Biology Questions

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In a sprain the meniscus of the joint is stretched or torn requiring arthroscopic surgery to fix it True False
Biotechnology & its Applications
In a sprain the meniscus of the joint is stretched or torn requiring arthroscopic surgery to fix it True False
iring excitation contraction coupling the events that transmit action potential along the sarcolemma are coupled to the sliding of myofilaments True False Question 41 2 points 4 Listen Rigor mortis occurs because Osodium ions leak into the muscle causing continued contractions no ATP is available to release attached actin and myosin molecules proteins are beginning to break down thus preventing a flow of calcium ions
Human Physiology - Circulatory System
iring excitation contraction coupling the events that transmit action potential along the sarcolemma are coupled to the sliding of myofilaments True False Question 41 2 points 4 Listen Rigor mortis occurs because Osodium ions leak into the muscle causing continued contractions no ATP is available to release attached actin and myosin molecules proteins are beginning to break down thus preventing a flow of calcium ions
regenerated for muscle metabolism lowing that are true regarding the ways in which ATP is Glycolysis can occur in the presence or absence of oxygen but is considered anaerobic because it does not use oxygen During rest and light to moderate exercise the aerobic pathway produces the vast majority of the ATP produced Creatine phosphate a molecule that is unique to muscles donates a phosphate to ADP to instantly form ATP The anaerobic pathway is efficient but slow compared to the aerobic pathway Question 24 1 5 points Listen Match the following types of joints with their descriptions DE A joint where fibrocartilage unites the bones A completely ossified joint A joint where hyaline ter the bones 1 Symphyses 2 Synchondroses 3 Synostoses
Human Physiology - General
regenerated for muscle metabolism lowing that are true regarding the ways in which ATP is Glycolysis can occur in the presence or absence of oxygen but is considered anaerobic because it does not use oxygen During rest and light to moderate exercise the aerobic pathway produces the vast majority of the ATP produced Creatine phosphate a molecule that is unique to muscles donates a phosphate to ADP to instantly form ATP The anaerobic pathway is efficient but slow compared to the aerobic pathway Question 24 1 5 points Listen Match the following types of joints with their descriptions DE A joint where fibrocartilage unites the bones A completely ossified joint A joint where hyaline ter the bones 1 Symphyses 2 Synchondroses 3 Synostoses
the total number of muscle fibers cells available for contraction the length the number of neurons innervating it the shape Question 34 2 points 40 Listen A term such as extensor in a muscle s name refers to the muscle size O the muscle shape the action of the muscle
Animal Kingdom
the total number of muscle fibers cells available for contraction the length the number of neurons innervating it the shape Question 34 2 points 40 Listen A term such as extensor in a muscle s name refers to the muscle size O the muscle shape the action of the muscle
shape of the muscle size of the muscle action of the muscle location of the muscle Question 36 2 points Listen A term such as rectus in a muscle s name refers to the Olocation of the muscle O action of the muscle O direction of the muscle fibers number of origins
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
shape of the muscle size of the muscle action of the muscle location of the muscle Question 36 2 points Listen A term such as rectus in a muscle s name refers to the Olocation of the muscle O action of the muscle O direction of the muscle fibers number of origins
The muscle shortens and does work Listen The muscle generates force as it lengthens Question 12 2 points 1 Concentric contractions 2 Eccentric contractions Select ALL of the following statements that are correct There are two main types of myofibrils one is composed of actin and the other is composed of myosin The sarcoplasmic reticulum surrounds each muscle fiber and stores calcium extracellularly T tubules are extensions of the plasma membrane that protrude deep into the cell interior The carcolemma is the plasma membrane of a skeletal muscle fiber
Human Reproduction
The muscle shortens and does work Listen The muscle generates force as it lengthens Question 12 2 points 1 Concentric contractions 2 Eccentric contractions Select ALL of the following statements that are correct There are two main types of myofibrils one is composed of actin and the other is composed of myosin The sarcoplasmic reticulum surrounds each muscle fiber and stores calcium extracellularly T tubules are extensions of the plasma membrane that protrude deep into the cell interior The carcolemma is the plasma membrane of a skeletal muscle fiber
stable base on which to act 0000 Fixator Agonist Antagonist Synergist cle immobilizes a bone or muscle s origin giving a prime mover a Question 26 2 points Listen What type of muscle opposes or reverses the movement of the prime mover Synergist Agonist
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
stable base on which to act 0000 Fixator Agonist Antagonist Synergist cle immobilizes a bone or muscle s origin giving a prime mover a Question 26 2 points Listen What type of muscle opposes or reverses the movement of the prime mover Synergist Agonist
a second class lever a fourth class lever a third class lever a first class lever Question 32 1 5 points 4 Listen A Select whether each of the following is true for smooth muscle or skeletal muscle synchronized contractions due to gap junctions that spread action potentials to all fibers innervated by the autonomic nervous system each fiber is innervated by 1 smooth muscle 2 skeletal muscle
The Living World
a second class lever a fourth class lever a third class lever a first class lever Question 32 1 5 points 4 Listen A Select whether each of the following is true for smooth muscle or skeletal muscle synchronized contractions due to gap junctions that spread action potentials to all fibers innervated by the autonomic nervous system each fiber is innervated by 1 smooth muscle 2 skeletal muscle
of the knee joint The knee joint consists of three joints the femoropatellar joint the lateral tibiofemoral joint and the medial tibiofemoral joint surrounded by a single joint cavity The joint capsule of the knee is thin and absent laterally making it susceptible to lateral blows The knee joint is the largest and most complex joint of the body Capsular and extracapsular ligaments help prevent hyperextension of the knee Question 18 2 points Listen The cruciate ligaments of the knee Olimit femur movement anteriorly and posteriorly O tend to run parallel to one another are also called collateral ligaments
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
of the knee joint The knee joint consists of three joints the femoropatellar joint the lateral tibiofemoral joint and the medial tibiofemoral joint surrounded by a single joint cavity The joint capsule of the knee is thin and absent laterally making it susceptible to lateral blows The knee joint is the largest and most complex joint of the body Capsular and extracapsular ligaments help prevent hyperextension of the knee Question 18 2 points Listen The cruciate ligaments of the knee Olimit femur movement anteriorly and posteriorly O tend to run parallel to one another are also called collateral ligaments
ATP energizes the sliding process actin and myosin interact by the sliding filament mechanism the site of calcium binding site differs the trigger for contraction is a rise in intracellular calcium skeletal muscle in that Question 22 2 points Listen All of the following are true of smooth muscle EXCEPT there are noncontractile intermediate filaments that attach to dense bodies within the cell O it appears to lack troponin Othere are no sarcomeres mo thick filaments than thin filaments
The Living World
ATP energizes the sliding process actin and myosin interact by the sliding filament mechanism the site of calcium binding site differs the trigger for contraction is a rise in intracellular calcium skeletal muscle in that Question 22 2 points Listen All of the following are true of smooth muscle EXCEPT there are noncontractile intermediate filaments that attach to dense bodies within the cell O it appears to lack troponin Othere are no sarcomeres mo thick filaments than thin filaments
to contract for the longest amount of time both fast glycolytic and fast oxidative fibers fast glycolytic fibers fast oxidative fibers slow oxidative fibers Question 28 2 points Listen results in the production of two net ATPs per glucose plus two pyruvic acid molecules Glycolysis Aerobic respiration The electron transport chain
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
to contract for the longest amount of time both fast glycolytic and fast oxidative fibers fast glycolytic fibers fast oxidative fibers slow oxidative fibers Question 28 2 points Listen results in the production of two net ATPs per glucose plus two pyruvic acid molecules Glycolysis Aerobic respiration The electron transport chain
Saddle joints allow which of the following types of movements flexion and extension flexion extension abduction and adduction abduction and adduction O rotation Question 20 2 points Listen Supination and pronation occur at a hinge condyloid joint
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
Saddle joints allow which of the following types of movements flexion and extension flexion extension abduction and adduction abduction and adduction O rotation Question 20 2 points Listen Supination and pronation occur at a hinge condyloid joint
The temporomandibular joint allows depression and elevation as well as rotation True False Question 16 2 points Listen The temporomandibular joint almost always dislocates posteriorly anteriorly inferiorly
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
The temporomandibular joint allows depression and elevation as well as rotation True False Question 16 2 points Listen The temporomandibular joint almost always dislocates posteriorly anteriorly inferiorly
results in recruitment increased contractile speed unfused tetanus wave summation Question 10 2 points Listen ctions increasing the strength of stimulation Match the type of contraction with its definition The muscle is able to develop enough tension to move the load so the muscle changes length The load on the muscle exceeds the muscle s maximum tension developing capabilities so V 1 Isometric contractions 2 Isotonic contractions
The Living World
results in recruitment increased contractile speed unfused tetanus wave summation Question 10 2 points Listen ctions increasing the strength of stimulation Match the type of contraction with its definition The muscle is able to develop enough tension to move the load so the muscle changes length The load on the muscle exceeds the muscle s maximum tension developing capabilities so V 1 Isometric contractions 2 Isotonic contractions
Select ALL of the following that are true of synovial joints All synovial joints are diarthrotic Almost all of the joints of the limbs are synovial joints The bones in the joint are separated by a joint cavity that it filled with connective tissue Fibrocartilage lines the ends of the bones to keep them from being crushed
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
Select ALL of the following that are true of synovial joints All synovial joints are diarthrotic Almost all of the joints of the limbs are synovial joints The bones in the joint are separated by a joint cavity that it filled with connective tissue Fibrocartilage lines the ends of the bones to keep them from being crushed
is a sex linked recessive disease caused by a defective gene for dystrophin It results in loss of muscle mass that progresses from the extremities to the chest and cardiac muscles Myasthenia gravis Myofibril atrophy Duchenne muscular dystrophy Rigor mortis
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
is a sex linked recessive disease caused by a defective gene for dystrophin It results in loss of muscle mass that progresses from the extremities to the chest and cardiac muscles Myasthenia gravis Myofibril atrophy Duchenne muscular dystrophy Rigor mortis
interphalangeal joints joints that permit angular movements cartilaginous joints where hyaline cartilage unites bones amphiarthrotic joints designed for strength and flexibilitu
The Living World
interphalangeal joints joints that permit angular movements cartilaginous joints where hyaline cartilage unites bones amphiarthrotic joints designed for strength and flexibilitu
Articular cartilage found at the ends of the long bones serves to produce red blood cells hemopoiesis reduce friction and wear and tear form the synovial membrane attach tendons
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
Articular cartilage found at the ends of the long bones serves to produce red blood cells hemopoiesis reduce friction and wear and tear form the synovial membrane attach tendons
You put 2 gummy bears into the first solution Next your directions tells you that must also prepare a solution that mimics what happens when you place a freshwater organism in a saltwater aquarium Remember each gummy bear is 70 sugar 30 water Which of the following solutions should you make to mimic the scenario NOTE This brand of gummy bear will NOT dissolve in the water Only water and very small ions NOT sugar will move into or out of the gummy bear 00 sugar 100 water solution O 50 sugar 50 water solution O 70 sugar 30 water solution
Plant Physiology - Respiration
You put 2 gummy bears into the first solution Next your directions tells you that must also prepare a solution that mimics what happens when you place a freshwater organism in a saltwater aquarium Remember each gummy bear is 70 sugar 30 water Which of the following solutions should you make to mimic the scenario NOTE This brand of gummy bear will NOT dissolve in the water Only water and very small ions NOT sugar will move into or out of the gummy bear 00 sugar 100 water solution O 50 sugar 50 water solution O 70 sugar 30 water solution
6 In contrast to traditional treatment planning person centered planning focuses on O O O The person s social deficits The person s functional limitations The person s strengths and abilities The person s problems and inabilities 7 An individual identifies their primary goal as spending more time with their friends The person s treatment team members feel that the person would be better served by getting a job Using a person centered planning approach what should the primary focus be when writing this individual s plan Getting a part time job to ease them into the workplace Obtaining a full time job Decreasing symptoms and improving stability Increasing time spent with friends
The Living World
6 In contrast to traditional treatment planning person centered planning focuses on O O O The person s social deficits The person s functional limitations The person s strengths and abilities The person s problems and inabilities 7 An individual identifies their primary goal as spending more time with their friends The person s treatment team members feel that the person would be better served by getting a job Using a person centered planning approach what should the primary focus be when writing this individual s plan Getting a part time job to ease them into the workplace Obtaining a full time job Decreasing symptoms and improving stability Increasing time spent with friends
2 If a person you are supporting makes life choices that you as the professional feel are not supportive of recovery efforts what is the best approach for managing this Facilitate access to a more restrictive and intense level of service such as inpatient or partial hospital programs Discharge the person from your care and recommend another professional for the person to work with Call someone in the person s support network and ask them to encourage the person to follow treatment recommendations Discuss the issue openly with the person peel the onion and document the discussion in their health record 3 In what way is cultural competency important in person centered planning O It aligns person centered planning and the traditional medical model It helps you recognize and be sensitive to cultural issues that may be impacting how a person approaches their treatment It allows you to avoid talking about cultural beliefs and values It promotes the clinician s cultural agenda on centered planning
2 If a person you are supporting makes life choices that you as the professional feel are not supportive of recovery efforts what is the best approach for managing this Facilitate access to a more restrictive and intense level of service such as inpatient or partial hospital programs Discharge the person from your care and recommend another professional for the person to work with Call someone in the person s support network and ask them to encourage the person to follow treatment recommendations Discuss the issue openly with the person peel the onion and document the discussion in their health record 3 In what way is cultural competency important in person centered planning O It aligns person centered planning and the traditional medical model It helps you recognize and be sensitive to cultural issues that may be impacting how a person approaches their treatment It allows you to avoid talking about cultural beliefs and values It promotes the clinician s cultural agenda on centered planning
7 Why is it critical to attend to the need for relationships and community connections throughout the person centered planning process Clients may need help with transportation to appointments Researchers have noted that people tend to choose negative influences when they are struggling with mental health issues Clients are usually not interested in maintaining relationships Researchers have documented the beneficial impacts of meaningful relationships on overall well being 8 Sarah stated that it was important for her to spend time with her children However her behavior indicates that she tends to prioritize watching television over time with her children Which option below is the BEST way to handle this discrepancy O Discuss the discrepancy between her behaviors and goals as a way to explore her priorities Have her make a daily schedule that includes time with her children and time watching TV and see if she can adhere to it Talk to her partner about monitoring her time spent watching TV Suggest that she spend more time away from the house with her children so that she won t be tempted to watch so much TV OO
Biological Classification
7 Why is it critical to attend to the need for relationships and community connections throughout the person centered planning process Clients may need help with transportation to appointments Researchers have noted that people tend to choose negative influences when they are struggling with mental health issues Clients are usually not interested in maintaining relationships Researchers have documented the beneficial impacts of meaningful relationships on overall well being 8 Sarah stated that it was important for her to spend time with her children However her behavior indicates that she tends to prioritize watching television over time with her children Which option below is the BEST way to handle this discrepancy O Discuss the discrepancy between her behaviors and goals as a way to explore her priorities Have her make a daily schedule that includes time with her children and time watching TV and see if she can adhere to it Talk to her partner about monitoring her time spent watching TV Suggest that she spend more time away from the house with her children so that she won t be tempted to watch so much TV OO
9 True or False Traditional treatment planning is sometimes viewed as an event that occurs at the outset of treatment True O False 10 The goal statement of a person centered plan should be Directed by the provider and what they think is important Excluded from the progress notes that the provider keeps Written in the person s own words Focused on the person s therapy activities
9 True or False Traditional treatment planning is sometimes viewed as an event that occurs at the outset of treatment True O False 10 The goal statement of a person centered plan should be Directed by the provider and what they think is important Excluded from the progress notes that the provider keeps Written in the person s own words Focused on the person s therapy activities
3 What is the MAIN purpose of a pre planning meeting O To introduce the team members to each other To determine the logistics of the actual person centered planning team meeting To discuss each of the team members who will be attending the actual person centered planning meeting To prepare chairs and tables in the office where the actual person centered planning meeting will take place 4 In contrast to traditional treatment planning person centered planning focuses on The person s social deficits The person s functional limitations The person s strengths and abilities The person s problems and inabilities
Biotechnology & its Applications
3 What is the MAIN purpose of a pre planning meeting O To introduce the team members to each other To determine the logistics of the actual person centered planning team meeting To discuss each of the team members who will be attending the actual person centered planning meeting To prepare chairs and tables in the office where the actual person centered planning meeting will take place 4 In contrast to traditional treatment planning person centered planning focuses on The person s social deficits The person s functional limitations The person s strengths and abilities The person s problems and inabilities
1 Person centered planning is most likely to emphasize which of the following The person s specific skill deficits The person s goals and dreams The person s problematic symptoms The person s diagnosis 2 Tanya is anxious about her upcoming planning meeting because she is a little uncomfortable discussing a specific issue front of her friend who is a member of the team Which of the following actions would be a good way for the team to handle issue O O Tanya s team should have the psychiatrist speak for Tanya during the planning meeting The team should insist that Tanya discuss her issues during the planning meeting The team should recommend that Tanya s friend be removed from the team to avoid any discomfort for Tanya 4 One of the team members that Tanya trusts could offer to meet with Tanya and her friend and discuss the issues prior to the meeting
Biological Classification
1 Person centered planning is most likely to emphasize which of the following The person s specific skill deficits The person s goals and dreams The person s problematic symptoms The person s diagnosis 2 Tanya is anxious about her upcoming planning meeting because she is a little uncomfortable discussing a specific issue front of her friend who is a member of the team Which of the following actions would be a good way for the team to handle issue O O Tanya s team should have the psychiatrist speak for Tanya during the planning meeting The team should insist that Tanya discuss her issues during the planning meeting The team should recommend that Tanya s friend be removed from the team to avoid any discomfort for Tanya 4 One of the team members that Tanya trusts could offer to meet with Tanya and her friend and discuss the issues prior to the meeting
10 An important ground rule for person centered planning meetings is that O The person should always facilitate their own meeting Everyone is treated with dignity and respect Participants should listen but not speak Nothing discussed during the meeting is confidential O OO
10 An important ground rule for person centered planning meetings is that O The person should always facilitate their own meeting Everyone is treated with dignity and respect Participants should listen but not speak Nothing discussed during the meeting is confidential O OO
12 Explain the statement that both types bacteria and archaea have the same basic structures but built from different chemical components I
Human Reproduction
12 Explain the statement that both types bacteria and archaea have the same basic structures but built from different chemical components I
6 True or False A person centered planning meeting should be conducted using a traditional meeting approach where individuals meet at an office around a table and each person gets to address what is important to them True False
Biological Classification
6 True or False A person centered planning meeting should be conducted using a traditional meeting approach where individuals meet at an office around a table and each person gets to address what is important to them True False
9 Tanya is anxious about her upcoming planning meeting because she is a little uncomfortable discussing a specific issue in front of her friend who is a member of the team Which of the following actions would be a good way for the team to handle this issue Tanya s team should have the psychiatrist speak for Tanya during the planning meeting The team should insist that Tanya discuss her issues during the planning meeting The team should recommend that Tanya s friend be removed from the team to avoid any discomfort for Tanya One of the team members that Tanya trusts could offer to meet with Tanya and her friend and discuss the issues prior to the meeting
Plant Physiology - General
9 Tanya is anxious about her upcoming planning meeting because she is a little uncomfortable discussing a specific issue in front of her friend who is a member of the team Which of the following actions would be a good way for the team to handle this issue Tanya s team should have the psychiatrist speak for Tanya during the planning meeting The team should insist that Tanya discuss her issues during the planning meeting The team should recommend that Tanya s friend be removed from the team to avoid any discomfort for Tanya One of the team members that Tanya trusts could offer to meet with Tanya and her friend and discuss the issues prior to the meeting
7 Person centered thinking and planning facilitates the development of an action plan that is O Focused on the person s illness Focused on what is important TO and FOR the person Focused on professional services and facility based availability Focused on compliance with best practice standards
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
7 Person centered thinking and planning facilitates the development of an action plan that is O Focused on the person s illness Focused on what is important TO and FOR the person Focused on professional services and facility based availability Focused on compliance with best practice standards
8 When involved in a person centered planning process the professional team members and the person Must come to an agreement on all decisions before being written into a plan O Are encouraged to develop plans that protect the person from taking risks O Are collaborators and partners in developing goals that are meaningful to the client Should only document things that the O professional team member is comfortable discussing
The Living World
8 When involved in a person centered planning process the professional team members and the person Must come to an agreement on all decisions before being written into a plan O Are encouraged to develop plans that protect the person from taking risks O Are collaborators and partners in developing goals that are meaningful to the client Should only document things that the O professional team member is comfortable discussing
1 The goal statement of a person centered plan should be Directed by the provider and what they think is important Excluded from the progress notes that the provider keeps Written in the person s own words Focused on the person s therapy activities
Plant Physiology - General
1 The goal statement of a person centered plan should be Directed by the provider and what they think is important Excluded from the progress notes that the provider keeps Written in the person s own words Focused on the person s therapy activities
5 An individual identifies their primary goal as spending more time with their friends The person s treatment team members feel that the person would be better served by getting a job Using a person centered planning approach what should the primary focus be when writing this individual s plan Getting a part time job to ease them into the workplace Obtaining a full time job Decreasing symptoms and improving stability Increasing time spent with friends
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
5 An individual identifies their primary goal as spending more time with their friends The person s treatment team members feel that the person would be better served by getting a job Using a person centered planning approach what should the primary focus be when writing this individual s plan Getting a part time job to ease them into the workplace Obtaining a full time job Decreasing symptoms and improving stability Increasing time spent with friends
4 True or False Traditional treatment planning is sometimes viewed as an event that occurs at the outset of treatment True False
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
4 True or False Traditional treatment planning is sometimes viewed as an event that occurs at the outset of treatment True False
3 In what way is cultural competency important in person centered planning O It aligns person centered planning and the traditional medical model It helps you recognize and be sensitive to cultural issues that may be impacting how a person approaches their treatment It allows you to avoid talking about cultural beliefs and values It promotes the clinician s cultural agenda
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
3 In what way is cultural competency important in person centered planning O It aligns person centered planning and the traditional medical model It helps you recognize and be sensitive to cultural issues that may be impacting how a person approaches their treatment It allows you to avoid talking about cultural beliefs and values It promotes the clinician s cultural agenda
2 A person receiving services has identified their mother as someone they would like included in the planning meeting You know from your work with this individual that their mother often criticizes them and makes them doubt their abilities How should you handle the person s request to include their mother in the planning meeting Explain that it is not in their best interest to have their mother participate and deny the request to include her Agree that she can attend the meeting provided she understands she is there to listen and not speak Allow the person to decide who to include but make efforts to mitigate unhelpful input from her Remind the person of all the times their mother s O input upset them so they will realize it is a bad idea to include her
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
2 A person receiving services has identified their mother as someone they would like included in the planning meeting You know from your work with this individual that their mother often criticizes them and makes them doubt their abilities How should you handle the person s request to include their mother in the planning meeting Explain that it is not in their best interest to have their mother participate and deny the request to include her Agree that she can attend the meeting provided she understands she is there to listen and not speak Allow the person to decide who to include but make efforts to mitigate unhelpful input from her Remind the person of all the times their mother s O input upset them so they will realize it is a bad idea to include her
4 The cell cycle has checkpoints that must be passed in order for the cell to continue dividing Explain A why these checkpoints are important and B what would happen if a cell had a mutation that allowed it to bypass a checkpoint
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
4 The cell cycle has checkpoints that must be passed in order for the cell to continue dividing Explain A why these checkpoints are important and B what would happen if a cell had a mutation that allowed it to bypass a checkpoint
7 Rheumatoid Arthritis usually affects joints bilaterally e both the right and left wrist whereas Osteoarthritis often affects joints on one side only i e only the right wrist in someone right handed For both diseases explain why
Structural Organization in Animals
7 Rheumatoid Arthritis usually affects joints bilaterally e both the right and left wrist whereas Osteoarthritis often affects joints on one side only i e only the right wrist in someone right handed For both diseases explain why
Jaws first occurred in which extant group of fishes ray finned fishes Ochondrichthyans placoderms lungfishes
Biological Classification
Jaws first occurred in which extant group of fishes ray finned fishes Ochondrichthyans placoderms lungfishes
False confession is a huge problem in the US it s estimated to be a factor in approximately 15 25 of wrongful convictions Frenda et al 2016 had college students complete computer tasks they were repeatedly warned not to hit the Escape key because that would delete all the data Afterward half were randomly assigned to sleep in a bedroom at the lab while the other half stayed up all night The next day all participants were falsely accused of hitting the Escape key in fact none of thern had actually done so and asked to sign a statement admitting to this They found that 50 of the sleep deprived participants signed the confession after being asked only once in other words nobody was yelling at them or repeatedly pressuring thern Among the participants who got sleep 18 confessed Frenda S J Berkowitz S R Loftus E F Fenn K M 2016 Sleep deprivation and false confessions Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113 8 2047 2050 https doi org 10 1073 pnas 1521518113 Answer all of the questions below a Was this basic research or applied research Explain your reasoning in 1 2 sentences b Was this study experimental quasi experimental or correlational Explain your reasoning in 1 2 sentences c Identify the independent and dependent variables d What is one limitation of this study In other words you either identify a one thing you think they should have done differently with their method and why or b what is a variable that you think they should have considered and why You should take 1 2 sentences to describe the limitation and another 2 3 sentences to explain why it s a limitation
The Living World
False confession is a huge problem in the US it s estimated to be a factor in approximately 15 25 of wrongful convictions Frenda et al 2016 had college students complete computer tasks they were repeatedly warned not to hit the Escape key because that would delete all the data Afterward half were randomly assigned to sleep in a bedroom at the lab while the other half stayed up all night The next day all participants were falsely accused of hitting the Escape key in fact none of thern had actually done so and asked to sign a statement admitting to this They found that 50 of the sleep deprived participants signed the confession after being asked only once in other words nobody was yelling at them or repeatedly pressuring thern Among the participants who got sleep 18 confessed Frenda S J Berkowitz S R Loftus E F Fenn K M 2016 Sleep deprivation and false confessions Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113 8 2047 2050 https doi org 10 1073 pnas 1521518113 Answer all of the questions below a Was this basic research or applied research Explain your reasoning in 1 2 sentences b Was this study experimental quasi experimental or correlational Explain your reasoning in 1 2 sentences c Identify the independent and dependent variables d What is one limitation of this study In other words you either identify a one thing you think they should have done differently with their method and why or b what is a variable that you think they should have considered and why You should take 1 2 sentences to describe the limitation and another 2 3 sentences to explain why it s a limitation
During the course you learned about how various parts of the brain work and how many of the areas work together to support our functioning For this question choose one of the following activities Reading a book Playing a sport pick whatever sport you want For whichever activity you chose identify two areas of the brain that would be involved the function of those areas and how they would need to work together to assist you with the activity Your total answer should be around 4 8 sentences Here s an example of how you might structure a portion of your answer The nucleus accumbens is an area of the brain important for reward leaming Assuming the person enjoys reading and is having fun the nucleus accumbens would be activated encouraging the person to keep reading and making them more likely to do it again in the future
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
During the course you learned about how various parts of the brain work and how many of the areas work together to support our functioning For this question choose one of the following activities Reading a book Playing a sport pick whatever sport you want For whichever activity you chose identify two areas of the brain that would be involved the function of those areas and how they would need to work together to assist you with the activity Your total answer should be around 4 8 sentences Here s an example of how you might structure a portion of your answer The nucleus accumbens is an area of the brain important for reward leaming Assuming the person enjoys reading and is having fun the nucleus accumbens would be activated encouraging the person to keep reading and making them more likely to do it again in the future
Rian has been feeling very sad since his partner died He is eating little and having difficulty sleeping He is weepy much of the time Rian is preoccupied with thoughts of his deceased partner and does not want to do much other than thinking about their time together As you have learned diagnosing disorders is a complex process that should only be done by professionals However you also learned about some of the considerations that go into determining whether or not someone has a diagnosable disorder Discuss some of the factors that a professional will want to consider in determining whether or not Rian has a diagnosable disorder Things to consider in your answer You are not identifying a specific disorder and the symptoms of that disorder You are clearly showing what you know about characteristics that are important for determining abnormal behavior You must relate your answer to elements of Rian s specific situation Your answer should be approximately 5 8 sentences long
Human Health and Diseases
Rian has been feeling very sad since his partner died He is eating little and having difficulty sleeping He is weepy much of the time Rian is preoccupied with thoughts of his deceased partner and does not want to do much other than thinking about their time together As you have learned diagnosing disorders is a complex process that should only be done by professionals However you also learned about some of the considerations that go into determining whether or not someone has a diagnosable disorder Discuss some of the factors that a professional will want to consider in determining whether or not Rian has a diagnosable disorder Things to consider in your answer You are not identifying a specific disorder and the symptoms of that disorder You are clearly showing what you know about characteristics that are important for determining abnormal behavior You must relate your answer to elements of Rian s specific situation Your answer should be approximately 5 8 sentences long
Claire designed a new personality test Her participants took her test twice and got the same results each time However their scores failed to correlate with other well established measures of personality and did not predict people s actual behavior Based on this we can conclude that Claire s test was valid but not reliable
The Living World
Claire designed a new personality test Her participants took her test twice and got the same results each time However their scores failed to correlate with other well established measures of personality and did not predict people s actual behavior Based on this we can conclude that Claire s test was valid but not reliable
Listen Which of the following describes echinoderms Digestion occurs completely outside of the organism Tubefeet provide motility in most species Hemolymph circulates in the water vascular system They have an exoskeleton of hard calcareous plates They are found in both freshwater and saltwater environments
Animal Kingdom
Listen Which of the following describes echinoderms Digestion occurs completely outside of the organism Tubefeet provide motility in most species Hemolymph circulates in the water vascular system They have an exoskeleton of hard calcareous plates They are found in both freshwater and saltwater environments
X S m ed What literary device is the author using in describing the behavior of the cactus near the beginning of O Henry s The Cactus 11 among its soft convolutions he did not feel the prick of the thorn that was to pierce him later A Foreshadowing B Metaphor C Hyperbole
The Living World
X S m ed What literary device is the author using in describing the behavior of the cactus near the beginning of O Henry s The Cactus 11 among its soft convolutions he did not feel the prick of the thorn that was to pierce him later A Foreshadowing B Metaphor C Hyperbole
10 100 Soil Texture Triangle U S Department of Agriculture 20 30 40 Clay Separate SO 60 70 sandy clay XXX sandy clay loam sandy loam loamy sand sandy 80 90 100 clay 10 Xclay loam loam 20 30 8 85 Sand Separate A soil sample contains 70 silt 30 sand and 0 clay What type of soil do you have A loam B silt loam C clay
Ecology - Environmental Issues
10 100 Soil Texture Triangle U S Department of Agriculture 20 30 40 Clay Separate SO 60 70 sandy clay XXX sandy clay loam sandy loam loamy sand sandy 80 90 100 clay 10 Xclay loam loam 20 30 8 85 Sand Separate A soil sample contains 70 silt 30 sand and 0 clay What type of soil do you have A loam B silt loam C clay
Part 2 Identify organisms from the different classes of Echinodermata Holothuroidea Crinoidea Ophiuroidea Holothuroidea Asteroidea Echinoidea Holothuroidea
Animal Kingdom
Part 2 Identify organisms from the different classes of Echinodermata Holothuroidea Crinoidea Ophiuroidea Holothuroidea Asteroidea Echinoidea Holothuroidea
Select all that are true of the process of translation Takes place either in the cytoplasm or on the Rough ER tRNA molecules have the anticodons Ribosomes build the mRNA The start codon codes for Met methionine but the stop codons do not code for a amino acids New tRNA molecules bring their amino acid to the P site on the ribosome
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Select all that are true of the process of translation Takes place either in the cytoplasm or on the Rough ER tRNA molecules have the anticodons Ribosomes build the mRNA The start codon codes for Met methionine but the stop codons do not code for a amino acids New tRNA molecules bring their amino acid to the P site on the ribosome
Select all of the following that are true of the process of transcription The promoter sequence contains a TATA box RNA polymerase splits the double helix open A terminator sequence signals the end of the process on the downstream end of gene RNA polymerase builds the transcript The second step is elongation A DNA molecule is created using the template strand
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Select all of the following that are true of the process of transcription The promoter sequence contains a TATA box RNA polymerase splits the double helix open A terminator sequence signals the end of the process on the downstream end of gene RNA polymerase builds the transcript The second step is elongation A DNA molecule is created using the template strand
Which of the following are correct about Griffith s transformation experiment He concluded that DNA was the genetic material He was studying two types of viruses He used radioactive isotopes to track DNA Heat killed S strain bacteria was deadly by itself Combining heat killed S strain and live R strain caused the transformation
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Which of the following are correct about Griffith s transformation experiment He concluded that DNA was the genetic material He was studying two types of viruses He used radioactive isotopes to track DNA Heat killed S strain bacteria was deadly by itself Combining heat killed S strain and live R strain caused the transformation