Biology Questions

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Paper 1 Molecular screening and characterization of Legionella pneumophila associated free living amoebae in domestic and hospital water systems Complete the forms below one for figure 1 and one for figure 4 Experimental question for this figure In your own words what is the experimental question for the figure panel Be as precise and specific as possible Techniques For the panel selected describe ALL of the techniques assays that are being used Controls Experimental Variables Each technique above should have appropriate controls and variables but if not state what controls were missing Explain what they are and what they are controlling for or testing if present Results in your own words Look at the data and describe what you see in your own words Try not to use the text from the results section Be specific and precise Be quantitative if possible Make comparisons between controls and experimental variables if applicable Descriptive title In your own words provide a descriptive title for these data This is often the conclusion that is made from the experiment What is the next question you would ask based on these results What is an appropriate experiment to answer this question Write or diagram specific experimental details for the next experiment Enough detail explained below must be given to fully understand the experimental design Explain what the experimental question is and what your hypothesis is based on the previous results What sorts of controls and experimental variables would be included
The Living World
Paper 1 Molecular screening and characterization of Legionella pneumophila associated free living amoebae in domestic and hospital water systems Complete the forms below one for figure 1 and one for figure 4 Experimental question for this figure In your own words what is the experimental question for the figure panel Be as precise and specific as possible Techniques For the panel selected describe ALL of the techniques assays that are being used Controls Experimental Variables Each technique above should have appropriate controls and variables but if not state what controls were missing Explain what they are and what they are controlling for or testing if present Results in your own words Look at the data and describe what you see in your own words Try not to use the text from the results section Be specific and precise Be quantitative if possible Make comparisons between controls and experimental variables if applicable Descriptive title In your own words provide a descriptive title for these data This is often the conclusion that is made from the experiment What is the next question you would ask based on these results What is an appropriate experiment to answer this question Write or diagram specific experimental details for the next experiment Enough detail explained below must be given to fully understand the experimental design Explain what the experimental question is and what your hypothesis is based on the previous results What sorts of controls and experimental variables would be included
Circle which one could be a mitochondria
Ecology - General
Circle which one could be a mitochondria
Cell type peptidoglycan layer cytoplasmic membrane Cell type Peptidoglycan layer cytoplasmic membrane inside cell Cell type protein S layer cytoplasmic membrane J Ju PORARS y outside cell inside cell outside cell outside cell inside cell I
Cell: The Unit of Life
Cell type peptidoglycan layer cytoplasmic membrane Cell type Peptidoglycan layer cytoplasmic membrane inside cell Cell type protein S layer cytoplasmic membrane J Ju PORARS y outside cell inside cell outside cell outside cell inside cell I
b Molar Solutions Calculate the formula weight for sucrose Carbon C Hydrogen H Oxygen 0 Formula Weight XXX X II 11
b Molar Solutions Calculate the formula weight for sucrose Carbon C Hydrogen H Oxygen 0 Formula Weight XXX X II 11
You need to make 100 mL of a 0 2 molar sucrose C 2H 2O11 solution How much sugar do need to include in the total volume of 100 mL you
Ecology - General
You need to make 100 mL of a 0 2 molar sucrose C 2H 2O11 solution How much sugar do need to include in the total volume of 100 mL you
How thick is a typical section of tissue that is cut to be placed on a microscope slide 1mm 0 5mm 0 2mm 0 01mm
Cell: The Unit of Life
How thick is a typical section of tissue that is cut to be placed on a microscope slide 1mm 0 5mm 0 2mm 0 01mm
The innermost layer and the outermost layer of the esophagus are both made out of tissue a epithelial Ob connective Oc muscle
Human Physiology - Digestion
The innermost layer and the outermost layer of the esophagus are both made out of tissue a epithelial Ob connective Oc muscle
On a picture showing a loose connective tissue the empty space between the cells and fibers would be filled with a gel like substance known as adipose hydroxyapatite ground substance
Structural Organization in Animals
On a picture showing a loose connective tissue the empty space between the cells and fibers would be filled with a gel like substance known as adipose hydroxyapatite ground substance
Nervous tissue has two different categories of cells because there are cells that communicate and there are also supporting cells Which cells from this list are found in nervous tissue Select ALL a neurons b chondrocytes c neuroglia d fibroblasts
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Nervous tissue has two different categories of cells because there are cells that communicate and there are also supporting cells Which cells from this list are found in nervous tissue Select ALL a neurons b chondrocytes c neuroglia d fibroblasts
Which muscle tissue contains muscle cells that have more than one nucleus They are multinucleate a skeletal muscle Ob smooth muscle c cardiac muscle
Human Physiology - General
Which muscle tissue contains muscle cells that have more than one nucleus They are multinucleate a skeletal muscle Ob smooth muscle c cardiac muscle
There are 3 subtypes of muscle tissue Which type of muscle tissue would you find in the wall of the stomach skeletal muscle cardiac muscle smooth muscle
Human Physiology - Digestion
There are 3 subtypes of muscle tissue Which type of muscle tissue would you find in the wall of the stomach skeletal muscle cardiac muscle smooth muscle
How many layers do you find in pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium Oone more than one
Animal Kingdom
How many layers do you find in pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium Oone more than one
Cartilage and bone are both classified as tissues epithelial O connective muscule neural
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Cartilage and bone are both classified as tissues epithelial O connective muscule neural
What protein fiber is found in tendons and ligaments collagen reticular fibers elastic fibers plasma proteins
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
What protein fiber is found in tendons and ligaments collagen reticular fibers elastic fibers plasma proteins
What subtype of connective tissue forms a layer of the skin called the dermis hint CTP stands for Connective Tissue Proper Look at the chart on page 38 dense regular CTP dense irregular CTP loose CTP areolar elastic CTP
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
What subtype of connective tissue forms a layer of the skin called the dermis hint CTP stands for Connective Tissue Proper Look at the chart on page 38 dense regular CTP dense irregular CTP loose CTP areolar elastic CTP
To classify epithelial tissues you ask 2 questions about what you see in the picture If there is only 1 layer of cells in the epithelial tissue we call it Ocolumnar transitional simple stratified
Structural Organization in Animals
To classify epithelial tissues you ask 2 questions about what you see in the picture If there is only 1 layer of cells in the epithelial tissue we call it Ocolumnar transitional simple stratified
Which of these tissues are considered connective tissues blood bone O cartilage fat adipose all of the above
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Which of these tissues are considered connective tissues blood bone O cartilage fat adipose all of the above
Transitional epithelium is a special type of stratified epithelium that is found in the system O integumentary respiratory skeletal urinary
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
Transitional epithelium is a special type of stratified epithelium that is found in the system O integumentary respiratory skeletal urinary
A tissue that is made of cells AND fibers AND ground substance will be classified as a tissue a epithelial b connective Oc muscle d nervous
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
A tissue that is made of cells AND fibers AND ground substance will be classified as a tissue a epithelial b connective Oc muscle d nervous
The inside of a hollow organ is called the viscera Olumen mucosa serosa
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
The inside of a hollow organ is called the viscera Olumen mucosa serosa
If there is more than one layer of cells in an epithelial tissue then it s called pseudostratified stratified simple glandular
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
If there is more than one layer of cells in an epithelial tissue then it s called pseudostratified stratified simple glandular
A tissue that functions as a covering on the outside of an organ or a lining on the inside of an organ will be classified as tissue a epithelial Ob connective O c muscle d nervous
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
A tissue that functions as a covering on the outside of an organ or a lining on the inside of an organ will be classified as tissue a epithelial Ob connective O c muscle d nervous
According to the graph on p 33 which of the 4 types of tissues is the LEAST common in the human body epithelial tissue connective tissue muscle tissue nervous tissue
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
According to the graph on p 33 which of the 4 types of tissues is the LEAST common in the human body epithelial tissue connective tissue muscle tissue nervous tissue
Because it contains acids DNA with H E staining the nucleus will look clear O yellow O pink purple
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Because it contains acids DNA with H E staining the nucleus will look clear O yellow O pink purple
Question 1 Why do the cells usually look pink and purple in the photographs of tissues that you might see in your textbook because an artist colored them pink and purple because tissues are pink and purple because the most common stain H E makes them pink and purple
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Question 1 Why do the cells usually look pink and purple in the photographs of tissues that you might see in your textbook because an artist colored them pink and purple because tissues are pink and purple because the most common stain H E makes them pink and purple
Which of the following best describes the similarities shared by proprietorship and a a sole franchise The owner of each type of O business organization is required to sell the same product The owner of each type of business organization is the sole beneficiary of the profits and liable for losses The owner of each type of business benefits from each share of stock sold in the company The owner of both types of
The Living World
Which of the following best describes the similarities shared by proprietorship and a a sole franchise The owner of each type of O business organization is required to sell the same product The owner of each type of business organization is the sole beneficiary of the profits and liable for losses The owner of each type of business benefits from each share of stock sold in the company The owner of both types of
The Small Business Development Centers operate at O State Universities O Colleges Both state Universities and colleges Higher Secondary schools
Biotechnology & its Applications
The Small Business Development Centers operate at O State Universities O Colleges Both state Universities and colleges Higher Secondary schools
In the United States corporations are responsible for what percentage of all business revenues O 80 O 75 O 90 O 10
The Living World
In the United States corporations are responsible for what percentage of all business revenues O 80 O 75 O 90 O 10
Choose the correct answer In a start up business employee wages should be the wages that may be earned in established businesses equal to O less than O greater than
The Living World
Choose the correct answer In a start up business employee wages should be the wages that may be earned in established businesses equal to O less than O greater than
There are over sole proprietorships in the United States O 10 million O 15 million O 17 million
The Living World
There are over sole proprietorships in the United States O 10 million O 15 million O 17 million
What is the name of the legal document which binds all members of a partnership together O Partnership pact O Partnership charter O Partnership contract Partnership agreement
What is the name of the legal document which binds all members of a partnership together O Partnership pact O Partnership charter O Partnership contract Partnership agreement
What is the role of a general partner in a limited partnership A general partner is responsible O for all management decisions and any debts of the business A general partner is an equal O partner with all other partners in a business A general partner owns more O than 50 of the business and has limited liability A general partner is one of two people responsible for all liability
The Living World
What is the role of a general partner in a limited partnership A general partner is responsible O for all management decisions and any debts of the business A general partner is an equal O partner with all other partners in a business A general partner owns more O than 50 of the business and has limited liability A general partner is one of two people responsible for all liability
is the easiest and least expensive business to start O Partnership O Sole proprietorship O Limited liability companies
The Living World
is the easiest and least expensive business to start O Partnership O Sole proprietorship O Limited liability companies
Question 1 Points 2 Which of the following is not considered inventory O Raw materials O Machines that convert raw materials to finished goods Labor used to convert raw materials to finished goods
The Living World
Question 1 Points 2 Which of the following is not considered inventory O Raw materials O Machines that convert raw materials to finished goods Labor used to convert raw materials to finished goods
d Erlenmeyer flask 100 mL What is the total volume it measures What are the graduation units
The Living World
d Erlenmeyer flask 100 mL What is the total volume it measures What are the graduation units
Complete the following diagram with the correct answer choice Frictional O Layoffs Cyclical Seasonal O Employment O Down sizing Structura
Ecology - General
Complete the following diagram with the correct answer choice Frictional O Layoffs Cyclical Seasonal O Employment O Down sizing Structura
Which of the following is associated with the normal ups and downs of the economy Structural unemployment O Seasonal unemployment Cyclical unemployment O Frictional unemployment
Biological Classification
Which of the following is associated with the normal ups and downs of the economy Structural unemployment O Seasonal unemployment Cyclical unemployment O Frictional unemployment
According to monetarists how should budget deficits be handled Deficits are acceptable because Othey are offset by growth in the GDP Deficits should never exceed O20 of the entire fiscal year budget The government should borrow twice as much as needed to cover a deficit to stimulate demand The government should not run Oa budget deficit the budget
Ecology - General
According to monetarists how should budget deficits be handled Deficits are acceptable because Othey are offset by growth in the GDP Deficits should never exceed O20 of the entire fiscal year budget The government should borrow twice as much as needed to cover a deficit to stimulate demand The government should not run Oa budget deficit the budget
What fiscal policy might the government enact to help curb increasing unemployment Increase business taxes to stave off stagflation Lower rates on savings accounts to discourage leakage Give tax credits to businesses investing in new plants Enact legislation that extends unemployment benefits
What fiscal policy might the government enact to help curb increasing unemployment Increase business taxes to stave off stagflation Lower rates on savings accounts to discourage leakage Give tax credits to businesses investing in new plants Enact legislation that extends unemployment benefits
Choose the correct answer Demand pull inflation is caused by the money supply being too small the money supply growing too quickly lack of government spending growth of private investments
Ecology - General
Choose the correct answer Demand pull inflation is caused by the money supply being too small the money supply growing too quickly lack of government spending growth of private investments
Choose the correct answer A rise in prices due to consumer demand exceeding supply is called O supply push inflation demand pull inflation stagflation O aggregate demand inflation
Biological Classification
Choose the correct answer A rise in prices due to consumer demand exceeding supply is called O supply push inflation demand pull inflation stagflation O aggregate demand inflation
A major contributing factor to the failure of the savings and loan in industry the 1980s was the establishment Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation by Congress to insure individual bank deposits of the the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary O Control Act passed by Congress which allowed Saving Loans to make risky loans the creation of the Comptroller of the Currency to grant charters for ional har ONO
Biotechnology & its Applications
A major contributing factor to the failure of the savings and loan in industry the 1980s was the establishment Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation by Congress to insure individual bank deposits of the the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary O Control Act passed by Congress which allowed Saving Loans to make risky loans the creation of the Comptroller of the Currency to grant charters for ional har ONO
Which of the following is correctly matched United States dollar Japan yuan China yen Europe pound United States dollar Japan yen China won Europe euro United States dollar Japan won China yen Europe euro United States dollar Japan yen
The Living World
Which of the following is correctly matched United States dollar Japan yuan China yen Europe pound United States dollar Japan yen China won Europe euro United States dollar Japan won China yen Europe euro United States dollar Japan yen
The first US dollar was made from which of the following materials Parchment paper with gold embellishments O Silver and gold Parchment paper with silver embellishments
Ecology - General
The first US dollar was made from which of the following materials Parchment paper with gold embellishments O Silver and gold Parchment paper with silver embellishments
deemed as currency by the First O and Second Bank early in U S history deemed under the Coinage Act O to contain certain quantities of gold and silver deemed by the federal government to be legal tender such as bills and coins deemed by the states prior to the Civil War to be currency
The Living World
deemed as currency by the First O and Second Bank early in U S history deemed under the Coinage Act O to contain certain quantities of gold and silver deemed by the federal government to be legal tender such as bills and coins deemed by the states prior to the Civil War to be currency
Which of the following is NOT a of money function It serves as a medium of O exchange between buyers and sellers It eliminates the process of O haggling or bargaining with a seller It serves as a method of O comparing values of goods and services allows one to store O purchasing power until a later It
Biological Classification
Which of the following is NOT a of money function It serves as a medium of O exchange between buyers and sellers It eliminates the process of O haggling or bargaining with a seller It serves as a method of O comparing values of goods and services allows one to store O purchasing power until a later It
In economic terms what is money referred to when comparing the currency of different nations O Unit of accounting O Unit of currency O Unit of exchange
The Living World
In economic terms what is money referred to when comparing the currency of different nations O Unit of accounting O Unit of currency O Unit of exchange
When money is used to purchase goods and services money is referred to as which of the following O Hard currency Medium of exchange O Basic unit of value
Ecology - General
When money is used to purchase goods and services money is referred to as which of the following O Hard currency Medium of exchange O Basic unit of value
In economic terms what is bartering referred to as O Bi cameral accord of exchange Twofold agreement of trade Dual concurrence requirements of
The Living World
In economic terms what is bartering referred to as O Bi cameral accord of exchange Twofold agreement of trade Dual concurrence requirements of
Which is an example of representative money A silver certificate backed by a deposit of silver at a bank Paper money with its face value determined by the government A commodity with a value to its owner A check or note that represents
Ecology - General
Which is an example of representative money A silver certificate backed by a deposit of silver at a bank Paper money with its face value determined by the government A commodity with a value to its owner A check or note that represents