Biology Questions

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Unlike Old World monkeys New World monkeys have OA binocular vision B prehensile tails O C opposable thumbs O D large eyes
Unlike Old World monkeys New World monkeys have OA binocular vision B prehensile tails O C opposable thumbs O D large eyes
estion 24 Which of the following theories agrees best with the idea that Anatomically Modern Humans AMH interbred to a minor degree with archaic humans su AMH took over the planet and replaced archaic hominins everwhere they were found O Out of Africa 2 Total Replacement Theory O Strict Mutiregionalism O The Assimilation model Total Replacement Theory Minimize
estion 24 Which of the following theories agrees best with the idea that Anatomically Modern Humans AMH interbred to a minor degree with archaic humans su AMH took over the planet and replaced archaic hominins everwhere they were found O Out of Africa 2 Total Replacement Theory O Strict Mutiregionalism O The Assimilation model Total Replacement Theory Minimize
essays are written to A influence readers to accept an idea adopt a point of view or take an action B give readers information about a scientific matter C share personal experiences and insights with readers D tell a story about the life of a historical figure
Ecology - General
essays are written to A influence readers to accept an idea adopt a point of view or take an action B give readers information about a scientific matter C share personal experiences and insights with readers D tell a story about the life of a historical figure
What is the structure and 7 style of this excerpt from a sample personal essay The wedding was popping with tunes First we flipped the switch and played Beyonce Next the place was bumping with Patti LaBelle Then we went old school and vibed with The Temptations Fun times A The structure is by event the style is informal B The structure is by insight the style is informal C The structure is by event the style is formal D The structure is by insight the style is Help Resources
The Living World
What is the structure and 7 style of this excerpt from a sample personal essay The wedding was popping with tunes First we flipped the switch and played Beyonce Next the place was bumping with Patti LaBelle Then we went old school and vibed with The Temptations Fun times A The structure is by event the style is informal B The structure is by insight the style is informal C The structure is by event the style is formal D The structure is by insight the style is Help Resources
What is the main function of NK cells Destroy infected host cells O Destroy MHC class I molecules O Destroy pathogens Destroy host cells
Human Health and Diseases
What is the main function of NK cells Destroy infected host cells O Destroy MHC class I molecules O Destroy pathogens Destroy host cells
Your draft of your expository essay should include A an outline of what you want to write about B concrete details that support your thesis statement C ideas for a topic for your expository essay D grammar and spelling errors
The Living World
Your draft of your expository essay should include A an outline of what you want to write about B concrete details that support your thesis statement C ideas for a topic for your expository essay D grammar and spelling errors
A busy small business owner is considering purchasing groceries through a premium home delivery service because of its convenience The service provides the best groceries and costs significantly more than buying groceries in the store but home delivery is an attractive feature Examine the opportunity costs and trade offs of the small business owner choosing to buy groceries through this premium home delivery service Compare your findings with the opportunity costs and trade offs if the small business owner were to choose buying groceries in the store instead 4 points
Ecology - Organisms & Population
A busy small business owner is considering purchasing groceries through a premium home delivery service because of its convenience The service provides the best groceries and costs significantly more than buying groceries in the store but home delivery is an attractive feature Examine the opportunity costs and trade offs of the small business owner choosing to buy groceries through this premium home delivery service Compare your findings with the opportunity costs and trade offs if the small business owner were to choose buying groceries in the store instead 4 points
The location where most digestion and absorption occurs is the stomach large intestine small intestine liver
Human Physiology - Digestion
The location where most digestion and absorption occurs is the stomach large intestine small intestine liver
What effect on the expression of the trp operon might you expect if a deletion occurred in the 5 UTR leader sequence that removed the trp codons in the trp operon The entire trp operon will be transcribed no matter what the level of tryptophan in the cell O The structural genes for the trp operon will only be transcribed when levels of tryptophan are low O The entire trp operon will be transcribed but none of the structural genes for the trp operon will be translated The structural genes for the trp operon will not be transcribed no matter what the intracellular levels of tryptophan are O The leader sequence of the trp operon will be transcribed but none of the structural genes for the trp operon will be transcribed
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
What effect on the expression of the trp operon might you expect if a deletion occurred in the 5 UTR leader sequence that removed the trp codons in the trp operon The entire trp operon will be transcribed no matter what the level of tryptophan in the cell O The structural genes for the trp operon will only be transcribed when levels of tryptophan are low O The entire trp operon will be transcribed but none of the structural genes for the trp operon will be translated The structural genes for the trp operon will not be transcribed no matter what the intracellular levels of tryptophan are O The leader sequence of the trp operon will be transcribed but none of the structural genes for the trp operon will be transcribed
estion 10 Points 2 oose the correct four goals of progressivism O Protecting social welfare promoting moral reform creating economic reform improving efficienc O Promoting the general welfare establishing Justice providing for the common defense sec liberties on food and shelter providing clean workplace
The Living World
estion 10 Points 2 oose the correct four goals of progressivism O Protecting social welfare promoting moral reform creating economic reform improving efficienc O Promoting the general welfare establishing Justice providing for the common defense sec liberties on food and shelter providing clean workplace
What does T cell activation require MHC degradation B cell transformation Antigen reduction Antigen presentation
Human Health and Diseases
What does T cell activation require MHC degradation B cell transformation Antigen reduction Antigen presentation
What blocks many terrifying disease such as rabies from becoming wide spread O Many diseases lose their pathogenicity when in humans Humans with the disease are easily spotted and quarantined Humans are not easily able to pass the disease to other humans The very easy of infecting a human stops the transmission of the pathogen
Human Health and Diseases
What blocks many terrifying disease such as rabies from becoming wide spread O Many diseases lose their pathogenicity when in humans Humans with the disease are easily spotted and quarantined Humans are not easily able to pass the disease to other humans The very easy of infecting a human stops the transmission of the pathogen
Which passage below from Twain s The Californian s Tale shows foreshadowing A Sec 1 Thirty five years ago I was out prospecting on the Stanislaus B Sec 2 Now and then one came across solitary log cabins of the earliest mining days C Sec 38 But he didn t seem quite satisfied and from that time on he began to show uneasiness The Californian s Tale by Mark Twain
The Living World
Which passage below from Twain s The Californian s Tale shows foreshadowing A Sec 1 Thirty five years ago I was out prospecting on the Stanislaus B Sec 2 Now and then one came across solitary log cabins of the earliest mining days C Sec 38 But he didn t seem quite satisfied and from that time on he began to show uneasiness The Californian s Tale by Mark Twain
What term represents the part of an experiment that we purposely change from one trial to the next A Constant B Hypothesis C Dependent Variable D Independent Variable
The Living World
What term represents the part of an experiment that we purposely change from one trial to the next A Constant B Hypothesis C Dependent Variable D Independent Variable
Means yellow body The narrow passage into the body of the uterus The initial passageway for the sperm Source of FSH and LH The other term for uterine tubes Also known as Emergency Contraceptive Please select a term from the right column that matches the clue on the left Some choices the name of the cells that support the developing oocyte within ovary the hormonal event that is closely linked to ovulation and occurs 18 hours before ovulation Name of long acting hormonal contraceptive The anatomical name for the structure that contains the testes The time during pregnancy determination of development of male or female reproductive structures occu Drug that maintains vasodilation and erection Source of testosterone Synthetic made in the laboratory progesterone Choose penis Cervix 9 months Corpus Luteum Progestin Pituitary Cells of Leydig Fallopian Tubes 8 Weeks Scrotum mitochondria 6 months Plan B Norplant Viagra epididymis Follicular Cells aspirin Vagina RU486 LH Surge hypothel
Human Reproduction
Means yellow body The narrow passage into the body of the uterus The initial passageway for the sperm Source of FSH and LH The other term for uterine tubes Also known as Emergency Contraceptive Please select a term from the right column that matches the clue on the left Some choices the name of the cells that support the developing oocyte within ovary the hormonal event that is closely linked to ovulation and occurs 18 hours before ovulation Name of long acting hormonal contraceptive The anatomical name for the structure that contains the testes The time during pregnancy determination of development of male or female reproductive structures occu Drug that maintains vasodilation and erection Source of testosterone Synthetic made in the laboratory progesterone Choose penis Cervix 9 months Corpus Luteum Progestin Pituitary Cells of Leydig Fallopian Tubes 8 Weeks Scrotum mitochondria 6 months Plan B Norplant Viagra epididymis Follicular Cells aspirin Vagina RU486 LH Surge hypothel
I am the military governor of Puerto Rico who restricted access to alcohol and tobacco and tried to teach Puerto Ricans English I also limited freedom of the press Who am I O George Dewey O Jose Marti
The Living World
I am the military governor of Puerto Rico who restricted access to alcohol and tobacco and tried to teach Puerto Ricans English I also limited freedom of the press Who am I O George Dewey O Jose Marti
Why did newspaper circulation increase at the turn of the century O More people became literate O People responded to sales methods better O People could read stories there
Ecology - General
Why did newspaper circulation increase at the turn of the century O More people became literate O People responded to sales methods better O People could read stories there
EXTRA CREDIT 1 point it will be graded manually Insulin is administered to increase blood glucose levels Tru False
Cell: The Unit of Life
EXTRA CREDIT 1 point it will be graded manually Insulin is administered to increase blood glucose levels Tru False
There are more choices than what you will use A choice is however only used once Each answer is worth 1 point Source of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Graves Disease Source of TRH Source of Insulin Source of LH necessary element of thyroid hormone Source of cortisol production hormone with cholesterol backbone Increases when we are dehydrated to conserve water Cell that provides nourishment to developing sperm Previous testes Choose Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 Iron Kidney Anterior Pituitary Hypothalamus Heart Cortisol No choice given Adrenal Cortex ADH Sertoli Cell Caused by Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin Posterior Pituitary Spleen Ovary lodine Thyroid Gland
Reproductive Health
There are more choices than what you will use A choice is however only used once Each answer is worth 1 point Source of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Graves Disease Source of TRH Source of Insulin Source of LH necessary element of thyroid hormone Source of cortisol production hormone with cholesterol backbone Increases when we are dehydrated to conserve water Cell that provides nourishment to developing sperm Previous testes Choose Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 Iron Kidney Anterior Pituitary Hypothalamus Heart Cortisol No choice given Adrenal Cortex ADH Sertoli Cell Caused by Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin Posterior Pituitary Spleen Ovary lodine Thyroid Gland
A D O A OB OC B o SOD 0 CHO H OH H H H N H Which of the above molecules is a phospholipid N C H H R O N C C OH H
A D O A OB OC B o SOD 0 CHO H OH H H H N H Which of the above molecules is a phospholipid N C H H R O N C C OH H
The diagram below shows the first four steps of meiosis What is happening in the step labeled C A B Meiosis I C 88 D A Mitotic spindles and spindle fibers are forming B New haploid cells are forming C New diploid cells are forming D Spindle fibers are pulling the tetrads apart
The Living World
The diagram below shows the first four steps of meiosis What is happening in the step labeled C A B Meiosis I C 88 D A Mitotic spindles and spindle fibers are forming B New haploid cells are forming C New diploid cells are forming D Spindle fibers are pulling the tetrads apart
The Great Train Robbery The Perils of Pauline The Birth of a Nation All of these could be categorized as O book titles O plays
Ecology - Environmental Issues
The Great Train Robbery The Perils of Pauline The Birth of a Nation All of these could be categorized as O book titles O plays
or Strategic Defense Initiative is also known more popularly as Star Wars A EPA B ICBM C SDI D NYA
The Living World
or Strategic Defense Initiative is also known more popularly as Star Wars A EPA B ICBM C SDI D NYA
extra credit which of the following is LEAST likely to be involved in the body s defences against viruses O B cells antibodies type 1 interferons O macrophages displaying antigen by the class 2 pathway OCD8T cells GTI
Microbes in Human Welfare
extra credit which of the following is LEAST likely to be involved in the body s defences against viruses O B cells antibodies type 1 interferons O macrophages displaying antigen by the class 2 pathway OCD8T cells GTI
Which of these factors would fill in the final box Printing technology Increased newspaper circulation Penny press O increased wealth O political corruption
The Living World
Which of these factors would fill in the final box Printing technology Increased newspaper circulation Penny press O increased wealth O political corruption
This matching question is all related to review material this process leads to an increase of blood vessels Pap smear nucleotide inherited mutation Xy Butter Olive oil Choose hemizygote unsaturated fat amino acids building block DNA homozygous saturated fat angiogenesis early detection of cervical cance germline mutation Choose
This matching question is all related to review material this process leads to an increase of blood vessels Pap smear nucleotide inherited mutation Xy Butter Olive oil Choose hemizygote unsaturated fat amino acids building block DNA homozygous saturated fat angiogenesis early detection of cervical cance germline mutation Choose
How would you complete the diagram Maxicans O Irish Discrimination out West OItalians Chinese Native Americans
Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
How would you complete the diagram Maxicans O Irish Discrimination out West OItalians Chinese Native Americans
What was the role of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People NAACP in the early 20th century To provide economic support to African Americans To assure free education to African Americans To challenge the legal system in regards to segregation
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
What was the role of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People NAACP in the early 20th century To provide economic support to African Americans To assure free education to African Americans To challenge the legal system in regards to segregation
extra credit class switching done by B cells in response to infection of the mucus membrane is most likely to produce which class of antibody O IgA IgG IgE OlgD o lab
Human Health and Diseases
extra credit class switching done by B cells in response to infection of the mucus membrane is most likely to produce which class of antibody O IgA IgG IgE OlgD o lab
The price at which one currency may be converted into another currency is called A real exchange rate B nominal exchange rate O C nationalist exchange rate O D none of the above
The Living World
The price at which one currency may be converted into another currency is called A real exchange rate B nominal exchange rate O C nationalist exchange rate O D none of the above
The President of the United States needed the assistance of Congress to declar war in which of the following instances A Civil War B Vietnam War C Korean War D World War II
The Living World
The President of the United States needed the assistance of Congress to declar war in which of the following instances A Civil War B Vietnam War C Korean War D World War II
Work gives people a sense of pride O True O False
The Living World
Work gives people a sense of pride O True O False
Behavior that is unwelcome to others is called harassment O True O False
The Living World
Behavior that is unwelcome to others is called harassment O True O False
A nurse is calculating 0800 250 mL at 1230 and 350 mL at 1430 How many mL should the nurse record in the client s chart Record answe number Do not use a trailing zero Blank 1 Blank 1 Add your answer Question 10 1 Point Calculate Sally s intake for the 7am 3pm shift At breakfast Sally drank 2 cups of coffee and a 6 oz glass of orange juice At lunch she drank 8 oz of chicken broth and 4 oz of diet soda What is Sally s total oral intake for the 8 hour shift in mL Record answer as a whole number Do not use a trailing zero Blank 1
Human Physiology - Circulatory System
A nurse is calculating 0800 250 mL at 1230 and 350 mL at 1430 How many mL should the nurse record in the client s chart Record answe number Do not use a trailing zero Blank 1 Blank 1 Add your answer Question 10 1 Point Calculate Sally s intake for the 7am 3pm shift At breakfast Sally drank 2 cups of coffee and a 6 oz glass of orange juice At lunch she drank 8 oz of chicken broth and 4 oz of diet soda What is Sally s total oral intake for the 8 hour shift in mL Record answer as a whole number Do not use a trailing zero Blank 1
Describe one similarity and two differences between the biogeochemical cycles in traditional farming methods and an aquaponic system Include at least two of the three cycles discussed in this lesson in your answer
Plant Physiology - Growth & Development
Describe one similarity and two differences between the biogeochemical cycles in traditional farming methods and an aquaponic system Include at least two of the three cycles discussed in this lesson in your answer
cohol increases urine output because alcohol increase aldosterone secretion increases cortisol secretion increases ADH insecretion decreases ADH secretion decreases aldosterone secretion decreases insulin inscretion
The Living World
cohol increases urine output because alcohol increase aldosterone secretion increases cortisol secretion increases ADH insecretion decreases ADH secretion decreases aldosterone secretion decreases insulin inscretion
explain how CD8 T cells CD4 T cells and B cells work together in the lymphoid tissues
Human Health and Diseases
explain how CD8 T cells CD4 T cells and B cells work together in the lymphoid tissues
A fascinating discovery is that the oral contraceptives will also prevent HIV infection True Falco
Human Health and Diseases
A fascinating discovery is that the oral contraceptives will also prevent HIV infection True Falco
Susan has been diagnosed with Primary HYPERCORTISOLISM and SECONDARY HYPOTHYROIDISM I have set up two tables for you to fill in with the sources of hormones the names of the hormones and with the term high or low Each box is worth 1 point There are 18 boxes to fill in therefore 18 points total This is graded manually Start at the t have filled in two boxes in each table to help you out so you have 14 points to fill in everyone begins with 4 points given to you You must copy and paste the tables provided below into your answer and then fill in the tables note the one table is for Primary Hypercortisolism and the other table is for Secondary Hypothyroidism This will save you time from needing to set up the ta will keep the response format consistent for all responses FILL IN EACH ROW Row A For Hyper cortisolism what is the name of the hormone from the hypothalamus and is the blood level of this hormone high or low Row B You fill in the what is organ that is influenced by the hypothalamus what is the name of the hormone from that organ and is it high or low Row C Finally you fill in what organ is influenced by secretion of Row B what is the name of the hormone from that organ and is it high or low TABLE 1 PRIMARY HYPERCORISOLISM You fill in the table with the name of the hormone and whether the hormone is high or low in the blood stream leading to primary hypercortisolism Row A Row B Row C Row A What is the source organ of the hormone Row B Hypothalamus FILL IN EACH ROW Row A For Hypothyroidism what is the name of the hormone from the hypothalamus and is the blood level of this hormone high or low Row B You fill in the what is organ that is influenced by the hypothalamus what is the name of the hormone from that organ and is it high or low Row C Finally you fill in what organ is influenced by secretion of Row B what is the name of the hormone from that organ and is it high or low TABLE 2 SECONDARY HYPOTHYROIDISM What is the source organ of the hormone What is the name of the hormone hypothalamus ACTH What is the name of the hormone Is the blood level high or low Is the blood level high or low Low
Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination
Susan has been diagnosed with Primary HYPERCORTISOLISM and SECONDARY HYPOTHYROIDISM I have set up two tables for you to fill in with the sources of hormones the names of the hormones and with the term high or low Each box is worth 1 point There are 18 boxes to fill in therefore 18 points total This is graded manually Start at the t have filled in two boxes in each table to help you out so you have 14 points to fill in everyone begins with 4 points given to you You must copy and paste the tables provided below into your answer and then fill in the tables note the one table is for Primary Hypercortisolism and the other table is for Secondary Hypothyroidism This will save you time from needing to set up the ta will keep the response format consistent for all responses FILL IN EACH ROW Row A For Hyper cortisolism what is the name of the hormone from the hypothalamus and is the blood level of this hormone high or low Row B You fill in the what is organ that is influenced by the hypothalamus what is the name of the hormone from that organ and is it high or low Row C Finally you fill in what organ is influenced by secretion of Row B what is the name of the hormone from that organ and is it high or low TABLE 1 PRIMARY HYPERCORISOLISM You fill in the table with the name of the hormone and whether the hormone is high or low in the blood stream leading to primary hypercortisolism Row A Row B Row C Row A What is the source organ of the hormone Row B Hypothalamus FILL IN EACH ROW Row A For Hypothyroidism what is the name of the hormone from the hypothalamus and is the blood level of this hormone high or low Row B You fill in the what is organ that is influenced by the hypothalamus what is the name of the hormone from that organ and is it high or low Row C Finally you fill in what organ is influenced by secretion of Row B what is the name of the hormone from that organ and is it high or low TABLE 2 SECONDARY HYPOTHYROIDISM What is the source organ of the hormone What is the name of the hormone hypothalamus ACTH What is the name of the hormone Is the blood level high or low Is the blood level high or low Low
HIV has been a challenging virus and the development of a vaccine has been very difficult although other means of prevention are available However when we compare this to Covid the Covid vaccine has been an amazing and remarkable accomplishment What reason do you think best explains the difference for why HIV has been more a much greater challenge for scientists to develop a universally effective vaccine We discussed the basis of this HIV challenge in class Covid can be targeted with antibiotics while HIV cannot HIV rarely mutates and this makes it harder to develop an effective vaccine HIV is a retrovirus Covid is of bacterial origin and therefore easier to develop a vaccine
Human Health and Diseases
HIV has been a challenging virus and the development of a vaccine has been very difficult although other means of prevention are available However when we compare this to Covid the Covid vaccine has been an amazing and remarkable accomplishment What reason do you think best explains the difference for why HIV has been more a much greater challenge for scientists to develop a universally effective vaccine We discussed the basis of this HIV challenge in class Covid can be targeted with antibiotics while HIV cannot HIV rarely mutates and this makes it harder to develop an effective vaccine HIV is a retrovirus Covid is of bacterial origin and therefore easier to develop a vaccine
Keeping your workspace organized is an important part of time management O True False
Morphology of Flowering Plants
Keeping your workspace organized is an important part of time management O True False
An Infectious mutated protein particle became the source of intensive study in the 1980 s and led to our understanding of Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease and mad cow disease Identify what best matches to this description mycobacteria HIV pacles prion proteins a newly produced antibiotic that produced this harmful side effect infectious protist pathogens
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
An Infectious mutated protein particle became the source of intensive study in the 1980 s and led to our understanding of Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease and mad cow disease Identify what best matches to this description mycobacteria HIV pacles prion proteins a newly produced antibiotic that produced this harmful side effect infectious protist pathogens
You are reading an article and the author states that HAART has provided a significant improvement in health care From this statement without knowing anything else you know that this article is about match to the correct concept this was discussed in fec treatment for malaria treatment for autoimmune disorder cardiovascular treatment cocktail therapy
The Living World
You are reading an article and the author states that HAART has provided a significant improvement in health care From this statement without knowing anything else you know that this article is about match to the correct concept this was discussed in fec treatment for malaria treatment for autoimmune disorder cardiovascular treatment cocktail therapy
Dulles brinkmanship policy fully depended on O nuclear weapons and airplanes O airplanes and soldiers O hydrogen bombs and atom bombs
The Living World
Dulles brinkmanship policy fully depended on O nuclear weapons and airplanes O airplanes and soldiers O hydrogen bombs and atom bombs
When we compare our various bio organic macromolecules we find that the function of proteins is primarily for building blocks for nucleic acids energy storage for movement structure and strength building blocks for lipids hergy production for movement
When we compare our various bio organic macromolecules we find that the function of proteins is primarily for building blocks for nucleic acids energy storage for movement structure and strength building blocks for lipids hergy production for movement
The LH surge occurs approximately 18 hours following fertilization True False
Human Reproduction
The LH surge occurs approximately 18 hours following fertilization True False
Who performed the following tasks On call doctor Member of NAACP Opened Hull House Thomas Blanchard O Simeon North
Plant Kingdom
Who performed the following tasks On call doctor Member of NAACP Opened Hull House Thomas Blanchard O Simeon North
Change 33 to a decimal A 0 033 B 3 3 330 0 D 0 33 Question 4 Change 77 to a decimal A 770 0 B 77 0 0 77
Ecology - Organisms & Population
Change 33 to a decimal A 0 033 B 3 3 330 0 D 0 33 Question 4 Change 77 to a decimal A 770 0 B 77 0 0 77
Large polysaccharides differ by Presence of branching All of the above O Chain length The kind s of The kind s of sugar in each polysaccharide
Large polysaccharides differ by Presence of branching All of the above O Chain length The kind s of The kind s of sugar in each polysaccharide
The auto immune disease against the nutrient gluten is kidney stones o celiac disease appendicitis gall stones
The Living World
The auto immune disease against the nutrient gluten is kidney stones o celiac disease appendicitis gall stones