Evolution Questions and Answers

EvolutionWhich of the following would be considered derived characteristics of all vertebrates when comparing them to other animal groups Select all that apply four limbs endothermy fur or feathers amniotic reproduction vertebrae none of these Question 11 5 points that goats and sheep are in the same family ild you respond In your

Evolution1 8 11 15 8 12 9 You observe that 10 out of a population of 50 fruit flies have the homozygous recessive trait of sepia eyes How would you calculate q take 10 divided by 50 and then square it divide 10 by 50 use 40 divided by 50 as p then solve for q Omultiply 10 by 2 O take the square root of 10 divided by 50 Question 13 1 point Listen Which of the following scenarios represents the phenomenon of gene fiqu Only the hardiest deer survive a harsh wint Some squirrels in a

Evolution2 5 6 39 9 3 4 Listen Is it possible for an organism to be in more than one clade Ono because a clade can only have a single ancestor Ono because clades cannot overlap O yes because some clades are nested in other clades O yes because there are many different ways of classifying organis Question 8 1

EvolutionA fruit fly population has a gene with two alleles A1 and A2 Tests show that 70 of the gametes produced in the population contain the A1 allele If the population is in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium what proportion of the flies carry both A1 and A2 0 7 0 09 00 21 00 42 00 49

EvolutionOver evolutionary time many cave dwelling organisms have lost their eyes Tapeworms have lost their digestive systems Whales have lost their hind limbs How can natural selection account for these losses Natural selection cannot account for losses only for innovations The ancestors of these organisms experienced harmful mutations that forced them to find new habitats that these species had not previously used Natural selection accounts for these losses by the principle of use and disuse Under particular circumstances that persisted for long periods each of these structures presented greater costs than benefits

Evolution2676 388 388 bones in the hind limb of a kangaroo Question 9 1 point 4 Listen Natural selection is based on all of the following except O individuals adapt to their environments and thereby evolve O populations tend to produce more individuals than the environment can support O individuals who survive longer tend to leave more offspring than those who die young Ogenetic variation exists within populations O the best adapted individuals tend to leave the most offspring estion 10 1 maint

Evolution98 Question 8 1 point 4 Listen Of the following anatomical structures which is homologous to the bones in the wing of a bird Obones in the flipper of a whale Ochitinous struts in the wing of a butterfly O cartilage in the dorsal fin of a shark Obony rays in the tail fin of a flying fish bones in the hind limb of a kar

EvolutionDarwin was the first person to propose O a mechanism for how evolution occurs O a mechanism for evolution that was supported by evidence that evolution occurs that population growth can outpace the growth of food resources O that Earth is older than a few thousand years Question 8 1 point Listen Of the following anatomical structures which is homologous to the bones in the of a bird

EvolutionGiven a population that contains genetic variation what is the correct sequence of the following events under the influence of natural selection 1 Well adapted individuals leave more offspring than do poorly adapted individual 2 A change occurs in the environment 3 Genetic frequencies within the population change 4 Poorly adapted individuals have decreased survivorship 04 2 1 3 02 4 1 3 02 4 3 1 04 1 2 3 4 2 3 1

Evolutionny do we say that populations evolve but not individuals What is actually changing when a population evolves

Evolutionbu observe that 10 out of a population of 50 fruit flies have the homozygous recessive trait of sepia eyes How would you calculate q use 40 divided by 50 as p then solve for q take 10 divided by 50 and then square it divide 10 by 50 take the square root of 10 divided by 50 multiply 10 by 2

EvolutionDe etoliation is a plant s way of responding to A loss of water B potential dessication C sunlight D excess gas

EvolutionEvolution in a population requires which of the following Select all that apply there must be a change in the allele frequencies of the population from one generation to the next no genetic drift selection must be random the population must always be small all members of the population must be able to reproduce

Evolutionows with average sized wings survive severe storms better than those with longer or shorter wings illustrating frequency dependent selection stabilizing selection Odisruptive selection neutral variation the bottleneck effect

Evolutionrequires that populations become better suited to their environments must happen whenever a population is not well adapted to its environment must happen due to organisms innate desire to survive O can happen whenever any of the conditions for Hardy Weinberg equilibrium are not met Orequires the operation of natural selection

Evolutiona comparison of birds and mammals having four limbs is a character useful for distinguishing birds from mammals an example of analogy rather than homology O a shared ancestral character Oa shared derived character O a character useful for sorting bird species

Evolutionural selection changes allele frequencies because some reproduce more successfully than others Oloci individuals gene pools alleles species survive and

Evolutionfly population has a gene with two alleles A1 dominant and A2 recessive Tests show that 70 of the gametes produced in the population contain the A1 allele If the population is in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium what is the frequency of the homozyous recessive genotype 0 42 00 3 0 7 0 09 0 49

Evolutionna comparison of reptiles and mammals having four limbs is a shared derived character a shared ancestral character a character useful for sorting bird species a character useful for distinguishing reptiles from mammals O an example of analogy rather than homology

EvolutionIn a comparison of reptiles and amphibians having four limbs is a character useful for sorting bird species a shared ancestral character a character useful for distinguishing reptiles from amphibians O an example of analogy rather than homology Oa shared derived character

EvolutionWhy do we say that populations evolve but not individuals What is actually changing when a population evolves

EvolutionWhich of the following statements best summarizes evolution by natural selection as it is viewed today It is really is the same as gene flow It represents the result of selection for acquired characteristics in organisms It can only occur in very large populations It is the differential survival and reproduction of the most fit phenotypes Natural selection can only occur when mutations happen

EvolutionSparrows with average sized wings survive severe storms better than those with longer or shorter wings illustrating stabilizing selection neutral variation disruptive selection O the bottleneck effect frequency dependent selection

EvolutionNatural selection changes allele frequencies because some reproduce more successfully than others Ogene pools individuals Ospecies loci alleles survive and

Evolutionmust happen due to organisms innate desire to survive Orequires the operation of natural selection can happen whenever any of the conditions for Hardy Weinberg equilibrium are not met Orequires that populations become better suited to their environments must happen whenever a population is not well adapted to its environment

EvolutionListen In a comparison of birds and mammals having four limbs is an example of analogy rather than homology a character useful for sorting bird species Oa shared ancestral character Oa a character useful for distinguishing birds from mammals O a shared derived character

EvolutionThe evolutionary relationship among organisms is known as homoplasy homologous synapomorphy Otaxonomy phylogeny

EvolutionListen Certain fish in the Antarctic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean that are not closely to each other have each evolved natural antifreeze molecules as adaptations to in in the frigid waters This is an example of clades Osister O homology O convergent evolution evolutionary reversals

EvolutionThe only way to eliminate harmful mutations is through natural selection O Mutations occur at random natural selection can preserve and distribute beneficial mutations Natural selection creates beneficial mutations Natural selection is a random process OM Mutations occur when directed by the good of the species natural electio edits out harmful mutations and causes populations to adapt to the bene mutations

EvolutionWhich statement about the beak size of finches on the island of Daphne Major during prolonged drought is true Each bird evolved a deeper stronger beak as the drought persisted Each bird that survived the drought produced only offspring with deeper stronger beaks than seen in the previous generation The frequency of the strong beak alleles increased in each bird as the drought persisted ts Each bird s survival was strongly influenced by the depth and strength of beak as the drought persisted

EvolutionWhich of the following is a true statement concerning genetic variation It must be present in a population before natural selection can act upon the population It is created by the direct action of natural selection It arises in response to changes in the environment It tends to be reduced by the processes involved when diploid organisms produce gametes

EvolutionPoaching is the illegal hunting of wild animals Poachers typically kill exotic animals for profit Elephant tusks are made of ivory and used for various ornaments and jewelry Between 1979 and 1989 the worldwide demand for ivory caused African elephant popula tions to decline to dangerously low levels Both male and female African elephants produce tusks Assuming that the size of the tusks is heritable which of the following is the most likely long term effect of poachers targeting African elephants with large tusks A B C an increase in average tusk size because of the need to provide more ivory for the poaching hunters an increase in average tusk size to provide the elephants with a defensive mechanism against poachers a decrease in average tusk size because elephants with large tusks are less likely to sur vive to reproduce

EvolutionEvolutionary biologists use several pieces of evidence to prove phylogenic relationships be tween different species Which methods have been established most recently and are the most conclusive in de termining phylogenetic relationships among organisms A comparing morphology B C comparing embryonic development comparing physiology

EvolutionIt can take millions of years for large changes in a population or species to be observed These major changes are often referred to when studying the process of evolution During a classroom debate a student states that examples of natural selection cannot be seen in everyday life The student argues that fossils and other records are the only sources that can be used to observe the process of natural selection Which statement describes whether or not the student s argument is correct and why A B C The student is correct While changes occur in current populations of organisms such as insects and bacteria these changes are too rapid to be considered natural selection events The student is correct To define an event as an act of natural selection the event must have taken place over an extended period and have fossil record evidence to support the claim The student is incorrect An individual is capable of evolving over the span of their life time by growing and gaining new skills to be more successful The student is incorrect Natural selection and evolution can be observed in many cur

EvolutionGenetic variation is essential for the survival of a species over time Environmental changes can apply selective pressure on a population Due to environmental changes many individ uals in the population may die Individuals with advantageous variations however will have a better chance of survival and passing on the advantageous genes to their offspring As a result the species survives over time Which of the following statements identifies a mechanism for increasing genetic variation in populations of both animals and bacteria A B C Crossing over during meiosis produces new combinations of genes in gametes Random mating results in unique individuals in a population being produced The process of transformation produces genetic variation in cells anger to the phenotype of organisms

Evolutionare trying to determine the relationship between various groups of organisms The researchers analyze the amino acid sequence of the protein cytochrome c in various groups of organisms Once they sequence cytochrome cin all organisms they determine the number of amino acid substitutions in each group The results can be seen in the graph below which plots the data with respect to the time since the divergence of the members of paired groups from a common ancestor A mammals and reptiles B Number of Amino Acid Substitutions per 100 amino acids in Cytochrome c C 60T 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 fish and land vertebrates 400 200 600 800 1 000 1 200 Time Since Divergence from a Common Ancestor millions of years O birds and reptiles A graph showing when various groups of organisms diverged from a common ancestor mammals and reptiles Based on the graph above can you conclude which of the following organisms are most distantly related amphibians birds and mammals fish and land vertebrates insects and vertebrates Vinsects and vertebrates flowering plants and animals birds and mammals

EvolutionA student is competing in a competition in their science class to see which student can the oretically design the most evolutionarily successful population of a species Which of the following statements identifies a factor that would be most likely to increase the ability of the theoretical population to survive over time A B C D a population with a high amount of genetic variation a population that contains strong organisms a population with a low amount of genetic variation a population that contains tall organisms

EvolutionVestigial structures provide strong evidence of common ancestry and can help scientists trace the evolutionary origin of species with vestigial structures Which of the following are considered vestigial structures Select all that apply A eyes of a blind cave fish B C D tail of a monkey wings of a bird wisdom teeth in humans

EvolutionMicroevolution describes evolution on its smallest scale such as the change in allele fre quencies in a population over generations Insects and bacteria are key species to observe microevolution due to their short generation cycles Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane DDT is an insecticide used in agriculture DDT was widely in use in the United States from the 1940s until 1972 Scientists studied a particular allele frequency in laboratory strains of the common fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster These strains were collected from flies in the wild in the 1930s and zero al leles were found to confer with DDT resistance In the 1960s the frequency was found to be 40 percent conferring DDT resistance Predict what would happen with the frequency of DDT resistance if another round of data collection was to occur in 2030 among Drosophila melanogaster A B C The DDT resistance frequency would neither increase or decrease due to mutation rates altering the gene to match new pesticides The DDT resistance frequency would neither increase or decrease much due to the lack of DDT usage and it not being a selective advantage anymore The DDT resistance frequency would continue to increase at the same rate as it did from 1930 to 1960 The DDT resistance frequency would decrease rapidly back down to zero since DDT is

EvolutionLarge North American vultures known as California condors nearly went extinct during the 1980s due to habitat destruction The number of wild California condors is slowly in creasing due to captive breeding and the reintroduction of populations into the wild However because of the population bottleneck all of the condor populations that now ex ist in the wild are descended from a population of just 14 individual California condors Based on the information above which of the following two claims is best supported for the population bottleneck Select all that apply A B C Due to the bottleneck the wild California condor populations have become more re silient containing individuals whose traits were selected for by natural selection Present wild California condor populations have small amounts of genetic diversity and are therefore at risk of extinction in the wild Due to the bottleneck the wild California condor populations are less likely to contain individuals that can adapt to a certain environmental change habi

EvolutionAll birds living today are descended from a group of dinosaurs called theropods Theropods first appeared in the fossil record around 200 million years ago However fos sils of taxa similar to modern birds can be found in the fossil record from around 66 million years ago The table below provides information about certain traits in theropods and modern birds An X indicates the presence of a trait Trait A Bipedal B Hollow Bones C Feathers Jaws with Sharp Teeth Long Boney Tail Fused Clavicle Reversed First Toe Theropods X X A table that shows the comparison of traits in theropods and modern birds X X Modern Birds X X Each of the answer choices below describes a specific fossil Which fossil provides the strongest evidence for the discovery of a transitional species that existed in the period between theropods and modern birds X X X The fossil of an organism with a reversed first toe and a long bony tail was found in a 145 million year old rock layer The fossil of an organism with feathers and a reversed front toe was found in a 55 mil The fossil of a bipedal organism with hollow bones was found in a 100 million year old rock layer

EvolutionDarwin noticed that variations between members of a population when inherited affected the survival and reproductive rates In his book On the Origin of Species Darwin first de scribed the concept of natural selection or the survival of the fittest Which scenario best demonstrates the process of natural selection A A male chipmunk which is the strongest in the group never spends time reproducing because it is busy fighting off predators and competitors for resources B A family of chipmunks lives near a small neighborhood of houses where a human tod dler drops food constantly giving the chipmunks an abundance of food resources which they are able to provide for their offspring C A chipmunk born with sensitive hearing is able to sense predators from farther away than others which allows them to live longer and have several offspring that also share this trait of sensitive hearing D One small group of chipmunks comes across a hole in a house and moves into the attic a warm stable environment and survives a harsh winter while the rest of the chip

EvolutionWhat did the researchers find in their study of the various breeding display of Birds of Paradise Species that display on the ground have more dance moves that those displaying in the treetops O Birds displaying in the treetops dance more than those displaying on the ground Species that display on the ground have more elaborate songs that those displaying in the treetops Females of all species always preferred males who display on the ground

EvolutionWhich of these best describes a gene O O O a segment of DNA that codes for a protein a protein that determines a trait a product of cell division a type of chromosome

EvolutionWhich statement gives an example that best demonstrates how the geosphere has affected the evolution of life on Earth OB OC OA Some hummingbirds have evolved to have very long beaks that can only reach the nectar of specific flowers Some spiders that live in caves have lost functioning eyes which are unnecessary in an environment without light Certain marine mammals have lost functioning hindlimbs which can impede an animal s movement through water Certain plants have evolved to absorb pollutants like carbon monoxide and formaldehyde through their leaves O D

EvolutionWhy can DNA be used to determine phylogeny OA DNA sequences change as species evolve so comparing sequences from different species helps determine how closely related they are B Organisms with common ancestors have identical DNA sequences OC DNA sequences become more efficient over time so modern organisms have less DNA compared with their ancestors D Organisms gain more genes as they evolve so the larger the genome the more time that has passed since the species emerged

EvolutionResearchers at Princeton University and their students have studied the medium ground finch Geospiza fortis on a tiny island in the center of the Galapagos Islands for many years To determine whether parent beak size is related to offspring beak size they examined many broods over several years This graph was made using their data The two variables shown in the plot beak depth of parent ground finches and beak depth of offspring ground finches are O qualitative variables O quantitative variables

EvolutionDerived characters are traits O that originated in a common ancestor O that are shared by all species O found in distantly related species found in closely related species

EvolutionDarwin s main contribution to our understanding of speciation is TURNER O beneficial inherited traits have selective advantage variation in populations are necessary for evolution by natural selection common descent with modification all of these were part of Darwin s evolutionary explanation limited survival and reproduction

EvolutionThe theory of evolution is consistent with evidence of which of the following O fossil record O molecular genetics O biogeography O all of the other answers homologous structures