartmouth s language programs in Spanish and Portuguese Living as I do deeply immersed in the work of teaching and learning second languages it was fun to watch the FX drama The Americans in which the main characters aptitude for languages was so central to the plot of being KGB agents able to hide in plain sight by speaking perfect standard American English perceived by many to be American English spoken with no accent Nonetheless the premise that you can speak a language without any accent at all is a loaded one You can t actually do this Worse when we fetishize certain accents and disdain others it can lead to real discrimination in job interviews performance evaluations and access to housing to name just a few of the areas where having or not having a certain accent has profound consequences Too often at the hospital or the bank in the office or at a restaurant even in the classroom we embrace the idea that there is a right way for our words to sound and that the perfect accent is one that is not just inaudible but also invisible unmarked or not heard If you look at the question from a sociolinguistic point of view having no accent is plainly impossible An accent is simply a way of speaking shaped by a combination of geography social class education ethnicity and first language I have one you have one everybody has one There is no such thing as perfect neutral or unaccented English or Spanish for that matter or any other language To say that someone does not have an accent is as believable as saying that someone does not have any facial features We know this but it is worth reminding ourselves of it again and again No one speaks without an accent Instead when we say someone doesn t have an accent we mean that their accent is unmarked meaning we don t hear it as different When we say that someone speaks with an accent we generally mean one of two things 1 a nonnative accent or 2 a so called nonstandard accent In both cases what we are really saying is that the accent of the speaker is marked or rather heard as different Both can have consequences for their speakers because sociolinguistic research has shown that people do discriminate on the basis of accent The privileged status of the standard or unmarked accent is of course rooted in education and socioeconomic power The standard accent is not necessarily the same as the highest status accent It is simply the dominant accent the one you are most likely to hear in the media the one that is considered neutral Nonstandard native accents like African American Vernacular English or Cockney are also underrepresented or misrepresented in the media L ike nonnative accents they are likely to be stereotyped and mocked underscor ing the layered status attached to particular ways of speaking Further not all nonnative accents are perceived in the same way For example in the US some accents like those of native French speakers of English carry social power that other accents do not carry Such judgments are purely social to linguists the t distinctions are arbitrary and based on biases about social factors like race class gender geographical region However the notion of the neutral perfect accent is so pervasive that speakers with stigmatized accents often internalize the prejudice they face When you are learning a language particularly as a nonnative speaker a marked or noticed accent is usually also accompanied by other features like limited vocabulary or grammatical mistakes In the classroom we understand that this is a normal stage in the development of proficiency My family back in Madrid would have a hard time understanding the Spanish of my native English speaking students in my first semester classroom Later these same students study abroad in Barcelona or Cuzco or Buenos Aires and often struggle to make themselves understood It s certainly true that a marked noticed accent can get in the way of making yourself understood ESL learners and others are well advised to work on their pronunciation As at teacher I do try to lead my students toward some version of that flawed ideal the native accent One of the ironies in this is that I along with most of my fellow teachers from the 20 countries not counting the US territory of Puerto Rico where Spanish is an official language long ago shed the specific regional class shaped intonations and vocabulary that are or once were our native accents My point is not that we need to forget the aim of easily comprehensible communication obviously that remains the goal But we do need to set aside the illusion that there is a single true and authentic way to speak English is a global language with many native and nonnative varieties Worldwide nonnative speakers of English outnumber natives by a ratio of three to one Even in the United States which has the largest population of native English speakers there are nearly 50 million speakers of English as a second third or other language What does it even mean to sound native when so many English speakers are second language speakers In most cases it is counterproductive to hold unmarked unnoticed pronunciation as the bar you have to clear Accent by itself is a shallow measure of language proficiency the linguistic equivalent of judging people by their looks Instead we should become aware of our linguistic biases and learn to listen more deeply before forming judgments How large and how varied is the person s vocabulary Can she participate in most daily interactions How much detail can he provide when retelling something Can she hold her own in an argument Language discrimination based on accent is not merely an academic idea Experiments show that people tend to make negative stereotypical assumptions about speakers with a nonnative accent The effect extends all the way to bias against native speakers whose name or ethnicity reads as foreign Studies show that when nonnative speakers and speakers with nonstandard accents respond to advertisements for housing their conversations with prospective landlords are more likely to be unsuccessful on average than those of callers without marked accents

Ecology - Environmental IssuesQUESTION 20 DOK 4 1 ALIGNED STANDARD 4 points Choose ONE of the following statements spoken by Granger in paragraph and analyze it in the context of the entire book A You re not important You re not anything OR B we ll build the biggest goddam steam shovel in history and shove war in and cover it up Think about the statement that you chose What does it mean Why does Granger say it What does it say about life people the world Does the statement make sense in general Does it make sense in the context that it is stated How does the statement make sense with the novel as a whole What parts of Fahrenheit 451 support or refute the statement

Ecology - Environmental IssuesIn the sentence below the underlined portion is a clause Identify the type of clause Until he apologizes to me for his rude behavior I refuse to see him O Non essential clause Dependent clause O Independent clause

Ecology - Environmental IssuesPART A How has the Monroe Doctrine changed over time A The Monroe Doctrine was initially aimed towards ensuring the safety of Americans then became a tool to gain power but its power has declined somewhat over the past century B C D The goals of the Monroe Doctrine have remained consistent over the years with the protection of America being its ultimate goal The Monroe Doctrine shifted from a means of securing peace in America to a way to gain additional power through the invasion of foreign countries The Monroe Doctrine was initially a means for America to extend its power but has since been modified to protect America

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of the following options is the correct step to turn on Track Changes O Click Review Track Changes to turn on track changes

Ecology - Environmental IssuesAn existing document in Word Online can be opened by browsing the templates browsing the recent documents on OneDrive

Ecology - Environmental IssuesHow many types of errors are there in a MS Word document 02 0 3 04

Ecology - Environmental IssuesAcross 1 The included Germany Italy Japan etc 4 The included the U S Britain France etc 7 This caused many Jews to die and was led by Adolf Hitler 9 This caused the U S to enter World War II 10 was the leader of Germany 11 This day was where the U S won fighting Japan 13 The the plane to drop the 1st atomic bomb was Down was 5 was the one to decide to drop the atomic bombs on Japan 6 The first atomic bomb dropped 2 the dictator of Japan 3 was the dictator of the Soviet Union 8 This day was where the Allied Powers won in Europe 12 The largest sea invasion during WWII

Ecology - Environmental Issues90 If an application for a pharmacy is approved by pharmacy council how many months is given to prepare the premise for final inspection a 3 months 6 months C 9 months d 12 months

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of the following BEST promotes safety in the workplace a Limiting employee safety development to workplace leaders b Providing training to the safety committee c Keeping every employee committed to working safely every day in the workplace d Securing the cooperation of management and labor

Ecology - Environmental Issues3 Use the list below to write the correct term for each definition below analogous system habitat fragmentation computer mode scale model pollutants technology greenhouse gases runoff a chemicals emitted into the atmosphere at add to the overall increase in earth s temperatures b when roads cross a habitat they expose animals within the habitat to death due to encounters with vehicles c substances which lower the amount of life within a system d the knowledge and tools we use to do difficult tasks e a research model that studies objects similar in function or design f water that travels over the surface of the land during and after rain g a miniaturized but proportional version of an object mimic or predict the behavior of real objects or systems h a program that allows a computer to quickly and with detail 4 Identify and describe five ways you can help reduce the stress on the environment 5 Write a short essay on how biology as a science and the environment are related

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhat are the drawbacks of geothermal electricity Select all that may apply Produces sulfur pollution though in small amounts If we take too much heat the Earth s climate will change High initial costs Noise production Geothermal produces as much pollution as fossil fuels

Ecology - Environmental IssuesMatch the word with the Latin root sem or sim on the left with its correct meaning on the right resemble similar a to be like or seem like another b having characteristics in common

Ecology - Environmental IssuesPractice to help conserve Earth s mate Test Practice Write the letter of the best answer ch 11 About of Earth s water is freshwater 19 A 3 percent B 1 percent dows C 75 percent D 97 percent 12 Using ceramic plates instead of paper plates is an example of A reducing paper waste enB reusing paper219 owan C recycling paper orb DY WONGN poinniped

Ecology - Environmental IssuesPost What are two common events or historical details that are similar between the time periods How are those events or details different for each You should include direct quotations or paraphrased information with citations for each idea Peer Response Do you understand the information presented by your classmates If yes identify a connection to the novel for one of their ideas and explain why the author might have decided to write To Kill a Mockingbird during the 1960 s and not earlier in her career If the information was not understood by you present three specific questions about the classmate s post to help them revise their explanations

Ecology - Environmental Issues91 The applicant shall pay the prescribed registration fee for the issue of the licen se before the final inspection report is submitted a True b False

Ecology - Environmental IssuesRead the dictionary entry gibe v to make taunting heckling or jeering remarks In which sentence is the word gibe used as defined in the dictionary entry The unfair gibe was cruel to all those who worked so hard on the project His thoughtless gibe did not create an atmosphere that encouraged discussion Critics of the mayor often gibe about his less than perfect articulation of ideas We were taught that a gibe can cause someone to be deeply hurt

Ecology - Environmental IssuesIf we could eliminate all plastic and all carbon emissions from all the cars in the world we would still be only a third of the way to a zero waste world What is the biggest source of carbon based waste and pollution Manufacturing vehicles Wasted food and beverages Our homes and places of work Cars and driving habits

Ecology - Environmental Issues4 Select all of the true statements regarding climate change mark all that apply 1 pt a Oceans are becoming more acidic b Photosynthetic rates are increasing c The terrestrial sinks of CO2 are increasing d The level of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing e The global mean temperature of the earth is increasing

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhat is a wind farm O The place in which wind originates The place where wind turbines are born and raised O Area with a large number of wind turbines clustered together OA stretch of land used for feeding the wind turbines

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhy is solar power so difficult to harness if there is so much of it O Greenhouse gases prevent high quality sun from reaching the planet s surface O It is spread out across the entire surface area of the planet O It is always cloudy somewhere in the world The sun is too far away

Ecology - Environmental IssuesThe 1909 Baker shown by Jay Leno is an early example of an electric car What was its range 60 100 miles 10 20 miles 20 50 miles 100 150 miles

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhy does Montag keep repeating Lilies SELECT AN ANSWER O Lilies are Montag s favorite flower because they remind him of Clarisse O Consider the lilies of the field is Montag s favorite quote from the Bible O Montag can t concentrate because of the Denham s Dentifrice commercial O Montag really likes Denham s Dentifrice so he is focuses on that instead SURMIT

Ecology - Environmental IssuesMatch each of these non conventional fossil fuels with their description below Tar sands Oil shale Choose Choose Mixture of clay sand water and a heavy form of oil must be mined Rock containing a mixture of compounds that oil can be extracted from

Ecology - Environmental IssuesThis antimicrobial drug specifically targets the synthesis of DNA A Ciprofloxacin B Polymyxin C Sulfonamide D Tetracycline E Vancomycin 2 In a commensal relationship which of the following happens A Both partners are harmed B Both partners benefit C One partner benefits the other partner dies D One partner benefits the other partner is harmed F One partner benefits the other partner is neither harmed nor helped

Ecology - Environmental IssuesComplete the table to summarize details about the alliances and theaters of war during World War II Alliances Allied forces Axis Powers US Great Britain and the Soviet Union Europe US Great Britain and the Soviet Union Theaters of War Japan