Evolution Questions and Answers

EvolutionThe most parsimonious phylogenetic tree is the one with the most descendents the fewest branches O the fewest evolutionary events the most sister taxa

EvolutionHow can you tell if a character is ancestral or derived in a group of organisms O you check to see if the character is related to the other characters in the organisms O you determine if the character seems more advanced or less advanced O you determine if all of the organisms have the same version of the character ancestral OR derived you check the character state in the outgroup organism

EvolutionWhat should happen if double recessives are continuously removed from the population in each generation the population will keep getting smaller Oq will decline and may eventually reach 0 O the population will stop producing offspring Op and q will start to equalize

EvolutionIn comparing a grasshopper to a squid the exoskeleton is a O derived character for the grasshopper O shared ancestral character an analogous character not useful for classification

EvolutionThe most parsimonious tree is the one with O one node O one root Ono sister taxa the fewest evolutionary changes

EvolutionGenetic drift changes allele frequencies O in a specific non random way only if there is non random mating Oonly when populations are small in a non specific random way

EvolutionNatural selection changes allele frequencies O in a specific non random way Oonly if there is random mating only when populations are small in a non specific random way

EvolutionNeanderthals were specially adapted for what environment O Ice Age conditions O Tropical Jungles O Desert environments Semi amphibious swimming

EvolutionSpeciation requires a genetic isolation b geographic isolation c long periods of time d periods of rapid evolutionary change

EvolutionIn the case of cichlid fishes adaptive radiations in separate African Great Lakes the fact that the same forms have developed spar adaptive radiations means that this parallel evolution often leads to O Homologous structures O Convergent evolution O Evolutionary reversal O allopatric speciation

EvolutionWhich of the following is NOT a pre mating isolating mechanism of speciation O 1 Two populations of a species splitting into separate habitats O2 Each of two populations of a species start to carry different odors which are offensive to members of the other population O 3 Two populations of one species have evolved separately for generations but when they are allowed to mingle again the sperm of one popula no longer penetrate the eggs of the other population O 4 Two fly populations engage in mating behaviors at different times and thus are unlikely to mate with each other 3 33 points

EvolutionAustralopithicenes which were the first primates which most definitely walked upright appeared in the fossil record approximately OA 7 MYA OB 50 MYA OC 150 MYA O D 4 MYA

EvolutionThe extinction event which ended the largest number of species on this planet ever is the O Ordovician O Jurrasic Cretaceous Tertiary KT event

EvolutionEvolutionary Biologists are able to assist Medical Doctors conduct research by O Figuring out what the ancestral functions were for genes involved in disease O Understanding parasite host interactions related to disease O Finding the points of origin in time and geographically for viral outbreaks O All of the above

EvolutionWhich has an older TMRCA the human mitochondrial genome O the human y chromosome alleles conferring lactose tolerance in adults in response to selective pressure to drink milk from cattle

EvolutionFor female Birds of Paradise which quality of the male is the most important to them when choosing who to mate with the colors of the males O the songs of the males the dance moves displays of the males all of these seem to be equally important

Evolution4 points A Russian scientist named Balyaev was able to tame animal QTL analysis has found mutations shared between this animal and our domesticated dog that seem to promote docile behavior over the course of forty years and this domestication experimentation has continued beyond his death to result in a new domesticated specie Bobcats Foxes Bears O Wolverines Sa

EvolutionFestion 15 Australopithicenes which were the first primates which most definitely walked upright appeared in the fossil record approximately O A 7 MYA O B 50 MYA OC 150 MYA ORAMYA

EvolutionIn a phylogenetic tree each branch should represent a O a derived character Oa O an ancestor a clade an outgroun

EvolutionA derived character O is found in only one type of organism Omay be found in multiple clades O is a new or changed character O is rare in phylogenetic trees

EvolutionIn a phylogenetic analysis the outgroup O is considered the ancestor O has only derived characters O gave rise to the ingroup O is not a part of the ingroup

EvolutionIf you were writing that the theme of A Piece of String was that people will believe what they want to in spite of truth which passage would give the best support A What grieved me so much was not the thing itself as the lying B The finder is requested to return same with all haste to the mayor s office C They were finishing their coffee when a chief of the gendarmes appeared upon the threshold

EvolutionQ5 The lineage that produced chimpanzees and humans split from other primates roughly 30 million years ago Chimpanzees skulls have the following features Trait A found in fossils as old as 10 to 12 million years is molars with thick enamel Trait B found in fossils as old as 55 million years is a postorbital wall that ventrally separates the orbit from the temporal fossa Which of the following statements is TRUE Trait A is more beneficial for chimpanzee survival because it is newer Trait B is more beneficial for chimpanzee survival because it is older Trait A is more likely to be widespread among other primate species because it is newer Trait B is more likely to be widespread among other primate species because it is older

EvolutionWhat does Dr Carroll mean when he says while mutation is random natural selection is not Select all that apply Mutations are caused by selective pressure dependent on environmental conditions Mutations for advantageous traits are more likely to be passed on to the next generation Natural selection acts on traits Natural selection favors some mutations At least one of your answers is incorrect The mutations discussed in this film occurred at random No credit lost Try again

EvolutionWhich of the following factors would NOT contribute to allopatric speciation A population becomes geographically isolated from the parent population The isolated population is exposed to different selection pressures than the ancestral population Different mutations begin to distinguish the gene pools of the separated populations O Gene flow between the two populations is continuous and extensive

Evolutionstion 26 The Out of Africa 2 Total Replacement hypothesis suggests O A Humans AMH evolved from multiple separate populations in Africa that gave rise to the various large populations on the planet today Europeans East Asians Africans O B Humans AMH evolved at one location in Africa and that population replaced all of the archaic hominins Neanderthal Denisova etc on Earth OC Humans AMH developed in Eurasia and moved to Africa when the climate became too cold replacing all archaic hominins in Africa Humans AMH evolved in the Americas and moved to Eurasia via the Bering Strait and then to Africa replacing all archaic hominins on Earth as they did so Your Webcam Minimie

EvolutionAnimals that are adapted to arboreal life probably have which feature O A opposable thumbs B flat feet O C reduced reproductive rates D all of the above

EvolutionThe first hominin to expand their range well outside of Africa were OA Homo sapiens OB Homo neanderthalensis OC Homo erectus O D Australopithecus

EvolutionWhich type of hominin was the direct ancestor of Homo habilis O A Homo sapiens OB Homo O C Homo erectus O D Australopithecus neanderthalensis

EvolutionWhich of the following categories includes lemurs O Apes Australopithecene O Hominins

Evolutiondirect fitness results from an organism s own success in transmitting its genes to future generations and Indirect fitness results from the reproductive success of of individuals alleles to future generations then Inclusive fitness is Indirect Fitness without the effects of Direct Fitness The combined effects on fitness of direct and indirect fitness The reduction in direct fitness which occurs because indirect fitness benefits other individuals None of the above

EvolutionIn accordance with Darwin s ideas about evolution the base of the phylogenetic tree should represent O all descendents in the group O the common ancestor for the group the actual time frame that the lineage evolved the exact identity of the ancestor

EvolutionWhat is the evidence behind the current conclusion of the Neanderthal Genome Project that Non Africans have between 196 and 496 DNA from Neanderthals O Neanderthal derived SNPS O A ribosomal similarity between Eurasians and Neanderthals O The fact that all other hominins besides Neanderthals and Eurasians carry a hemoglobin allele which is very different from Neanderthals and Eurasians O The pieces of DNA which is in Neanderthals has been dated TMRCA to a date which would give 1 4 total similarity to Eurasia

Evolutionhich of the following categories matches best to the phylogeny of hominin O Apes Primates O Upright walking bipedal Apes

EvolutionUnlike Old World monkeys New World monkeys have OA binocular vision B prehensile tails O C opposable thumbs O D large eyes

Evolutionestion 24 Which of the following theories agrees best with the idea that Anatomically Modern Humans AMH interbred to a minor degree with archaic humans su AMH took over the planet and replaced archaic hominins everwhere they were found O Out of Africa 2 Total Replacement Theory O Strict Mutiregionalism O The Assimilation model Total Replacement Theory Minimize

EvolutionWho was the first woman on a major party s presidential ticket in 1984 O Sandra Day O Conner O Geraldine Ferraro Hillary Clinton

EvolutionQuestion 3 of 25 Which sentence describes evidence from paleontology that supports the theory of evolution OA Fossilized horseshoe crab brains look similar to those of modern horseshoe crabs OB All cells use ATP as a source of energy C Penguins and ostriches both have wings D All vertebrate embryos start off with eye spots a head a backbone and a tail SUBMIT

EvolutionAccording to parsimony the simplest phylogenetic tree is the tree with the fewest branch tips the tree in which the branch points are based on as many shared derived characters as possible O a tree only using the DNA evidence as this provides the simplest explanation for evolution the smallest tree possible the tree that represents the fewest evolutionary events like changes in DNA sequer es or morphology

EvolutionQuestion 21 1 40 Listen Evolution in a population requires which of the following Select all that Othere must be equal amounts of all alleles there must be some genetic diversity among members of the population selection must be non random the population must always be large all members of the population must be able to reproduce

Evolutionch of the following statements best summarizes evolution by gene flow It is really is the same as genetic drift It can only occur in very large populations Natural selection can only occur when mutations happen It is occurs as the result of individuals leaving or joining populations It represents the result of selection for acquired characteristics in organisms Question 20 1 point 1 Listen

EvolutionListen point Which of the following scenarios represents the phenomenon of gene flow Only some males in a group of sea lions are able to reproduce Some squirrels in a population are affected by a skin disease while others are not Most of a population of wildflowers is destroyed in a wildfire Only the hardiest deer survive a harsh winter Young robins birds are chased off of the parents territory when they reach a certain age

EvolutionOver several generations a population of sparrows appears to have split into two populations in which one group has a smaller body size and the other group has a larger body size This would be a case of disruptive selection directional selection neutral variation the bottleneck effect

EvolutionIn seedcracker finches from Cameroon small and large billed birds specialize in cracking soft and hard seeds respectively If long term climatic change resulted in all seeds becoming hard what type of selection would then operate on the finch population No selection would operate because the population is in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium disruptive selection directional selection stabilizing selection

Evolutionestion 8 1 point Lilaste ology Of the following anatomical structures which is homologous to the wing of a bird leg of a grasshopper wing of a dragonfly tail of a horse the front leg of a cat Question 9 1 point fewest evolutionary events like changes in DNA

EvolutionQuestion 5 1 point 4 Listen Of the following anatomical structures which is homologous to the wing of a bird tail of a kangaroo wing of a butterfly leg of a cricket fin of a dolphin

EvolutionIn a comparison of birds and mammals having four limbs is a shared ancestral character a shared derived character a character useful for distinguishing birds from mammals a character useful for sorting bird species an example of analogy rather than homology

EvolutionListen Evolution in a population requires which of the following Select all that apply there must be equal numbers of dominant and recessive alleles in the population no genetic drift selection must be random the population must always be small the production of offspring from a parent population 22 5 points ms of genetic drift and natural

Evolution13 18 11 8 96 Listen Question 20 1 point Listen Which of the following statements best summarizes evolution by natural selection as it is viewed today Question 21 1 point OIt can only occur in very large populations Natural selection can only occur when mutations happen It is the differential survival and reproduction of the most fit phenotypes It is really is the same as gene flow It represents the result of selection for acquired characteristics in organisms Evolution in a population requires which of the follow Othere must be equal numbers population

Evolution17 1 in 16 0 1 Listen 1 point Listen Which of the following scenarios represents the phenomenon of gene flow Saved Only the hardiest deer survive a harsh winter Some squirrels in a population are affected by a skin disease while others are not Question 14 1 point Young robins birds are chased off of the parents tel certain age Most of a population of wildflowers is destroyed in a wildfire Only some males in a group of sea lions are able to reproduce Sparrows with average sized wings survive severe stormf longer or shorter wings illustrating Listen h they reach a