Basic Math Questions and Answers

Which of the following is NOT the equation for a conic section?
Enter a, b, c, d, or e.
a. 2x² + 5y² - 2x + 7y - 8 = 0
b. y = 3x² + 7x-3
c. y = 2^x + 5
d. x²/9 - (x-3) ²/ 16 =1
e. (x - 2)² + (y + 3)² = 25
Basic Math
Which of the following is NOT the equation for a conic section? Enter a, b, c, d, or e. a. 2x² + 5y² - 2x + 7y - 8 = 0 b. y = 3x² + 7x-3 c. y = 2^x + 5 d. x²/9 - (x-3) ²/ 16 =1 e. (x - 2)² + (y + 3)² = 25
While visiting Yosemite National Forrest, Joe approximated the angle of elevation to the top of a hill to be 40 degrees. After walking 450 ft closer, he guessed that the angle of elevation had increased by 18 degrees. Approximately how tall is the hill?
A. 236 feet
B. 794 feet
C. 496 feet
D. 608 feet
Basic Math
While visiting Yosemite National Forrest, Joe approximated the angle of elevation to the top of a hill to be 40 degrees. After walking 450 ft closer, he guessed that the angle of elevation had increased by 18 degrees. Approximately how tall is the hill? A. 236 feet B. 794 feet C. 496 feet D. 608 feet
Find the midpoint of WX.
W = (-1, 5)
X = (7,3)
Basic Math
Find the midpoint of WX. W = (-1, 5) X = (7,3)
Which of the following would be a good idea as you prepare for a test?
A. Stay up late the night before studying.
B. Eat a big breakfast right before.
C. Put new batteries in your calculator.
D. Don't study until the morning of the test.
Basic Math
Which of the following would be a good idea as you prepare for a test? A. Stay up late the night before studying. B. Eat a big breakfast right before. C. Put new batteries in your calculator. D. Don't study until the morning of the test.
Jon has quarters, dimes, and nickels in his pocket. The value of his money is $1.75. There are two more dimes than quarters and twice as many nickels as dimes. How many nickels does he have?
Basic Math
Jon has quarters, dimes, and nickels in his pocket. The value of his money is $1.75. There are two more dimes than quarters and twice as many nickels as dimes. How many nickels does he have?
If 1800 square centimeters of material is available to make a box with a square base and an open top, find the largest possible volume of the box.
Basic Math
If 1800 square centimeters of material is available to make a box with a square base and an open top, find the largest possible volume of the box.
If a virus spreads at a rate that can be modeled by the exponential function A(t) = ae^rt, how many people will be infected after 5 days if the initially 3 people are infected and the growth rate is 40%? (Use your calculator for a precise version of e. If you are not able to use a calculator, you can approximate e as 2.718. Round your answer to the nearest person.)
Basic Math
If a virus spreads at a rate that can be modeled by the exponential function A(t) = ae^rt, how many people will be infected after 5 days if the initially 3 people are infected and the growth rate is 40%? (Use your calculator for a precise version of e. If you are not able to use a calculator, you can approximate e as 2.718. Round your answer to the nearest person.)
Solve the following system of equations. If there is no solution, write DNE in each coordinate of the ordered triplet. If there are an infinite number of solution, write each coordinate in terms of z.
Basic Math
Solve the following system of equations. If there is no solution, write DNE in each coordinate of the ordered triplet. If there are an infinite number of solution, write each coordinate in terms of z. x-14=y-13 z+6=x+2 y-10=z-7
A null and alternative hypothesis are given. Determine whether the hypothesis test is left-tailed, right-tailed, or two-tailed.
H0: µ ≥ 3.3
Ha: µ <3.3

What type of test is being conducted in this problem?
A. Right-tailed test
B. Two-tailed test
C. Left-tailed test
Basic Math
A null and alternative hypothesis are given. Determine whether the hypothesis test is left-tailed, right-tailed, or two-tailed. Ho: H0: µ ≥ 3.3 Ha: µ <3.3 What type of test is being conducted in this problem? A. Right-tailed test B. Two-tailed test C. Left-tailed test
If we assume that the conditions for correlation are met, which of the following are true? If false, explain briefly. 
a) A correlation of -0.98 indicates a strong, negative association. 
b) Multiplying every value of x by 2 will double the correlation. 
c) The units of the correlation are the same as the units of y.
Basic Math
If we assume that the conditions for correlation are met, which of the following are true? If false, explain briefly. a) A correlation of -0.98 indicates a strong, negative association. b) Multiplying every value of x by 2 will double the correlation. c) The units of the correlation are the same as the units of y.
If you have $15 and you spend $8 on baseball tickets, what fraction of your money did you spend?
Basic Math
If you have $15 and you spend $8 on baseball tickets, what fraction of your money did you spend?
Zoe has 8 cups of whole-wheat flour. If each loaf of her favorite bread requires 3/4 of a cup of whole-wheat flour, how many whole loaves of bread can she make using 8 cups?
4 loaves
6 loaves
10 loaves
11 loaves
Basic Math
Zoe has 8 cups of whole-wheat flour. If each loaf of her favorite bread requires 3/4 of a cup of whole-wheat flour, how many whole loaves of bread can she make using 8 cups? 4 loaves 6 loaves 10 loaves 11 loaves
If the point (2,-5) is reflected in the line y = x, then the image is:
A. (-2,5)
B. (-5,-2)
Oc. (-5,2)
D. (5,-2)
Basic Math
If the point (2,-5) is reflected in the line y = x, then the image is: A. (-2,5) B. (-5,-2) Oc. (-5,2) D. (5,-2)
Given the points (7,3) and (k, -7), for which values of k would the distance between the points be 2√/41?
A. 17 or 2
B. 15 or -1
C. 14 or -4
D. 17 or -4
Basic Math
Given the points (7,3) and (k, -7), for which values of k would the distance between the points be 2√/41? A. 17 or 2 B. 15 or -1 C. 14 or -4 D. 17 or -4
If an oxygen bottle delivers 7 cubic feet of oxygen in 4 minutes at 27,000 feet and -65 degrees F. How much will the system deliver in 13 minutes?
Note: this is a direct proportion.
22.75 cu.ft.
17.25 cu.ft.
Basic Math
If an oxygen bottle delivers 7 cubic feet of oxygen in 4 minutes at 27,000 feet and -65 degrees F. How much will the system deliver in 13 minutes? Note: this is a direct proportion. 22.75 cu.ft. 17.25 cu.ft. 14cu.ft.
A dilation has center (0, 0). Find the image of each point for the given scale factor. C(0, 4); D(1/2)(C)
A. (0,2)
B. (1/2,0)
C. (1/2, 4/1)
D. (4,0)
Basic Math
A dilation has center (0, 0). Find the image of each point for the given scale factor. C(0, 4); D(1/2)(C) A. (0,2) B. (1/2,0) C. (1/2, 4/1) D. (4,0)
Decide whether the following statement makes sense (or is clearly true) or does not make sense (or is clearly false). Explain your reasoning. If interest rates stay at 4% APR and I continue to make my monthly $75 deposits into my retirement plan, I should have at least $30,000 saved when I retire in 20 years.
Basic Math
Decide whether the following statement makes sense (or is clearly true) or does not make sense (or is clearly false). Explain your reasoning. If interest rates stay at 4% APR and I continue to make my monthly $75 deposits into my retirement plan, I should have at least $30,000 saved when I retire in 20 years.
At a local Brownsville play production, 400 tickets were sold. The ticket prices varied on the seating arrangements and cost $8, $10, or $12. The total income from ticket sales reached $3700. If the combined number of $8 and $10 priced tickets sold was 7 times the number of $12 tickets sold, how many tickets of each type were sold? 
Number of $8 tickets sold 
Number of $10 tickets sold 
Number of $12 tickets sold
Basic Math
At a local Brownsville play production, 400 tickets were sold. The ticket prices varied on the seating arrangements and cost $8, $10, or $12. The total income from ticket sales reached $3700. If the combined number of $8 and $10 priced tickets sold was 7 times the number of $12 tickets sold, how many tickets of each type were sold? Number of $8 tickets sold Number of $10 tickets sold Number of $12 tickets sold
Decibels are a measure of sound on a logarithmic scale, where the number in front of the zero represents the number of powers of 10 (can think of as the number of zeros). As an example, a whisper is around 10 dB (power ratio of 10 / 1 zero) while a jet engine is around 120 dB (power ratio of 1,000,000,000,000/ 12 zeros). Convert the value of a washing machine at 80 decibels into a power ratio.
Basic Math
Decibels are a measure of sound on a logarithmic scale, where the number in front of the zero represents the number of powers of 10 (can think of as the number of zeros). As an example, a whisper is around 10 dB (power ratio of 10 / 1 zero) while a jet engine is around 120 dB (power ratio of 1,000,000,000,000/ 12 zeros). Convert the value of a washing machine at 80 decibels into a power ratio.
Find the distance between the points (4, 0) and (-3, 4).
A. √17
B. √65
C. 65
D. 17
Basic Math
Find the distance between the points (4, 0) and (-3, 4). A. √17 B. √65 C. 65 D. 17
The pressure gauge, which is reading in gauge pressure, on a cylinder with a volume of 2310 cu. in. reads 1475 psig. If the gas were transferred to a new cylinder with a volume of 3465 cu. in., what would the pressure gauge on the new cylinder read? Assume the temperature remains constant.

Boyles' Law P₁V₁ = P2V2

993.11 psig
978.43 psig
983.33 psig
Basic Math
The pressure gauge, which is reading in gauge pressure, on a cylinder with a volume of 2310 cu. in. reads 1475 psig. If the gas were transferred to a new cylinder with a volume of 3465 cu. in., what would the pressure gauge on the new cylinder read? Assume the temperature remains constant. Boyles' Law P₁V₁ = P2V2 993.11 psig 978.43 psig 983.33 psig
Country Day's scholarship fund receives a gift of $ 195000. The money is invested in stocks, bonds, and CDs. CDs pay 4.5 % interest, bonds pay 3.5 % interest, and stocks pay 8.3 % interest. Country day invests $10000 more in bonds than in CDs. If the annual income from the investments is $ 10975, how much was invested in each vehicle?
Country Day invested $      in stocks.
Country Day invested S       in bonds.
Country Day invested S      in CDs.
Basic Math
Country Day's scholarship fund receives a gift of $ 195000. The money is invested in stocks, bonds, and CDs. CDs pay 4.5 % interest, bonds pay 3.5 % interest, and stocks pay 8.3 % interest. Country day invests $10000 more in bonds than in CDs. If the annual income from the investments is $ 10975, how much was invested in each vehicle? Country Day invested $ in stocks. Country Day invested S in bonds. Country Day invested S in CDs.
Select the correct answer.
The Richter scale measures the magnitude, M, of an earthquake as a function of its intensity, I, and the intensity of a reference earthquake, Io.
M = log ( I / I0 )
What is the approximate intensity of an earthquake with a Richter scale magnitude of 4.8? Use a reference intensity of 1.
Basic Math
Select the correct answer. The Richter scale measures the magnitude, M, of an earthquake as a function of its intensity, I, and the intensity of a reference earthquake, Io. M = log ( I / I0 ) What is the approximate intensity of an earthquake with a Richter scale magnitude of 4.8? Use a reference intensity of 1. A.6,492,506 B.63,096 C.660,057 D.0.681
An assistant is in charge of ordering lunch for the monthly office meeting. For the first month, she orders five Falafel wraps, fifteen Turkey BLT sandwiches, and twenty hot Ham and Swiss paninis for a total of $271.25. The next month, she orders eight Falafel wraps, eighteen Turkey BLT sandwiches, and fourteen hot Ham and Swiss paninis for a total of $272. For the third month, she orders twelve Falafel wraps, sixteen Turkey BLT sandwiches, and twelve hot Ham and Swiss paninis for a total of $267. How much does each sandwich cost?
Basic Math
An assistant is in charge of ordering lunch for the monthly office meeting. For the first month, she orders five Falafel wraps, fifteen Turkey BLT sandwiches, and twenty hot Ham and Swiss paninis for a total of $271.25. The next month, she orders eight Falafel wraps, eighteen Turkey BLT sandwiches, and fourteen hot Ham and Swiss paninis for a total of $272. For the third month, she orders twelve Falafel wraps, sixteen Turkey BLT sandwiches, and twelve hot Ham and Swiss paninis for a total of $267. How much does each sandwich cost?
What type of triangle has side lengths 9, 10, and √130?
A. right
B. obtuse
C. acute
D. not a triangle
Basic Math
What type of triangle has side lengths 9, 10, and √130? A. right B. obtuse C. acute D. not a triangle
If the length of one leg of a right triangle is 4 and the hypotenuse is √65, what is the length of the other leg?
A. 7
B. √33
Oc. √69
D. √3
Basic Math
If the length of one leg of a right triangle is 4 and the hypotenuse is √65, what is the length of the other leg? A. 7 B. √33 Oc. √69 D. √3
The number of stickers Kevin had was 1/4 more than the number of stickers John had. After Kevin gave 96 stickers to John, John had twice as many stickers as Kevin. How many stickers did John have at the end?
Basic Math
The number of stickers Kevin had was 1/4 more than the number of stickers John had. After Kevin gave 96 stickers to John, John had twice as many stickers as Kevin. How many stickers did John have at the end?
Our hearts beat approximately 70 times per minute. Express in scientific notation how many times the heart beats over a lifetime of 68 years (ignore leap years). Round the decimal factor in your scientific notation answer to two decimal places. The number of heartbeats over a lifetime of 68 years is
Basic Math
Our hearts beat approximately 70 times per minute. Express in scientific notation how many times the heart beats over a lifetime of 68 years (ignore leap years). Round the decimal factor in your scientific notation answer to two decimal places. The number of heartbeats over a lifetime of 68 years is
You just drove your car 500 miles and used 60 gallons of gas. You know that the gas tank on your car holds 13 1/2 gallons of gas.
Step 1 of 2: What is the most number of miles you can drive on one tank of gas?
Basic Math
You just drove your car 500 miles and used 60 gallons of gas. You know that the gas tank on your car holds 13 1/2 gallons of gas. Step 1 of 2: What is the most number of miles you can drive on one tank of gas?
The height, h, in metres, of the tide in a given location on a given day at "t" hours after
midnight can be modelled using the sinusoidal function: h(t) = 5 sin [ π/6 († − 5)] + 7.
(a) Find the maximum and minimum values for the depth, h, of the water.
(b) What time is high tide? What time is low tide?
(c) What is the depth of the water at 9:00 a.m.?
Basic Math
The height, h, in metres, of the tide in a given location on a given day at "t" hours after midnight can be modelled using the sinusoidal function: h(t) = 5 sin [ π/6 († − 5)] + 7. (a) Find the maximum and minimum values for the depth, h, of the water. (b) What time is high tide? What time is low tide? (c) What is the depth of the water at 9:00 a.m.? I
At Edmonds Community College freshman need to take a 100 level Math and English plus optional Philosophy course. In any quarter the college needs to make available 4 less English sections than Math sections. In any quarter student demand for the optional Philosophy course is half as many sections as English sections. Available classrooms limit the total sections of all three courses to 64 Given these constraints how many sections of each course should the college make available each quarter to meet demand? 
Math sections 
English sections 
Philosophy sections
Basic Math
At Edmonds Community College freshman need to take a 100 level Math and English plus optional Philosophy course. In any quarter the college needs to make available 4 less English sections than Math sections. In any quarter student demand for the optional Philosophy course is half as many sections as English sections. Available classrooms limit the total sections of all three courses to 64 Given these constraints how many sections of each course should the college make available each quarter to meet demand? Math sections English sections Philosophy sections
Suppose you have borrowed two calculators from friends, but you do not know whether they are set to work in radians or degrees. You ask each calculator to evaluate cos3.14 . One calculator replies with an answer of -0.99999; the other calculator replies with an answer of 0.998499. Without further use of a calculator, how would you decide which calculator is using degrees? Explain your answer.
Basic Math
Suppose you have borrowed two calculators from friends, but you do not know whether they are set to work in radians or degrees. You ask each calculator to evaluate cos3.14 . One calculator replies with an answer of -0.99999; the other calculator replies with an answer of 0.998499. Without further use of a calculator, how would you decide which calculator is using degrees? Explain your answer.
Suppose you bought XYZ stock 1 year ago for $6.52 per share and sell it at $9.56. You also pay a commission of $0.15 per share on your sale. What is the total return on your investment?
Basic Math
Suppose you bought XYZ stock 1 year ago for $6.52 per share and sell it at $9.56. You also pay a commission of $0.15 per share on your sale. What is the total return on your investment?
Quadrilateral ABCD is similiar to quadrilateral EFGH. The lengths of the three longest sides in quadrilateral ABCD are 60 feet, 40 feet, and 30 feet long. If the two shortest sides of quadrilateral EFGH are 6 feet long and 12 feet long, how long is the 2nd longest side on quadrilateral EFGH?
A. 16 feet
B. 18 feet
C. 20 feet
D. 24 feet
Basic Math
Quadrilateral ABCD is similiar to quadrilateral EFGH. The lengths of the three longest sides in quadrilateral ABCD are 60 feet, 40 feet, and 30 feet long. If the two shortest sides of quadrilateral EFGH are 6 feet long and 12 feet long, how long is the 2nd longest side on quadrilateral EFGH? A. 16 feet B. 18 feet C. 20 feet D. 24 feet
How much must be deposited today into the following account in order to have $50,000 in 5 years for a down payment on a house? Assume no additional deposits are made. An account with annual compounding and an APR of 6%
Basic Math
How much must be deposited today into the following account in order to have $50,000 in 5 years for a down payment on a house? Assume no additional deposits are made. An account with annual compounding and an APR of 6%
In a hydraulic system, an input piston has an area of 18.7.0 in² and an output piston with an area 90.0 in². A weight or resistance of 284 pounds is on the output piston. What is the pressure? 
3,001 psi 
59.4 psi 
3.16 psi 
11.46 psi
Basic Math
In a hydraulic system, an input piston has an area of 18.7.0 in² and an output piston with an area 90.0 in². A weight or resistance of 284 pounds is on the output piston. What is the pressure? 3,001 psi 59.4 psi 3.16 psi 11.46 psi
The midpoint of a segment is (6, -6) and one endpoint is (13,-1). Find the coordinates of the other
A. (-1,-11)
B. (20, 4)
C. (-1,4)
D. (20, -11)
Basic Math
The midpoint of a segment is (6, -6) and one endpoint is (13,-1). Find the coordinates of the other endpoint. A. (-1,-11) B. (20, 4) C. (-1,4) D. (20, -11)
If the lengths of the legs of a right triangle are 5 and 7, what is the length of the hypotenuse?
A. 2√3
B. 12
C. √74
D. √35
Basic Math
If the lengths of the legs of a right triangle are 5 and 7, what is the length of the hypotenuse? A. 2√3 B. 12 C. √74 D. √35
The system below has the solution (z + 11, z − 8, z) . If z = 12, find z and y.
z-4=x- 15
Basic Math
The system below has the solution (z + 11, z − 8, z) . If z = 12, find z and y. x-3=y+16 z-4=x- 15 y+20=z+12
The admission fee at an amusement park is $1.50 for children and $4 for adults. On a certain day, 283 people entered the park, and the admission fees collected totaled 862.00 dollars. How many children and how many adults were admitted?
Basic Math
The admission fee at an amusement park is $1.50 for children and $4 for adults. On a certain day, 283 people entered the park, and the admission fees collected totaled 862.00 dollars. How many children and how many adults were admitted?
Solve the following system of equations. Record your answer as an ordered triple. Don't forget to include the parentheses in your answer. 
{ 4y-2z=18
{5x-4y+2z= -23

Basic Math
Solve the following system of equations. Record your answer as an ordered triple. Don't forget to include the parentheses in your answer. { 4y-2z=18 {5x-4y+2z= -23 {-x+y+5z=11 (x,y,z)=
Mr. Cutler makes clay bricks and clay tiles to sell at maker fairs. It takes him 10 minutes to make a brick and 20 minutes to make a tile. Each brick uses 3 pounds of clay and each tile uses 2 pounds of clay. He has 160 minutes available for making the bricks and tiles and has 20 pounds of clay on hand.
If he makes a profit of $2 on each brick and $3 on each tile, how many bricks and tiles should he make to maximize his profit?
A.Mr. Cutler should make 7 bricks and 0 tiles to maximize his profit.
B.Mr. Cutler should make 0 bricks and 8 tiles to maximize his profit.
C.Mr. Cutler should make 7 bricks and 2 tiles to maximize his profit.
D.Mr. Cutler should make 2 bricks and 7 tiles to maximize his profit.
Basic Math
Mr. Cutler makes clay bricks and clay tiles to sell at maker fairs. It takes him 10 minutes to make a brick and 20 minutes to make a tile. Each brick uses 3 pounds of clay and each tile uses 2 pounds of clay. He has 160 minutes available for making the bricks and tiles and has 20 pounds of clay on hand. If he makes a profit of $2 on each brick and $3 on each tile, how many bricks and tiles should he make to maximize his profit? A.Mr. Cutler should make 7 bricks and 0 tiles to maximize his profit. B.Mr. Cutler should make 0 bricks and 8 tiles to maximize his profit. C.Mr. Cutler should make 7 bricks and 2 tiles to maximize his profit. D.Mr. Cutler should make 2 bricks and 7 tiles to maximize his profit.
Let x represent one number and let y represent the other number. Four times a first number decreased by a second number is 2. The first number increased by twice the second number is -13. Use the given conditions to write a system of equations. Solve the system and find the numbers. Write a system of equations. 
A . 4x-y=2,x+y=-12 
B. x-3y=3, x-y=-13 
C. 3x+y=-12, x+y=3
D. 4x-y=2, x+2y = - 13
Solve the system and find the numbers. x= __ and y=___. The numbers are x =
Basic Math
Let x represent one number and let y represent the other number. Four times a first number decreased by a second number is 2. The first number increased by twice the second number is -13. Use the given conditions to write a system of equations. Solve the system and find the numbers. Write a system of equations. A . 4x-y=2,x+y=-12 B. x-3y=3, x-y=-13 C. 3x+y=-12, x+y=3 D. 4x-y=2, x+2y = - 13 Solve the system and find the numbers. x= __ and y=___. The numbers are x =
The midpoint of a segment is (-6, -5) and one endpoint is (1, 3). Find the coordinates of the other endpoint.
A. (8, 11)
B. (-13, -13)
C. (8,-13)
D. (-13, 11)
Basic Math
The midpoint of a segment is (-6, -5) and one endpoint is (1, 3). Find the coordinates of the other endpoint. A. (8, 11) B. (-13, -13) C. (8,-13) D. (-13, 11)
If the length of one leg of a right triangle is 8 and the hypotenuse is √113, what is the length of the other leg?
A. 19
B. 9
D. √177
Basic Math
If the length of one leg of a right triangle is 8 and the hypotenuse is √113, what is the length of the other leg? A. 19 B. 9 C.7 D. √177
Suppose someone wants to accumulate $40,000 for a college fund over the next 15 years. Determine whether the following investment plans will allow the person to reach the goal. Assume the compounding and payment periods are the same. The person deposits $140 per month into an account with an APR of 6%. Will the person meet the goal? Select the correct choice below and fill in the answer box to complete your choice. (Round the final answer to the nearest cent as needed. Round all intermediate values to six decimal places as needed.) 
A. Yes, because the amount that will be in the college fund, S $40,000. 
B. No, because the amount that will be in the college fund, S $40,000. is more than the goal of is less than the goal of
Basic Math
Suppose someone wants to accumulate $40,000 for a college fund over the next 15 years. Determine whether the following investment plans will allow the person to reach the goal. Assume the compounding and payment periods are the same. The person deposits $140 per month into an account with an APR of 6%. Will the person meet the goal? Select the correct choice below and fill in the answer box to complete your choice. (Round the final answer to the nearest cent as needed. Round all intermediate values to six decimal places as needed.) A. Yes, because the amount that will be in the college fund, S $40,000. B. No, because the amount that will be in the college fund, S $40,000. is more than the goal of is less than the goal of
A triangle drawn on a map has sides that measure 7 cm, 14 cm, and 12 cm. The shortest of the corresponding real-life distances is 120 km. Find the longest of the real-life distances. 
A. 195.7 km 
B. 250.0 km
C. 205.7 km
D. 240.0 km
Basic Math
A triangle drawn on a map has sides that measure 7 cm, 14 cm, and 12 cm. The shortest of the corresponding real-life distances is 120 km. Find the longest of the real-life distances. A. 195.7 km B. 250.0 km C. 205.7 km D. 240.0 km
Sally receives a bill from the medical clinic for services totaling $350.00. A 10% discount is offered to patients who pay their bill within 60 days. How much would Sally save by paying her bill within 60 days? 10% is figured by multiplying by 0.10 (x0.10), or by moving the decimal point one place to the left.
Basic Math
Sally receives a bill from the medical clinic for services totaling $350.00. A 10% discount is offered to patients who pay their bill within 60 days. How much would Sally save by paying her bill within 60 days? 10% is figured by multiplying by 0.10 (x0.10), or by moving the decimal point one place to the left.
For the following distribution, decide whether you expect the mean, median, or mode to give the best representation of the center of the distribution, and explain why.
Daily snowfall in Omaha in January.
Choose the correct answer below.
A. The mean because it takes into account all days, regardless of the amount of snow.
B. The median because it is easier to calculate.
C. The mode because it will find the most common snowfall amount(s).
D. The mean because it is the most commonly understood measure of center.
E. The median because it is unaffected by outliers, such as extreme storms.
F. The mode because there can be more than one.
Basic Math
For the following distribution, decide whether you expect the mean, median, or mode to give the best representation of the center of the distribution, and explain why. Daily snowfall in Omaha in January. Choose the correct answer below. A. The mean because it takes into account all days, regardless of the amount of snow. B. The median because it is easier to calculate. C. The mode because it will find the most common snowfall amount(s). D. The mean because it is the most commonly understood measure of center. E. The median because it is unaffected by outliers, such as extreme storms. F. The mode because there can be more than one.
Give an example of the type of distribution. 
Which of the following are examples of a J-shaped distribution? Select all that apply.
A. The number of children per family.
B. The results of rolling a die a very large number of times.
C. The number of hours studied per week by students.
D. None of these would follow a J-shaped distribution.
Basic Math
Give an example of the type of distribution. J-shaped Which of the following are examples of a J-shaped distribution? Select all that apply. A. The number of children per family. B. The results of rolling a die a very large number of times. C. The number of hours studied per week by students. D. None of these would follow a J-shaped distribution.