Ecology - Environmental Issues Questions and Answers

Ecology - Environmental IssuesMajority of temperature increases are seen OA On the continents OB In the oceans OC In the atmosphere OD In glaciers and ice caps

Ecology - Environmental Issues3 What is an indicator species How are indicator species used to assess pollution levels in the environment 4 marks 4 marks Answer 4 Suppose you are an ecologist studying the effects of acid precipitation on plant life Describe an experiment you would perform in order to determine which plant species would be a useful indicator species for acid pollution 5 marks 5 marks Answer Conclusions 5 Answer the question posed in the problem at the beginning of the lab Explain how assessing water quality of aquatic environments can be used to determine the effects of acid rain 3 marks Answer

Ecology - Environmental IssuesQUESTION 18 DOK 2 1 ALIGNED STANDARD 1 points Why does it make sense for the woman to repeat this quote Extra Help Look up the meaning of heresy and think about why the woman s books were being burned SELECT AN ANSWER O Nicholas Ridley burned her books O The woman s books were being burned O The woman was going to burn soon O The woman was trying to send Latimer a message

Ecology - Environmental IssuesQUESTION 4 DOK 2 1 ALIGNED STANDARD 1 points Which of the following indicate that this book is set in the future Pick 2 SELECT ALL THAT APPLY the subway where the silent air propelled train slid soundlessly down its lubricated flue she discovered she was a moment away from a man who stood in the middle of the pavement waiting It was not the hysterical light of electricity but but what Houses have always been fireproof take my word for it

Ecology - Environmental IssuesQUESTION 19 DOK 2 1 ALIGNED STANDARD 1 points Why is the most recent fire different from other fires the firemen have fought Pick 2 SELECT ALL THAT APPLY The firemen are uncomfortable about what they are doing Some of the books they burn are very valuable One of the firefighters knows the woman personally The owner of the books is usually gone before they arrive The crowd did not want them to burn the house UT

Ecology - Environmental IssuesQUESTION 11 DOK 2 1 ALIGNED STANDARD 1 points Which sentence BEST describes Clarrise s thoughts about Montag SELECT AN ANSWER O She thinks that there is a lot that she can learn from Montag O She thinks that Montag is the same as other firemen O She thinks that Montag is different from others in their society O She thinks that he tells very good stories SUBMIT

Ecology - Environmental IssuesQUESTION 2 DOK 2 1 ALIGNED STANDARD 1 points How does the narrator s mood change as he approaches the corner SELECT AN ANSWER O from relaxed to depressed O from disquieted to relaxed O from relaxed to disquieted O from depressed to relaxed 27 SUBMIT

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of the following issues pose significant challenges to human societies and encourage the development of Innovations for agriculture Select all that apply Check All That Apply The rise in populations across the globe and the need for crops to feed people The rise in cyber security and the ability to preserve genetic information The rise in impacts on agriculture due to climate change and the need to increase agricultural productivity The rise in impacts on agriculture due to climate change and the need to increase agricultural productivity The rise in tax hikes associated with organic crops The rise in plastic pollution and biotechnology to resolve it The loss of agriculture due to beneficial insects

Ecology - Environmental Issuesfigure 1 Gigatons CO equivalent Carbon dioxide concentration 400 390 380 52 370 50 48 340 46 44 SEP Compare Data Describe the relationship between Figure 1 and the trend in atmospheric CO shown in Figure 2 40 igur 36 34 Global Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions 32 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 Year 360 2 350 Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Dissolved Oceanic Carbon Dioxide and Ocean pH M Xx Ocean pH CO ppm Ocean PCO atm 8 13 8 12 8 11 8 10 8 09 8 08 8 07 8 06 8 05 330 320 8 04 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 Hd

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhat is an ecosystem service that performs the same function as a pesticide O pollination O crop O diversity secondary plant compounds predators of pests

Ecology - Environmental IssuesSelect the correct answer How are feral cats threatening the existence of nearly 100 species in Australia OA OB by modifying the climate by spreading diseases by interbreeding O D by extensive preying OC

Ecology - Environmental Issues13 A small population of lizards lives on an island where the environment is changing quickly Which best describes why the lizards may become extinct A The lizards are not able to reproduce B C The lizards are undergoing natural selection The lizards do not have enough genetic variation D The lizards have too much overproduction

Ecology - Environmental Issuesimpact aquatic lift human health or the environment Soil pollution can occur when soil is eroded into waterways or when chemicals from agricultural or industrial activities leach into soil and contaminate nearby water sources In the table below highlight the term that makes the sentence correct When there is a flood The water is more or less turbid The velocity of the water is increased or decreased The sediment load increases or decreases More weathering and erosion or deposition occurring During normal river conditions no flood The water is more or less turbid The velocity of the water is increased or decreased The sediment load increases or decreases More weathering and erosion or deposition occurring

Ecology - Environmental IssuesIt was a dark and stormy night To get out of the bad weather a group of migrating geese stopped to rest on Lake Berkeley in Montana The next morning 342 birds floated dead on the water The water had eaten through their insides Lake Berkeley sits on top of an old copper mine When the mine closed in 1982 groundwater began to seep in Sulfides from the surrounding rocks mixed with the water to form sulfuric acid Now the lake has a pH of 2 5 it is as acidic as lemon juice When employees of the Bureau of Mines go out on the water they take a fiberglass boat An aluminum boat might dissolve leaving them stranded in the water As if the acidity weren t bad enough the water also contains high concentrations of dissolved metals like copper cadmium and arsenic In fact there is so much dissolved copper that a nearby company mines directly from the water removing up to 400 000 pounds of copper a month To do this they line canals with scrap iron and direct the Berkeley water through The copper ions trade places with the iron in this single replacement reaction Lake Berkeley is the largest contaminated body of water in the United States No fish swim beneath the brownish red surface No plants grow along the lake s yellow shores When birds land on the water now park rangers use gunfire or heavy metal music to scare them away For a long time it was assumed that nothing could live in such toxic water But in 1995 the same year as the birds deaths a green slime was found on a rope in the water Since then over 100 different bacteria algae and yeast have been found in the lake Some of these cells have been seen nowhere else on Earth These creatures may be the key to cleaning up the water One species of lake yeast can absorb 80 of the metals found in the water When the yeast die they sink to the lake floor taking the trapped metals with them Several species of algae produce bicarbonate a basic compound that would neutralize the acidic water Once the lake conditions improve larger organisms could then use the algae as a food source The water in Lake Berkeley continues to rise 6 to 8 inches a month By 2022 or 2023 the water will have risen to a point that it will contaminate local aquifers and groundwater It is unlikely that nature or man will have figured out a way to clean up the lake in time Questions 1 Describe the chemistry of Lake Berkeley What caused these conditions 2 What organisms live in Lake Berkeley Why is this surprising 3 How could the organisms living in Lake Berkeley help clean up the lake

Ecology - Environmental Issuesb Temperature and salinitv A Plastic Ocean Documentary Companion Questions 1 Which is bigger a blue whale or a dinosaur 2 How long can a blue whale stay underwater 3 How long can Tanya Streeter hold her breath 4 How did the whale die 5 How many of tons of plastic water bottles end up in U S landfills every year 6 What are dioxins Name 7 How many millions of tons of plastic reaches our oceans every year 8 What type of litter do the scientists find on the bottom of the ocean 9 How far does the remote vehicle travel down 10 What is the name of the huge pile of located in the gyre 11 How many trillions of pieces of plastic are floating in our oceans worldwide 12 What sticks to microplastics 13 What are the little plastic pellets used to create plastic products called 14 What does a nurdle look like to marine life 15 Where in the food chain do the toxins in ocean plastic eventually migrate to 16 Where is the world s largest source of protein 17 What does the bird vomit up 18 In the lab how many pieces of plastic were found in the one bird 19 How was the sea turtle affected by the presence EG large amounts of plastic in its stomach 20 How are tissue samples collected from the bottlenose dolphins 21 In Manila what are the people growing vegetables on top of 22 What will ultimately solve the problem of plastic pollution in Manila 23 In Tuvalu how many families live in the borrow pit featured in this film OR

Ecology - Environmental Issues4 8 points What human activities threaten biodiversity on Earth Select all that may apply Habitat destruction Allowing species populations to be unmanaged Polluting the environment with toxins Introduction of invasive species Overhunting species Enriching habitat to appeal to new species 00000

Ecology - Environmental Issues3 points The loss of forests due to unregulated cutting and clearing is referred to as deforestation True False

Ecology - Environmental Issues14 3 points Which of the following choices may be the CAUSE of pollution that results in dead zones Sharks locating close to shore Swimmers Fertilizer from farming A lack of oxygen in the water

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhen compared to five year averages the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico is decreasing in size remaining the same size increasing in size

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhat is eutrophication Form of water pollution where a nutrient is added and nothing happens Form of water pollution where a nutrient is added to and aquatic environment causing out of control algae growth Form of water pollution that kills algae Form of water pollution that depletes nutrients from an aquatic environment

Ecology - Environmental IssuesAn algal bloom found within a waterway is a neutral sign for an ecosystem is a bad sign for an ecosystem is both a good sign and bad sign for an ecosystem is a good sign for an ecosystem

Ecology - Environmental Issues29 Why do invasive species often reproduce rapidly 30 The Saguaro cactus is a keystone species in desert ecosystems How does this plant serve as a keystone species A quick internet search will provide photos and information 31 DDT was once thought to be the perfect pesticide for eliminating harmful species of insects Explain how the use of DDT nearly caused the extinction of the American Bald Eagle Directions Determine if each of the following statements is true or false If the statement is false correct the underlined word to make the statement true 32 Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere screens out much of the ultraviolet radiatic from the sun 33 It is estimated that a single CFC molecule can lead to the destruction of 100 00 ozone molecules 34 Scientists estimate that by the year 2050 the human population will approach 12 5 billion people 35 As a population declines in numbers it gains genetic diversity

Ecology - Environmental Issues13 Why is the greenhouse effect essential to life on Earth 14 Briefly explain how carbon is recycled by living organisms 15 What happens to global temperatures when levels of carbon dioxide increase in the atmosphere Explain your answer 16 List some of the alarming consequences to life on Earth as a result of an increased greenhouse effect 17 Why is the ozone layer essential to life on Earth 18 What is meant by the term ozone depletion 19 Explain how the release of CFC s into the atmosphere causes the destruction of ozone molecules

Ecology - Environmental Issuesfactors Fungi pH Plants Temperature An individual Individual O A population O A community Population A group of fish that are the same species are Community Ecosystem 1 point

Ecology - Environmental IssuesExplain how you knew which layer has the highest atmospheric pressure

Ecology - Environmental Issues1 a stressful situation 2 how you respond to the situation fight flight freeze dawn and 3 a coping skill or mechanism to help with that stressful situation find a coping strategy here You should have at least 4 panels in your comic strip Panel 1 should be a with your first and last name 1 Here are some Canva templates you can use Make sure your work is original and not copied from another source https www canva com comic strips templates B 1 StoryboardThat https www storyboardthat com code hbnn6t How to Create an Account Go to code storyboardthat com Enter Coc hbnn6t Sign in with Google submitted by stating in text box that comic is using storyboardthat 1 Or you can use this resource compliments from Dezi

Ecology - Environmental IssuesAtmospheric carbon dioxide parts per million 420 400 380 360 340 320 300 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 Carbon Dioxide Levels Last 800 000 Years wzman 800 anthaw 700 400 300 Thousands of years ago Data from NOAA Cimate gov based on EPICA Dome C data Luth D et al 2008 provided by NOAA NCEI Paleoclimatology Program 600 500 2017 405 0 ppm 1 CCC Patterns What is the overall trend of the data in Figure 1 200 100 2 CCC Scale Why is it important to look at data over such a large time scale 0 3 CCC Cause and Effect Scientists have discovered that the beginning of land plants occurred abou

Ecology - Environmental Issuesconvergent oundary Ocean floor A Subduction zone Trench X Plate Boundaries Ocean floor B Mantle Mountains Y ting crust Rift Valley Continent C Z Divergent Boundary

Ecology - Environmental IssuesClassify the following as density dependent or density independent limiting factors a Volcanic eruption b Predator population c Disease d Humans over hunting e Tsunami f Flooding Competition for resources between species b

Ecology - Environmental Issues19 Fire extinguishers should be inspected O A annually OB twice a year O C biannually OD once every three years

Ecology - Environmental Issues7 A social skill that young children need to learn is OA when to speak OB how to write their name C when to cross the street OD how to recite their address

Ecology - Environmental IssuesThe global climate is changing and this change is apparent across many of Earth s subsystems Multiple sources attribute the global warming of the past 50 years to human activity and influence Activities such as deforestation and burning fossil fuels such as coal oil and natural gas release carbon dioxide CO2 methane and nitrous oxide into the atmosphere These heat trapping greenhouse gases have increased global temperatures and caused changes such as melting glaciers and powerful storms These changes are happening because Earth s air water and land are all linked to its climate How do you think greenhouse gas emissions and global climate will change during the next 50 years If greenhouse gas emissions and global temperatures continue rising what other changes might you expect to see throughout the world Humans are working to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere but are their current solutions going to make a big enough impact In addition to reducing human dependence on fossil fuels what other solutions could help combat greenhouse gas emissions and global warming

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhy are changes in the global carbon cycle important Burning increases available carbon for primary producers and therefore primary consumers Deforestation and suburbanization increase an area s net primary productivity Increasing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide are altering Earth s climate By using fossil fuels we are replenishing a nonrenewable resource

Ecology - Environmental Issues8 8 points You are looking at a selection of bottled water in the grocery store Match each classification of water with its description Distilled water Spring water Purified water Artesian water 1 Water steam that has been cooled to return it to a liquid state Sourced from an unconfined aquifer Tapwater Sourced from a confined aquifer

Ecology - Environmental IssuesThere are a variety of effects on the environment due to water pollution How might these environmental effects present themselves Select all that may apply Heavy metals affecting aquatic life The pH of water sources increasing Marine debris Overabundant fish populations Algal bloom Ocean acidification

Ecology - Environmental IssuesAn M7 5 earthquake strikes this region and is caused by motion along the labeled fault Examine the image and answer the following questions Recently deposited marine sands and silts Ocean Sandstone and t mudstone Fault C water table Granite bedrock Create an original post that answers the following questions 1 Which house is at the lowest risk of earthquake damage 2 Which house is most at risk of earthquake damage 3 Explain why you selected the houses you did in questions 1 and 2 4 What types of hazardous phenomena e g liquefaction tsunami landslide etc would expect at the other two houses you didn t select in questions 1 and 2 that would make it an earthquake hazard

Ecology - Environmental IssuesAlbert wants to practice conservation He has decided to examine his lifestyle in order to identify areas in which he can reduce the resources he consumes reuse resources he already has and recycle resources that he cannot reuse In which of the following ways can Albert best reuse the resources he currently has O A recycle all of the aluminum cans and newspaper he throws away COB turn off the lights when he leaves a room use an organic rather than synthetic fertilizer in his garden clean empty food jars and use them to organize small tools in his garage O C OD

Ecology - Environmental IssuesThe burning of fossil fuels provides energy for humans to use but it also can have negative effects For example when large power plants burn fossil fuels certain chemicals are released in the atmosphere that react with water vapor resulting in acidic precipitation This phenomenon is known as acid rain Acid rain has had an adverse effect on ecosystem diversity throughout the world Which of the following would best decrease acid rain levels and reduce the human pollution impact on the environment O A chemical treatment of the water that has been affected by acid rain regulation of factory emissions chemical treatment of the soil that has been affected by acid rain OB O C OD regulation of human outdoor activity

Ecology - Environmental IssuesThe main ingredient for PET is para xylene used to make plastic bottles a clear liquid derived from 1 Point O plants O animals crude oil

Ecology - Environmental IssuesHow are cellular respiration and photosynthesis related in terms of energy The energy ansformed in cellular espiration is used to ower photosynthesis Energy is not involved in either photosynthesis or cellular respiration Photosynthesis and respiration perform the same task in terms of energy transformation The energy captured in photosynthesis is used to power cellular respiration

Ecology - Environmental Issuesge 1 ge 2 ANLASSE Next Page Marquis A Question 1 1 33 poin Which of Baumrind s often punish their ch 1 authoritarian

Ecology - Environmental IssuesThe evidence that a genocide had taken place in Srebrenica was provided by O survivor and witness testimony all of these answers are true O satellite imagery that showed mass graves the discovery of buried bodies

Ecology - Environmental IssuesQuestion 15 Consider two planets orbiting a star one in a circular orbit labeled A below and one in an elliptical orbit labeled B below Answer A or B Planet Planet A Star B Star

Ecology - Environmental IssuesFreshwater resources may depleted when demand is greater than the supply available What are some results of the depletion of freshwater resources Select all that may apply 0 000 Lower water levels reveal more land to use for agriculture Gradual sinking of land Decreased river flows People have to wait for rain to use in homes Lowering of lake and reservoir levels

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWater runoff is a normal part of the hydrologic cycle Why is water runoff in urban areas a concern Select all that may apply Urban water runoff carries pollutants within it Water runoff should only flow over dirt not concrete or pavement With abundant rains stormwater runoff can lead to flooding of dirty water There is no concern All freshwater is considered good

Ecology - Environmental IssuesReflect on the game b Describe the Describe the steps tha description of what ha

Ecology - Environmental IssuesOnly the survivors of the competition for resourc Some individuals survive the struggle for resources individuals reproduce adding their genes to the su generations The traits that helped these organisms will be passed on to their offspring This process is natural selection Conditions in the environmen survival of individuals with specific traits which ar through heredity to the next generation Today w

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich of the following statements regarding the information found in this reading would you say is the least true There is nothing that can be done for the acidification of the world s oceans The atmosphere biosphere and oceans each have an effect on each other Changing industrial practices is having positive effects on the oceans Anthropogenic activities have not affected the balance of the carbon cycle

Ecology - Environmental IssuesAn anthropogenic activity is any activity that affects the environment and is caused by human action Which of the following would not be considered an anthropogenic activity The burning of fossil fuels O The acidification of the oceans The process of photosynthesis in phytoplankton The deforestation of rainforests