Biology Questions

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After reading the paragraph below answer the questions that follow Fred is a 24 year old college student whose father was just diagnosed with cardiovascular disease Since he knows that these problems often run in families Fred has asked his doctor to recommend a plan so that he can minimize his risk of developing similar problems The following are a few of the doctor s recommendations quit smoking exercise for at least 30 minutes per day reduce dietary saturated fats and trans fats and eat more fruits and vegetables Which of the following would match his doctor s recommendations Eat fewer foods that contain antioxidants Switch to a low carb diet Avoid cooking with olive oil Eat fewer foods that contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oils
Human Health and Diseases
After reading the paragraph below answer the questions that follow Fred is a 24 year old college student whose father was just diagnosed with cardiovascular disease Since he knows that these problems often run in families Fred has asked his doctor to recommend a plan so that he can minimize his risk of developing similar problems The following are a few of the doctor s recommendations quit smoking exercise for at least 30 minutes per day reduce dietary saturated fats and trans fats and eat more fruits and vegetables Which of the following would match his doctor s recommendations Eat fewer foods that contain antioxidants Switch to a low carb diet Avoid cooking with olive oil Eat fewer foods that contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oils
Comprehension Answer the questions about Imitating Nature 1 How does the author introduce the passage A by specifying how different animal abilities led to invention B by providing examples of people observing nature C by arguing that people have copied nature for a long time D by starting with the most recent events 2 Using information from the passage write a definition for biomimicry Whats
The Living World
Comprehension Answer the questions about Imitating Nature 1 How does the author introduce the passage A by specifying how different animal abilities led to invention B by providing examples of people observing nature C by arguing that people have copied nature for a long time D by starting with the most recent events 2 Using information from the passage write a definition for biomimicry Whats
Label the image to demonstrate your understanding of bacterial cell structures Structure is differentiated by Gram stain procedure Often carry genes of antibiotic resistance and can be passed from one cell to another Common target for antibiotics due to a different structure from the eukaryotic version Hollow tube involved in conjugation Contains the genetic material of the cell Provides motility Only found in gram negative bacteria External structure for attachment to surfaces Allows for greater pathogenicity because it blocks phagocytosis by white blood cells
Cell: The Unit of Life
Label the image to demonstrate your understanding of bacterial cell structures Structure is differentiated by Gram stain procedure Often carry genes of antibiotic resistance and can be passed from one cell to another Common target for antibiotics due to a different structure from the eukaryotic version Hollow tube involved in conjugation Contains the genetic material of the cell Provides motility Only found in gram negative bacteria External structure for attachment to surfaces Allows for greater pathogenicity because it blocks phagocytosis by white blood cells
4 is to as is to Which of the following BEST completes the analogy O Around 1910 Italian Immigration 1840 1930 O 1820 1930 British Immigration 1840 1930 French Immigration 1820 1930 Swedes and Norwegian Immigration 1880 1924
The Living World
4 is to as is to Which of the following BEST completes the analogy O Around 1910 Italian Immigration 1840 1930 O 1820 1930 British Immigration 1840 1930 French Immigration 1820 1930 Swedes and Norwegian Immigration 1880 1924
Use a flowchart or a diagram to describe how food you eat becomes nutrients for all of your cells to use Include the following terms in your answer Terminology Mouth Mechanical digestion Chemical digestion Bolus Amylase Esophagus Epiglottis Stomach Peristalsis Chyme Esophageal sphincter Pyloric sphincter Small intestine duodenum jejunum ileum Checkmark
Human Physiology - Digestion
Use a flowchart or a diagram to describe how food you eat becomes nutrients for all of your cells to use Include the following terms in your answer Terminology Mouth Mechanical digestion Chemical digestion Bolus Amylase Esophagus Epiglottis Stomach Peristalsis Chyme Esophageal sphincter Pyloric sphincter Small intestine duodenum jejunum ileum Checkmark
Read the statement De Gypsy moth caterpillars have a devastating impact on New England forests During the years of infestation they eat most or all of the leaves on trees How could genetic diversity help save some of these trees Select one Trees with genes that make the bark a dark color would camouflage the trees from the bugs A tree with a gene that produces a foul tasting toxin would not get eaten Genes that cause the trees to grow very tall would make the leaves too high for the insects Genes that produce large leaves versus smaller ones would be more attractive to eat due to more food available
The Living World
Read the statement De Gypsy moth caterpillars have a devastating impact on New England forests During the years of infestation they eat most or all of the leaves on trees How could genetic diversity help save some of these trees Select one Trees with genes that make the bark a dark color would camouflage the trees from the bugs A tree with a gene that produces a foul tasting toxin would not get eaten Genes that cause the trees to grow very tall would make the leaves too high for the insects Genes that produce large leaves versus smaller ones would be more attractive to eat due to more food available
A is a conditional provision to an agreement O appropriation O compromise Proviso
The Living World
A is a conditional provision to an agreement O appropriation O compromise Proviso
Which epithelial type is highlighted O transitional epithelium O stratified squamous epithelium Osimple columnar epithelium O pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Human Physiology - General
Which epithelial type is highlighted O transitional epithelium O stratified squamous epithelium Osimple columnar epithelium O pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Perform the calculation and record the answer with the correct number of significant figures 34 123 3 50 98 76546 344
Ecology - Environmental Issues
Perform the calculation and record the answer with the correct number of significant figures 34 123 3 50 98 76546 344
As with most living things animals have a n that forms once a zygote has divided and differentiated A blastocyst B blastula C fetus D embryo
Animal Kingdom
As with most living things animals have a n that forms once a zygote has divided and differentiated A blastocyst B blastula C fetus D embryo
Which epithelial type is highlighted O pseudostratified columnar epithelium O simple cuboidal epithelium O simple squamous epithelium O simple columnar epithelium
The Living World
Which epithelial type is highlighted O pseudostratified columnar epithelium O simple cuboidal epithelium O simple squamous epithelium O simple columnar epithelium
Which structure is highlighted O acinar tissue O duct O basement membrane O pancreatic islet
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Which structure is highlighted O acinar tissue O duct O basement membrane O pancreatic islet
Which cell type is highlighted O umbrella cells O goblet cells O macula densa cells O simple squamous cells
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Which cell type is highlighted O umbrella cells O goblet cells O macula densa cells O simple squamous cells
Which structure is highlighted O stratified squamous epithelium non keratinized stratified cuboidal epithelium O stratified squamous epithelium keratinized O stratified columnar epithelium
Cell: The Unit of Life
Which structure is highlighted O stratified squamous epithelium non keratinized stratified cuboidal epithelium O stratified squamous epithelium keratinized O stratified columnar epithelium
A What term is used to refer to the highlighted epithelium in a blood vessel O epidermis O respiratory epithelium O mesothelium O endothelium 4
A What term is used to refer to the highlighted epithelium in a blood vessel O epidermis O respiratory epithelium O mesothelium O endothelium 4
Which structures are highlighted O pseudostratified columnar epithelium O goblet cells O microvilli O cilia
Biological Classification
Which structures are highlighted O pseudostratified columnar epithelium O goblet cells O microvilli O cilia
Which epithelial type is highlighted Otransitional epithelium O stratified squamous epithelium Opseudostratified columnar epithelium Osimple cuboidal epithelium
Human Health and Diseases
Which epithelial type is highlighted Otransitional epithelium O stratified squamous epithelium Opseudostratified columnar epithelium Osimple cuboidal epithelium
Which tissue is highlighted O acinar O endocrine O connective O muscle Pearson
Which tissue is highlighted O acinar O endocrine O connective O muscle Pearson
A Humans are dueterostomes so our as the embryo is forming cerebrum B anus C develops mouth
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
A Humans are dueterostomes so our as the embryo is forming cerebrum B anus C develops mouth
Which structure is highlighted trabeculae capsule lymphoid follicle reticular fiber Pearso
Biological Classification
Which structure is highlighted trabeculae capsule lymphoid follicle reticular fiber Pearso
Which tissue is highlighted O yellow bone marrow O endosteum osteocytes in lacunae O red bone marrow P Pearson
Reproductive Health
Which tissue is highlighted O yellow bone marrow O endosteum osteocytes in lacunae O red bone marrow P Pearson
What structure is highlighted O periosteal bone collar O periosteum cartilaginous epiphysis skin
Human Physiology - General
What structure is highlighted O periosteal bone collar O periosteum cartilaginous epiphysis skin
Which tissue is highlighted O adipose tissue Odense regular connective tissue dense irregular connective tissue reticular connective tissue Pearson
Biological Classification
Which tissue is highlighted O adipose tissue Odense regular connective tissue dense irregular connective tissue reticular connective tissue Pearson
Which formed elements are highlighted O neutrophils basophils O platelets eosinophils Pearson
Human Physiology - General
Which formed elements are highlighted O neutrophils basophils O platelets eosinophils Pearson
Which structure s is are highlighted O periosteum O trabeculae of woven bone O trabeculae of spongy bone Ored bone marrow 3 Pearson
Human Physiology - General
Which structure s is are highlighted O periosteum O trabeculae of woven bone O trabeculae of spongy bone Ored bone marrow 3 Pearson
The highlighted organelle is found in which cell type Oneutrophil O adipocyte O fibroblast mast cell
Human Physiology - General
The highlighted organelle is found in which cell type Oneutrophil O adipocyte O fibroblast mast cell
Which tissue is highlighted serosa Operichondrium Oendosteum adventitia 38
Animal Kingdom
Which tissue is highlighted serosa Operichondrium Oendosteum adventitia 38
Which of the following is not accepted by historians as a factor that contributed greatly to the modernization of the U S O Aggressive support by the federal government O A high level of literacy O An openness to change Yankee Ingenuity
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Which of the following is not accepted by historians as a factor that contributed greatly to the modernization of the U S O Aggressive support by the federal government O A high level of literacy O An openness to change Yankee Ingenuity
Most nineteenth century white Southerners belonged to a social class known as O yeoman farmers O planters O poor Whites Nabobs
Ecology - General
Most nineteenth century white Southerners belonged to a social class known as O yeoman farmers O planters O poor Whites Nabobs
How many Southerners owned slaves by the middle of the nineteenth century most O half O very few one fourth
Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation
How many Southerners owned slaves by the middle of the nineteenth century most O half O very few one fourth
By the 1850s the railroads were providing Western farmers with exactly the kind of transportation they needed O True False
Ecology - General
By the 1850s the railroads were providing Western farmers with exactly the kind of transportation they needed O True False
In which area during the first half of the nineteenth century did American families not enjoy significant improvements indoor plumbing home lighting cooking O heating
Ecology - General
In which area during the first half of the nineteenth century did American families not enjoy significant improvements indoor plumbing home lighting cooking O heating
Which of the following is true of American agriculture during the first half of the nineteenth century American farmers practiced careful scientific farming as a means of preserving the natural resources of the nation O The constant extension of the frontier allowed was the main reason for abundance in American agriculture O After 1830 the mechanization of farming particularly the harvesting process increased agricultural productivity significantly Both B and C
Ecology - General
Which of the following is true of American agriculture during the first half of the nineteenth century American farmers practiced careful scientific farming as a means of preserving the natural resources of the nation O The constant extension of the frontier allowed was the main reason for abundance in American agriculture O After 1830 the mechanization of farming particularly the harvesting process increased agricultural productivity significantly Both B and C
By 1860 the American South was producing O 1 2 O 3 4 0 2 3 all of the world s cotton
The Living World
By 1860 the American South was producing O 1 2 O 3 4 0 2 3 all of the world s cotton
The industrialization of the U S set in motion the establishment of a new version of the American family the modern family True False
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
The industrialization of the U S set in motion the establishment of a new version of the American family the modern family True False
With the coming of railroads the industrial Northeast and agricultural Northwest were tied more closely together by common economic bonds manufactures from the East and abroad could be transported to the West more easily O the South no longer had to export their cotton abroad because it could now easily be transported to the Northeast O All of the above Only A and C O Only A and B
Ecology - General
With the coming of railroads the industrial Northeast and agricultural Northwest were tied more closely together by common economic bonds manufactures from the East and abroad could be transported to the West more easily O the South no longer had to export their cotton abroad because it could now easily be transported to the Northeast O All of the above Only A and C O Only A and B
The institution of slavery both denied specific gender roles for black men and women and utilized the True False
Biotechnology & its Applications
The institution of slavery both denied specific gender roles for black men and women and utilized the True False
Although work defined the majority of the slave experience enslaved blacks were able to define their own lives to an extent and maintain their humanity in their slave quarters the cotton fields school town
Ecology - General
Although work defined the majority of the slave experience enslaved blacks were able to define their own lives to an extent and maintain their humanity in their slave quarters the cotton fields school town
By the middle of the nineteenth century serialized fiction women men immigrants children comprised the majority of authors and readers of
Biotechnology & its Applications
By the middle of the nineteenth century serialized fiction women men immigrants children comprised the majority of authors and readers of
Which of the following was not a result of the implementation of steam power in American industry during the first half of the nineteenth century O rapid urbanization which caused overcrowding and sanitation problems O the employment of women and children in factories O a transformation of the work force that emphasized mostly unskilled labor laws to regulate the working environments of American workers
Which of the following was not a result of the implementation of steam power in American industry during the first half of the nineteenth century O rapid urbanization which caused overcrowding and sanitation problems O the employment of women and children in factories O a transformation of the work force that emphasized mostly unskilled labor laws to regulate the working environments of American workers
Between 1820 and 1850 the population of American cities grew much faster than the American population as a whole True False
Ecology - Organisms & Population
Between 1820 and 1850 the population of American cities grew much faster than the American population as a whole True False
The greatest successes of the unions in the 1830s were O in acquiring better pay for their members O in limiting the working hours of their members O enacting laws to deal with workplace safety O advocating for social reforms like free public school
Ecology - General
The greatest successes of the unions in the 1830s were O in acquiring better pay for their members O in limiting the working hours of their members O enacting laws to deal with workplace safety O advocating for social reforms like free public school
Modernization is the transition from a rural village oriented system of traditional personal and family ties to a dynamic urban market oriented system of impersonal relationships O True O False
The Living World
Modernization is the transition from a rural village oriented system of traditional personal and family ties to a dynamic urban market oriented system of impersonal relationships O True O False
Which of the following worked against Americans acceptance of the validity of labor unions in the first half of the nineteenth century O government regulation the American tradition of individualism O employers use of scabs to break strikes unions color blind attitudes toward workers
Ecology - General
Which of the following worked against Americans acceptance of the validity of labor unions in the first half of the nineteenth century O government regulation the American tradition of individualism O employers use of scabs to break strikes unions color blind attitudes toward workers
Which of the following was not a noteworthy work of fiction in the nineteenth century Wide Wide World The Lamplighter Our Nig O Her Revenge
Which of the following was not a noteworthy work of fiction in the nineteenth century Wide Wide World The Lamplighter Our Nig O Her Revenge
The American Party a nativist group exerted fairly significant political power during the 1840s The party was casually known as O the Know Nothings O the Greenbackers the Whigs the Nativists
The American Party a nativist group exerted fairly significant political power during the 1840s The party was casually known as O the Know Nothings O the Greenbackers the Whigs the Nativists
Grey matter includes all of the following EXCEPT All of the answers are included Nuclei in the brain Ganglia Tracts in the spinal cord Thin outer layer of most of the brain
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Grey matter includes all of the following EXCEPT All of the answers are included Nuclei in the brain Ganglia Tracts in the spinal cord Thin outer layer of most of the brain
A muscle fiber that participates in sensory reception only responsive to phasic stimuli activated by an alpha motor neuron intrafusal activated by a gamma motor neuron extrafusal
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
A muscle fiber that participates in sensory reception only responsive to phasic stimuli activated by an alpha motor neuron intrafusal activated by a gamma motor neuron extrafusal
The segmented worms are true coelmate organisms called A annelida B platyhelminthes C poriferan D nematode
Animal Kingdom
The segmented worms are true coelmate organisms called A annelida B platyhelminthes C poriferan D nematode
A tape worm is actually a which includes acoelmate organisms A poriferan B cnidarian C platyhelminthes D vertebrate
Animal Kingdom
A tape worm is actually a which includes acoelmate organisms A poriferan B cnidarian C platyhelminthes D vertebrate