Anatomy of Flowering Plants Questions and Answers

detects if the bacteria is able to produce the cytochrome oxidase enzyme involved in oxidative phosphorylation detects if the bacteria is able to produce the cytochrome oxidase enzyme involved in fermentation detects if the bacteria is able to oxidate various different substrates detects if the bacteria is able to produce the carbohydrate oxidase involved in sugar digestion Question 6 1 point Saved Listen If an organism has the enzyme CASEASE we would expect that casein in the milk agar would be degraded and the plate will appear clear instead of white True
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
detects if the bacteria is able to produce the cytochrome oxidase enzyme involved in oxidative phosphorylation detects if the bacteria is able to produce the cytochrome oxidase enzyme involved in fermentation detects if the bacteria is able to oxidate various different substrates detects if the bacteria is able to produce the carbohydrate oxidase involved in sugar digestion Question 6 1 point Saved Listen If an organism has the enzyme CASEASE we would expect that casein in the milk agar would be degraded and the plate will appear clear instead of white True
True False agar is useful in determining the presence of CATALASE an exoenzyme Question 9 1 point Saved Listen Casein is a milk protein that is comprised of
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
True False agar is useful in determining the presence of CATALASE an exoenzyme Question 9 1 point Saved Listen Casein is a milk protein that is comprised of
What must be added to starch agar plates before observing O a Gram s lodine Ob tryptic soy broth c Safranin d Crystal Vinlet
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
What must be added to starch agar plates before observing O a Gram s lodine Ob tryptic soy broth c Safranin d Crystal Vinlet
16 The R group of an amino acid determines if it is A polar or nonpolar B an acid or a base C charged or uncharged D hyrophilic or hydrophobic E All of the above
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
16 The R group of an amino acid determines if it is A polar or nonpolar B an acid or a base C charged or uncharged D hyrophilic or hydrophobic E All of the above
4 Which statement about cellulose is false A It is the most abundant polysaccharide in nature B The hydroxyl groups of neighboring cellulose molecules interact to form strong insoluble fibers C It is a branched polymer of glucose D Its monomers are joined by glycosidic bonds E It is present in the stems of flowering plants nagonbyr nerv DECOS 4
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
4 Which statement about cellulose is false A It is the most abundant polysaccharide in nature B The hydroxyl groups of neighboring cellulose molecules interact to form strong insoluble fibers C It is a branched polymer of glucose D Its monomers are joined by glycosidic bonds E It is present in the stems of flowering plants nagonbyr nerv DECOS 4
Question Completion Status QUESTION 5 unas How many photons of light are used by photosys
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Question Completion Status QUESTION 5 unas How many photons of light are used by photosys
4 d D A nucleotide of DNA is ma Solart
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
4 d D A nucleotide of DNA is ma Solart
Consider the following reaction What is the conjugate base of CH3COOH O H O CH3COOH H O CH3COOHH3O CH3COO OCH COO
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Consider the following reaction What is the conjugate base of CH3COOH O H O CH3COOH H O CH3COOHH3O CH3COO OCH COO
Which statement best describes how buffers perform their function O They contain water which causes compounds to dissociate O They contain substances that can react with either added acid or base O They have hydronium ions which lower the pH O They have hydroxide ions which raise the pH
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Which statement best describes how buffers perform their function O They contain water which causes compounds to dissociate O They contain substances that can react with either added acid or base O They have hydronium ions which lower the pH O They have hydroxide ions which raise the pH
Be sure to list items that the chart asks for and a picture of the description you choose for a weather picture be creative in searching Use the list from the M7L1 lesson to help and there is a link at the bottom of the lesson page for more information Outdoor Activity Safety Gear Location Activity Gear Current Weather Have you taken part in this activity Do you plan on Items Picture
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Be sure to list items that the chart asks for and a picture of the description you choose for a weather picture be creative in searching Use the list from the M7L1 lesson to help and there is a link at the bottom of the lesson page for more information Outdoor Activity Safety Gear Location Activity Gear Current Weather Have you taken part in this activity Do you plan on Items Picture
In the dialysis tubing experiment glucose and starch solutions were put inside the tubing and then the tubing was placed in a large test tube filled with a solution of water and iodine IKI What substance s could not travel through the pores of the dialysis tubing starch only starch and glucose IKI and glucose starch and IKI
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
In the dialysis tubing experiment glucose and starch solutions were put inside the tubing and then the tubing was placed in a large test tube filled with a solution of water and iodine IKI What substance s could not travel through the pores of the dialysis tubing starch only starch and glucose IKI and glucose starch and IKI
A cell is having trouble carrying out essential functions because it cannot direct vesicles to the right places This has many potential causes Pick TWO organelles or cell structures you think could be defective Explain your answers Edit View Insert Format Tools Table
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
A cell is having trouble carrying out essential functions because it cannot direct vesicles to the right places This has many potential causes Pick TWO organelles or cell structures you think could be defective Explain your answers Edit View Insert Format Tools Table
Question 3 of 40 How would the data collected in Study 1 differ if the student used 15 0 grams of potassium chloride O The final temperature for the potassium chloride solution cannot be predicted based on the information given O The final temperature for the potassium chloride solution would be 25 0 C O The final temperature for the potassium chloride solution would be less than 25 0 C O The final temperature for the potassium chloride solution would be greater than 25 0 C Next Reset
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Question 3 of 40 How would the data collected in Study 1 differ if the student used 15 0 grams of potassium chloride O The final temperature for the potassium chloride solution cannot be predicted based on the information given O The final temperature for the potassium chloride solution would be 25 0 C O The final temperature for the potassium chloride solution would be less than 25 0 C O The final temperature for the potassium chloride solution would be greater than 25 0 C Next Reset
Most pathogenic fungi exhibit dimorphism and exist as Molds at room temperature and yeasts at body temperature Yeasts at room temperature and molds at body temperature Bacteria at room temperature and yeasts at body temperature Molds at room temperature and bacteria at body temperature Pacifists at room temperature and war mongers at body temperat
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Most pathogenic fungi exhibit dimorphism and exist as Molds at room temperature and yeasts at body temperature Yeasts at room temperature and molds at body temperature Bacteria at room temperature and yeasts at body temperature Molds at room temperature and bacteria at body temperature Pacifists at room temperature and war mongers at body temperat
John weighs 242 pounds and has a body mass index of 28 5 John is considered O normal weight O overweight O obese O Not enough information is provided
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
John weighs 242 pounds and has a body mass index of 28 5 John is considered O normal weight O overweight O obese O Not enough information is provided
ACTIVITY 8 Fruit and seed anatomy Student dissection or demonstration The fate of the parts of the flower can differ among angiosperms Floral parts typically become part of the seed and or the fruit 1 Obtain a germinated bean and use p 145 of the atlas as a guide The pod that housed the bean is the fruit of the bean plant The bean is the seed of the plant 2 The papery outer red covering of the bean is the seed coat which developed from the integuments of the ovule 3 The white structure on the internal region of the bean is the hilum the site where the seed was attached to the inner walls of the pod 4 Draw and label the exterior of the bean in the space provided 5 Remove the seed coat to expose the pale underlying structure cotyledon Gently pry open the bean How many cotyledons does a bean have 6 Once the bean is opened the embryonic sporophyte is revealed It consists of a leaf like structure called the embryonic shoot referred to as the plumule in the atlas and the embryonic root radicle that projects from the base In the germinated bean the radicle is the tail like structure protruding from the bean Draw and label the interior of the bean in the space provided 7
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
ACTIVITY 8 Fruit and seed anatomy Student dissection or demonstration The fate of the parts of the flower can differ among angiosperms Floral parts typically become part of the seed and or the fruit 1 Obtain a germinated bean and use p 145 of the atlas as a guide The pod that housed the bean is the fruit of the bean plant The bean is the seed of the plant 2 The papery outer red covering of the bean is the seed coat which developed from the integuments of the ovule 3 The white structure on the internal region of the bean is the hilum the site where the seed was attached to the inner walls of the pod 4 Draw and label the exterior of the bean in the space provided 5 Remove the seed coat to expose the pale underlying structure cotyledon Gently pry open the bean How many cotyledons does a bean have 6 Once the bean is opened the embryonic sporophyte is revealed It consists of a leaf like structure called the embryonic shoot referred to as the plumule in the atlas and the embryonic root radicle that projects from the base In the germinated bean the radicle is the tail like structure protruding from the bean Draw and label the interior of the bean in the space provided 7
Question 83 What type of animal is on the official seal of the United States O Pelican O Eagle O Lion Points 1 O Reptile
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Question 83 What type of animal is on the official seal of the United States O Pelican O Eagle O Lion Points 1 O Reptile
The leads the executive branch of each state O president O vice president O governor O secretary of state
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
The leads the executive branch of each state O president O vice president O governor O secretary of state
Answer the following question about the ethnic composition of the United States Use the following pie graphs to determine your answers Multiracial 2 4 Native American 0 9 Asian American 3 6 African American 12 3 Hispanic Origin 12 5 2000 White non Hispanic 69 1 Hispanic Origin 24 3 Ethnic Composition of the United States Native American 2050 O White non Hispanic White non Hispanic 52 8 O African American Native American 1 1 The only ethnic group predicted to decrease in percentage is Asian American 9 3 African American 14 7
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Answer the following question about the ethnic composition of the United States Use the following pie graphs to determine your answers Multiracial 2 4 Native American 0 9 Asian American 3 6 African American 12 3 Hispanic Origin 12 5 2000 White non Hispanic 69 1 Hispanic Origin 24 3 Ethnic Composition of the United States Native American 2050 O White non Hispanic White non Hispanic 52 8 O African American Native American 1 1 The only ethnic group predicted to decrease in percentage is Asian American 9 3 African American 14 7
10 This organelle is composed of a phospholipid bilayer with hydrophilic heads hydrophobic tails is selectively permeable is a fluid mosaic of phospholipids and proteins
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
10 This organelle is composed of a phospholipid bilayer with hydrophilic heads hydrophobic tails is selectively permeable is a fluid mosaic of phospholipids and proteins
3 This organelle may be found attached to endoplasmic reticulum ER may also be free in the cytoplasm is the site of protein synthesis 4 This organelle can synthesize lipids EX steroids is involved in detox of alcohol and drugs
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
3 This organelle may be found attached to endoplasmic reticulum ER may also be free in the cytoplasm is the site of protein synthesis 4 This organelle can synthesize lipids EX steroids is involved in detox of alcohol and drugs
How does the Due Process Clause in the 14th Amendment affect the Bill of Rights It allows the states to make laws contrary to the Bill of Rights It mandates that due process is given to anyone charged with a federal crime It prohibits the states from making any laws that deny the basic rights It provides the basic rights to citizens as well as aliens
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
How does the Due Process Clause in the 14th Amendment affect the Bill of Rights It allows the states to make laws contrary to the Bill of Rights It mandates that due process is given to anyone charged with a federal crime It prohibits the states from making any laws that deny the basic rights It provides the basic rights to citizens as well as aliens
Established guidelines for each state to have their own Supreme Courts O Established federal appeals courts Added two more justices to the bench Established military tribunals
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Established guidelines for each state to have their own Supreme Courts O Established federal appeals courts Added two more justices to the bench Established military tribunals
What are the common forms of government in the contemporary world monarchy dictatorship and democracy capitalism feudalism socialism communism aristocracy Republic O anarchy theocracy parliamentary
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
What are the common forms of government in the contemporary world monarchy dictatorship and democracy capitalism feudalism socialism communism aristocracy Republic O anarchy theocracy parliamentary
Choose the correct answer The government s total outstanding indebtedness is called it s O balance O public debt O total balance O surplus
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Choose the correct answer The government s total outstanding indebtedness is called it s O balance O public debt O total balance O surplus
The person who uses a good or a service is known as a O producer O consumer O supplier O manufacturers
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
The person who uses a good or a service is known as a O producer O consumer O supplier O manufacturers
How does the U S Treasury borrow money to pay off the national debt OIt goes to banks It goes to the Federal Reserve It simply prints more money It issues various securities to investors
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
How does the U S Treasury borrow money to pay off the national debt OIt goes to banks It goes to the Federal Reserve It simply prints more money It issues various securities to investors
Question 57 Points 1 The President s Cabinet members are the chief executives in each of their departments What other important duty must they perform Advise the President Serve as a line of succession to the Speaker of the House Serve as the party leadership Vote on a possible declaration of war Complete Later Complete 2 2
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Question 57 Points 1 The President s Cabinet members are the chief executives in each of their departments What other important duty must they perform Advise the President Serve as a line of succession to the Speaker of the House Serve as the party leadership Vote on a possible declaration of war Complete Later Complete 2 2
Although the president is the commander in chief he or she cannot formally declare war When was the last time that Congress did so The Vietnam War O The Korean War World War II O The Iraq War
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Although the president is the commander in chief he or she cannot formally declare war When was the last time that Congress did so The Vietnam War O The Korean War World War II O The Iraq War
The first session of Congress was held in the year O 1781 O 1789 O 1889 O 1776
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
The first session of Congress was held in the year O 1781 O 1789 O 1889 O 1776
The Presidential Election is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November every four years on the Thursday after the first Monday in November every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in January every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in December
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
The Presidential Election is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November every four years on the Thursday after the first Monday in November every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in January every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in December
The election in 1800 was significant because Othere was only one party in the race O it was the first democratic vote since Independence it ended in a tie and had to be decided by Congress O it had the first independent party candidate
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
The election in 1800 was significant because Othere was only one party in the race O it was the first democratic vote since Independence it ended in a tie and had to be decided by Congress O it had the first independent party candidate
tion 6 ich of the following ar photosynthesis
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
tion 6 ich of the following ar photosynthesis
This generic reaction A B A B is known as a oxidation hydrolysis synthesis redox reaction
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
This generic reaction A B A B is known as a oxidation hydrolysis synthesis redox reaction
A toxin destroys all of the mitochondria in a cell How will the cell continue to make ATP substrate level phosphorylation redox reactions chemiosmosis oxidative phosphorylation
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
A toxin destroys all of the mitochondria in a cell How will the cell continue to make ATP substrate level phosphorylation redox reactions chemiosmosis oxidative phosphorylation
Ground HASUS A 3 Alr space Bundle sheath The area labeled A in the bundle above is made up of tissue
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Ground HASUS A 3 Alr space Bundle sheath The area labeled A in the bundle above is made up of tissue
The diagram above is a cross section of a
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
The diagram above is a cross section of a
Question 49 1 point Mein stoma The leaf layer labeled B is the guard coll RP c
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Question 49 1 point Mein stoma The leaf layer labeled B is the guard coll RP c
What cell type is indicated by A F E C 8 A O cortex O pericycle Opith O endodermis 4
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
What cell type is indicated by A F E C 8 A O cortex O pericycle Opith O endodermis 4
In the term survival of the fittest the fittest generally refers to O O Those individuals that are the smartest Those individuals that are the strongest O Those individuals that leave the most fertile offspring Those individuals that are the most successful at acquiring energy and nutrient
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
In the term survival of the fittest the fittest generally refers to O O Those individuals that are the smartest Those individuals that are the strongest O Those individuals that leave the most fertile offspring Those individuals that are the most successful at acquiring energy and nutrient
The image below shows a plant that is Seed producting Heterosporous D Flower producing
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
The image below shows a plant that is Seed producting Heterosporous D Flower producing
Question pine tree spruce cypress redwoods The four groups of plants shown above are examples of which division of plants
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Question pine tree spruce cypress redwoods The four groups of plants shown above are examples of which division of plants
In the flowering plants the seed is a fertilized
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
In the flowering plants the seed is a fertilized
Liten Which of the following must occur for a plant or animal to grow and develop normally Sufficient light must be available to stimulate cell division Sufficient oxygen must be available to stimulate cell division The organism must be able to control the timing and rate of cell division in different parts of its body The organism must receive a supply of the appropriate hormones from its parents
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Liten Which of the following must occur for a plant or animal to grow and develop normally Sufficient light must be available to stimulate cell division Sufficient oxygen must be available to stimulate cell division The organism must be able to control the timing and rate of cell division in different parts of its body The organism must receive a supply of the appropriate hormones from its parents
The fungus like protists known as Physarum belongs to the phylum
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
The fungus like protists known as Physarum belongs to the phylum
ell cytokinesis owing features likely accounts for the difference between plant and Animal cells lack chloroplasts Plant cells have two sets of chromosomes animal cells have one set of chromosomes Plant cells have cell walls Animal cells lack the microfilaments required for forming a cleavage furrow A Question 10 1 point Retake question Listen Which of the following must our for
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
ell cytokinesis owing features likely accounts for the difference between plant and Animal cells lack chloroplasts Plant cells have two sets of chromosomes animal cells have one set of chromosomes Plant cells have cell walls Animal cells lack the microfilaments required for forming a cleavage furrow A Question 10 1 point Retake question Listen Which of the following must our for
Which of the following is NOT one of the differences between monocot and dicot leaves O location of stomata presence of bundle sheath cells around vascular bundles O pattern of leaf venation O presence of guard cells
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Which of the following is NOT one of the differences between monocot and dicot leaves O location of stomata presence of bundle sheath cells around vascular bundles O pattern of leaf venation O presence of guard cells
The petiole is part of which of the following plant organs leaf O O flower O root stem
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
The petiole is part of which of the following plant organs leaf O O flower O root stem
trait 2 trail 1 trait 4 Irait 5 trait 3 root What is the common ancestor of Species A B C
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
trait 2 trail 1 trait 4 Irait 5 trait 3 root What is the common ancestor of Species A B C
estion 8 ot yet nswered Marked out of 00 Flag question DK The image on the left is a mitochondrion and the
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
estion 8 ot yet nswered Marked out of 00 Flag question DK The image on the left is a mitochondrion and the