The Living World Questions and Answers

What is the term for a group of diverse nations ruled by a common government?
A. parliament
B. empire
C. city-state
D. republic
The Living World
What is the term for a group of diverse nations ruled by a common government? A. parliament B. empire C. city-state D. republic
What is the biggest issue facing any empire in human history?
A. Obtaining new land through warfare.
B. Spreading new technologies and ideas.
C. Maintaining control over land and people.
The Living World
What is the biggest issue facing any empire in human history? A. Obtaining new land through warfare. B. Spreading new technologies and ideas. C. Maintaining control over land and people.
Which Roman emperor converted to Christianity in 313 CE, making it legal to practice within the empire?
A. Augustus
B. Constantine
C. Diocletian
D. Nero
The Living World
Which Roman emperor converted to Christianity in 313 CE, making it legal to practice within the empire? A. Augustus B. Constantine C. Diocletian D. Nero
Who led the successful Roman conquest of Gaul in the 1st century BCE?
A. Marc Antony
B. Julius Caesar
C. Tiberius Gracchus
D. Gaius Gracchus
The Living World
Who led the successful Roman conquest of Gaul in the 1st century BCE? A. Marc Antony B. Julius Caesar C. Tiberius Gracchus D. Gaius Gracchus
Why did EmperorDiocletian split the Romans Empire in 284 BCE?
A. It had grown too largefor one ruler to manage.
B. So he could grant the-emperor title to his brother.
C. He wanted to move the capital to Byzantium but the Senate wouldn't let him.
The Living World
Why did EmperorDiocletian split the Romans Empire in 284 BCE? A. It had grown too largefor one ruler to manage. B. So he could grant the-emperor title to his brother. C. He wanted to move the capital to Byzantium but the Senate wouldn't let him.
What is the definition of "resurrection?"
A. The act of insulting God or sacred things.
B. The act of performing miracles.
C. The act of returning to life after death.
The Living World
What is the definition of "resurrection?" A. The act of insulting God or sacred things. B. The act of performing miracles. C. The act of returning to life after death.
Confucius identified how many unique key relationships in society?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
D. 8
The Living World
Confucius identified how many unique key relationships in society? A. 2 B. 3 C. 5 D. 8
Based on the clues given by Hawthorne in this excerpt of his biographical sketch of Ben Franklin, what is the best meaning of the word consultations used in section 4?
A. meetings
B. books
C. parties
D. frustrations
The Living World
Based on the clues given by Hawthorne in this excerpt of his biographical sketch of Ben Franklin, what is the best meaning of the word consultations used in section 4? A. meetings B. books C. parties D. frustrations
What do Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus and Myasthenia Gravis all have in common?
A. They are caused by pathogens
B. They are autoimmune disorders
C. They are preventable by vaccination
D. none of these
The Living World
What do Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus and Myasthenia Gravis all have in common? A. They are caused by pathogens B. They are autoimmune disorders C. They are preventable by vaccination D. none of these
The character or force in opposition to the main character is called
A. a major character.
B. the villain.
C. the antagonist.
The Living World
The character or force in opposition to the main character is called A. a major character. B. the villain. C. the antagonist.
If you were writing that the theme of "A Piece of String" was that "people will believe what they want to in spite of the truth," which passage would give the best support?
A. From each of them two feet protruded.
B. The heavy roll of the drum and the crier's voice was again heard at a distance.
C. "Those are lying excuses," they said behind his back.
The Living World
If you were writing that the theme of "A Piece of String" was that "people will believe what they want to in spite of the truth," which passage would give the best support? A. From each of them two feet protruded. B. The heavy roll of the drum and the crier's voice was again heard at a distance. C. "Those are lying excuses," they said behind his back.
Which of the following passages from "The Open Window" helps to advance the theme that humans are doubtful of most things?
A. "A most extraordinary man, a Mr. Nuttel...could only talk about his illnesses"
B. "in the meantime you must try and put up with me."
C. It was an unfortunate coincidence that he should have paid his visit on this tragic anniversary.
The Living World
Which of the following passages from "The Open Window" helps to advance the theme that humans are doubtful of most things? A. "A most extraordinary man, a Mr. Nuttel...could only talk about his illnesses" B. "in the meantime you must try and put up with me." C. It was an unfortunate coincidence that he should have paid his visit on this tragic anniversary.
In Mark Twain's story "The Californian's Tale," what type of character is the narrator?
A. a dynamic character
B. a static character
C. the antagonist
The Living World
In Mark Twain's story "The Californian's Tale," what type of character is the narrator? A. a dynamic character B. a static character C. the antagonist
How is Rose's character revealed in this excerpt from "The Burning Book" by Cora Collen?
A. directly through the author's narration
B. indirectly through dialogue
C. indirectly through dialogue and through the author's revelation of her thoughts
The Living World
How is Rose's character revealed in this excerpt from "The Burning Book" by Cora Collen? A. directly through the author's narration B. indirectly through dialogue C. indirectly through dialogue and through the author's revelation of her thoughts
What is the tone in Sec. 2 of "The Open Window" by Saki?
A. The narrator is uneasy and uncomfortable having to navigate the aunt and the niece.
B. The narrator is enthusiastic.
C. The narrator is shy and doesn't like having to visit people in general.
The Living World
What is the tone in Sec. 2 of "The Open Window" by Saki? A. The narrator is uneasy and uncomfortable having to navigate the aunt and the niece. B. The narrator is enthusiastic. C. The narrator is shy and doesn't like having to visit people in general.
Who was the leader of the Huns when they tried to take Constantinople in the 440s CE?
A. Bleda
B. Attila
C. Rugila
D. Octar
The Living World
Who was the leader of the Huns when they tried to take Constantinople in the 440s CE? A. Bleda B. Attila C. Rugila D. Octar
What impact did the Justinian Code have on The Byzantine Empire?
A. It built the Grand Cathedral
B. It constructed schools
C. It was the law of the land
D. It honored Hagia Sophia
The Living World
What impact did the Justinian Code have on The Byzantine Empire? A. It built the Grand Cathedral B. It constructed schools C. It was the law of the land D. It honored Hagia Sophia
Which verb agrees with the subject of the sentence? The girls in the sparkling ballgowns and the guys each in black tuxedo obviously __ to dance.
A. love
B. loves
C. loving
The Living World
Which verb agrees with the subject of the sentence? The girls in the sparkling ballgowns and the guys each in black tuxedo obviously __ to dance. A. love B. loves C. loving
Autobiographies and memoirs are written in
A. first-person point of view.
B. second person point of view.
C. third-person limited point of view.
D. third-person omniscient point of view.
The Living World
Autobiographies and memoirs are written in A. first-person point of view. B. second person point of view. C. third-person limited point of view. D. third-person omniscient point of view.
What is the definition of an "agora?"
A. a Greek city-state that encompasses surrounding farmland
B. an elevated, fortified area
C. an open-air marketplace and social center
The Living World
What is the definition of an "agora?" A. a Greek city-state that encompasses surrounding farmland B. an elevated, fortified area C. an open-air marketplace and social center
Which form of government is the oldest form of leadership in the world?
A. Democracy
B. Theocracy
C. Oligarchy
D. Aristocracy
The Living World
Which form of government is the oldest form of leadership in the world? A. Democracy B. Theocracy C. Oligarchy D. Aristocracy
Which statement best describes"direct democracy?"
A. A system wherein only members from the wealthiest families create and enforce the laws.
B. A system wherein citizens elect representatives to wield legislative power.
C. A system where citizens have the power to contribute directly to the legislative process.
The Living World
Which statement best describes"direct democracy?" A. A system wherein only members from the wealthiest families create and enforce the laws. B. A system wherein citizens elect representatives to wield legislative power. C. A system where citizens have the power to contribute directly to the legislative process.
In Ancient Rome, the common people were know as
A. plebeians
B. troubadours
C. tribunes
D. patricians
The Living World
In Ancient Rome, the common people were know as A. plebeians B. troubadours C. tribunes D. patricians
What does the following dialogue reveal? During their conversation, she had said: "And CaptainCarruthers tells me that you speak the Spanish languagelike a native. Why have you hidden this accomplishment from me? Is there anything you do not know?"
A. reveals relationships
B. information about a character
C. adds a touch of humor
The Living World
What does the following dialogue reveal? During their conversation, she had said: "And CaptainCarruthers tells me that you speak the Spanish languagelike a native. Why have you hidden this accomplishment from me? Is there anything you do not know?" A. reveals relationships B. information about a character C. adds a touch of humor
Who did Marc Antony combine forces with in an attempt to defeat Octavian for control of Rome?
A. Tiberius
B. Sen. Marcus Tullius Cicero
C. Phraates IV of Parthia
D. Cleopatra of Egypt
The Living World
Who did Marc Antony combine forces with in an attempt to defeat Octavian for control of Rome? A. Tiberius B. Sen. Marcus Tullius Cicero C. Phraates IV of Parthia D. Cleopatra of Egypt
Jesus of NazarethPRACTICED which religion while he was alive?
A. Judaism
B. Islam
C. Buddhism
D. Zoroastrianism
The Living World
Jesus of NazarethPRACTICED which religion while he was alive? A. Judaism B. Islam C. Buddhism D. Zoroastrianism
What is the definition of"blasphemy?"
A. The act of insulting God's sacred things.
B. The act of performing miracles.
C. The belief in returning to life after death.
The Living World
What is the definition of"blasphemy?" A. The act of insulting God's sacred things. B. The act of performing miracles. C. The belief in returning to life after death.
Which of the following lines from "True Stories of History-and Biography" uses a tone that reveals Hawthorne'sattitude toward IsaacNewton?
A. Isaac made a sundial
B. Isaac first set it up
C. vast admiration at the things which Isaac manufactured
The Living World
Which of the following lines from "True Stories of History-and Biography" uses a tone that reveals Hawthorne'sattitude toward IsaacNewton? A. Isaac made a sundial B. Isaac first set it up C. vast admiration at the things which Isaac manufactured
Who is credited as being the "father of Taoism" and wrote a book called "TheWay and its Power?"
A. Zhuangzi
B. Confucius
C. Laozi
D. Huangdi
The Living World
Who is credited as being the "father of Taoism" and wrote a book called "TheWay and its Power?" A. Zhuangzi B. Confucius C. Laozi D. Huangdi
In the sentence below, the word depression is jargon specific to which field oroccupation?
A depression created bywarm, moist air colliding withcool, dry air often spawns tornadoes.
A. Meteorology- an area of lowatmospheric pressure
B. Economics= a condition characterized by substantial unemployment, lowproductivity, and investments
C. Astronomy- the angular distance of a celestial object below the horizon
The Living World
In the sentence below, the word depression is jargon specific to which field oroccupation? A depression created bywarm, moist air colliding withcool, dry air often spawns tornadoes. A. Meteorology- an area of lowatmospheric pressure B. Economics= a condition characterized by substantial unemployment, lowproductivity, and investments C. Astronomy- the angular distance of a celestial object below the horizon
Choose the word pair that correctly completes the analogy. 
A. torrential : scant
B. ignorant: unlearned
C. amusing: serious
The Living World
Choose the word pair that correctly completes the analogy. imminent: approaching: A. torrential : scant B. ignorant: unlearned C. amusing: serious
The fall of the Roman Empire began with the death of which emperor in 180 CE?
A. Constantine
B. Diocletian
C. Marcus Aurelius
D. Romulus Augustus
The Living World
The fall of the Roman Empire began with the death of which emperor in 180 CE? A. Constantine B. Diocletian C. Marcus Aurelius D. Romulus Augustus