Anatomy of Flowering Plants Questions and Answers

Which of the following should NOT result in transformation of R cells into S cells Purified S cell DNA that has been treated with protease and then combined with live R cells Heat killed S cell extract that has been treated with protease and then combined with R cells Purified S cell DNA combined with heat killed R cells Heat killed S cell extract combined with R cells
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Which of the following should NOT result in transformation of R cells into S cells Purified S cell DNA that has been treated with protease and then combined with live R cells Heat killed S cell extract that has been treated with protease and then combined with R cells Purified S cell DNA combined with heat killed R cells Heat killed S cell extract combined with R cells
In the Act of 1912 Congress for the first time empowered a federal agency to investigate and deter acts of unfair competition Federal Protective Service Federal Emergency Management Federal Trade Commission Enforcem ant Training
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
In the Act of 1912 Congress for the first time empowered a federal agency to investigate and deter acts of unfair competition Federal Protective Service Federal Emergency Management Federal Trade Commission Enforcem ant Training
Forum non conveniens is a judicial doctrine that tries to determine the proper forum when the courts of two different nation states can claim jurisdiction True False
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Forum non conveniens is a judicial doctrine that tries to determine the proper forum when the courts of two different nation states can claim jurisdiction True False
The GATT agreement acts as a hindrance to the free flow of commerce from one nation state to another True False
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
The GATT agreement acts as a hindrance to the free flow of commerce from one nation state to another True False
Points 2 What is the main criticism of affirmative action programs Question 9 Reverse discrimination O Quotas Rewarding underachievers O The lack of Due Process
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Points 2 What is the main criticism of affirmative action programs Question 9 Reverse discrimination O Quotas Rewarding underachievers O The lack of Due Process
Question 6 Points 1 What was the importance of the Brown v Board of Education ruling by the Supreme Court O The decision ruled racial segregation unconstitutional O The decision ended discrimination O The decision established the separate but equal doctrine O The decision ended segregation
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Question 6 Points 1 What was the importance of the Brown v Board of Education ruling by the Supreme Court O The decision ruled racial segregation unconstitutional O The decision ended discrimination O The decision established the separate but equal doctrine O The decision ended segregation
Points 1 What was the type of law that required separate facilities for whites and African Americans O Segregation law O Law of Separation Separate but equal law O Separate but unequal law
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Points 1 What was the type of law that required separate facilities for whites and African Americans O Segregation law O Law of Separation Separate but equal law O Separate but unequal law
What was the major effect of the Supreme Court s decision on Brown v Board of Education Struck down segregation Struck down early civil rights laws Struck down the separate but equal doctrine Struck down busing 9
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
What was the major effect of the Supreme Court s decision on Brown v Board of Education Struck down segregation Struck down early civil rights laws Struck down the separate but equal doctrine Struck down busing 9
The chromosome shown in this electron micrograph is One double stranded DNA Two identical copies of double stranded DNA OTwo single stranded DNA molecules OTwo homologous double stranded DNA chromosomes
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
The chromosome shown in this electron micrograph is One double stranded DNA Two identical copies of double stranded DNA OTwo single stranded DNA molecules OTwo homologous double stranded DNA chromosomes
How is the signal transmitted from the axon terminal to the muscle fibe electrical impulse neurotransmitter sodium
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
How is the signal transmitted from the axon terminal to the muscle fibe electrical impulse neurotransmitter sodium
Answer the following Why is it necessary that the U S have an Equal Pay Act
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Answer the following Why is it necessary that the U S have an Equal Pay Act
A specific genetic trait is selected against What will be the likely impact on an individual possessing this trait Select one Increased chance of survival O b Decreased chance of survival OC Od Nothing traits are only selected for The gene will be excised using nucleases
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
A specific genetic trait is selected against What will be the likely impact on an individual possessing this trait Select one Increased chance of survival O b Decreased chance of survival OC Od Nothing traits are only selected for The gene will be excised using nucleases
Variation necessary for natural selection comes in part from Select one a differential survival O b heritability OC mutation O d environmental pressures
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Variation necessary for natural selection comes in part from Select one a differential survival O b heritability OC mutation O d environmental pressures
cytoplasm chloroplast central vacuole cell wall Question 4 1 point Listen LL and in a photosynthetic plant cell bacteria in the yogurt
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
cytoplasm chloroplast central vacuole cell wall Question 4 1 point Listen LL and in a photosynthetic plant cell bacteria in the yogurt
What is an example of a keystone species in the ocean Oorca Killer whale O sea urchin O kelp clownfish All keystone species are apex predators O True False
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
What is an example of a keystone species in the ocean Oorca Killer whale O sea urchin O kelp clownfish All keystone species are apex predators O True False
If a control trial standard conditions were not included in this experiment what would you not be able to do O a Determine the weight of the final cheese product O b Determine how altering the standard experimental conditions affects the production of cheese O c See the curds separate from the whey O d Remove all the liquid from the cheese curds
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
If a control trial standard conditions were not included in this experiment what would you not be able to do O a Determine the weight of the final cheese product O b Determine how altering the standard experimental conditions affects the production of cheese O c See the curds separate from the whey O d Remove all the liquid from the cheese curds
When you should stop the timing to determine the curdling time a When you begin microwaving the curds b When you see clear curds chunks have formed in the milk as they have separated from the whey c As soon as you begin heating the milk d As soon as you add the milk to the metal container
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
When you should stop the timing to determine the curdling time a When you begin microwaving the curds b When you see clear curds chunks have formed in the milk as they have separated from the whey c As soon as you begin heating the milk d As soon as you add the milk to the metal container
Drag and drop the correct word to complete the concept 1 DNA forms a complex with histone proteins to form 2 Monomers known as 3 The process of DNA dictating the mRNA structure is a process termed as nucleotides translation that In eukaryotic cells but not in prokaryotes make up DNA and RNA which combine with each other to form a polynucleotide chromatin transcription FIB with drag drop and the process of the RNA dictating the structure of the protein is termed as
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Drag and drop the correct word to complete the concept 1 DNA forms a complex with histone proteins to form 2 Monomers known as 3 The process of DNA dictating the mRNA structure is a process termed as nucleotides translation that In eukaryotic cells but not in prokaryotes make up DNA and RNA which combine with each other to form a polynucleotide chromatin transcription FIB with drag drop and the process of the RNA dictating the structure of the protein is termed as
15 Previewing O A scan for specific details or information OB pick up clues about written material O C review text for the central ideas OD summarize an article s main concepts
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
15 Previewing O A scan for specific details or information OB pick up clues about written material O C review text for the central ideas OD summarize an article s main concepts
Over which of the following time periods of the lunge feeding event did the gape angle both increase and decrease A 0 6 sec B 8 12 sec C 12 14 sec D 14 18 sec E
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Over which of the following time periods of the lunge feeding event did the gape angle both increase and decrease A 0 6 sec B 8 12 sec C 12 14 sec D 14 18 sec E
The Due Process Amendment is the 6th Amendment O 6th O 3rd Amendment O 5th Amendment O 1st Amendment
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
The Due Process Amendment is the 6th Amendment O 6th O 3rd Amendment O 5th Amendment O 1st Amendment
PRODUCER FOOD CHAIN LA PRIMARY CONSUMER SECONDARY CONSUMER TERTIARY CONSUMER 11 How does this snake obtain nutrients from corn OA By living in the cornfield OB By eating the corn directly O C By eating the grasshopper
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
PRODUCER FOOD CHAIN LA PRIMARY CONSUMER SECONDARY CONSUMER TERTIARY CONSUMER 11 How does this snake obtain nutrients from corn OA By living in the cornfield OB By eating the corn directly O C By eating the grasshopper
Choose the correct answer President Abraham Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus in 1861 and the Supreme Court upheld the suspension of the writ based on a clear and present danger O upheld the suspension of the writ based on presidential war powers declared the suspension of the writ unconstitutional O refused to hear the case therefore upholding the suspension of the writ Complete Later Complete
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Choose the correct answer President Abraham Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus in 1861 and the Supreme Court upheld the suspension of the writ based on a clear and present danger O upheld the suspension of the writ based on presidential war powers declared the suspension of the writ unconstitutional O refused to hear the case therefore upholding the suspension of the writ Complete Later Complete
12 An example of healthy technology use is O A cleaning your cell phone after you use it O B texting only with family and friends O C not using a cell phone while driving OD switching ears while talking on your phone
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
12 An example of healthy technology use is O A cleaning your cell phone after you use it O B texting only with family and friends O C not using a cell phone while driving OD switching ears while talking on your phone
3 Digital eye strain happens because your eyes O A must squint to read the screen O B dry out OC are bad and need glasses O D follow and repeat the same path
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
3 Digital eye strain happens because your eyes O A must squint to read the screen O B dry out OC are bad and need glasses O D follow and repeat the same path
Choose the correct answer The best way to describe the fundamental meaning of due process is the government must act fairly the government must abide by the law even if the law is unfair the government may act unfairly while trying to enforce fair laws the government must provide a defendant with a fair trial
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Choose the correct answer The best way to describe the fundamental meaning of due process is the government must act fairly the government must abide by the law even if the law is unfair the government may act unfairly while trying to enforce fair laws the government must provide a defendant with a fair trial
Blending inheritance is often described as a real error in Darwin s arguments What was the problem with blending inheritance a It argued that all genes were mutated into a new blend in each generation b It argued that any new trait would be diminished in the next generation by blending into the more common traits c It demonstrated that children were an even mix of both parents and were blended when in fact they generally look more like o parent d He argued for the uneven crossing over of segments of DNA during meiosis which he called blended genetics
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Blending inheritance is often described as a real error in Darwin s arguments What was the problem with blending inheritance a It argued that all genes were mutated into a new blend in each generation b It argued that any new trait would be diminished in the next generation by blending into the more common traits c It demonstrated that children were an even mix of both parents and were blended when in fact they generally look more like o parent d He argued for the uneven crossing over of segments of DNA during meiosis which he called blended genetics
Darwin got a unique experience traveling on the HMS Beagle What item on this list was NOT a conclusion he was able to draw about what he saw O a He realized that continental drift explained some of the limitations on where species lived O b He noticed that small isolated populations e g on islands appeared to be different from the mainland groups O c He noticed that specific difference among island populations were often realated to the environmental differences between them Od He noticed that some groups were very restricted to one place e g marsupials in Australia but that this could not be explained by climate O e He observed that natural processes like earthquakes could explain the existence of fossils in locations where the specie could not have existed
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Darwin got a unique experience traveling on the HMS Beagle What item on this list was NOT a conclusion he was able to draw about what he saw O a He realized that continental drift explained some of the limitations on where species lived O b He noticed that small isolated populations e g on islands appeared to be different from the mainland groups O c He noticed that specific difference among island populations were often realated to the environmental differences between them Od He noticed that some groups were very restricted to one place e g marsupials in Australia but that this could not be explained by climate O e He observed that natural processes like earthquakes could explain the existence of fossils in locations where the specie could not have existed
7 8 In DNA 9 The sequence of of an organism 10 During S phase of interphase the process of of an organism s genetic information which is passed on to a new cell 11 The double coiled shape of DNA is called a 12 Complete the complementary strand of eand brit at jedW guanine G cytosine C and thymine T are the four in DNA always forms hydrogen bonds with guanine G on the DNA strand carries the genetic information A C Zonsuper Besd ari GHAD Sone COUN DNA produces a new copy dob pannoo ANC to ons de estil seoqqua sinemolqmoo er lo sonsupee
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
7 8 In DNA 9 The sequence of of an organism 10 During S phase of interphase the process of of an organism s genetic information which is passed on to a new cell 11 The double coiled shape of DNA is called a 12 Complete the complementary strand of eand brit at jedW guanine G cytosine C and thymine T are the four in DNA always forms hydrogen bonds with guanine G on the DNA strand carries the genetic information A C Zonsuper Besd ari GHAD Sone COUN DNA produces a new copy dob pannoo ANC to ons de estil seoqqua sinemolqmoo er lo sonsupee
In a population of 100 birds we have genotypes RR Rr and rr RR red Rr white rr white The frequency of the r allele is 0 9 How many birds are white and how many are read O a Red 0 01 white 0 81 O b Red 0 19 white 0 81 O C Red 1 white 99 O d Red 1 white 81
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
In a population of 100 birds we have genotypes RR Rr and rr RR red Rr white rr white The frequency of the r allele is 0 9 How many birds are white and how many are read O a Red 0 01 white 0 81 O b Red 0 19 white 0 81 O C Red 1 white 99 O d Red 1 white 81
The genetic code translating nucleotides into amino acids is excellent evidence of what you may select more than one answer a A single common origin of DNA based life b The extremely strong selection against mutation in the code O c Convergence on a common code for translation Od There is only one possible code that could have evolved so all organisms had to adapt to that code e a few organisms do have some variation which suggests it is not evidence for evolution
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
The genetic code translating nucleotides into amino acids is excellent evidence of what you may select more than one answer a A single common origin of DNA based life b The extremely strong selection against mutation in the code O c Convergence on a common code for translation Od There is only one possible code that could have evolved so all organisms had to adapt to that code e a few organisms do have some variation which suggests it is not evidence for evolution
This lab focused on the connection between abiotic physical components that affect biotic biological systems worldwide How do the following abiotic components contribute to ocean acidification Choose the correct order The arrows should be read as leads to O High CO in atmosphere high CO in seawater low pH of seawater O High CO in atmosphere high CO in seawater high pH of seawater O Low CO in atmosphere high CO in seawater low pH of seawater O Low pH of seawater high CO in seawater high CO in atmosphere Submit Request Answer
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
This lab focused on the connection between abiotic physical components that affect biotic biological systems worldwide How do the following abiotic components contribute to ocean acidification Choose the correct order The arrows should be read as leads to O High CO in atmosphere high CO in seawater low pH of seawater O High CO in atmosphere high CO in seawater high pH of seawater O Low CO in atmosphere high CO in seawater low pH of seawater O Low pH of seawater high CO in seawater high CO in atmosphere Submit Request Answer
polarity adhesion cohesion transpiration Question 11 1 point Listen es to stick together is referred to as will not attempt to use notes books internet c
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
polarity adhesion cohesion transpiration Question 11 1 point Listen es to stick together is referred to as will not attempt to use notes books internet c
ture of evaporation is much higher for water than for alcohol Without knowing more about the chemistry of alcohol Alcohol molecules are more cohesive than water molecules This means that as alcohol molecules evaporate lonic bonds form between alcohol molecules These are the weakest type of bond and are easier to break than the hydrogen bonds between water molecules Fewer hydrogen bonds form between alcohol molecules As a result less heat is needed for alcohol molecules to break away from solution and enter the air Alcohol has a higher surface tension than water This means that alcohol molecules can easily break away from other alcohol molecules and evaporate at a lower temperature Question 8 1 point
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
ture of evaporation is much higher for water than for alcohol Without knowing more about the chemistry of alcohol Alcohol molecules are more cohesive than water molecules This means that as alcohol molecules evaporate lonic bonds form between alcohol molecules These are the weakest type of bond and are easier to break than the hydrogen bonds between water molecules Fewer hydrogen bonds form between alcohol molecules As a result less heat is needed for alcohol molecules to break away from solution and enter the air Alcohol has a higher surface tension than water This means that alcohol molecules can easily break away from other alcohol molecules and evaporate at a lower temperature Question 8 1 point
between molecules The hydrogen bonds shown in this Hydrogen bond 000 For T two atoms with the same charge an oxygen and a hydrogen atom of different water molecules an oxygen and a hydrogen atom of the same water molecule two hydrogen atoms
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
between molecules The hydrogen bonds shown in this Hydrogen bond 000 For T two atoms with the same charge an oxygen and a hydrogen atom of different water molecules an oxygen and a hydrogen atom of the same water molecule two hydrogen atoms
A solution with a pH of 7 is strongly acidic weakly acidic neutral weakly basic Question 6 1 point
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
A solution with a pH of 7 is strongly acidic weakly acidic neutral weakly basic Question 6 1 point
5 What did Rosa Bonheur often depict in her paintings O A Animals in natural settings OB Waterscapes O C Cityscapes OD Portraits of people
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
5 What did Rosa Bonheur often depict in her paintings O A Animals in natural settings OB Waterscapes O C Cityscapes OD Portraits of people
1 Oscar Howe s work is unique because OA it creates stereotypes about Indigenous art OB it challenges the stereotypes of Indigenous art C it has an upbeat rhythm OD it depicts Indigenous lifestyles
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
1 Oscar Howe s work is unique because OA it creates stereotypes about Indigenous art OB it challenges the stereotypes of Indigenous art C it has an upbeat rhythm OD it depicts Indigenous lifestyles
Time left 0 55 A population of bacteria is found to have resistance to an antibiotic Which of the following statements explains how this developed a Some bacteria realized that they required resistance to survive and selected for this trait O b The antibiotic caused immediate mutations in the bacteria that allowed them to live O c Some bacteria had naturally occurring genetics mutation that allowed them to survive in an environment containing the antibiotic Od The bacteria created mutations because they knew they needed to develop resistance otherwise all of the bacteria would die
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Time left 0 55 A population of bacteria is found to have resistance to an antibiotic Which of the following statements explains how this developed a Some bacteria realized that they required resistance to survive and selected for this trait O b The antibiotic caused immediate mutations in the bacteria that allowed them to live O c Some bacteria had naturally occurring genetics mutation that allowed them to survive in an environment containing the antibiotic Od The bacteria created mutations because they knew they needed to develop resistance otherwise all of the bacteria would die
9 4 1 1 2 Describe how the functions of individual organ systems are integrated to maintain homeostasis in an organism 18 Fill in the chart below Body System Endocrine Respiratory Integumentary Lymphatic Function Eliminates liquid waste Transport oxygen carbon dioxide glucose throughout the body Converts food into simpler molecules elimination of solid waste Organs Thyroid Pancreas Ovaries Testes Pituitary Hypothalamus Nose Trachea Bronchi How it Maintains Homeostasis Transport Transport Energy Protection Transport and Protection
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
9 4 1 1 2 Describe how the functions of individual organ systems are integrated to maintain homeostasis in an organism 18 Fill in the chart below Body System Endocrine Respiratory Integumentary Lymphatic Function Eliminates liquid waste Transport oxygen carbon dioxide glucose throughout the body Converts food into simpler molecules elimination of solid waste Organs Thyroid Pancreas Ovaries Testes Pituitary Hypothalamus Nose Trachea Bronchi How it Maintains Homeostasis Transport Transport Energy Protection Transport and Protection
1 Which of the following was not a result of the political statement made during the 1968 Olympic Games The athletes set the stage for politics being accepted in the Olympics The athletes were ordered to leave Mexico The athletes were suspended from the American Olympic team The athletes were removed from the Olympics
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
1 Which of the following was not a result of the political statement made during the 1968 Olympic Games The athletes set the stage for politics being accepted in the Olympics The athletes were ordered to leave Mexico The athletes were suspended from the American Olympic team The athletes were removed from the Olympics
17 Typical fears in children include the fear of OA failure B heights C jumping OD the dark
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
17 Typical fears in children include the fear of OA failure B heights C jumping OD the dark
13 The brain is fully developed OA in the fetus OB at birth C in the newborn OD at the onset of adulthood
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
13 The brain is fully developed OA in the fetus OB at birth C in the newborn OD at the onset of adulthood
4 What is a war of attrition O fighting a war by digging trenches and underground tunnels O fighting a war by disguising soldiers to sneak up on the enemy Owinning a war when the enemy surrenders O fighting a war through frequent attacks and bombings
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
4 What is a war of attrition O fighting a war by digging trenches and underground tunnels O fighting a war by disguising soldiers to sneak up on the enemy Owinning a war when the enemy surrenders O fighting a war through frequent attacks and bombings
10 Greek frescos were often used to decorate OA private spaces such as royal palaces OB the homes of wealthy senators and officials O C alleys and street corners OD public spaces such as temples and government buildings
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
10 Greek frescos were often used to decorate OA private spaces such as royal palaces OB the homes of wealthy senators and officials O C alleys and street corners OD public spaces such as temples and government buildings
In reversible terminator sequencing how would the sequencing process be affected if the 3 end blocking group of each nucleotide were replaced with the 3 H present in the dideoxynucleotides used in Sanger sequencing O The presence of the 3 H would prevent the detection of the added nucleotide because a laser would not be able to excite the fluorescent label O The presence of the 3 H would increase the read length allowing longer stretches of DNA to be sequenced The presence of the 3 H would prevent the addition of any subsequent nucleotides so the sequence for each cluster would end after the first nucleotide addition O The presence of the 3 H would have no effect on sequencing because its function is identical to that of the 3 end blocking group
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
In reversible terminator sequencing how would the sequencing process be affected if the 3 end blocking group of each nucleotide were replaced with the 3 H present in the dideoxynucleotides used in Sanger sequencing O The presence of the 3 H would prevent the detection of the added nucleotide because a laser would not be able to excite the fluorescent label O The presence of the 3 H would increase the read length allowing longer stretches of DNA to be sequenced The presence of the 3 H would prevent the addition of any subsequent nucleotides so the sequence for each cluster would end after the first nucleotide addition O The presence of the 3 H would have no effect on sequencing because its function is identical to that of the 3 end blocking group
4 Still Life with Bottle Carafe Bread and Wine was painted by Claude Monet in 1863 Based on the subject matter and playful use of light and shadow with mosaic like brush strokes what artistic style did Monet use O A Pottery OB Impressionism
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
4 Still Life with Bottle Carafe Bread and Wine was painted by Claude Monet in 1863 Based on the subject matter and playful use of light and shadow with mosaic like brush strokes what artistic style did Monet use O A Pottery OB Impressionism
14 Some cells involved in the process of reproduction are represented in the diagram below 2 The process of meiosis formed Trell only 2 cells 1 and 2 well 3 only 4 cells and 3 2 mitotic cell division
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
14 Some cells involved in the process of reproduction are represented in the diagram below 2 The process of meiosis formed Trell only 2 cells 1 and 2 well 3 only 4 cells and 3 2 mitotic cell division
10 This diagram can be used to show a process of making new body cells for repair of tissue 2 making new sex cells a 3 meiosis some 4 sexual reproduction
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
10 This diagram can be used to show a process of making new body cells for repair of tissue 2 making new sex cells a 3 meiosis some 4 sexual reproduction
Atomic Structure Practice The atomic number represents The atomic weight the number of protons How many electrons can each valence shell energ b Second Complete the information below for each element The 1 1 1 lon
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Atomic Structure Practice The atomic number represents The atomic weight the number of protons How many electrons can each valence shell energ b Second Complete the information below for each element The 1 1 1 lon