Biological Classification Questions and Answers

Generally the effect of Genetic Drift is to OA increase O B decrease O C maintain O D diversify genetic diversity
Biological Classification
Generally the effect of Genetic Drift is to OA increase O B decrease O C maintain O D diversify genetic diversity
If you develop an oral or vaginal yeast infection then you are being infected by OA virus O A basiodiomycetous fungus O An ascomycetous fungus OA microsporidium
Biological Classification
If you develop an oral or vaginal yeast infection then you are being infected by OA virus O A basiodiomycetous fungus O An ascomycetous fungus OA microsporidium
What property of fungal hyphae allow them to puncture through plant and animal cells O Lipopolysaccharides O Peptidoglycan Chitin Mineralization
Biological Classification
What property of fungal hyphae allow them to puncture through plant and animal cells O Lipopolysaccharides O Peptidoglycan Chitin Mineralization
6 Interpret A boat is looking for a safe passage from the beach at the top north end of the map t open ocean at the bottom south end of the map On the maps you have made in the previous question use a marker to trace a continuous route that is at least 4 meters deep the whole way In the space below write the latitude and longitude of five points along this route 1 2 3 4
Biological Classification
6 Interpret A boat is looking for a safe passage from the beach at the top north end of the map t open ocean at the bottom south end of the map On the maps you have made in the previous question use a marker to trace a continuous route that is at least 4 meters deep the whole way In the space below write the latitude and longitude of five points along this route 1 2 3 4
Variation in Organisms 6 12D 7 11B Question 5 The loggerhead sea turtle is a large ocean dwelling sea turtle Primarily a carnivore loggerheads feed on jellyfish conchs crabs and even fish and will swim to oceans and water where these resources are available The loggerhead might be best known for traveling thousands of miles to lay their eggs on a beach The sea turtle s survival is enhanced by which behavior
Biological Classification
Variation in Organisms 6 12D 7 11B Question 5 The loggerhead sea turtle is a large ocean dwelling sea turtle Primarily a carnivore loggerheads feed on jellyfish conchs crabs and even fish and will swim to oceans and water where these resources are available The loggerhead might be best known for traveling thousands of miles to lay their eggs on a beach The sea turtle s survival is enhanced by which behavior
Note points are manually assigned after I read your answer In order for Canvas to treat this question as extra credit the points must be manually assigned Please answer IN YOUR OWN words I am asking PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not copy your response from the internet or use ANY outside resource or individual If the answer is copied from any ancillary resource and uses terms vocabulary and concepts that are beyond the scope of this course credit will not be given If the words are not your own credit will not be given I have had previous experiences in which passages have been taken from PhD scientific articles in which words have been re arranged and claimed as the student s own I will not give any credit for these answers I want to hear what you have learned based on the material that we have covered and I want to hear YOUR voice and in YOUR OWN words It is exciting to put ideas and concepts together and express them in your own words It is absolutely the very best part of learning and and education and it is what is rewarding for me read Sometimes students wonder why I do not have more short answer questions I would just love to but I think you might guess why I don t I am asking for you to reach into your own learning and to analyze this statement and then address it in your own words Please address the following statement Mature red blood cells do not have a nucleus therefore this indicates our that as humans we are both prokaryotic and eukaryotic in our cellular make up The question will be graded for your clarity and accuracy Please keep the length at a maximum of 100 words Your response should state a is this a true or false statement and b what is the basis for your answer what supports your answer
Biological Classification
Note points are manually assigned after I read your answer In order for Canvas to treat this question as extra credit the points must be manually assigned Please answer IN YOUR OWN words I am asking PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not copy your response from the internet or use ANY outside resource or individual If the answer is copied from any ancillary resource and uses terms vocabulary and concepts that are beyond the scope of this course credit will not be given If the words are not your own credit will not be given I have had previous experiences in which passages have been taken from PhD scientific articles in which words have been re arranged and claimed as the student s own I will not give any credit for these answers I want to hear what you have learned based on the material that we have covered and I want to hear YOUR voice and in YOUR OWN words It is exciting to put ideas and concepts together and express them in your own words It is absolutely the very best part of learning and and education and it is what is rewarding for me read Sometimes students wonder why I do not have more short answer questions I would just love to but I think you might guess why I don t I am asking for you to reach into your own learning and to analyze this statement and then address it in your own words Please address the following statement Mature red blood cells do not have a nucleus therefore this indicates our that as humans we are both prokaryotic and eukaryotic in our cellular make up The question will be graded for your clarity and accuracy Please keep the length at a maximum of 100 words Your response should state a is this a true or false statement and b what is the basis for your answer what supports your answer
Match the prefix with the correct meaning Prompts meso
Biological Classification
Match the prefix with the correct meaning Prompts meso
hat is the scientin lame of this spec FI
Biological Classification
hat is the scientin lame of this spec FI
A student collected the animal shown below on a field trip The student used a dichotomous key and a microscope to classify the animal Arthropoda Annelida tomtery beg Mollusca 2b Step la Possesses segmentation 1b Lacks segmentation 2a 3a 3b Dichotomous Key How should this animal be classified Characteristic Has an exoskeleton with jointed appendages Has no exoskeleton unjointed appendages if any present and a segmented worm like body is possibly in a tube if in a tube may have tentacles Possesses a foot a radula arms and or a shell Lacks all of the above and is dorsoventrally flattened Identification Go to 2 Go to 3 Phylum Arthropoda Phylum Annelida Phylum Mollusca Phylum Platyhelminthes
Biological Classification
A student collected the animal shown below on a field trip The student used a dichotomous key and a microscope to classify the animal Arthropoda Annelida tomtery beg Mollusca 2b Step la Possesses segmentation 1b Lacks segmentation 2a 3a 3b Dichotomous Key How should this animal be classified Characteristic Has an exoskeleton with jointed appendages Has no exoskeleton unjointed appendages if any present and a segmented worm like body is possibly in a tube if in a tube may have tentacles Possesses a foot a radula arms and or a shell Lacks all of the above and is dorsoventrally flattened Identification Go to 2 Go to 3 Phylum Arthropoda Phylum Annelida Phylum Mollusca Phylum Platyhelminthes
How is this evidence that supports the theory of evolution A It shows that fish went extinct when tetrapods appeared B It shows that two animal species were able to interbreed OC It shows that changes in the climate caused the animal to evolve
Biological Classification
How is this evidence that supports the theory of evolution A It shows that fish went extinct when tetrapods appeared B It shows that two animal species were able to interbreed OC It shows that changes in the climate caused the animal to evolve
How is the modern classification system different from Linnaeus s O A It is based on characteristics while Linnaeus s was based on genetics B The largest taxon is kingdom while Linnaeus s was phylum C It includes domains which Linnaeus s system did not have D Its focus is on similar organisms while Linnaeus s was on characteristics
Biological Classification
How is the modern classification system different from Linnaeus s O A It is based on characteristics while Linnaeus s was based on genetics B The largest taxon is kingdom while Linnaeus s was phylum C It includes domains which Linnaeus s system did not have D Its focus is on similar organisms while Linnaeus s was on characteristics
Which type of name for an organism is more useful when discussing a species with scientists from multiple regions A The common name because it is the more popular name B The scientific name because it will always remain the same OC The scientific name because it does not change depending on the language being spoken D The common name because all species are localized in specific regions
Biological Classification
Which type of name for an organism is more useful when discussing a species with scientists from multiple regions A The common name because it is the more popular name B The scientific name because it will always remain the same OC The scientific name because it does not change depending on the language being spoken D The common name because all species are localized in specific regions
Viruses bacteria and transposons are examples of what type of mutagen A biological agents B synthetic chemicals C physical mutagens D chemical agents
Biological Classification
Viruses bacteria and transposons are examples of what type of mutagen A biological agents B synthetic chemicals C physical mutagens D chemical agents
Sort the levels of biological classificaton so that the most specific category is at the and the least specific is at the bottom C 0 00 0 13 kingdom phylum Speed 1x START ORDER Paused
Biological Classification
Sort the levels of biological classificaton so that the most specific category is at the and the least specific is at the bottom C 0 00 0 13 kingdom phylum Speed 1x START ORDER Paused
together According to this diagram a single ce ed protist is most closely related to which other group 0 00 0 16 Serve k C A B Bacteria bacteria animals Matka Speed 1x Organisms Archoma W Pang Plastik Paused
Biological Classification
together According to this diagram a single ce ed protist is most closely related to which other group 0 00 0 16 Serve k C A B Bacteria bacteria animals Matka Speed 1x Organisms Archoma W Pang Plastik Paused
of the various c When you are asked to write the Component Part Definiti OF CV means combining vowel LIFE CV STUDY Total score possible is 200 points You have 2 hours to complete the exam so g Question 55 Write the main definition for the medical term mycosis
Biological Classification
of the various c When you are asked to write the Component Part Definiti OF CV means combining vowel LIFE CV STUDY Total score possible is 200 points You have 2 hours to complete the exam so g Question 55 Write the main definition for the medical term mycosis
Conducting research as needed drag the text labels and images to label this infographic and test your understanding of bacterial cell shapes Coccus Curved Rod Campylobacter jejuni Vibro vulnificus Staphylococcus aureus Streptobacillus Streptomyces Streptococcus pyogenes Bacterial Shapes Arrangements
Biological Classification
Conducting research as needed drag the text labels and images to label this infographic and test your understanding of bacterial cell shapes Coccus Curved Rod Campylobacter jejuni Vibro vulnificus Staphylococcus aureus Streptobacillus Streptomyces Streptococcus pyogenes Bacterial Shapes Arrangements
Use the following figure and information to answer the question Adipose fin Icharacteristic of trout Not Cut edge of operculum Gills Kidney Spinal cond Heart O its operculum Uver its lateral line system Swim O its caudal tail fin its anal fin Stomach Intestine Gonad Dorsal fin Pelvic fin Arus Urinary bladder Fishes that have swim bladders can regulate their density and thus their buoyancy There are two types of swim bladder physostomous and physoclistous The ancestral version is the physostomous version in which the swim bladder is connected to the esophagus via a short tube see the figure The fish fills t version by swimming to the surface taking gulps of air and directing them into the swim bladder Air is removed from this version by belching The physoclistous version is more derived and has lost its connection to the esophagus Instead gas enters and leaves the swim bladder via special circulatory mechanisms within the wall of the swim bladder Anal fin If a ray finned fish is to both hover remain stationary in the water column and ventilate its gills effectively then what other structure besides its swim blac will it use Coufal
Biological Classification
Use the following figure and information to answer the question Adipose fin Icharacteristic of trout Not Cut edge of operculum Gills Kidney Spinal cond Heart O its operculum Uver its lateral line system Swim O its caudal tail fin its anal fin Stomach Intestine Gonad Dorsal fin Pelvic fin Arus Urinary bladder Fishes that have swim bladders can regulate their density and thus their buoyancy There are two types of swim bladder physostomous and physoclistous The ancestral version is the physostomous version in which the swim bladder is connected to the esophagus via a short tube see the figure The fish fills t version by swimming to the surface taking gulps of air and directing them into the swim bladder Air is removed from this version by belching The physoclistous version is more derived and has lost its connection to the esophagus Instead gas enters and leaves the swim bladder via special circulatory mechanisms within the wall of the swim bladder Anal fin If a ray finned fish is to both hover remain stationary in the water column and ventilate its gills effectively then what other structure besides its swim blac will it use Coufal
Biology Please compare gene therapy using Vira Vectors vs using the CRISPR system
Biological Classification
Biology Please compare gene therapy using Vira Vectors vs using the CRISPR system
Which sentence is true of archaea A They belong to a domain that scientists added after rRNA testing B They belong to one of the original kingdoms identified by Aristotle C They are more closely related to bacteria than to eukaryotes D They are organisms that may reproduce asexually or sexually
Biological Classification
Which sentence is true of archaea A They belong to a domain that scientists added after rRNA testing B They belong to one of the original kingdoms identified by Aristotle C They are more closely related to bacteria than to eukaryotes D They are organisms that may reproduce asexually or sexually
Which organism has the lowest cellular complexity and is thought to have evolved first O A Cyanobacterium O B Prokaryote C Multicellular eukaryote O D Single celled eukaryote
Biological Classification
Which organism has the lowest cellular complexity and is thought to have evolved first O A Cyanobacterium O B Prokaryote C Multicellular eukaryote O D Single celled eukaryote
Some bacteria can t survive in the presence of oxygen Which of the following environments could they NOT survive in A anaerobic chamber B intestines of organisms C deep soil D on the skin of animals
Biological Classification
Some bacteria can t survive in the presence of oxygen Which of the following environments could they NOT survive in A anaerobic chamber B intestines of organisms C deep soil D on the skin of animals
What is your species Common Name What is your species Scientific Name Answer using complete sentences The common name of my species is The scientific name of my species is H Normal x Tx The common name of my species is taxon BIUS X X E E A The scientific name of my species is binomial nomenclature
Biological Classification
What is your species Common Name What is your species Scientific Name Answer using complete sentences The common name of my species is The scientific name of my species is H Normal x Tx The common name of my species is taxon BIUS X X E E A The scientific name of my species is binomial nomenclature
What kingdom was split into two new kingdoms to create the new 6 kingdom system A Animalia B Eukarya
Biological Classification
What kingdom was split into two new kingdoms to create the new 6 kingdom system A Animalia B Eukarya
Match each vocabulary term to its definition recycling of matter between liv ing things and the environment part of a cycle that holds a sub stance for a short period of time water held below Earth s surface portion of a cycle that holds a substance for a long period of time change from solid directly to gas recycling of water through living and nonliving things recycling of carbon through living and nonliving things a b water cycle reservoir C nitrogen fixation d carbon cycle e biogeochemical cycle g f exchange pool sublimation h sedimentation
Biological Classification
Match each vocabulary term to its definition recycling of matter between liv ing things and the environment part of a cycle that holds a sub stance for a short period of time water held below Earth s surface portion of a cycle that holds a substance for a long period of time change from solid directly to gas recycling of water through living and nonliving things recycling of carbon through living and nonliving things a b water cycle reservoir C nitrogen fixation d carbon cycle e biogeochemical cycle g f exchange pool sublimation h sedimentation
Why is it accurate to claim that the nature legume bacteria mutualism described in the text varies with the environment the partners find themselves in Whether the the plants benefit from the interaction depends on whether there is nitrogen in the soil Mutualisms are best thought of as reciprocal parasitism with each species under selection to maximize its fitness benefits The bacteria benefit only when there is nitrogen present in the soil
Biological Classification
Why is it accurate to claim that the nature legume bacteria mutualism described in the text varies with the environment the partners find themselves in Whether the the plants benefit from the interaction depends on whether there is nitrogen in the soil Mutualisms are best thought of as reciprocal parasitism with each species under selection to maximize its fitness benefits The bacteria benefit only when there is nitrogen present in the soil
The Burgess Shale deposit in Canada gives us great information on great diversification of animal life that occurred 500 million years ago during the Archaean Hadean Cambrian Cretaceous
Biological Classification
The Burgess Shale deposit in Canada gives us great information on great diversification of animal life that occurred 500 million years ago during the Archaean Hadean Cambrian Cretaceous
What happens during data transformation O Data is filtered O Unwanted data is removed O Data is converted from one form to another O All of the choices
Biological Classification
What happens during data transformation O Data is filtered O Unwanted data is removed O Data is converted from one form to another O All of the choices
Sort the seven classification levels in proper descending order from the most general to specific w 642 family kingdom genus species phylum order class START ORDER
Biological Classification
Sort the seven classification levels in proper descending order from the most general to specific w 642 family kingdom genus species phylum order class START ORDER
Read the following sentence from NIH Clinical Trials gov Prospective Study of Possible Infectious Disease Associated Antigen Drive in Previously Untreated Indolent Lymphoma Bacterial overgrowth of the small bowel Since indolent lymphomas often affect the lymph nodes surrounding the small bowel it may be possible that an infection within the bowel is stimulating lymphoma growth This has never been demonstrated to date and will be studied in this clinical study What is the name of this type of study Cross sectional study Prospective study Experimental study
Biological Classification
Read the following sentence from NIH Clinical Trials gov Prospective Study of Possible Infectious Disease Associated Antigen Drive in Previously Untreated Indolent Lymphoma Bacterial overgrowth of the small bowel Since indolent lymphomas often affect the lymph nodes surrounding the small bowel it may be possible that an infection within the bowel is stimulating lymphoma growth This has never been demonstrated to date and will be studied in this clinical study What is the name of this type of study Cross sectional study Prospective study Experimental study
Which of the following is an application based threat O Spyware O Adobe Flash Player Oracle Java Runtime Environment
Biological Classification
Which of the following is an application based threat O Spyware O Adobe Flash Player Oracle Java Runtime Environment
Archaea Bacteria Eukarya a single celled lacks a nu cleus found in extreme en vironments discovered in the 1970s b single celled organisms C that do not have a nucleus cell wall made of peptidoglycan contains unicellular and multicellular organisms each cell contains a mem hrane bound nucleus and
Biological Classification
Archaea Bacteria Eukarya a single celled lacks a nu cleus found in extreme en vironments discovered in the 1970s b single celled organisms C that do not have a nucleus cell wall made of peptidoglycan contains unicellular and multicellular organisms each cell contains a mem hrane bound nucleus and
A Common names are too complicated for scientists to remember B C D Similar organisms in different areas sometimes have the same com mon name Using scientific names ensures that non scientists do not have access to useful information about organisms The scientific name tells the reader what domain the organism be longs to
Biological Classification
A Common names are too complicated for scientists to remember B C D Similar organisms in different areas sometimes have the same com mon name Using scientific names ensures that non scientists do not have access to useful information about organisms The scientific name tells the reader what domain the organism be longs to
What kind of number does a computer use to process formation O binary O transistor
Biological Classification
What kind of number does a computer use to process formation O binary O transistor
Which of the following best defines the process of troubleshooting Troubleshooting means shooting up questions to the computer Troubleshooting means identifying and solving problems Troubleshooting means answering technical questions with the help of a manual
Biological Classification
Which of the following best defines the process of troubleshooting Troubleshooting means shooting up questions to the computer Troubleshooting means identifying and solving problems Troubleshooting means answering technical questions with the help of a manual
A loyal employee O always speaks favorably of the products he sells O speaks negatively about his employer would not use any of the products he sells
Biological Classification
A loyal employee O always speaks favorably of the products he sells O speaks negatively about his employer would not use any of the products he sells
Based on the archaeological record from various areas an initial effect of agriculture was that people became taller people s height remained the same but they became more robust women became taller while men became shorter people became shorter
Biological Classification
Based on the archaeological record from various areas an initial effect of agriculture was that people became taller people s height remained the same but they became more robust women became taller while men became shorter people became shorter
The combining form fract o means A to separate B bend break up OC fraction OD apart from 11
Biological Classification
The combining form fract o means A to separate B bend break up OC fraction OD apart from 11
Match each domain with the correct description of organisms ti contains Archae Bacteria Eukarya a b G organisms with DNA housed in a nucleus bacteria that live in extreme environments prokaryote with a cell wall made of peptidoglycan
Biological Classification
Match each domain with the correct description of organisms ti contains Archae Bacteria Eukarya a b G organisms with DNA housed in a nucleus bacteria that live in extreme environments prokaryote with a cell wall made of peptidoglycan
Which of the following is the most inclusive category of classification A B C D class domain kingdom species
Biological Classification
Which of the following is the most inclusive category of classification A B C D class domain kingdom species
Select the three domains included in the three domain system A Archaebacteria B Archaea Bacteria D Eukaryote
Biological Classification
Select the three domains included in the three domain system A Archaebacteria B Archaea Bacteria D Eukaryote
67 Viruses are a diverse collection of particles Describe a type of difference between the outer surface of two different types of viruses
Biological Classification
67 Viruses are a diverse collection of particles Describe a type of difference between the outer surface of two different types of viruses
66 Viruses are a diverse collection of particles Identify two different types of viral genomes
Biological Classification
66 Viruses are a diverse collection of particles Identify two different types of viral genomes
If you click the Hyperlink option the O Insert Gallery Create New Theme Colors
Biological Classification
If you click the Hyperlink option the O Insert Gallery Create New Theme Colors
O to move the cursor beginning of a document O to move the cursor end of a document O to move the cursor beginning of a paragraph to move the cursor end of a paragraph
Biological Classification
O to move the cursor beginning of a document O to move the cursor end of a document O to move the cursor beginning of a paragraph to move the cursor end of a paragraph
leltetn Y True or False salamander A True frog B caecilian C human E dog F False snake D bird LJ G The organism indicated by the letter c is an amniote fish
Biological Classification
leltetn Y True or False salamander A True frog B caecilian C human E dog F False snake D bird LJ G The organism indicated by the letter c is an amniote fish
gymnosperm strobilus typical fern sorus angiosperm strobilus Olycopod synangium all pairings are correct Question 38 1 point 1 Listen Guards cells control the opening of stomates by creating solute gradients As the solute concentration decreases in the guard cells as compared with the surrounding cells water flows out and decreases the turgor pressure inside the guard cells This causes the stoma to open True
Biological Classification
gymnosperm strobilus typical fern sorus angiosperm strobilus Olycopod synangium all pairings are correct Question 38 1 point 1 Listen Guards cells control the opening of stomates by creating solute gradients As the solute concentration decreases in the guard cells as compared with the surrounding cells water flows out and decreases the turgor pressure inside the guard cells This causes the stoma to open True
MULTIPLE CHOICE True or False Birds and crocodiles are more closely related than previously thought A true Practi
Biological Classification
MULTIPLE CHOICE True or False Birds and crocodiles are more closely related than previously thought A true Practi
Blology You are a research scientist and have isolated a unique microbe from your roommate s backpack Using PCR you amplify the 16S rDNA sequence the product and analyze it with computer software You learn that the isolate is a member of the Bacillus genus Which type of classification did you perform Group of answer choices Classical taxonomy Genetic taxonomy Biochemical taxonomy Numerical taxonomy Growth taxonomy Observational taxonomy
Biological Classification
Blology You are a research scientist and have isolated a unique microbe from your roommate s backpack Using PCR you amplify the 16S rDNA sequence the product and analyze it with computer software You learn that the isolate is a member of the Bacillus genus Which type of classification did you perform Group of answer choices Classical taxonomy Genetic taxonomy Biochemical taxonomy Numerical taxonomy Growth taxonomy Observational taxonomy
It is believed that organisms evolved anaerobic metabolism to surviv when the atmosphere lacked which gas O carbon dioxide O oxygen O carbon monoxide O nitrogen
Biological Classification
It is believed that organisms evolved anaerobic metabolism to surviv when the atmosphere lacked which gas O carbon dioxide O oxygen O carbon monoxide O nitrogen