Biology Questions

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Study the chart Percentage of Total Population Living in Central Cities and Suburbs 1910 2000 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1910 1920 1930 40 percent 1940 O 30 percent 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 T Suburbs Central Cities Based on the chart and your own knowledge about what percent of Americans lived in the suburbs in 2000 2000
The Living World
Study the chart Percentage of Total Population Living in Central Cities and Suburbs 1910 2000 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1910 1920 1930 40 percent 1940 O 30 percent 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 T Suburbs Central Cities Based on the chart and your own knowledge about what percent of Americans lived in the suburbs in 2000 2000
Which of the following would you NOT expect to see in a cancer cell O A mutation in the DNA coding for a relay protein in an inhibitory pathway leading to an altered relay protein locked in an off state O A mutation in the DNA coding for a relay protein in an inhibitory pathway leading to that protein getting degraded within the cell O A mutation in the DNA coding or a receptor protein in a stimulatory pathway causing the receptor to have a mutated active site such that the corresponding ligand signaling molecule cannot bind O A mutation in the DNA coding for a receptor protein in an inhibitory pathway causing the mutated receptor to behave as though the ligand never bound
Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)
Which of the following would you NOT expect to see in a cancer cell O A mutation in the DNA coding for a relay protein in an inhibitory pathway leading to an altered relay protein locked in an off state O A mutation in the DNA coding for a relay protein in an inhibitory pathway leading to that protein getting degraded within the cell O A mutation in the DNA coding or a receptor protein in a stimulatory pathway causing the receptor to have a mutated active site such that the corresponding ligand signaling molecule cannot bind O A mutation in the DNA coding for a receptor protein in an inhibitory pathway causing the mutated receptor to behave as though the ligand never bound
The cytoplasmic membrane is most permeable to O nucleic acids like messenger RNA O gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide O carbohydrates especially monosaccharides like glucose O proteins especially plasma proteins in the blood
Cell: The Unit of Life
The cytoplasmic membrane is most permeable to O nucleic acids like messenger RNA O gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide O carbohydrates especially monosaccharides like glucose O proteins especially plasma proteins in the blood
A man with an X linked recessive trait such as hemophilia can pass this allele on to only his sons only half of his sons Oonly his daughters all of his children
Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)
A man with an X linked recessive trait such as hemophilia can pass this allele on to only his sons only half of his sons Oonly his daughters all of his children
The history of the early modern era in Western Europe included the development of all the following EXCEPT a new era of peace among nation states O geographic expansion competing religious theologies the beginnings of the state system
Ecology - Environmental Issues
The history of the early modern era in Western Europe included the development of all the following EXCEPT a new era of peace among nation states O geographic expansion competing religious theologies the beginnings of the state system
A woman is heterozygous for the recessive X linked trait for red green color blindness Her husband is not red green colorblind What percentage of their sons will have red green color blindness OOOO 100 25 0 75 5000
The Living World
A woman is heterozygous for the recessive X linked trait for red green color blindness Her husband is not red green colorblind What percentage of their sons will have red green color blindness OOOO 100 25 0 75 5000
Which of the following are found as part of ALL cells Please choose all that apply cell wall DNA cytoplasm Ocell membrane ribosomes
The Living World
Which of the following are found as part of ALL cells Please choose all that apply cell wall DNA cytoplasm Ocell membrane ribosomes
Checkpoints of the cell cycle are O either G1 S G2 prophase metaphase anaphase or telophase O a site in the cytoplasm where proteins are inspected for mutations O phases in which genetic material separates anaphase of mitosis or meiosis I or Il O specific stages where further progress of the cell cycle can be halted
The Living World
Checkpoints of the cell cycle are O either G1 S G2 prophase metaphase anaphase or telophase O a site in the cytoplasm where proteins are inspected for mutations O phases in which genetic material separates anaphase of mitosis or meiosis I or Il O specific stages where further progress of the cell cycle can be halted
Black coffee has a pH of about 5 and wine has a pH of about 3 This means the hydrogen ion concentration of the wine is abou the hydrogen ion concentration of the coffee 100 times less than O2 times more than half 100 times greater than
Black coffee has a pH of about 5 and wine has a pH of about 3 This means the hydrogen ion concentration of the wine is abou the hydrogen ion concentration of the coffee 100 times less than O2 times more than half 100 times greater than
Study the following analogy AS IS TO IS TO Italy Which of the following BEST completes the analogy O Emperor Hirohito Japan Joseph Stalin O Emperor Hirohito Japan Benito Mussolini O Benito Mussolini Germany Adolf Hitler
The Living World
Study the following analogy AS IS TO IS TO Italy Which of the following BEST completes the analogy O Emperor Hirohito Japan Joseph Stalin O Emperor Hirohito Japan Benito Mussolini O Benito Mussolini Germany Adolf Hitler
3 What are the advantages of the low power objective over the oil immersion objective for viewing fungi or algae We are able to see While only a small low power objective ta or Fungi can be Seen under Sil slive 4 What would occur if water were accidentally used in place of immersion oil CLINICAL APPLICATION Assume you are looking for microorganisms in a tissue sample from a lung biopsy The microbes become apparent when you switch to 1000x What type of microbe is most likely Most bacteria can only be seen with 1000 x magnification ART CREDITS All illustrations by Precision Graphics unless otherwise noted Adapted from Microbiology 13e by Tortora Funke and Case 2019 Pearson Education Inc Figures 1 2 PHOTOGRAPHY CREDITS All photographs by Christine Case unless otherwise noted Figure 1 Leica Microsystems 4X means Scaning
The Living World
3 What are the advantages of the low power objective over the oil immersion objective for viewing fungi or algae We are able to see While only a small low power objective ta or Fungi can be Seen under Sil slive 4 What would occur if water were accidentally used in place of immersion oil CLINICAL APPLICATION Assume you are looking for microorganisms in a tissue sample from a lung biopsy The microbes become apparent when you switch to 1000x What type of microbe is most likely Most bacteria can only be seen with 1000 x magnification ART CREDITS All illustrations by Precision Graphics unless otherwise noted Adapted from Microbiology 13e by Tortora Funke and Case 2019 Pearson Education Inc Figures 1 2 PHOTOGRAPHY CREDITS All photographs by Christine Case unless otherwise noted Figure 1 Leica Microsystems 4X means Scaning
Study the following analogy Which of the following BEST completes the analogy AS IS TO IS TO Russia O George Bush Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev O Mikhail Gorbachev Russia George Bush George Bush United States Boris Yeltsin
Ecology - Environmental Issues
Study the following analogy Which of the following BEST completes the analogy AS IS TO IS TO Russia O George Bush Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev O Mikhail Gorbachev Russia George Bush George Bush United States Boris Yeltsin
Which of the following is NOT an element typically found in simple carbohydrates oxygen O nitrogen O carbon O hydrogen
Which of the following is NOT an element typically found in simple carbohydrates oxygen O nitrogen O carbon O hydrogen
In what ways are the fountains of Rome typical of Baroque expression
The Living World
In what ways are the fountains of Rome typical of Baroque expression
During which phase of mitosis does the nuclear envelope reform around the separated chromatids anaphase prophase O metaphase telophase
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
During which phase of mitosis does the nuclear envelope reform around the separated chromatids anaphase prophase O metaphase telophase
2 Draw a proposed glycoprotein involved in cell cell recognition or signaling embedded in a cell membrane Draw the glycoprotein with five transmembrane regions Separately draw only its primary structure not embedded in the membrane with hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions labeled
Cell: The Unit of Life
2 Draw a proposed glycoprotein involved in cell cell recognition or signaling embedded in a cell membrane Draw the glycoprotein with five transmembrane regions Separately draw only its primary structure not embedded in the membrane with hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions labeled
A cell in the G1 phase senses that there are limited nutrients in the surrounding environment What is the most likely outcome O The cell will continue into S phase until it runs out of resources O The cell will remain in G1 until the environment is favorable for cell division O The cell will undergo mitosis but not cytokinesis O The cell must undergo apoptosis at this stage if there are not enough nutrients to complete the cell cycle
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
A cell in the G1 phase senses that there are limited nutrients in the surrounding environment What is the most likely outcome O The cell will continue into S phase until it runs out of resources O The cell will remain in G1 until the environment is favorable for cell division O The cell will undergo mitosis but not cytokinesis O The cell must undergo apoptosis at this stage if there are not enough nutrients to complete the cell cycle
1 Did all the organisms living in or on the environments sampled grow on your nutrient agar Briefly explain 2 How could you determine whether the turbidity in your nutrient broth tube was from a mixture of different microbes or from the growth of only one kind of microbe
Biological Classification
1 Did all the organisms living in or on the environments sampled grow on your nutrient agar Briefly explain 2 How could you determine whether the turbidity in your nutrient broth tube was from a mixture of different microbes or from the growth of only one kind of microbe
6 What disease is caused by this pathogen 7 What locomotor organelle is used by this species
Human Health and Diseases
6 What disease is caused by this pathogen 7 What locomotor organelle is used by this species
Even in a population of actively dividing cells for example those involved in wound repair most cells spend the majority of their time in Oanaphase O telophase O interphase O prophase
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Even in a population of actively dividing cells for example those involved in wound repair most cells spend the majority of their time in Oanaphase O telophase O interphase O prophase
1 What is the advantage of using Petri plates rather than test tubes in 2 What are bacteria using for nutrients in nutrient agar What is the purpose of the agar CRITICAL THINKING Did all the organisms living in or on the environments sampled grow on your nutrient agar Briefly explain atio of different
Biotechnology: Principles and Processes
1 What is the advantage of using Petri plates rather than test tubes in 2 What are bacteria using for nutrients in nutrient agar What is the purpose of the agar CRITICAL THINKING Did all the organisms living in or on the environments sampled grow on your nutrient agar Briefly explain atio of different
11 Insulin and glucagon are hormones that regulate blood sugar Which of the following is true a Insulin and glucagon both follow negative feedback systems b Insulin uses negative feedback glucagon uses positive feedback c Insulin uses positive feedback glucagon uses negative feedback d Insulin and glucagon both follow positive feedback systems 12 What is oogenesis a gland responsible for the production of sex hormones b term used to describe the end of a female s reproductive capabilities c production of eggs in the ovaries d process by which sperm is produced in the testes
Morphology of Flowering Plants
11 Insulin and glucagon are hormones that regulate blood sugar Which of the following is true a Insulin and glucagon both follow negative feedback systems b Insulin uses negative feedback glucagon uses positive feedback c Insulin uses positive feedback glucagon uses negative feedback d Insulin and glucagon both follow positive feedback systems 12 What is oogenesis a gland responsible for the production of sex hormones b term used to describe the end of a female s reproductive capabilities c production of eggs in the ovaries d process by which sperm is produced in the testes
contrast to make his point in the highlighted text from Se 1 of A Time for Choosing A Reagan contrasts the sponsor WITH th television program B Reagan contrasts making a choice WIT uncertainty C Reagan contrasts using a script WITH choosing his own words D Reagan contrasts a performer WITH a politician A TIME FOR CHOOSING by Ronald Reagan 1 Thank you Thank you very much Thank yo and good evening The sponsor has bee identified but unlike most television program the performer hasn t been provided with a scrip As a matter of fact I have been permitted
Ecology - General
contrast to make his point in the highlighted text from Se 1 of A Time for Choosing A Reagan contrasts the sponsor WITH th television program B Reagan contrasts making a choice WIT uncertainty C Reagan contrasts using a script WITH choosing his own words D Reagan contrasts a performer WITH a politician A TIME FOR CHOOSING by Ronald Reagan 1 Thank you Thank you very much Thank yo and good evening The sponsor has bee identified but unlike most television program the performer hasn t been provided with a scrip As a matter of fact I have been permitted
1 Sketch out a cross section of a cell membrane showing a proposed transporter involved in either facilitated diffusion or active transport Include and label the following phospholipid bilayer show head group and tails hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions of the transporter including possible amino acids concentration gradient and direction of transport and whether transport is passive or active
Cell: The Unit of Life
1 Sketch out a cross section of a cell membrane showing a proposed transporter involved in either facilitated diffusion or active transport Include and label the following phospholipid bilayer show head group and tails hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions of the transporter including possible amino acids concentration gradient and direction of transport and whether transport is passive or active
Canvas Skyward bhoney cake pictur The Skeletal and Muscle Systems Mastery Test Arrange the steps in the correct order to describe how a reflex occurs A sensory neuron sends a signal to the spinal cord A receptor detects a signal A relay neuron sends a signal to a motor neuron A muscle receives a signal to contract A bone moves
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
Canvas Skyward bhoney cake pictur The Skeletal and Muscle Systems Mastery Test Arrange the steps in the correct order to describe how a reflex occurs A sensory neuron sends a signal to the spinal cord A receptor detects a signal A relay neuron sends a signal to a motor neuron A muscle receives a signal to contract A bone moves
Fungi Slide of Paramecium Total magnification x Protozoa Slide of Alternaria Total 00 magnification 1000 0000 0 0 00 Total magnification Bacteria Slide of Be sure to sketch all bacterial shapes observed 4 Use and Care of the Microscope 3 3 100x 11 0 100 x 4 00x Q 40 x M 40 x MO 1002 100 G
The Living World
Fungi Slide of Paramecium Total magnification x Protozoa Slide of Alternaria Total 00 magnification 1000 0000 0 0 00 Total magnification Bacteria Slide of Be sure to sketch all bacterial shapes observed 4 Use and Care of the Microscope 3 3 100x 11 0 100 x 4 00x Q 40 x M 40 x MO 1002 100 G
Which minority group is projected to make up 25 of the U S population in 2050 Aslan Americans O Latinos O African Americans
Ecology - Environmental Issues
Which minority group is projected to make up 25 of the U S population in 2050 Aslan Americans O Latinos O African Americans
Al Capone operated illegal breweries in Chicago and enormous supply of alcohol bars and nightclubs needed O bootlegged O stole O bought
The Living World
Al Capone operated illegal breweries in Chicago and enormous supply of alcohol bars and nightclubs needed O bootlegged O stole O bought
4 Give the scientific name 5 What is this sample from i e what is the background
Human Health and Diseases
4 Give the scientific name 5 What is this sample from i e what is the background
12 What are the indicated structures 13 What likely was the vector common name is fine torior station development
Biological Classification
12 What are the indicated structures 13 What likely was the vector common name is fine torior station development
Study the following list Which of the following is the correct order of the events in the list A All of Czechoslovakia fais under German control B France and Britain declared war on Germany C Poland was conquered by Germany and the Soviet Union D Stalin and Hitler sign a nonaggression pact OA D C B OA D B C OD A C B
The Living World
Study the following list Which of the following is the correct order of the events in the list A All of Czechoslovakia fais under German control B France and Britain declared war on Germany C Poland was conquered by Germany and the Soviet Union D Stalin and Hitler sign a nonaggression pact OA D C B OA D B C OD A C B
The President that wanted to ease the Instability created after the Cold War between countries such as Bosnia Croatla and Serbia was George Bush Bill Clinton O John F Kennedy
Ecology - Environmental Issues
The President that wanted to ease the Instability created after the Cold War between countries such as Bosnia Croatla and Serbia was George Bush Bill Clinton O John F Kennedy
9 Which statement about the effects of diabetes mellitus is true The placenta does not produce progesterone b The hypothalamus does not function c Insufficient calcium enters the cells d Insufficient glucose enters the cells 10 Which hormones are secreted by the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas a insulin and oxytocin b insulin and calcium c insulin and thyroxin d insulin and glucagon
Cell: The Unit of Life
9 Which statement about the effects of diabetes mellitus is true The placenta does not produce progesterone b The hypothalamus does not function c Insufficient calcium enters the cells d Insufficient glucose enters the cells 10 Which hormones are secreted by the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas a insulin and oxytocin b insulin and calcium c insulin and thyroxin d insulin and glucagon
FOV 0 10 mm 400X What is the estimated field of view FOV
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
FOV 0 10 mm 400X What is the estimated field of view FOV
ame 16 Hypothyroidism that developed in childhood would be characterized by which of the following a increased blood pressure and increased heart rate b impaired physical and mental development c thirst and consumption of large volumes of water d suppression of the immune system and the development of a goitre e the development of a person of extremely small stature as an adult 17 Which hormone is primarily responsible for the production of sperm in the testes a inhibin b follicle stimulating hormone FSH C testosterone d estrogen P MOTHE adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH albelyze ninclished
Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination
ame 16 Hypothyroidism that developed in childhood would be characterized by which of the following a increased blood pressure and increased heart rate b impaired physical and mental development c thirst and consumption of large volumes of water d suppression of the immune system and the development of a goitre e the development of a person of extremely small stature as an adult 17 Which hormone is primarily responsible for the production of sperm in the testes a inhibin b follicle stimulating hormone FSH C testosterone d estrogen P MOTHE adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH albelyze ninclished
Regulation of gene expression includes O all of these regulate gene expression post translational control control of transcription control of translation
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Regulation of gene expression includes O all of these regulate gene expression post translational control control of transcription control of translation
How did experts want to handle the economy after the crash O They wanted to infuse millions of dollars into the banks O They wanted to let the economy ride out the storm O They wanted Hoover to declare a state of emergency
The Living World
How did experts want to handle the economy after the crash O They wanted to infuse millions of dollars into the banks O They wanted to let the economy ride out the storm O They wanted Hoover to declare a state of emergency
What is the function of the cell type tissue indicated by the arrow OA metabolic processes B protection from water loss OC strength and rigidity D strength and flexibility
Plant Physiology - General
What is the function of the cell type tissue indicated by the arrow OA metabolic processes B protection from water loss OC strength and rigidity D strength and flexibility
Study this diagram NAFTA GATT Global Economy OG 8 Summit Based on your own knowledge which of these choices best fills in the empty box O International Monetary Fund World Trade Organization
Ecology - Environmental Issues
Study this diagram NAFTA GATT Global Economy OG 8 Summit Based on your own knowledge which of these choices best fills in the empty box O International Monetary Fund World Trade Organization
Look at this diagram Based on your own knowledge which choice best finishes this timeline John F Kennedy shot President dies Lee Harvey Oswald arrested O Kennedy laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery O Jack Ruby shoots and kills Oswald Oswald hangs himself in jail gall
Ecology - General
Look at this diagram Based on your own knowledge which choice best finishes this timeline John F Kennedy shot President dies Lee Harvey Oswald arrested O Kennedy laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery O Jack Ruby shoots and kills Oswald Oswald hangs himself in jail gall
Nutrient broth Area sampled Growth present Turbidity present Flocculent present Sediment present Pellicle present Color Incubated at Not Sterilized Broth Not Sterilized Yes NO NO NO Yellow 32 Sterilized Broth Not Inoculated C for Inoculated Broth Yes days
The Living World
Nutrient broth Area sampled Growth present Turbidity present Flocculent present Sediment present Pellicle present Color Incubated at Not Sterilized Broth Not Sterilized Yes NO NO NO Yellow 32 Sterilized Broth Not Inoculated C for Inoculated Broth Yes days
22 What is the common name of the disease associated with the indicated objects 23 What is the definitive host
Human Health and Diseases
22 What is the common name of the disease associated with the indicated objects 23 What is the definitive host
THE YEAR S MOST CONTROVERSIAL BEST SELLER The Feminine Mystique BETTY FRIEDAN The book we have been waiting for the wisest sanest soundest most understanding and compassionate treatment of contemporary American women s greatest problem a triumph ASHLEY MONTAGU What movement is the above book famous for contributing to O Counterculture Movement Women s Movement American Indian Movement
Ecology - Environmental Issues
THE YEAR S MOST CONTROVERSIAL BEST SELLER The Feminine Mystique BETTY FRIEDAN The book we have been waiting for the wisest sanest soundest most understanding and compassionate treatment of contemporary American women s greatest problem a triumph ASHLEY MONTAGU What movement is the above book famous for contributing to O Counterculture Movement Women s Movement American Indian Movement
Read the following statement Richard H Pratt founded the Carlisle school in Pennsylvania to kill the Indian and save th man This statement is most aligned with the government s policy of Indian removal assimilation
Ecology - Environmental Issues
Read the following statement Richard H Pratt founded the Carlisle school in Pennsylvania to kill the Indian and save th man This statement is most aligned with the government s policy of Indian removal assimilation
2 pairs a food molecule with its building block Row 1 2 3 4 Food Molecule starch sugar protein amino acid Building Block amino acid starch amino acid sugar 3 The flow of energy in an ecosystem is best described as energy moving in one direction from the Sun to the producers and then to the consumers one direction from a consumer to a producer and then to the Sun as heat and light 3 two directions between the producers that are present 4 two directions back and forth between the producers and the consumorn cell structure is labe Structure A is most 1 mitochondrion d cell 2 nucleus that is th 3 mitochondrion Sun nucleus that is m information 7 A land dwelling om single celled org below
Ecology - Ecosystems
2 pairs a food molecule with its building block Row 1 2 3 4 Food Molecule starch sugar protein amino acid Building Block amino acid starch amino acid sugar 3 The flow of energy in an ecosystem is best described as energy moving in one direction from the Sun to the producers and then to the consumers one direction from a consumer to a producer and then to the Sun as heat and light 3 two directions between the producers that are present 4 two directions back and forth between the producers and the consumorn cell structure is labe Structure A is most 1 mitochondrion d cell 2 nucleus that is th 3 mitochondrion Sun nucleus that is m information 7 A land dwelling om single celled org below
15 Give the scientific name 16 Is this species pathogenic 17 True or False Flies can be mechanical vectors paratenic hosts
Biological Classification
15 Give the scientific name 16 Is this species pathogenic 17 True or False Flies can be mechanical vectors paratenic hosts
Who assisted Ronald Reagan in the Iran Contra Affair Saddam Hussein O Daniel Ortega Oliver North
The Living World
Who assisted Ronald Reagan in the Iran Contra Affair Saddam Hussein O Daniel Ortega Oliver North
Although President Ford tried several ways to improve the nation s economy what was the single act that serves as mis presidential legacy Giving up ownership of the Panama Canal O The Camp David Accords The pardon of former President Richard Nixon
Ecology - General
Although President Ford tried several ways to improve the nation s economy what was the single act that serves as mis presidential legacy Giving up ownership of the Panama Canal O The Camp David Accords The pardon of former President Richard Nixon
Which selection would best complete the following chart Improve education opportunities for women O Goals of AIM Creation of more childcare facilities Ban on gender discrimination hiring
The Living World
Which selection would best complete the following chart Improve education opportunities for women O Goals of AIM Creation of more childcare facilities Ban on gender discrimination hiring
The Soviet Union and the United States were not involved in direct military conflict in the Cold War era because of the threat of global nuclear destruction the peacekeeping forces between the two countries the non allied countries insisting on peace between both
Ecology - General
The Soviet Union and the United States were not involved in direct military conflict in the Cold War era because of the threat of global nuclear destruction the peacekeeping forces between the two countries the non allied countries insisting on peace between both