Human Health and Diseases Questions and Answers

Which of the following cancer susceptibility syndromes is linked to defects in one of the 8 or
more genes involved in nucleotide excision repair?
a. Lynch Syndrome
b. Li-Fraumeni Syndrome
c. Familial Breast Cancer
d. Xeroderma pigmentosum
Human Health and Diseases
Which of the following cancer susceptibility syndromes is linked to defects in one of the 8 or more genes involved in nucleotide excision repair? a. Lynch Syndrome b. Li-Fraumeni Syndrome c. Familial Breast Cancer d. Xeroderma pigmentosum
Intracellular "wood chippers" known as ___ break down proteins into component parts (peptides) so that they can be recycled, reused, or transported by TAP proteins to be presented at the cell surface by ___ molecules. 
proteasomes, MHC II 
Lysosomes, MHC II 
proteasomes, MHC I 
lysosomes, MHC I
Human Health and Diseases
Intracellular "wood chippers" known as ___ break down proteins into component parts (peptides) so that they can be recycled, reused, or transported by TAP proteins to be presented at the cell surface by ___ molecules. proteasomes, MHC II Lysosomes, MHC II proteasomes, MHC I lysosomes, MHC I
Put the steps into the correct order to trace knee degeneration.
- As the splits in the fiber layers deepen, abrasion of the cartilage continues, eventually exposing the underlying bone.
- Splits develop in collagen fiber layers and the color of the cartilage changes from glistening white to mottled gray or yellow.
- Areas of the splits become softer than normal.
- Bone grows at the margins of the articular surface, forming osteophytes, which may grow into the joint space.
- As the cartilage continues to erode, it is replaced by bone infiltration, and the bone beneath the cartilage becomes more dense and sclerotic.
- Hemorrhage and bone necrosis occur; repair takes the form of scar tissue.
Human Health and Diseases
Put the steps into the correct order to trace knee degeneration. - As the splits in the fiber layers deepen, abrasion of the cartilage continues, eventually exposing the underlying bone. - Splits develop in collagen fiber layers and the color of the cartilage changes from glistening white to mottled gray or yellow. - Areas of the splits become softer than normal. - Bone grows at the margins of the articular surface, forming osteophytes, which may grow into the joint space. - As the cartilage continues to erode, it is replaced by bone infiltration, and the bone beneath the cartilage becomes more dense and sclerotic. - Hemorrhage and bone necrosis occur; repair takes the form of scar tissue.
Match each symptom with the event that is most directly responsible for causing that symptom during a Plasmodium infection. Answer choices may be used once, more than once, or not at all. 
Difficulty clotting normally -Loss of red blood cells
Cycling fever - Merozoites are exposed
Fatigue due to anemia - Merozoites lyse (burst)
Problems with normal liver  function  - Merozoites lyse (burst)
Human Health and Diseases
Match each symptom with the event that is most directly responsible for causing that symptom during a Plasmodium infection. Answer choices may be used once, more than once, or not at all. Difficulty clotting normally -Loss of red blood cells Cycling fever - Merozoites are exposed Fatigue due to anemia - Merozoites lyse (burst) Problems with normal liver function - Merozoites lyse (burst)
Name a serious side effect of clindamycin.
C. Difficle infection
Prolonged QT interval
Human Health and Diseases
Name a serious side effect of clindamycin. C. Difficle infection Prolonged QT interval Nephrotoxicity Hepatotoxicity
The common effects of cocaine are
euphoria, excitation, a boost of energy, and suppressed appetite.
sedation, reduced anxiety, and reduced tension.
mood variation from alertness to calmness depending on mental set, setting, and prior arousal.
Oeuphoria, increased appetite, reduced ability to store new memories.
Human Health and Diseases
The common effects of cocaine are euphoria, excitation, a boost of energy, and suppressed appetite. sedation, reduced anxiety, and reduced tension. mood variation from alertness to calmness depending on mental set, setting, and prior arousal. Oeuphoria, increased appetite, reduced ability to store new memories.
Construct a paragraph or two describing the interrelationship among a bacterial pathogen, the affected host, and potential antimicrobial drugs in the development of an appropriate antimicrobial treatment. Pick a pathogen, suggest tests that should be performed on that pathogen to determine the specific drugs and give reasons why they would be appropriate. (Terminology to incorporate: narrow-spectrum, broad-spectrum, MIC, Kirby-Bauer, therapeutic index, selective toxicity, drug mechanism)
Human Health and Diseases
Construct a paragraph or two describing the interrelationship among a bacterial pathogen, the affected host, and potential antimicrobial drugs in the development of an appropriate antimicrobial treatment. Pick a pathogen, suggest tests that should be performed on that pathogen to determine the specific drugs and give reasons why they would be appropriate. (Terminology to incorporate: narrow-spectrum, broad-spectrum, MIC, Kirby-Bauer, therapeutic index, selective toxicity, drug mechanism)
Physical defense mechanisms against pathogens are characterized as _____. (Select all that apply)
a. Phagocytosis
b. Washings
c. Lysozyme
d. Heat
Human Health and Diseases
Physical defense mechanisms against pathogens are characterized as _____. (Select all that apply) a. Phagocytosis b. Washings c. Lysozyme d. Heat
Potential side effects of neuraminidase inhibitors include all of the following EXCEPT:
hearing loss
CNS stimulation
Human Health and Diseases
Potential side effects of neuraminidase inhibitors include all of the following EXCEPT: nosebleeds hearing loss diarrhea CNS stimulation
Now that we have studied the various types of vaccines, consider the current resurgence of diseases like the measles. How can we convince the general public and possibly even ourselves, that immunization is a necessary preventative measure for diseases that have serious complications? Is there a different schedule that we should consider? Are some forms of vaccines safer than others? Should we spread out the inoculation schedule to prevent confusion of a young person? (Include terms such as live attenuated, killed or inactive, subunit, toxoid, conjugate, complications of measles, risks to others if uninoculated, risks to individuals that do get inoculated). You are encouraged to use your text and outside sources to develop your informed answer. Use facts and concepts.
Human Health and Diseases
Now that we have studied the various types of vaccines, consider the current resurgence of diseases like the measles. How can we convince the general public and possibly even ourselves, that immunization is a necessary preventative measure for diseases that have serious complications? Is there a different schedule that we should consider? Are some forms of vaccines safer than others? Should we spread out the inoculation schedule to prevent confusion of a young person? (Include terms such as live attenuated, killed or inactive, subunit, toxoid, conjugate, complications of measles, risks to others if uninoculated, risks to individuals that do get inoculated). You are encouraged to use your text and outside sources to develop your informed answer. Use facts and concepts.
Our immune system is designed to not recognize self-cells as foreign before we are born. Which of the following that our immune system will encounter during our life will It have to learn to tolerate?
a. Pathogenic molecules
b. Intestinal microbiome
c. Food molecules
d. Displaced commensals
e. Pathogenic microbes
Human Health and Diseases
Our immune system is designed to not recognize self-cells as foreign before we are born. Which of the following that our immune system will encounter during our life will It have to learn to tolerate? a. Pathogenic molecules b. Intestinal microbiome c. Food molecules d. Displaced commensals e. Pathogenic microbes
A patient asks you to special order an OTC item.
What should you say to the patient?
"We require a 10% deposit on special orders."
"Special orders are sent only on Thursdays."
"Would you like me to keep this product in stock for you?"
"We only special order in items that cost less than $50.00."
Human Health and Diseases
A patient asks you to special order an OTC item. What should you say to the patient? "We require a 10% deposit on special orders." "Special orders are sent only on Thursdays." "Would you like me to keep this product in stock for you?" "We only special order in items that cost less than $50.00."
Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a recessive human disorder in which an individual cannot appropriately metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine. This amino acid is not naturally produced by humans. Therefore, the most efficient and effective treatment is which of the following? 
Feed them the substrate that can be metabolized into this amino acid. 
Transfuse the patients with blood from unaffected donors. 
Regulate the diet of the affected persons to severely limit the uptake of the amino acid. 
Feed the patients the missing enzymes in a regular cycle, such as twice per week. 
Feed the patients an excess of the missing product.
Human Health and Diseases
Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a recessive human disorder in which an individual cannot appropriately metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine. This amino acid is not naturally produced by humans. Therefore, the most efficient and effective treatment is which of the following? Feed them the substrate that can be metabolized into this amino acid. Transfuse the patients with blood from unaffected donors. Regulate the diet of the affected persons to severely limit the uptake of the amino acid. Feed the patients the missing enzymes in a regular cycle, such as twice per week. Feed the patients an excess of the missing product.
Using your knowledge of DNA recombination events to complete the following: 
1. Propose two ways in which antibiotic resistance may develop in a bacterium 
2. Describe how bacterial cells acquire the ability to produce toxins 
(Use the following terminology in your answer: recombination, DNA, horizontal gene transfer, conjugation, transformation, transduction, pilus, F factor, transposable elements, transposons, pathogenicity islands)
Human Health and Diseases
Using your knowledge of DNA recombination events to complete the following: 1. Propose two ways in which antibiotic resistance may develop in a bacterium 2. Describe how bacterial cells acquire the ability to produce toxins (Use the following terminology in your answer: recombination, DNA, horizontal gene transfer, conjugation, transformation, transduction, pilus, F factor, transposable elements, transposons, pathogenicity islands)
Mutations in the genes that code for proteins in this pathway have been linked to various types of cancer (i.e., RAS-pancreatic, BRAF-colorectal, MEK-melanoma, EGFR-lung). If you were developing a new cancer drug, what would be an appropriate target protein for the new drug therapy? Justify your answer.
Human Health and Diseases
Mutations in the genes that code for proteins in this pathway have been linked to various types of cancer (i.e., RAS-pancreatic, BRAF-colorectal, MEK-melanoma, EGFR-lung). If you were developing a new cancer drug, what would be an appropriate target protein for the new drug therapy? Justify your answer.
A-B exotoxin is characterized by the following factors:
They are produced only by Staphylococcus species
It consists of 2 components and can be produced by C. tetani
Can be produced by Clostridium tetani
It consists of two components, A is the active part and B is the binding part
Human Health and Diseases
A-B exotoxin is characterized by the following factors: They are produced only by Staphylococcus species It consists of 2 components and can be produced by C. tetani Can be produced by Clostridium tetani It consists of two components, A is the active part and B is the binding part
A point mutation may cause a silent mutation if the mRNA codon codes for the same amino acid.
A True
B False
Human Health and Diseases
A point mutation may cause a silent mutation if the mRNA codon codes for the same amino acid. A True B False
Based upon data from the Human Microbiome Project (HMP), define microbial antagonism and discuss how the various microbial populations keep each other "in check" with consequences for human health.
Human Health and Diseases
Based upon data from the Human Microbiome Project (HMP), define microbial antagonism and discuss how the various microbial populations keep each other "in check" with consequences for human health.
Temperature ranges for bacterial growth varies by species. Match the following temperature ranges with the correct organism type.
50°C to 80°C
4°C to 25°C
20°C to 45°C
80°C to 110°C
0°C to 15°C
Human Health and Diseases
Temperature ranges for bacterial growth varies by species. Match the following temperature ranges with the correct organism type. Mesophiles 50°C to 80°C 4°C to 25°C 20°C to 45°C 80°C to 110°C 0°C to 15°C
Consider this claim: "Tablets should not replace textbooks because overuse of tablets can cause health problems for students."
Which is the strongest evidence to support the claim?
O A. "Many of my students complain about headaches, which I believe are caused by too much time spent on their tablets," said eight-grade science teacher Tommy Gruber.
O B. Some studies have found that usage of portable electronic devices is associated with increased rates of musculoskeletal disorders.
O  C. Many educators have found that tablets in the classroom, which are usually equipped with a web browser and a variety of applications, can be a source of distraction.
O  D.While some studies may show tablets can cause health problems, the educational benefits of using tablets far outweigh any negatives.
Human Health and Diseases
Consider this claim: "Tablets should not replace textbooks because overuse of tablets can cause health problems for students." Which is the strongest evidence to support the claim? O A. "Many of my students complain about headaches, which I believe are caused by too much time spent on their tablets," said eight-grade science teacher Tommy Gruber. O B. Some studies have found that usage of portable electronic devices is associated with increased rates of musculoskeletal disorders. O C. Many educators have found that tablets in the classroom, which are usually equipped with a web browser and a variety of applications, can be a source of distraction. O D.While some studies may show tablets can cause health problems, the educational benefits of using tablets far outweigh any negatives.
Match the scientist with the statement that most accurately describes their contribution to the understanding of germ theory. 
Hand washing to reduce contamination in hospitals.
Antiseptic surgery by sterilization 
The first effective vaccine.
Developed a vaccine for rabies.
Human Health and Diseases
Match the scientist with the statement that most accurately describes their contribution to the understanding of germ theory. Hand washing to reduce contamination in hospitals. Antiseptic surgery by sterilization The first effective vaccine. Developed a vaccine for rabies.
When removing a tick that has embedded in your skin, you should
douse it in gasoline and set it on fire
Cover it in vasoline and let it suffocate on your skin
grab the ticks body, and squeeze it to make sure you have it, and pull quickly
gently pull on the tick body with tweezers
Human Health and Diseases
When removing a tick that has embedded in your skin, you should douse it in gasoline and set it on fire Cover it in vasoline and let it suffocate on your skin grab the ticks body, and squeeze it to make sure you have it, and pull quickly gently pull on the tick body with tweezers
Mutations can affect genes that control cell division. This can result in the production of cancer cells. What would be the ideal response of a healthy individual when this type of
mutation occurs?
The cancer cell will reproduce more identical cells through mitosis.
The cancer cell will be destroyed by the body's immune system via apoptosis.
The cancer cells will produce tumors in organs.
The cancer cells will spread through the bloodstream.
Human Health and Diseases
Mutations can affect genes that control cell division. This can result in the production of cancer cells. What would be the ideal response of a healthy individual when this type of mutation occurs? The cancer cell will reproduce more identical cells through mitosis. The cancer cell will be destroyed by the body's immune system via apoptosis. The cancer cells will produce tumors in organs. The cancer cells will spread through the bloodstream.
Important characteristics of antimicrobial drugs include...
low toxicity for human tissues
high toxicity against microbial cells
do not cause serious side effects in humans
stable and soluble in body tissues and fluids
All of the choices are correct.
Human Health and Diseases
Important characteristics of antimicrobial drugs include... low toxicity for human tissues high toxicity against microbial cells do not cause serious side effects in humans stable and soluble in body tissues and fluids All of the choices are correct.
In light of increasing antibiotic resistance, alternative antimicrobial therapies are being explored. These include the CRISPR system, which...
when delivered with an antibiotic, can splice out the genes causing resistance to the drug, which is then able to kill the bacteria
directly kill the bacteria instead of requiring an antibiotic
is comprised of immune peptides that are not susceptible to bacterial resistance
extracts drugs from bacteria that are not cultivable in a laboratory environment
Human Health and Diseases
In light of increasing antibiotic resistance, alternative antimicrobial therapies are being explored. These include the CRISPR system, which... when delivered with an antibiotic, can splice out the genes causing resistance to the drug, which is then able to kill the bacteria directly kill the bacteria instead of requiring an antibiotic is comprised of immune peptides that are not susceptible to bacterial resistance extracts drugs from bacteria that are not cultivable in a laboratory environment
A ratio of the dose of a drug that is toxic to humans versus the minimum effective dose for that pathogen is assessed to predict the potential for toxic drug reactions.
This is called the...
therapeutic index (TI)
Human Health and Diseases
A ratio of the dose of a drug that is toxic to humans versus the minimum effective dose for that pathogen is assessed to predict the potential for toxic drug reactions. This is called the... Kirby-Bauer antibiogram E-test MIC therapeutic index (TI)
Select the statement that describes the antimicrobial activity of chlorhexidine.
Targets cell membrane components and denatures proteins
Disrupts peptidoglycan structure
Destroys endospores
Interfere with nucleic acid replication and transcription
Human Health and Diseases
Select the statement that describes the antimicrobial activity of chlorhexidine. Targets cell membrane components and denatures proteins Disrupts peptidoglycan structure Destroys endospores Interfere with nucleic acid replication and transcription
Which of the following is a type of cytopathic effect?
Inclusions in the nucleus
Multinucleated giant cells
Inclusions in the cytoplasm
Cells change shape
All of thechoices are correct.
Human Health and Diseases
Which of the following is a type of cytopathic effect? Inclusions in the nucleus Multinucleated giant cells Inclusions in the cytoplasm Cells change shape All of thechoices are correct.
Which of the following will not support viral cultivation?

Live lab animals
Embryonated bird eggs
Primary cell cultures
 Continuous cell cultures
All of the choices will support viral cultivation.
Human Health and Diseases
Which of the following will not support viral cultivation? Live lab animals Embryonated bird eggs Primary cell cultures Continuous cell cultures All of the choices will support viral cultivation.
Satellite viruses are _______.

also called viroids
dependent on other viruses for replication
 the cause of spongiform encephalopathies
significant pathogens of plants
All of the choices are correct
Human Health and Diseases
Satellite viruses are _______. also called viroids dependent on other viruses for replication the cause of spongiform encephalopathies significant pathogens of plants All of the choices are correct
The antibiotics listed here all have similar MICs. Please choose the antibiotic that
would be the best option for treatment.
Antibiotic W Therapeutic index = 5
Antibiotic X Therapeutic index = 20
Antibiotic Y Therapeutic index = 100
Antibiotic Z Therapeutic index = 10
Human Health and Diseases
The antibiotics listed here all have similar MICs. Please choose the antibiotic that would be the best option for treatment. Antibiotic W Therapeutic index = 5 Antibiotic X Therapeutic index = 20 Antibiotic Y Therapeutic index = 100 Antibiotic Z Therapeutic index = 10
Ms. Tomaganuk's body temperature is lower than normal. Her skin is cold to the touch because blood flow has been diverted away from the skin, toward underlying structures. This physiological response to decreased skin surface temperature prevents further heat loss.
In which anatomical direction is the blood diverted? 
Human Health and Diseases
Ms. Tomaganuk's body temperature is lower than normal. Her skin is cold to the touch because blood flow has been diverted away from the skin, toward underlying structures. This physiological response to decreased skin surface temperature prevents further heat loss. In which anatomical direction is the blood diverted? superficial medial proximal deep
Consider a disease microbe that is not itself mobile, but rather must rely
on its victim to propagate it to new victims. Think of three ways that it could conceivably
alter or exploit the behavior of its victim so the victim will propagate it. It is not necessary
that you know of a disease that alters or exploits the behavior of its victim in the way you
Human Health and Diseases
Consider a disease microbe that is not itself mobile, but rather must rely on its victim to propagate it to new victims. Think of three ways that it could conceivably alter or exploit the behavior of its victim so the victim will propagate it. It is not necessary that you know of a disease that alters or exploits the behavior of its victim in the way you describe.
Misfolded proteins are not responsible for
prion disease
Huntington Disease
Parkinson Disease
Alzheimer Disease
Human Health and Diseases
Misfolded proteins are not responsible for kwashiorkor prion disease Huntington Disease Parkinson Disease Alzheimer Disease
Changes in protein folding cause ______ diseases.
Human Health and Diseases
Changes in protein folding cause ______ diseases. respiratory coronary prion genetic
Which of the following would be considered "passive" immunity?
O Immunity acquired from infection or contact with a pathogen
O Antibodies that pass from mother to infant in her milk
O Vaccination with dead or attenuated pathogens
O None of these
Human Health and Diseases
Which of the following would be considered "passive" immunity? O Immunity acquired from infection or contact with a pathogen O Antibodies that pass from mother to infant in her milk O Vaccination with dead or attenuated pathogens O None of these
Which statement is A MAJOR aim in the use of drugs in antimicrobial chemotherapy? The drug should be
be broken down easily
selectively toxic
able to kill endospores
Human Health and Diseases
Which statement is A MAJOR aim in the use of drugs in antimicrobial chemotherapy? The drug should be soluble be broken down easily selectively toxic able to kill endospores
"If you take 10 ml of concentrated disinfectant and add 90 ml of sterile water, what is the dilution ratio?"
1:1 ratio
1:5 ratio
1:10 ratio
1:100 ratio
1:1000 ratio
Human Health and Diseases
"If you take 10 ml of concentrated disinfectant and add 90 ml of sterile water, what is the dilution ratio?" 1:1 ratio 1:5 ratio 1:10 ratio 1:100 ratio 1:1000 ratio
A criterion that is more important in the selection of a antiseptic than in the selection of a disinfectant is its
ability to kill microorganisms
toxicity to animals and humans
shelf life
corrosiveness to metal instruments
Human Health and Diseases
A criterion that is more important in the selection of a antiseptic than in the selection of a disinfectant is its ability to kill microorganisms toxicity to animals and humans shelf life corrosiveness to metal instruments
HPV infections:
are associated with various cancers.
are caused by a bacterial microorganism.
are usually treated with antibiotics.
have decreased in incidence in recent years.
Human Health and Diseases
HPV infections: are associated with various cancers. are caused by a bacterial microorganism. are usually treated with antibiotics. have decreased in incidence in recent years.
If an enveloped virus were somehow released from a cell without budding, it would not have an envelope. What effect would this have on the virulence of the virus? Why? Include a brief description of the life cycle (replication) of an enveloped virus in your answer.
Human Health and Diseases
If an enveloped virus were somehow released from a cell without budding, it would not have an envelope. What effect would this have on the virulence of the virus? Why? Include a brief description of the life cycle (replication) of an enveloped virus in your answer.
Morphine has a half-life of 2.5 hours. A patient takes two 15mg tablets of morphine before work in the morning. She takes another 15mg tablet during her lunch break 4 hours later. 5 hours after her lunch break, she arrives back home. How much morphine is in the patient's system just before she takes the extra pill during her lunch break? How much morphine is in her system when she gets home?
Human Health and Diseases
Morphine has a half-life of 2.5 hours. A patient takes two 15mg tablets of morphine before work in the morning. She takes another 15mg tablet during her lunch break 4 hours later. 5 hours after her lunch break, she arrives back home. How much morphine is in the patient's system just before she takes the extra pill during her lunch break? How much morphine is in her system when she gets home?
Many researchers believe that SARS-CoV-2 originated in bats. Which of the following is a true statement?
A. Bats are the reservoir for SARS-CoV-2.
B. Bats are the source of most cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
C. Bats are the reservoir and the major source for SARS-CoV-2 in this pandemic.
D. Bats do not represent either the source or the reservoir for SARS-CoV-2.
Human Health and Diseases
Many researchers believe that SARS-CoV-2 originated in bats. Which of the following is a true statement? A. Bats are the reservoir for SARS-CoV-2. B. Bats are the source of most cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection. C. Bats are the reservoir and the major source for SARS-CoV-2 in this pandemic. D. Bats do not represent either the source or the reservoir for SARS-CoV-2.
The human body typically begins to be colonized by its normal biota
A. before birth, in utero
B. during and immediately after birth
C. when a child first goes to school
D.when an infant gets its first infectious disease during puberty
Human Health and Diseases
The human body typically begins to be colonized by its normal biota A. before birth, in utero B. during and immediately after birth C. when a child first goes to school D.when an infant gets its first infectious disease during puberty
Adaptive immunity involves the response of _____
B and T lymphocytes
skin barriers
mucous membranes
Human Health and Diseases
Adaptive immunity involves the response of _____ interferon B and T lymphocytes skin barriers mucous membranes lysozyme
The major histocompatibility complex is _____
glycoproteins, called MHC antigens, found on all body cells
a set of genes that code for MHC glycoproteins
found on the third chromosome
located in the thymus gland
All of the choices are correct.
Human Health and Diseases
The major histocompatibility complex is _____ glycoproteins, called MHC antigens, found on all body cells a set of genes that code for MHC glycoproteins found on the third chromosome located in the thymus gland All of the choices are correct.
Which process involves a more rapid synthesis and greatly increased titer of antibody when the immune system is subsequently exposed to the same antigen?
Memory response
Complement fixation
Human Health and Diseases
Which process involves a more rapid synthesis and greatly increased titer of antibody when the immune system is subsequently exposed to the same antigen? Neutralization Memory response Opsonization Agglutination Complement fixation
In the clonal selection of B cells, __ cells secrete antibodies, __ and cells are formed to recognize pathogens if you are exposed again. 
A. clonal, killer
B. plasma, memory
C. ancestral, antibody
D. none of these
Human Health and Diseases
In the clonal selection of B cells, __ cells secrete antibodies, __ and cells are formed to recognize pathogens if you are exposed again. A. clonal, killer B. plasma, memory C. ancestral, antibody D. none of these