Biology Questions

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Select the description that applies to each of the 4 fundamental elements of a Medical term Combining vowel Prefix Suffix Choose Choose Choose Word root Choose
Biotechnology & its Applications
Select the description that applies to each of the 4 fundamental elements of a Medical term Combining vowel Prefix Suffix Choose Choose Choose Word root Choose
Why did China decline into warlordism after Yuan Shikai s death On Yuan Shikai s death a confused period of infighting among Beijing army commanders followed from which General Duan Qirui Tuan Chi jui emerged as premier Although his authority was very limited since central rule was breaking down in China he attempted to crush his opponents by force This resulted in violent clashes on the streets of Beijing Hoping to exploit the disturbed atmosphere General Zhang Xun Chang Hsun marched on the capital in June 1917 with the aim of restoring the Qing dynasty Zhang s efforts ended in confusion and failure and Duan Qirui retained office as premier The weakness of the republic The disorder and vying for power at the top that followed Yuan s death in 1916 clearly illustrated that central authority in China had become enfeebled The republican government under Duan Qirui continued nominally to function in Beijing but it exercised little real power It was split between rival factions the most prominent being the Anhui the Fengtien and the Chihli groups named after the regions from which they came Although they styled themselves parties none of them represented a clearly defined principle and they were barely distinguishable from each other They were no more than cliques bidding for power While the forms of central government remained intact it was evident that the republic was beginning to fragment The weakness of the republican government was most evident in its difficulty in maintaining an army strong and loyal enough to impose central authority on the provinces It became impossible to sustain civilian government in these areas As a direct consequence the local regions fell under the domination of what were in effect a series of private armies whose commanders in chief assumed civil as well as military authority The power of the sword predominated Within their own provinces the military commanders or warlords became autocrats who administered their own legal financial and taxation systems and invariably became a terror to the local people The
The Living World
Why did China decline into warlordism after Yuan Shikai s death On Yuan Shikai s death a confused period of infighting among Beijing army commanders followed from which General Duan Qirui Tuan Chi jui emerged as premier Although his authority was very limited since central rule was breaking down in China he attempted to crush his opponents by force This resulted in violent clashes on the streets of Beijing Hoping to exploit the disturbed atmosphere General Zhang Xun Chang Hsun marched on the capital in June 1917 with the aim of restoring the Qing dynasty Zhang s efforts ended in confusion and failure and Duan Qirui retained office as premier The weakness of the republic The disorder and vying for power at the top that followed Yuan s death in 1916 clearly illustrated that central authority in China had become enfeebled The republican government under Duan Qirui continued nominally to function in Beijing but it exercised little real power It was split between rival factions the most prominent being the Anhui the Fengtien and the Chihli groups named after the regions from which they came Although they styled themselves parties none of them represented a clearly defined principle and they were barely distinguishable from each other They were no more than cliques bidding for power While the forms of central government remained intact it was evident that the republic was beginning to fragment The weakness of the republican government was most evident in its difficulty in maintaining an army strong and loyal enough to impose central authority on the provinces It became impossible to sustain civilian government in these areas As a direct consequence the local regions fell under the domination of what were in effect a series of private armies whose commanders in chief assumed civil as well as military authority The power of the sword predominated Within their own provinces the military commanders or warlords became autocrats who administered their own legal financial and taxation systems and invariably became a terror to the local people The
1 g L is equal to 0 001 g mL O 1000 mg L O 100 ng mL O 1000 ng L Question 6 1 point 0 1 mg L is equal to O 100 ng L O 0 001 g L O 100 g L
The Living World
1 g L is equal to 0 001 g mL O 1000 mg L O 100 ng mL O 1000 ng L Question 6 1 point 0 1 mg L is equal to O 100 ng L O 0 001 g L O 100 g L
How many microliters of the PCR buffer do you need to add to the PCR reaction No need to add the microliters unit to your answer just the number PCR Components H O PCR Buffer MgCl2 dNTPs Forward primer Reverse primer DNA template Tag DNA pol Total volume Concentration of the stock sample 20X 75 mM 20 mM 5 M 5 M 0 01 ng L 1 U L Target concentration in reaction tube 1X 1 5 mM 0 2 mM 0 2 M 0 2 M 0 1 ng 50 L 5 U 50 L Volume per reaction 50 L
Biotechnology: Principles and Processes
How many microliters of the PCR buffer do you need to add to the PCR reaction No need to add the microliters unit to your answer just the number PCR Components H O PCR Buffer MgCl2 dNTPs Forward primer Reverse primer DNA template Tag DNA pol Total volume Concentration of the stock sample 20X 75 mM 20 mM 5 M 5 M 0 01 ng L 1 U L Target concentration in reaction tube 1X 1 5 mM 0 2 mM 0 2 M 0 2 M 0 1 ng 50 L 5 U 50 L Volume per reaction 50 L
2 Why do we need to maintain lower speed during centrifugation of cell lysate 3 Describe differential centrifugation 4 Draw the structure of SDH 5 Describe separation of nuclei and mitochondria from plant tissue NDU
2 Why do we need to maintain lower speed during centrifugation of cell lysate 3 Describe differential centrifugation 4 Draw the structure of SDH 5 Describe separation of nuclei and mitochondria from plant tissue NDU
1 What is the purpose of using Ammonium Sulfate Precipitation in protein isolation and how does it work 2 Why is it necessary to perform further purification steps after ammonium sulfate precipitation in protein isolation 3 How does ion exchange chromatography contribute to the purification of proteins from spinach leaves and what property of proteins does it exploit 4 Explain the role of NaCl in ion exchange chromatography and how it helps to elute proteins from the column 5 What analytical technique is used to determine protein concentration during ion exchange chromatography and why is this important in the process
Biotechnology: Principles and Processes
1 What is the purpose of using Ammonium Sulfate Precipitation in protein isolation and how does it work 2 Why is it necessary to perform further purification steps after ammonium sulfate precipitation in protein isolation 3 How does ion exchange chromatography contribute to the purification of proteins from spinach leaves and what property of proteins does it exploit 4 Explain the role of NaCl in ion exchange chromatography and how it helps to elute proteins from the column 5 What analytical technique is used to determine protein concentration during ion exchange chromatography and why is this important in the process
1 What are the key principles behind SDS PAGE Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis and how does it aid in protein analysis during the isolation process 2 Can you explain the significance of Western blot analysis in protein research and how complements other protein purification techniques 3 In ion exchange chromatography how do you determine the optimal concentration of NaCl required to elute proteins with high affinity for the column 4 Are there specific challenges or considerations when isolating proteins from plant tissues like spinach leaves compared to other sources 5 What are some potential applications or downstream experiments that researchers might conduct after successfully isolating and purifying a specific protein from spinach leaves
1 What are the key principles behind SDS PAGE Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis and how does it aid in protein analysis during the isolation process 2 Can you explain the significance of Western blot analysis in protein research and how complements other protein purification techniques 3 In ion exchange chromatography how do you determine the optimal concentration of NaCl required to elute proteins with high affinity for the column 4 Are there specific challenges or considerations when isolating proteins from plant tissues like spinach leaves compared to other sources 5 What are some potential applications or downstream experiments that researchers might conduct after successfully isolating and purifying a specific protein from spinach leaves
lon exchange column We will be using Q Sepharose fast flow columns to perform ion exchange chromatography to further purify RuBisCo from other proteins The resin in the column consists of tiny spherical beads of cross linked 6 agarose with bound dextran having a positive charge known as an anionic exchanger thus allowing negatively charged proteins to adhere to the beads in the column Applying our samples through the columns will enable us to separate proteins based on their affinities for the positively charged column resin There is approximately 5 mL of Q Sepharose packed into the column
lon exchange column We will be using Q Sepharose fast flow columns to perform ion exchange chromatography to further purify RuBisCo from other proteins The resin in the column consists of tiny spherical beads of cross linked 6 agarose with bound dextran having a positive charge known as an anionic exchanger thus allowing negatively charged proteins to adhere to the beads in the column Applying our samples through the columns will enable us to separate proteins based on their affinities for the positively charged column resin There is approximately 5 mL of Q Sepharose packed into the column
4 Write a balanced chemical equation for the esterification of hexanol with acetic acid
4 Write a balanced chemical equation for the esterification of hexanol with acetic acid
Isolation of Proteins From Spinach Leaves There are thousands of enzymes that have been characterized in the past century Enzymes are the proteins within cells that catalyze most of the reactions necessary for cellular viability In order to study enzymes scientists must first isolate them from other cellular components Thus the techniques employed for the purification of proteins from cells are essential and broadly applicable to protein enzyme research There are numerous methods to isolate proteins One method known as Ammonium Sulfate Precipitation precipitates proteins out of solution by adding ammonium sulfate The incremental addition of ammonium sulfate changes the solubility of proteins in solution Since ammonium sulfate has a higher affinity for water than most proteins do water tends to interact with the salt instead of the proteins This results in less interactions of proteins with water as salt is added to a protein solution In a high enough salt concentration the salt ions will interact with and displace all of the water molecules interacting with the proteins When the protein is no longer participating in hydrogen bonding with water it then precipitates This precipitate can then be collected as a pellet following centrifugation of the sample The resulting pellet theoretically contains all of the precipitated protein in the cell However this pellet usually contains more than one protein In most cases further purification steps are needed in order to completely purify the protein you wish to study In addition to ammonium sulfate precipitation you will also perform an ion exchange chromatography SDS PAGE and Western blot analysis After proteins are separated by solubility in the ammonium sulfate precipitation ion exchange chromatography will further separate the proteins based upon their net negative charge Proteins that are negatively charged will adhere to the positively charged beads that make up the resin of the ion exchange column Figure 1 The proteins disassociate from the beads in the presence of NaCl as the chloride anion displaces the proteins interactions with the beads Lower NaCl wil disassociate weakly bound proteins from the column whereas high NaCl is required to disassocial proteins that have a high affinity for the column During ion exchange chromatography the elue is collected as fractions and assayed for protein concentration by determining the absorbance 280 nm The fractions with high protein concentration are retained
Isolation of Proteins From Spinach Leaves There are thousands of enzymes that have been characterized in the past century Enzymes are the proteins within cells that catalyze most of the reactions necessary for cellular viability In order to study enzymes scientists must first isolate them from other cellular components Thus the techniques employed for the purification of proteins from cells are essential and broadly applicable to protein enzyme research There are numerous methods to isolate proteins One method known as Ammonium Sulfate Precipitation precipitates proteins out of solution by adding ammonium sulfate The incremental addition of ammonium sulfate changes the solubility of proteins in solution Since ammonium sulfate has a higher affinity for water than most proteins do water tends to interact with the salt instead of the proteins This results in less interactions of proteins with water as salt is added to a protein solution In a high enough salt concentration the salt ions will interact with and displace all of the water molecules interacting with the proteins When the protein is no longer participating in hydrogen bonding with water it then precipitates This precipitate can then be collected as a pellet following centrifugation of the sample The resulting pellet theoretically contains all of the precipitated protein in the cell However this pellet usually contains more than one protein In most cases further purification steps are needed in order to completely purify the protein you wish to study In addition to ammonium sulfate precipitation you will also perform an ion exchange chromatography SDS PAGE and Western blot analysis After proteins are separated by solubility in the ammonium sulfate precipitation ion exchange chromatography will further separate the proteins based upon their net negative charge Proteins that are negatively charged will adhere to the positively charged beads that make up the resin of the ion exchange column Figure 1 The proteins disassociate from the beads in the presence of NaCl as the chloride anion displaces the proteins interactions with the beads Lower NaCl wil disassociate weakly bound proteins from the column whereas high NaCl is required to disassocial proteins that have a high affinity for the column During ion exchange chromatography the elue is collected as fractions and assayed for protein concentration by determining the absorbance 280 nm The fractions with high protein concentration are retained
1 skt skittles Drosophila melanogaster nemo nmo The accession numbers of the reference sequence RefSeq is NM 057858 4 for the mRNA and NP 477206 1 for the protein a Add 20 nucleotides of complementary sequence to the following forward and reverse primers you do not have to take care of the reading frame at this step extra nucleotides necessary to ensure optimal restriction activity are underlined whereas restriction enzyme recognition sites are shown in bold Forward primer 5 TGTGTATGGGCCC Reverse primer 5 ATTTATGGG CCGC b What will be the theoretical length of the expected PCR product to be amplified using your section primers Be as accurate as possible when describing the expected length i e specify the exact number of nucleotides to be contained in the PCR amplicon
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
1 skt skittles Drosophila melanogaster nemo nmo The accession numbers of the reference sequence RefSeq is NM 057858 4 for the mRNA and NP 477206 1 for the protein a Add 20 nucleotides of complementary sequence to the following forward and reverse primers you do not have to take care of the reading frame at this step extra nucleotides necessary to ensure optimal restriction activity are underlined whereas restriction enzyme recognition sites are shown in bold Forward primer 5 TGTGTATGGGCCC Reverse primer 5 ATTTATGGG CCGC b What will be the theoretical length of the expected PCR product to be amplified using your section primers Be as accurate as possible when describing the expected length i e specify the exact number of nucleotides to be contained in the PCR amplicon
How many microliters of the Brilliant Blue R solution do you need to add to the 20 g mL dilution tube No need to add the microliters unit to your answer just the number Components Brilliant Blue R sol at 5 g L L Water L Final volume L 15 g mL 20 g mL 25 g mL 30 g mL Dilution Dilution Dilution Dilution 1000 1000 1000 1000 35 g mL Dilution 1000
Biotechnology & its Applications
How many microliters of the Brilliant Blue R solution do you need to add to the 20 g mL dilution tube No need to add the microliters unit to your answer just the number Components Brilliant Blue R sol at 5 g L L Water L Final volume L 15 g mL 20 g mL 25 g mL 30 g mL Dilution Dilution Dilution Dilution 1000 1000 1000 1000 35 g mL Dilution 1000
100 ng L is equal to 0 1 g mL 100 mg L 0 0001 g mL 100 mg mL Question 4 1 point 10 g mL is equal to 10 ng L 0 1 g L 10 g L 1000 mg L Saved
100 ng L is equal to 0 1 g mL 100 mg L 0 0001 g mL 100 mg mL Question 4 1 point 10 g mL is equal to 10 ng L 0 1 g L 10 g L 1000 mg L Saved
In your own words tell a me a lil in on nature
The Living World
In your own words tell a me a lil in on nature
5 What was the greatest threat facing Civil war soldie
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
5 What was the greatest threat facing Civil war soldie
25 Looking at the diagram which vehicles are required to stop for the school bus on a multiple lane road B A E DD
25 Looking at the diagram which vehicles are required to stop for the school bus on a multiple lane road B A E DD
Question 24 of 25 24 When you are facing a green light and there are pedestrians in the intersection You must yield the right of way to pedestrians
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Question 24 of 25 24 When you are facing a green light and there are pedestrians in the intersection You must yield the right of way to pedestrians
who Uses a false ID to purchase cigarettes
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
who Uses a false ID to purchase cigarettes
3 Capillary action happens when A B Gravity is stronger than adhesion Adhesion to the wall is stronger than the cohesive forces between the molecules The surface tension breaks and gravity takes over
The Living World
3 Capillary action happens when A B Gravity is stronger than adhesion Adhesion to the wall is stronger than the cohesive forces between the molecules The surface tension breaks and gravity takes over
Question 7 of 25 7 While driving on a roadway with single broken white line markings You ithin
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Question 7 of 25 7 While driving on a roadway with single broken white line markings You ithin
Step 1 In your initial post respond to the following prompt Consider or imagine a time someone in your circle of friends and relatives posted a remark on social media or said something to you in person that you felt was culturally insensitive Alternately consider a time when a celebrity you admire said something you felt was culturally insensitive If Assuming you choose to address this how should you communicate with this person about what they said or posted What are the advantages and disadvantages of addressing this the way you choose to Is it possible for the original communication from the other person to be undone Also why is it important to be culturally aware and sensitive Even though you are recounting a personal experience you will want to tie that back to the material you have read in Chapter 1 Step 2 Read other students posts and respond to at least two other students Incorporate personal experience if appropriate to help support or debate other students posts If differences of opinion occur debate the issues and provide examples to support opinions The use of outside resources your textbook or other academic source is required Be sure to cite any outside sources in current APA format Due Date Online Class Initial posts must be submitted by due date Subsequent replies are due by the end of the week see Course Policies and Procedures or your Instructor for details Ground Class All post must be submitted by the due date
The Living World
Step 1 In your initial post respond to the following prompt Consider or imagine a time someone in your circle of friends and relatives posted a remark on social media or said something to you in person that you felt was culturally insensitive Alternately consider a time when a celebrity you admire said something you felt was culturally insensitive If Assuming you choose to address this how should you communicate with this person about what they said or posted What are the advantages and disadvantages of addressing this the way you choose to Is it possible for the original communication from the other person to be undone Also why is it important to be culturally aware and sensitive Even though you are recounting a personal experience you will want to tie that back to the material you have read in Chapter 1 Step 2 Read other students posts and respond to at least two other students Incorporate personal experience if appropriate to help support or debate other students posts If differences of opinion occur debate the issues and provide examples to support opinions The use of outside resources your textbook or other academic source is required Be sure to cite any outside sources in current APA format Due Date Online Class Initial posts must be submitted by due date Subsequent replies are due by the end of the week see Course Policies and Procedures or your Instructor for details Ground Class All post must be submitted by the due date
Task I need you to do an outline for the Argumentative essay comparing these two poems The Three Kingston of Nature and INTIMATE ASSOCIATIONS THE THREE KINGDOMS OF NATURE While drinking all at once I saw Why nature s made of three realms Animals and people both drink and love Each according to its urges The dolphin and eagle the flea and the dog Experience affection and use their mouths So whatever can drink and love both Those in the first kingdom have their place Vegetation then makes up the second realm That falls far short of the higher one Leaves have no love but they can drink When the dripping clouds sink low The cedar drinks the clover drinks the grapevine and the aloe tree So whatever drinks but cannot love Those in the second kingdom all belong The kingdom of stones makes up the third Diamonds we have and also gravel Stones feel no thirst no tender urges a stone grows without rain or love Well then whatever can neither drink nor love those in the third kingdom have their place And human tell me if you have neither love nor wine what are you A stone GOTTHOLD LESSING 1753 adapted by Robert Bly from the translation of Alfred Baskerville 18 INTIMATE ASSOCIATIONS The natural world is a spiritual house where the pillars that are alive let slip at times some strangely garbled words Man walks there through forests of physical things that are also spiritual things that watch him with affectionate looks As the echoes of great bells coming from a long way off become entangled in a deep and profound association a merging as huge as night or as huge as clear light odors and colors and sounds all mean each other Perfumes exist that are cool as the flesh of infants fragile as oboes green as open fields and others exist also corrupt dense and triumphant having the suggestions of infinite things such as musk and amber myrrh and incense that describe the voyages of the body and soul CHARLES BAUDELAIRE 1856 translated by Robert Bly
The Living World
Task I need you to do an outline for the Argumentative essay comparing these two poems The Three Kingston of Nature and INTIMATE ASSOCIATIONS THE THREE KINGDOMS OF NATURE While drinking all at once I saw Why nature s made of three realms Animals and people both drink and love Each according to its urges The dolphin and eagle the flea and the dog Experience affection and use their mouths So whatever can drink and love both Those in the first kingdom have their place Vegetation then makes up the second realm That falls far short of the higher one Leaves have no love but they can drink When the dripping clouds sink low The cedar drinks the clover drinks the grapevine and the aloe tree So whatever drinks but cannot love Those in the second kingdom all belong The kingdom of stones makes up the third Diamonds we have and also gravel Stones feel no thirst no tender urges a stone grows without rain or love Well then whatever can neither drink nor love those in the third kingdom have their place And human tell me if you have neither love nor wine what are you A stone GOTTHOLD LESSING 1753 adapted by Robert Bly from the translation of Alfred Baskerville 18 INTIMATE ASSOCIATIONS The natural world is a spiritual house where the pillars that are alive let slip at times some strangely garbled words Man walks there through forests of physical things that are also spiritual things that watch him with affectionate looks As the echoes of great bells coming from a long way off become entangled in a deep and profound association a merging as huge as night or as huge as clear light odors and colors and sounds all mean each other Perfumes exist that are cool as the flesh of infants fragile as oboes green as open fields and others exist also corrupt dense and triumphant having the suggestions of infinite things such as musk and amber myrrh and incense that describe the voyages of the body and soul CHARLES BAUDELAIRE 1856 translated by Robert Bly
28 FeTroja is an antibiotic which was approved for use by the FDA in 2019 The antibiotic contains a siderophore attached to cephalosporin a beta lactam antibiotic What is the function of the siderophore a To perforate poke holes in the bacterial cell membrane allowing all of the iron to exit the bacterial cell b To inhibit cell wall synthesis leading to cell lysis c To bind iron allowing the antibiotic to gain entry through bacterial iron transporter mechanisms d To bind amino acids resulting in the eventual inhibition of protein synthesis 29 We have just isolated an organism that is closely related to Bordetella We are trying to determine if this new organism has the same growth factors as it s close relative Bordetella Which media type should we use to experimentally determine the growth factors for this organism a differential b selective c complex d synthetic 30 A glycerol channel is a transmembrane protein that moves glycerol across a membrane without the input of energy In this case glycerol must be moving a from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration b from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration c from the inside of the cell to the outside of the cell d from the inside of the cell to the periplasm 31 An chemotrophic organism that uses an inorganic compound such as NH3 or H S as an electron or energy source is an example of a Lithotrophy b Heterotrophy c Organotrophy d Oxygenic photosynthesis 32 Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium can be found in root nodules associated with plants These bacteria are involved in nitrogen fixation which means a The bacteria are stealing ammonia from the plants and converting it to nitrogen gas b The bacteria are converting atmospheric nitrogen gas to a form of nitrogen that can be utilized by the plants c The bacteria are producing nitrate from ammonia which is toxic to the plants d The bacteria are producing ammonia from nitrate 33 There are different ways that one might enumerate bacteria in a sample Which of the following identifies a method of enumeration that would be considered a direct counting method and could be completed quickly in less than a day a Microscope counts using a Petroff Hausser Counting chamber or hemocytometer b Measuring optical density using a spectrophotometer c Using a dilution series followed by the spread plate technique d Measuring increases in cellular proteins using a spectrophotometer
Biological Classification
28 FeTroja is an antibiotic which was approved for use by the FDA in 2019 The antibiotic contains a siderophore attached to cephalosporin a beta lactam antibiotic What is the function of the siderophore a To perforate poke holes in the bacterial cell membrane allowing all of the iron to exit the bacterial cell b To inhibit cell wall synthesis leading to cell lysis c To bind iron allowing the antibiotic to gain entry through bacterial iron transporter mechanisms d To bind amino acids resulting in the eventual inhibition of protein synthesis 29 We have just isolated an organism that is closely related to Bordetella We are trying to determine if this new organism has the same growth factors as it s close relative Bordetella Which media type should we use to experimentally determine the growth factors for this organism a differential b selective c complex d synthetic 30 A glycerol channel is a transmembrane protein that moves glycerol across a membrane without the input of energy In this case glycerol must be moving a from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration b from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration c from the inside of the cell to the outside of the cell d from the inside of the cell to the periplasm 31 An chemotrophic organism that uses an inorganic compound such as NH3 or H S as an electron or energy source is an example of a Lithotrophy b Heterotrophy c Organotrophy d Oxygenic photosynthesis 32 Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium can be found in root nodules associated with plants These bacteria are involved in nitrogen fixation which means a The bacteria are stealing ammonia from the plants and converting it to nitrogen gas b The bacteria are converting atmospheric nitrogen gas to a form of nitrogen that can be utilized by the plants c The bacteria are producing nitrate from ammonia which is toxic to the plants d The bacteria are producing ammonia from nitrate 33 There are different ways that one might enumerate bacteria in a sample Which of the following identifies a method of enumeration that would be considered a direct counting method and could be completed quickly in less than a day a Microscope counts using a Petroff Hausser Counting chamber or hemocytometer b Measuring optical density using a spectrophotometer c Using a dilution series followed by the spread plate technique d Measuring increases in cellular proteins using a spectrophotometer
6 Which of the following is NOT one of Koch s postulates a The microorganism must be present in every case of the disease b The microorganism must be isolated from the diseased host and grown in pure culture c The cellular concentration must be at least 1 0 x 104 cells ml of the microorganism present in the diseased host d The pure culture of the microorganism must cause the same disease when inoculated into a healthy susceptible host
The Living World
6 Which of the following is NOT one of Koch s postulates a The microorganism must be present in every case of the disease b The microorganism must be isolated from the diseased host and grown in pure culture c The cellular concentration must be at least 1 0 x 104 cells ml of the microorganism present in the diseased host d The pure culture of the microorganism must cause the same disease when inoculated into a healthy susceptible host
7 How did cyanobacteria contribute to changes in the early Earth environment a They generated CO that then accumulated in the atmosphere This carbon dioxide provided a necessary carbon source that drove the evolution of autotrophic organisms b They generated O that then accumulated in the atmosphere allowing for the evolution of organisms that could utilize oxygen for respiration c They generated N providing a nitrogen source that could then be used to build nucleic acids d They generated CH4 driving a global warming period that allowed temperatures to reach a level that could support eukaryotic life forms 8 The transition from the practice of varioliation to that of vaccination to protect individuals from smallpox was a milestone in the history of medicine How did the early smallpox vaccine administered by Edward Jenner differ from the earlier practice of varioliation a He boiled the pus obtained from smallpox patients a much more effective method to render the virus unable to cause disease b He administered the smallpox virus orally to patients instead of subcutaneously which proved to be less likely to cause disease c When he administered the vaccine containing smallpox he followed up with patients after 30 days to administer a booster vaccine containing another dose of smallpox d The vaccine which he used contained the cowpox virus which caused a much milder form of disease in humans but still protected them against smallpox 9 What was the first disease that Robert Koch was successfully able to attribute to a specific organism a Diverticulitis was caused by Clostridiides difficile b Peurperal fever was caused by Streptococcus pyogenes c Anthrax was caused by Bacillus anthracis d Influenza was caused by the influenza virus 10 Which of the following correctly defines the term metagenome a A genome that exceeds 10 million base pairs b It is the genome that is found within mitochondria c It is the sum of all of the genomes found within a microbial community d It is the theoretical genome of the first cellular organism that likely evolved around 3 6 billion years ago 11 Which of the following is FALSE regarding the phospholipid bilayer a Fatty acid chains generally contain an even number of carbons e g C8 C10 b The membrane has both hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties c The types of phospholipids incorporated in the cell membrane may change depending on the cell s environment d It is considered selectively permeable because negatively charged molecules can passively diffuse through the bilayer but positively charge molecules cannot passively diffuse through the
Ecology - General
7 How did cyanobacteria contribute to changes in the early Earth environment a They generated CO that then accumulated in the atmosphere This carbon dioxide provided a necessary carbon source that drove the evolution of autotrophic organisms b They generated O that then accumulated in the atmosphere allowing for the evolution of organisms that could utilize oxygen for respiration c They generated N providing a nitrogen source that could then be used to build nucleic acids d They generated CH4 driving a global warming period that allowed temperatures to reach a level that could support eukaryotic life forms 8 The transition from the practice of varioliation to that of vaccination to protect individuals from smallpox was a milestone in the history of medicine How did the early smallpox vaccine administered by Edward Jenner differ from the earlier practice of varioliation a He boiled the pus obtained from smallpox patients a much more effective method to render the virus unable to cause disease b He administered the smallpox virus orally to patients instead of subcutaneously which proved to be less likely to cause disease c When he administered the vaccine containing smallpox he followed up with patients after 30 days to administer a booster vaccine containing another dose of smallpox d The vaccine which he used contained the cowpox virus which caused a much milder form of disease in humans but still protected them against smallpox 9 What was the first disease that Robert Koch was successfully able to attribute to a specific organism a Diverticulitis was caused by Clostridiides difficile b Peurperal fever was caused by Streptococcus pyogenes c Anthrax was caused by Bacillus anthracis d Influenza was caused by the influenza virus 10 Which of the following correctly defines the term metagenome a A genome that exceeds 10 million base pairs b It is the genome that is found within mitochondria c It is the sum of all of the genomes found within a microbial community d It is the theoretical genome of the first cellular organism that likely evolved around 3 6 billion years ago 11 Which of the following is FALSE regarding the phospholipid bilayer a Fatty acid chains generally contain an even number of carbons e g C8 C10 b The membrane has both hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties c The types of phospholipids incorporated in the cell membrane may change depending on the cell s environment d It is considered selectively permeable because negatively charged molecules can passively diffuse through the bilayer but positively charge molecules cannot passively diffuse through the
12 Which of the following correctly illustrates how the glycan chains are connected within the peptidoglycan NAG A NAM HO Amino acids A DADADA DADADA DADADA D a Archaeal cell membranes b Gram positive bacterial cell membrane c Gram negative bacterial cell membrane d Mycobacterial cell wall B DADADA 040000 ooo80 ogoo ADADAD 13 The molecule pictured below could be found within the phospholipids of which type of membrane oooooooo 14 Which of the following is FALSE regarding lipopolysaccharides a They can act as a toxin b They function to anchor the outer membrane to the peptidoglycan c They are found in Gram negative bacteria but not in Gram positive bacteria d They include the following components Lipid A core polysaccharide and O antigen polysaccharide 15 Which of the following accurately describes the action of Vancomycin a It blocks the action of the transpeptidase which connects two peptide chains together thus inhibiting cell wall synthesis b It blocks the removal of the terminal D alanine on one of the peptide chains thus inhibiting cell wall synthesis c It works inside the cell by blocking the synthesis of the cell wall disaccharides thus inhibiting cell wall synthesis
Human Health and Diseases
12 Which of the following correctly illustrates how the glycan chains are connected within the peptidoglycan NAG A NAM HO Amino acids A DADADA DADADA DADADA D a Archaeal cell membranes b Gram positive bacterial cell membrane c Gram negative bacterial cell membrane d Mycobacterial cell wall B DADADA 040000 ooo80 ogoo ADADAD 13 The molecule pictured below could be found within the phospholipids of which type of membrane oooooooo 14 Which of the following is FALSE regarding lipopolysaccharides a They can act as a toxin b They function to anchor the outer membrane to the peptidoglycan c They are found in Gram negative bacteria but not in Gram positive bacteria d They include the following components Lipid A core polysaccharide and O antigen polysaccharide 15 Which of the following accurately describes the action of Vancomycin a It blocks the action of the transpeptidase which connects two peptide chains together thus inhibiting cell wall synthesis b It blocks the removal of the terminal D alanine on one of the peptide chains thus inhibiting cell wall synthesis c It works inside the cell by blocking the synthesis of the cell wall disaccharides thus inhibiting cell wall synthesis
16 Isoniazid works by preventing synthesis of mycolic acids Which patient below would benefit most from isoniazid a A patient with influenza caused by H1N1 influenza virus b A patient with strep throat caused by Streptococcus pyogenes c A patient with Lyme disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi d A patient with tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis 17 The periplasm a Describes the space in which the genomic DNA is concentrated b Describes the space between the inner and outer membrane of a Gram negative cell c Describes the space between the inner and outer membrane of a Gram positive cell d Both B and C 18 Which of the following accurately describes a difference between Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria a Gram positive bacteria have a thicker layer of peptidoglycan compared to Gram negative bacteria b Gram negative bacteria contain capsules and Gram positive bacteria do not contain capsules c Gram negative bacteria are motile and Gram positive bacteria are not motile d Gram negative bacteria contain carboxysomes and Gram positive bacteria do not contain carboxysomes 19 Pseudomonas aeruginosa possesses a multi drug efflux pump driven by ATP hydrolysis This pump enables it to maintain resistance to several types of antibiotics This efflux pump would be an example of what type of transport a Facilitated diffusion b Simple diffusion c Phosphotransferase system d ABC transport 20 Which of the following correctly describes the function of the bacterial cell wall a It is a semi permeable barrier that separates the inside of the cell from the outside of the cell b It is a protective structure that prevents destruction of the organism by phagocytic immune cells c It helps bacteria to adhere to surfaces d It is a protective structure that helps to maintain cell shape and helps it to counter the osmotic pressure that results from water flowing into the cell 21 Which of the following help in the process of photosynthesis as well as carbon dioxide fixation in some photosynthetic bacteria a Carboxysome and thylakoids b Carboxysome and gas vesicles c Thylakoids and magnetosomes granules randomly
Cell: The Unit of Life
16 Isoniazid works by preventing synthesis of mycolic acids Which patient below would benefit most from isoniazid a A patient with influenza caused by H1N1 influenza virus b A patient with strep throat caused by Streptococcus pyogenes c A patient with Lyme disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi d A patient with tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis 17 The periplasm a Describes the space in which the genomic DNA is concentrated b Describes the space between the inner and outer membrane of a Gram negative cell c Describes the space between the inner and outer membrane of a Gram positive cell d Both B and C 18 Which of the following accurately describes a difference between Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria a Gram positive bacteria have a thicker layer of peptidoglycan compared to Gram negative bacteria b Gram negative bacteria contain capsules and Gram positive bacteria do not contain capsules c Gram negative bacteria are motile and Gram positive bacteria are not motile d Gram negative bacteria contain carboxysomes and Gram positive bacteria do not contain carboxysomes 19 Pseudomonas aeruginosa possesses a multi drug efflux pump driven by ATP hydrolysis This pump enables it to maintain resistance to several types of antibiotics This efflux pump would be an example of what type of transport a Facilitated diffusion b Simple diffusion c Phosphotransferase system d ABC transport 20 Which of the following correctly describes the function of the bacterial cell wall a It is a semi permeable barrier that separates the inside of the cell from the outside of the cell b It is a protective structure that prevents destruction of the organism by phagocytic immune cells c It helps bacteria to adhere to surfaces d It is a protective structure that helps to maintain cell shape and helps it to counter the osmotic pressure that results from water flowing into the cell 21 Which of the following help in the process of photosynthesis as well as carbon dioxide fixation in some photosynthetic bacteria a Carboxysome and thylakoids b Carboxysome and gas vesicles c Thylakoids and magnetosomes granules randomly
22 Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the E coli phosphotransferase system PTS a The transmembrane protein complex through which the substrate moves into the cell is specific to the substrate being transported b The substrate is phosphorylated after it is moved across the cell membrane making it different from the external substrate thus ensuring the substrate always travels down its concentration gradient c The system is an example of an antiporter d The PTS system can be used to transport several different types of sugar 23 Which of the following statements regarding phospholipids of the bacterial cell membrane would be FALSE a They consist of a glycerol ether linked to three fatty acid chains b In a membrane bilayer the fatty acid tails face one another in the interior of the membrane resulting in a hydrophobic interior c The two layers of the bilayer are called leaflets d The head group attached to the phosphoryl group can include charged molecules 24 You are studying life forms in extreme environments and you have discovered a microorganism that contains cardiolipin hopanoids and ester linkages in the membrane It also has arabinans galactans and phenolic glycolipids in the cell wall This microorganism is most likely related to a Archaea b Gram positive bacterial c Gram negative bacteria d Mycobacteria 25 Bacillus subtilis can use glucose as both a carbon and energy source This would be an example of a chemoautotrophy b photoautotrophy oth c chemoheterotrophy d photoheterotrophy 26 A photosynthetic organism that uses light energy to extract electrons from H O would be considered a an a Photoheterotroph b Oxygenic phototroph c Anoxygenic phototrophing d Chemoorganotroph 27 During chemotaxis what determines if an organism is randomly tumbling about or running toward the chemical attractant a The direction of rotation of the flagella b The direction of rotation of the pili c The orientation of the organism in relation to the Earth s magnetic field d The presence or absence of a flagellum When the flagellum is absent the organism tumbles when it is present it runs
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
22 Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the E coli phosphotransferase system PTS a The transmembrane protein complex through which the substrate moves into the cell is specific to the substrate being transported b The substrate is phosphorylated after it is moved across the cell membrane making it different from the external substrate thus ensuring the substrate always travels down its concentration gradient c The system is an example of an antiporter d The PTS system can be used to transport several different types of sugar 23 Which of the following statements regarding phospholipids of the bacterial cell membrane would be FALSE a They consist of a glycerol ether linked to three fatty acid chains b In a membrane bilayer the fatty acid tails face one another in the interior of the membrane resulting in a hydrophobic interior c The two layers of the bilayer are called leaflets d The head group attached to the phosphoryl group can include charged molecules 24 You are studying life forms in extreme environments and you have discovered a microorganism that contains cardiolipin hopanoids and ester linkages in the membrane It also has arabinans galactans and phenolic glycolipids in the cell wall This microorganism is most likely related to a Archaea b Gram positive bacterial c Gram negative bacteria d Mycobacteria 25 Bacillus subtilis can use glucose as both a carbon and energy source This would be an example of a chemoautotrophy b photoautotrophy oth c chemoheterotrophy d photoheterotrophy 26 A photosynthetic organism that uses light energy to extract electrons from H O would be considered a an a Photoheterotroph b Oxygenic phototroph c Anoxygenic phototrophing d Chemoorganotroph 27 During chemotaxis what determines if an organism is randomly tumbling about or running toward the chemical attractant a The direction of rotation of the flagella b The direction of rotation of the pili c The orientation of the organism in relation to the Earth s magnetic field d The presence or absence of a flagellum When the flagellum is absent the organism tumbles when it is present it runs
34 Consider a culture medium on which only gram positive organisms can grow due to the presence of sodium azide and a yellow halo surrounds the growth of organisms that ferment lactose decreasing the pH as a result and changing the color of a pH indicator in the media What best describes this media a This media would be considered selective b This media would be considered differential c This media would be considered differential because of the addition of sodium azide and selective because of the presence of a pH indicator and the fermentable carbon source d This media would be considered selective because of the addition of sodium azide and differential because of the presence of a pH indicator and the fermentable carbon source 35 Abby was incubating her culture of Bacillus amyloticus at 20 C for 24 hours she then moved the culture to a different incubator which was set at 37 C and left the culture there for another 24 hours Which of the following changes might occur in the cell membrane in response to the temperature change a The organism will insert additional hopanes into the cell membrane b The organism will replace long chain fatty acid chains with short chain fatty acids chains c The organism will replace saturated fatty acid chains with unsaturated fatty acid chains cis double bond d The organism will replace cyclized fatty acid chains with unsaturated fatty acid chains cis double bond 36 The image below illustrates a cell membrane which contains a transporter protein There are two different molecules represented by a square and a circle both molecules carry a single positive charge Which of the following describes a system which the square molecule is moved against its concentration gradient using energy provided by the movement of the circle molecule in an active transport system Outside the cell Inside the cell DO a The square and the circle molecule would both move from the inside the cell to the outside of the cell b The square and the circle molecule would both move from the outside of the cell to the inside of the cell c The square moves from inside the cell to the outside of the cell coupled to the circle molecule moving from outside to inside The square moves from outside of the cell to the inside of the cell coupled to the circle
The Living World
34 Consider a culture medium on which only gram positive organisms can grow due to the presence of sodium azide and a yellow halo surrounds the growth of organisms that ferment lactose decreasing the pH as a result and changing the color of a pH indicator in the media What best describes this media a This media would be considered selective b This media would be considered differential c This media would be considered differential because of the addition of sodium azide and selective because of the presence of a pH indicator and the fermentable carbon source d This media would be considered selective because of the addition of sodium azide and differential because of the presence of a pH indicator and the fermentable carbon source 35 Abby was incubating her culture of Bacillus amyloticus at 20 C for 24 hours she then moved the culture to a different incubator which was set at 37 C and left the culture there for another 24 hours Which of the following changes might occur in the cell membrane in response to the temperature change a The organism will insert additional hopanes into the cell membrane b The organism will replace long chain fatty acid chains with short chain fatty acids chains c The organism will replace saturated fatty acid chains with unsaturated fatty acid chains cis double bond d The organism will replace cyclized fatty acid chains with unsaturated fatty acid chains cis double bond 36 The image below illustrates a cell membrane which contains a transporter protein There are two different molecules represented by a square and a circle both molecules carry a single positive charge Which of the following describes a system which the square molecule is moved against its concentration gradient using energy provided by the movement of the circle molecule in an active transport system Outside the cell Inside the cell DO a The square and the circle molecule would both move from the inside the cell to the outside of the cell b The square and the circle molecule would both move from the outside of the cell to the inside of the cell c The square moves from inside the cell to the outside of the cell coupled to the circle molecule moving from outside to inside The square moves from outside of the cell to the inside of the cell coupled to the circle
I need you to do an outline for the Argumentative essay comparing these two poems The Three Kingston of Nature and INTIMATE ASSOCIATIONS
The Living World
I need you to do an outline for the Argumentative essay comparing these two poems The Three Kingston of Nature and INTIMATE ASSOCIATIONS
Components and Structure Drag and drop the characteristics of macromolecules to their correct category Phospholipids Proteins Carbohydrates Proteins and Carbohydrates Categorize options by drag drop im Phospholipids and Proteins Involved in the transport of materials in or out of the cell Function as enzymes Amphiphilic Found only on the extracellular surface of the plasma membrane Forms a bilayer Involved in cell recognition Contains saturated or unsaturated fatty acids Component of glycoproteins and glycolipids The main component of the plasma membrane
Components and Structure Drag and drop the characteristics of macromolecules to their correct category Phospholipids Proteins Carbohydrates Proteins and Carbohydrates Categorize options by drag drop im Phospholipids and Proteins Involved in the transport of materials in or out of the cell Function as enzymes Amphiphilic Found only on the extracellular surface of the plasma membrane Forms a bilayer Involved in cell recognition Contains saturated or unsaturated fatty acids Component of glycoproteins and glycolipids The main component of the plasma membrane
A 1 Identify the structure labeled A 2 What layer of skin is the structure labeled A located in be specific 3 Name the tissue found in this layer
Human Physiology - General
A 1 Identify the structure labeled A 2 What layer of skin is the structure labeled A located in be specific 3 Name the tissue found in this layer
B 12 Identify the structure labeled A 13 Identify the structure labeled B
Ecology - Ecosystems
B 12 Identify the structure labeled A 13 Identify the structure labeled B
Consider the tripeptide CHS a Draw this molecule at physiological pH with the appropriate stereochemistry for a biologically derived molecule b Circle the peptide bond put a star next to the bond s whose angles are defined as psi and a check next to the bond s whose angles are defined as phi c Draw the resonance structure for the peptide bond that determines the importance of phi and psi in the overall conformation for a protein
Consider the tripeptide CHS a Draw this molecule at physiological pH with the appropriate stereochemistry for a biologically derived molecule b Circle the peptide bond put a star next to the bond s whose angles are defined as psi and a check next to the bond s whose angles are defined as phi c Draw the resonance structure for the peptide bond that determines the importance of phi and psi in the overall conformation for a protein
Match the objective to this paragraph Always work with at least two people present in the lab room never alone If one person gets hurt the other person can help or call for emergency assistance 33 Explain why the buddy system is used in laboratory environments 34 Explain why various flammable and combustible materials should be available in limited quantities in laboratories 35 Discuss the considerations that must be taken into account when measuring flammable materials and transferring them from one container to another 37 Explain the reasons for good housekeeping in the laboratory 38 Demonstrate good housekeeping by maintaining a clean and orderly workspace 39 Identify and demonstrate the appropriate use of PPE for a given laboratory activity 40 Identify and demonstrate the appropriate use of common laboratory safety equipment e g safety shower eyewash station fire blanket fire extinguisher 41 Describe and demonstrate methods to prevent spills including situations involving falling containers or when transferring and transporting chemicals 42 Describe and demonstrate the appropriate use of common laboratory devices for heating e g Bunsen burners hot plates alcohol burners candles heat guns laboratory ovens 44 Describe the precautions needed when using any electrical equipment including inspection of cords and connections grounding and switches
Ecology - Environmental Issues
Match the objective to this paragraph Always work with at least two people present in the lab room never alone If one person gets hurt the other person can help or call for emergency assistance 33 Explain why the buddy system is used in laboratory environments 34 Explain why various flammable and combustible materials should be available in limited quantities in laboratories 35 Discuss the considerations that must be taken into account when measuring flammable materials and transferring them from one container to another 37 Explain the reasons for good housekeeping in the laboratory 38 Demonstrate good housekeeping by maintaining a clean and orderly workspace 39 Identify and demonstrate the appropriate use of PPE for a given laboratory activity 40 Identify and demonstrate the appropriate use of common laboratory safety equipment e g safety shower eyewash station fire blanket fire extinguisher 41 Describe and demonstrate methods to prevent spills including situations involving falling containers or when transferring and transporting chemicals 42 Describe and demonstrate the appropriate use of common laboratory devices for heating e g Bunsen burners hot plates alcohol burners candles heat guns laboratory ovens 44 Describe the precautions needed when using any electrical equipment including inspection of cords and connections grounding and switches
In Week 4 we will focus on these ten Safety objectives Carefully read all the objectives in the list and select answer yes for this question Note the original objective numbers and headings are used to help students locate the objectives in the ACS Safety booklet if desired In the following questions match each objective to the paragraph summarizing the key information covered in that objective Each objective should match one paragraph Week 4 Objective List M General Concepts 33 Explain why the buddy system is used in laboratory environments 34 Explain why various flammable and combustible materials should be available in limited quantities in laboratories 35 Discuss the considerations that must be taken into account when measuring flammable materials and transferring them from one container to another 37 Explain the reasons for good housekeeping in the laboratory 38 Demonstrate good housekeeping by maintaining a clean and orderly workspace 39 Identify and demonstrate the appropriate use of PPE for a given laboratory activity 40 Identify and demonstrate the appropriate use of common laboratory safety equipment e g safety shower eyewash station fire blanket fire extinguisher 41 Describe and demonstrate methods to prevent spills including situations involving falling containers or when transferring and transporting chemicals 42 Describe and demonstrate the appropriate use of common laboratory devices for heating e g Bunsen burners hot plates alcohol burners candles heat guns laboratory ovens 44 Describe the precautions needed when using any electrical equipment including inspection of cords and connections grounding and switches Yes I have read all the Safety objectives for this week No I have not read the Safety objectives for this week
Ecology - Environmental Issues
In Week 4 we will focus on these ten Safety objectives Carefully read all the objectives in the list and select answer yes for this question Note the original objective numbers and headings are used to help students locate the objectives in the ACS Safety booklet if desired In the following questions match each objective to the paragraph summarizing the key information covered in that objective Each objective should match one paragraph Week 4 Objective List M General Concepts 33 Explain why the buddy system is used in laboratory environments 34 Explain why various flammable and combustible materials should be available in limited quantities in laboratories 35 Discuss the considerations that must be taken into account when measuring flammable materials and transferring them from one container to another 37 Explain the reasons for good housekeeping in the laboratory 38 Demonstrate good housekeeping by maintaining a clean and orderly workspace 39 Identify and demonstrate the appropriate use of PPE for a given laboratory activity 40 Identify and demonstrate the appropriate use of common laboratory safety equipment e g safety shower eyewash station fire blanket fire extinguisher 41 Describe and demonstrate methods to prevent spills including situations involving falling containers or when transferring and transporting chemicals 42 Describe and demonstrate the appropriate use of common laboratory devices for heating e g Bunsen burners hot plates alcohol burners candles heat guns laboratory ovens 44 Describe the precautions needed when using any electrical equipment including inspection of cords and connections grounding and switches Yes I have read all the Safety objectives for this week No I have not read the Safety objectives for this week
The DNA Gene Connection A I of the the I for a is a molecule that contains to code
Human Physiology - General
The DNA Gene Connection A I of the the I for a is a molecule that contains to code
Agriculture Aleppo Archaeology Artifact Carbon Dating Catalhoyuk clans Domestication Fossil Hominid Homo Sapiens Hunter gatherers Neolithic Era Nomads Paleolithic Era Prehistory Sedentary Settlement Stonehenge
The Living World
Agriculture Aleppo Archaeology Artifact Carbon Dating Catalhoyuk clans Domestication Fossil Hominid Homo Sapiens Hunter gatherers Neolithic Era Nomads Paleolithic Era Prehistory Sedentary Settlement Stonehenge
is an at the gene FIG and Ros Explain the phenomenon and the aberrant outcomes as it related to cancer 2 The Fig Ros gene fusion protein and gene schematic is shown Outline a deletion analysis experiment providing the corresponding data testing which sections 1 4 are responsible for inducing a transforming phenotype Protein Schematic Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Gene Schematic one allele
Human Health and Diseases
is an at the gene FIG and Ros Explain the phenomenon and the aberrant outcomes as it related to cancer 2 The Fig Ros gene fusion protein and gene schematic is shown Outline a deletion analysis experiment providing the corresponding data testing which sections 1 4 are responsible for inducing a transforming phenotype Protein Schematic Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Gene Schematic one allele
Draw three rungs levels of an alpha helix including the details of the peptide chain Indicate R groups with the letter R Indicate the atoms involved in the H bonding pattern precisely Name one amino acid that is commonly found in alpha helices and name another amino acid that disrupts alpha helices
Biotechnology & its Applications
Draw three rungs levels of an alpha helix including the details of the peptide chain Indicate R groups with the letter R Indicate the atoms involved in the H bonding pattern precisely Name one amino acid that is commonly found in alpha helices and name another amino acid that disrupts alpha helices
Phospholipids form the main fabric of the plasma membrane One feature of phospholipids is that when they are placed in an aqueous solution they will self assemble into a double layer bilayer that resembles the bilayer of the plasma membrane This self assembly occurs because phospholipids are hydrophilic at one end the phospholipid head and hydrophobic at the other end the phospholipid tails 1 Drag the labels to their appropriate locations in the figure First drag labels to targets a and b to indicate whether these environments are hydrophilic or hydrophobic 2 Next drag the phospholipid layers to targets c and d to indicate how they are oriented in the plasma membrane 3 Finally drag labels to targets e f and g to indicate which portions of the membrane protein are hydrophilic and which are hydrophobic hydrophobic hydrophilic extracellular fluid plasma membrane cytoplasm Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 membrane protein Group 1 Group 1 Group 1
Phospholipids form the main fabric of the plasma membrane One feature of phospholipids is that when they are placed in an aqueous solution they will self assemble into a double layer bilayer that resembles the bilayer of the plasma membrane This self assembly occurs because phospholipids are hydrophilic at one end the phospholipid head and hydrophobic at the other end the phospholipid tails 1 Drag the labels to their appropriate locations in the figure First drag labels to targets a and b to indicate whether these environments are hydrophilic or hydrophobic 2 Next drag the phospholipid layers to targets c and d to indicate how they are oriented in the plasma membrane 3 Finally drag labels to targets e f and g to indicate which portions of the membrane protein are hydrophilic and which are hydrophobic hydrophobic hydrophilic extracellular fluid plasma membrane cytoplasm Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 membrane protein Group 1 Group 1 Group 1
6 How do you recover acetanilide from its ethyl acetate solution after separation of the mixture of Benzoic acid and Acetanilide by liquid liquid extraction 1 points
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
6 How do you recover acetanilide from its ethyl acetate solution after separation of the mixture of Benzoic acid and Acetanilide by liquid liquid extraction 1 points
2 Calculate the volume of 1 5 M KOH solution that would be required to completely extract the Benzoic acid from a mixture containing 2 44 g of Benzoic acid and 2 040g of acetanilide 2 points MW KOH 56 g mol Benzoic Acid 122 g mol important Use the weight of the acid and not the total weight
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
2 Calculate the volume of 1 5 M KOH solution that would be required to completely extract the Benzoic acid from a mixture containing 2 44 g of Benzoic acid and 2 040g of acetanilide 2 points MW KOH 56 g mol Benzoic Acid 122 g mol important Use the weight of the acid and not the total weight
Where in a globular protein the following alpha helix would reside S Y H R K S N C D G E C O in the interior O protruding out from the surface alpha helices are always in the active site of an enzyme O lying on the surface
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Where in a globular protein the following alpha helix would reside S Y H R K S N C D G E C O in the interior O protruding out from the surface alpha helices are always in the active site of an enzyme O lying on the surface
interstate Which of the following is important to do A Come to a full stop before entering the interstate Adjust your speed to the flow of traffic already
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
interstate Which of the following is important to do A Come to a full stop before entering the interstate Adjust your speed to the flow of traffic already
What is the objective of studying story elements between texts O It helps readers relate the similarities and differences of plot setting and theme O It helps readers know the author O It helps readers analyze only the denouement O None of the choices
Biotechnology & its Applications
What is the objective of studying story elements between texts O It helps readers relate the similarities and differences of plot setting and theme O It helps readers know the author O It helps readers analyze only the denouement O None of the choices
10 Primary structure Below is a polynucleotide is this DNA or RNA Why
10 Primary structure Below is a polynucleotide is this DNA or RNA Why
through a singularly dreary tract of country and at length found myself as the shades of the evening drew on within view of the melancholy House of Usher Text 2 Rip Van Winkle by Diedrich Knickerbocker Whoever has made a voyage up the Hudson must remember the Kaatskill Mountains They are a dismembered branch of the great Appalachian family and are seen away to the west of the river swelling up to noble height and lording it over the surrounding country Every change of season every change of weather indeed every hour of the day produces some change in the magical hues and shapes of these mountains How does the setting of text 1 differ from text 2 O Text 1 is set in autumn in the countryside but text 2 is set in the mountains O Text 1 is set at dusk but text 2 is set on a dry mountain O Text 1 is set in the House of Usher but text 2 is set in an Appalachian family Que 1 5 9
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
through a singularly dreary tract of country and at length found myself as the shades of the evening drew on within view of the melancholy House of Usher Text 2 Rip Van Winkle by Diedrich Knickerbocker Whoever has made a voyage up the Hudson must remember the Kaatskill Mountains They are a dismembered branch of the great Appalachian family and are seen away to the west of the river swelling up to noble height and lording it over the surrounding country Every change of season every change of weather indeed every hour of the day produces some change in the magical hues and shapes of these mountains How does the setting of text 1 differ from text 2 O Text 1 is set in autumn in the countryside but text 2 is set in the mountains O Text 1 is set at dusk but text 2 is set on a dry mountain O Text 1 is set in the House of Usher but text 2 is set in an Appalachian family Que 1 5 9
8 Drawn below is part of the tertiary structure of a protein showing the positions of two amino acids aspartic acid and lysine Replacing lysine with another amino acid in the protein may change the shape and function of the protein Replacing lysine with which type s of amino acid s would lead to the least amount of change in the tertiary structure of this protein Interactions that determine the tertiary structure of proteins CH Hydrogen bond be chain and puppe donde www Pomp 04 1 Die bond
Biotechnology: Principles and Processes
8 Drawn below is part of the tertiary structure of a protein showing the positions of two amino acids aspartic acid and lysine Replacing lysine with another amino acid in the protein may change the shape and function of the protein Replacing lysine with which type s of amino acid s would lead to the least amount of change in the tertiary structure of this protein Interactions that determine the tertiary structure of proteins CH Hydrogen bond be chain and puppe donde www Pomp 04 1 Die bond
5 Define or describe the 4 levels of protein structure What type of bonds are responsible for stabilizing these levels
5 Define or describe the 4 levels of protein structure What type of bonds are responsible for stabilizing these levels