Biology Questions

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Which of the following statements about the polysaccharide cellulose is incorrect View Available Hint s The human body lacks the enzyme to breakdown the B 1 4 glycosidic link in cellulose Microorganisms breakdown cellulose for some grazing animals by producing an enzyme called cellulase O The glucose monomers in cellulose arrange in a helical conformation O Cellulose is used to build houses and make cardboard
Which of the following statements about the polysaccharide cellulose is incorrect View Available Hint s The human body lacks the enzyme to breakdown the B 1 4 glycosidic link in cellulose Microorganisms breakdown cellulose for some grazing animals by producing an enzyme called cellulase O The glucose monomers in cellulose arrange in a helical conformation O Cellulose is used to build houses and make cardboard
Part A 6000 What type of joint is shown at the tip of the pointer 0 500 LT A51 Pelvic Skeleton Female 30 Scientific
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
Part A 6000 What type of joint is shown at the tip of the pointer 0 500 LT A51 Pelvic Skeleton Female 30 Scientific
Copyrant by SOMO 2010 www somso com
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
Copyrant by SOMO 2010 www somso com
Copyright by SOMso 2010 www somso co
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
Copyright by SOMso 2010 www somso co
Identify the highlighted structure 55 58 564 LT VA 16 Life Size Muscle Torso 27 part 38 Scientific
The Living World
Identify the highlighted structure 55 58 564 LT VA 16 Life Size Muscle Torso 27 part 38 Scientific
Identify the joint shown here 970 MAR Copyright by SOMSO 2010 www
The Living World
Identify the joint shown here 970 MAR Copyright by SOMSO 2010 www
The highlighted structure contains what type of fluid Submit Request Answer Copyright by SOMSO 2010 www CO
The Living World
The highlighted structure contains what type of fluid Submit Request Answer Copyright by SOMSO 2010 www CO
when a single non disjunction event occurs in meiosis Hints 1 If a diploid cell has n pairs of chromosomes how many chromosomes does it have 2 Are gametes diploids or haploids Question 2 P F1 F2 AABB x aabb AaBb x tester 4 5 pts You obtain an F1 dihybrid by crossing the parents AABB x aabb You perform a test cross of the dihybrid AaBb and score the phenotypes of 1 640 progeny Assuming a frequency of recombination of 17 how many of the progeny do you expect to display the recessive phenotype for both the a and b genes Round to nearest integer Hints 1 What is the genotype of the tester line 2 Is the phenotype in question the product of one of the parental chromosomes or a recombinant chromosome 3 Do you need to use the given recombination frequency or the frequency of no recombination 2
The Living World
when a single non disjunction event occurs in meiosis Hints 1 If a diploid cell has n pairs of chromosomes how many chromosomes does it have 2 Are gametes diploids or haploids Question 2 P F1 F2 AABB x aabb AaBb x tester 4 5 pts You obtain an F1 dihybrid by crossing the parents AABB x aabb You perform a test cross of the dihybrid AaBb and score the phenotypes of 1 640 progeny Assuming a frequency of recombination of 17 how many of the progeny do you expect to display the recessive phenotype for both the a and b genes Round to nearest integer Hints 1 What is the genotype of the tester line 2 Is the phenotype in question the product of one of the parental chromosomes or a recombinant chromosome 3 Do you need to use the given recombination frequency or the frequency of no recombination 2
Activating more muscle units in order to generate more muscle tension is called recruitment isometric contraction recovery muscle tone Question 25 1 point Listen What happens if you don t use a muscle at all a It will get smaller and weaker b It will stay the same d It will grow longer
Cell: The Unit of Life
Activating more muscle units in order to generate more muscle tension is called recruitment isometric contraction recovery muscle tone Question 25 1 point Listen What happens if you don t use a muscle at all a It will get smaller and weaker b It will stay the same d It will grow longer
Muscle cells can be stretched This property is called conductivity distensibility elasticity excitability Question 16 1 point Listen What is the special term for the cytoplasm of a myocyte a the cytoskeleton b the sarcoplasm c the sarcoplasmic reticulum
Human Physiology - General
Muscle cells can be stretched This property is called conductivity distensibility elasticity excitability Question 16 1 point Listen What is the special term for the cytoplasm of a myocyte a the cytoskeleton b the sarcoplasm c the sarcoplasmic reticulum
back into ATP O immediately during sustained contraction during the recovery period Question 23 1 point Listen Fatty acids can be used as an energy source for immediate replenishment of ATP glycolytic catabolism oxidative catabolism Question 24 1 point
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
back into ATP O immediately during sustained contraction during the recovery period Question 23 1 point Listen Fatty acids can be used as an energy source for immediate replenishment of ATP glycolytic catabolism oxidative catabolism Question 24 1 point
a sarcolemma Ob sarcoplasm c sarcoplasmic reticulum Question 19 1 point Listen Which myofilament contains myosin the thick filament the thin filament the elastic filament
Cell: The Unit of Life
a sarcolemma Ob sarcoplasm c sarcoplasmic reticulum Question 19 1 point Listen Which myofilament contains myosin the thick filament the thin filament the elastic filament
vhich neurotransm phase acetylcholine dopamine serotonin neuropeptide Y Question 21 1 point 4 Listen Which regulatory protein does calcium bind to in skeletal muscle fibers actin myosin tropomyosin
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
vhich neurotransm phase acetylcholine dopamine serotonin neuropeptide Y Question 21 1 point 4 Listen Which regulatory protein does calcium bind to in skeletal muscle fibers actin myosin tropomyosin
Which of these structures stores calcium a the sarcolemma b the sarcoplasmic reticulum O c the nuclei d the rough endoplasmic reticulum Question 18 1 point Listen T tubules are formed of the of the myocyte a sarcolemma
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
Which of these structures stores calcium a the sarcolemma b the sarcoplasmic reticulum O c the nuclei d the rough endoplasmic reticulum Question 18 1 point Listen T tubules are formed of the of the myocyte a sarcolemma
to flex the thigh and flex the leg to flex the thigh and extend the leg to extend the thigh and flex the leg to extend the thigh and extend the leg Question 12 1 point Listen Which muscles abduct the thigh the adductors the hamstrings the quadriceps femoris muscles the gluteus muscles
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
to flex the thigh and flex the leg to flex the thigh and extend the leg to extend the thigh and flex the leg to extend the thigh and extend the leg Question 12 1 point Listen Which muscles abduct the thigh the adductors the hamstrings the quadriceps femoris muscles the gluteus muscles
When muscles contract producing muscle tension they are taking energy and turning it into energy kinetic mechanical light electrical chemical potential chemical mechanical Question 14 1 point 4 Listen The extracellular matrix around the muscle cell is called endomysium Operimysium
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
When muscles contract producing muscle tension they are taking energy and turning it into energy kinetic mechanical light electrical chemical potential chemical mechanical Question 14 1 point 4 Listen The extracellular matrix around the muscle cell is called endomysium Operimysium
hich muscles help push food rectus abdominis extrinsic eye muscles pharyngeal constrictor muscles internal intercostal muscles Question 6 1 point Listen Which of these muscles of respiration is active during forced expiration the internal intercostals the diaphragm the external intercostals pragu Question 7 1 point
Human Physiology - General
hich muscles help push food rectus abdominis extrinsic eye muscles pharyngeal constrictor muscles internal intercostal muscles Question 6 1 point Listen Which of these muscles of respiration is active during forced expiration the internal intercostals the diaphragm the external intercostals pragu Question 7 1 point
to extended the leg the rectus femoris the vastus lateralis the vastus intermedius the vastus medialis Question 10 1 point Listen Which muscles evert the foot O the tibialis anterior and tibialis posterior the semimembranosus and semitendinosus the vastus medialis and vastus lateralis
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
to extended the leg the rectus femoris the vastus lateralis the vastus intermedius the vastus medialis Question 10 1 point Listen Which muscles evert the foot O the tibialis anterior and tibialis posterior the semimembranosus and semitendinosus the vastus medialis and vastus lateralis
Obetween the ribs in the neck O in the pelvic floor O in the abdominal wall Question 8 1 point 1 Listen D Which of these muscles helps to supinate the forearm the triceps brachii the infraspinatus the biceps brachii the brachioradialis
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
Obetween the ribs in the neck O in the pelvic floor O in the abdominal wall Question 8 1 point 1 Listen D Which of these muscles helps to supinate the forearm the triceps brachii the infraspinatus the biceps brachii the brachioradialis
Which of these muscles is involved in mastication O temporalis Osternocleidomastoid O trapezius O diaphragm Question 4 1 point Listen Which of these muscles extends the head O the sternocleidomastoid the scalenes the trapezius the tibialis anterior
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Which of these muscles is involved in mastication O temporalis Osternocleidomastoid O trapezius O diaphragm Question 4 1 point Listen Which of these muscles extends the head O the sternocleidomastoid the scalenes the trapezius the tibialis anterior
a collection of fibrous tissue that connects muscle to bone extracellular matrix around a muscle cell a bundle of muscle fibers Question 2 1 point Listen The muscle s point of attachment that is more stationary is known as the fulcrum insertion origin sity
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
a collection of fibrous tissue that connects muscle to bone extracellular matrix around a muscle cell a bundle of muscle fibers Question 2 1 point Listen The muscle s point of attachment that is more stationary is known as the fulcrum insertion origin sity
The following equation describes an enzyme reaction Z W G C B In this question Z is O the enzyme an intermediate O the substrate O the product an inhibitor
Plant Physiology - General
The following equation describes an enzyme reaction Z W G C B In this question Z is O the enzyme an intermediate O the substrate O the product an inhibitor
In the reaction B C energy D O the potential energy of the products is the same as that of the reactants O the potential energy of the products is greater than that of the reactants the potential energy of the products is less than that of the reactants
In the reaction B C energy D O the potential energy of the products is the same as that of the reactants O the potential energy of the products is greater than that of the reactants the potential energy of the products is less than that of the reactants
Reactants capable of interacting to form products must first overcome the thermodynamic barrier known as the reactions O activation energy free energy content dynamic barrier endothermic level
Reactants capable of interacting to form products must first overcome the thermodynamic barrier known as the reactions O activation energy free energy content dynamic barrier endothermic level
The location on the enzyme where the enzyme attaches to the substrate is called the O attachment site active site O non competitive site O binding site
Plant Physiology - General
The location on the enzyme where the enzyme attaches to the substrate is called the O attachment site active site O non competitive site O binding site
During aerobic cellular respiration which of the following substances directly donates hydrogens to the electron transport chain at the lowest energy level O FAD FADH O NADH NAD O Pyruvate
Plant Physiology - Photosynthesis
During aerobic cellular respiration which of the following substances directly donates hydrogens to the electron transport chain at the lowest energy level O FAD FADH O NADH NAD O Pyruvate
A major function of the mitochondrial membrane is the conversion of energy from electrons hydrogens to the stored energy in the phosphate bond in ATP To accomplish this function the inner mitochondrial membrane must have all of the following features except O carrier proteins O ATP synthase O high permeability to protons O electron transport chain
A major function of the mitochondrial membrane is the conversion of energy from electrons hydrogens to the stored energy in the phosphate bond in ATP To accomplish this function the inner mitochondrial membrane must have all of the following features except O carrier proteins O ATP synthase O high permeability to protons O electron transport chain
Which substance directly preserves the proton gradient by accepting hydrogen after mitochondrial ATP synthase has made ATP FADH O NAD O carbon dioxide cytochromes oxygen
Biological Classification
Which substance directly preserves the proton gradient by accepting hydrogen after mitochondrial ATP synthase has made ATP FADH O NAD O carbon dioxide cytochromes oxygen
Most of the energy that enters the electron transport chain enters as O ATP NADH and FADH none of the answers is correct AcetlyCo A glucose
Plant Physiology - Photosynthesis
Most of the energy that enters the electron transport chain enters as O ATP NADH and FADH none of the answers is correct AcetlyCo A glucose
Tim and Tom are active transporters Some days they use no ATP True O False
Tim and Tom are active transporters Some days they use no ATP True O False
Which kind of metabolic poison would most directly interfere with Glycolysis an agent that depletes oxygen concentrations in the cell an agent that binds to pyruvate and inactivates an agent that mimics the structure of glucose but is non metabolic an agent that reacts with NADH
The Living World
Which kind of metabolic poison would most directly interfere with Glycolysis an agent that depletes oxygen concentrations in the cell an agent that binds to pyruvate and inactivates an agent that mimics the structure of glucose but is non metabolic an agent that reacts with NADH
You have a friend who lost 10 pounds on a diet How did that weight leave your friend s body it was released as CO2 and H O it was converted into ATP which weights much less than lipid O it was converted into amino acids and eliminated chemical energy was converted to heat and then released it was converted to urea and eliminated from the body
You have a friend who lost 10 pounds on a diet How did that weight leave your friend s body it was released as CO2 and H O it was converted into ATP which weights much less than lipid O it was converted into amino acids and eliminated chemical energy was converted to heat and then released it was converted to urea and eliminated from the body
The transporter of the ETC that pumps hydrogen ions removed from NADH is O a facillitated diffustion uniport O is an active transport antiport O is a facillitated diffusion antiport O an active transport uniport
Plant Physiology - Transportation
The transporter of the ETC that pumps hydrogen ions removed from NADH is O a facillitated diffustion uniport O is an active transport antiport O is a facillitated diffusion antiport O an active transport uniport
DNP blocks hydrogen transport across the cristae membrane O True O False
DNP blocks hydrogen transport across the cristae membrane O True O False
Cyanide interferes with Cytochrome C O True False
The Living World
Cyanide interferes with Cytochrome C O True False
Bo and Luke are enemies They go to the same gym Bo orders some DNP online One day at the gym Bo appologizes to Luke and offers him a bottle of vitamin water Luke takes one sip gets ill and falls to the floor within a few seconds of drinking the water On arrival at the hospital Luke is red and his body temperature is 107 He is not found to have any infection or other underlying condition Unfortunately Luke dies later at the hospital Did Bo kill Luke No Yes
Bo and Luke are enemies They go to the same gym Bo orders some DNP online One day at the gym Bo appologizes to Luke and offers him a bottle of vitamin water Luke takes one sip gets ill and falls to the floor within a few seconds of drinking the water On arrival at the hospital Luke is red and his body temperature is 107 He is not found to have any infection or other underlying condition Unfortunately Luke dies later at the hospital Did Bo kill Luke No Yes
DNP makes the cristae permeable to hydrogen ions O True O False
Biological Classification
DNP makes the cristae permeable to hydrogen ions O True O False
Based on the diagram what is decomposition Which processes add CO into the atmosphere Which processes take CO out of the atmosphere Which of these processes are humans directly responsible for
Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation
Based on the diagram what is decomposition Which processes add CO into the atmosphere Which processes take CO out of the atmosphere Which of these processes are humans directly responsible for
Claim Evidence Reasoning Hypothesis Extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is due to human pollution
Biological Classification
Claim Evidence Reasoning Hypothesis Extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is due to human pollution
If we want to stop global warming what should we do We should decrease We should increase How is carbon cycled throughout the atmosphere
Plant Physiology - Photosynthesis
If we want to stop global warming what should we do We should decrease We should increase How is carbon cycled throughout the atmosphere
8 What are starch cellulose glycogen and chitin molecules made from 9 Name two reasons why plants make starch 2 pts 10 What is the relationship between amylase and amylose 11 What polysaccharide is the equivalent to starch that animals make 12 What might happen if a person ate some saw dust biba 13 If you step on a beetle and hear a Crunch what carbohydrate molecule did you just break 14 How many calories are in 1 gram of carbohydrates byrieb s ob uoy lep woy ob amonom stanbydechno
8 What are starch cellulose glycogen and chitin molecules made from 9 Name two reasons why plants make starch 2 pts 10 What is the relationship between amylase and amylose 11 What polysaccharide is the equivalent to starch that animals make 12 What might happen if a person ate some saw dust biba 13 If you step on a beetle and hear a Crunch what carbohydrate molecule did you just break 14 How many calories are in 1 gram of carbohydrates byrieb s ob uoy lep woy ob amonom stanbydechno
1 How might people that go onto a low carbohydrate diet feel when they first start Why would they feel this way 2 Which three elements make up carbohydrates 3 pts 3 Is lactose a monosaccharide a disaccharide or a polysaccharide 4 If a reaction is forming a glycosidic bond is it a dehydration synthesis reaction or a hydrolysis reaction 5 Where do ketoses have their carbonyl group 6 What carbohydrate monomer do you get if you do a dehydration synthesis with two glucose molecules 7 What carbohydrate molecules do you get if you do a hydrolysis reaction with table sugar
Biological Classification
1 How might people that go onto a low carbohydrate diet feel when they first start Why would they feel this way 2 Which three elements make up carbohydrates 3 pts 3 Is lactose a monosaccharide a disaccharide or a polysaccharide 4 If a reaction is forming a glycosidic bond is it a dehydration synthesis reaction or a hydrolysis reaction 5 Where do ketoses have their carbonyl group 6 What carbohydrate monomer do you get if you do a dehydration synthesis with two glucose molecules 7 What carbohydrate molecules do you get if you do a hydrolysis reaction with table sugar
the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950 made Jiang s intention mainland to invade a real threat to the newly established government on China The PLA quickly established control of Guangdong province in October 1949 and by early 1950 the provinces of Guizhou Guangxi and Hainan Island and Yunnan were under Communist control There was considerably more GMD resistance in Xianjiang province until March 1950 by which time all organised GMD military actions were ended on mainland China Finally there was the question of Tibet which had been part of the Chinese empire since 1720 After 1911 Tibet s religious and political ruler the Dalai Lama had taken advantage of the turmoil of revolution to unilaterally declare independence from China In 1949 most Chinese nationalists whether communist or non communist wanted to restore Chinese control Using a combination of negotiation compromises and military force the PLA restored Chinese control during 1950 51 DISCUSSION POINT Since the mid 20th century Tibet has been a matter of international controversy Do you think the case of Tibetan nationalists for independence is overwhelming or do you think Chinese nationalist arguments have any significant validity Do some extra reading on this topic to help you come to some conclusions Government and the CCP It soon became apparent that real power lay with the CCP which in 1949 numbered almost 5 million The Party institution that in principle was most powerful was the National Party Congress NPC Among other things it was the NPC that chose the top Party leaders The NPC also elected the Central Committee CC of the CCP which in 1949 consisted of the 44 most important Party leaders It was the CC that in practice wielded more power than the NCP as the CC was in session all year round who ular intervals 1 MOD
The Living World
the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950 made Jiang s intention mainland to invade a real threat to the newly established government on China The PLA quickly established control of Guangdong province in October 1949 and by early 1950 the provinces of Guizhou Guangxi and Hainan Island and Yunnan were under Communist control There was considerably more GMD resistance in Xianjiang province until March 1950 by which time all organised GMD military actions were ended on mainland China Finally there was the question of Tibet which had been part of the Chinese empire since 1720 After 1911 Tibet s religious and political ruler the Dalai Lama had taken advantage of the turmoil of revolution to unilaterally declare independence from China In 1949 most Chinese nationalists whether communist or non communist wanted to restore Chinese control Using a combination of negotiation compromises and military force the PLA restored Chinese control during 1950 51 DISCUSSION POINT Since the mid 20th century Tibet has been a matter of international controversy Do you think the case of Tibetan nationalists for independence is overwhelming or do you think Chinese nationalist arguments have any significant validity Do some extra reading on this topic to help you come to some conclusions Government and the CCP It soon became apparent that real power lay with the CCP which in 1949 numbered almost 5 million The Party institution that in principle was most powerful was the National Party Congress NPC Among other things it was the NPC that chose the top Party leaders The NPC also elected the Central Committee CC of the CCP which in 1949 consisted of the 44 most important Party leaders It was the CC that in practice wielded more power than the NCP as the CC was in session all year round who ular intervals 1 MOD
Gao joined the CCP in 1926 and during the 1930s had controlled a communist soviet in Shaanxi province where the Long March ended in 1935 In 1943 he was appointed to the Politburo of the CCP and later became Party chairman in Manchuria where he also controlled the army In 1952 he had been put in charge of the Central Planning Commission where he had supported Mao s ideas for a five year plan However he was purged in 1954 when he tried to undermine the positions of leading Communists such as Zhou Enlai and Liu Shaoqi This was definitely aimed at communists as well as non communists a Party report issued in 1957 stated that the aim had been to purge 25 per cent of Party members and had just about achieved that target Significantly future mass campaigns also set targets for the number of offenders to be identified and punished Government leaders including Zhou had been encouraged to launch this new campaign by the success of the Resist America Aid Korea campaign By the end of December 1951 the Three Anti campaign took over from other political campaigns including an internal Party rectification campaign as an important way to curb corruption while trying to manage the developing urban economy In January 1952 Mao intervened to step up the pace of the campaign Meetings articles and cartoons in the press and displays in shop windows stressed the financial temptations that businesses used to corrupt Party and state officials Soon mass struggle meetings were held in workplaces individuals suspected of corruption were forced to confess in public and otherwise humiliated Though some struggle sessions also involved physical violence the main aim was to use a combination of peer pressure and humiliation to bring such people into line As the campaign unfolded it spread from workplaces associated with the financial and business sectors to institutions of education The Five Anti campaign 1952 While the Three Anti campaign was still taking place another campaign was launched in January 1952 against five other evils theft of state property fraud on state contracts bribery tax evasion and leaking state and economic secrets This campaign the Wufan campaign was essentially directed against the national bourgeoisie especially the
The Living World
Gao joined the CCP in 1926 and during the 1930s had controlled a communist soviet in Shaanxi province where the Long March ended in 1935 In 1943 he was appointed to the Politburo of the CCP and later became Party chairman in Manchuria where he also controlled the army In 1952 he had been put in charge of the Central Planning Commission where he had supported Mao s ideas for a five year plan However he was purged in 1954 when he tried to undermine the positions of leading Communists such as Zhou Enlai and Liu Shaoqi This was definitely aimed at communists as well as non communists a Party report issued in 1957 stated that the aim had been to purge 25 per cent of Party members and had just about achieved that target Significantly future mass campaigns also set targets for the number of offenders to be identified and punished Government leaders including Zhou had been encouraged to launch this new campaign by the success of the Resist America Aid Korea campaign By the end of December 1951 the Three Anti campaign took over from other political campaigns including an internal Party rectification campaign as an important way to curb corruption while trying to manage the developing urban economy In January 1952 Mao intervened to step up the pace of the campaign Meetings articles and cartoons in the press and displays in shop windows stressed the financial temptations that businesses used to corrupt Party and state officials Soon mass struggle meetings were held in workplaces individuals suspected of corruption were forced to confess in public and otherwise humiliated Though some struggle sessions also involved physical violence the main aim was to use a combination of peer pressure and humiliation to bring such people into line As the campaign unfolded it spread from workplaces associated with the financial and business sectors to institutions of education The Five Anti campaign 1952 While the Three Anti campaign was still taking place another campaign was launched in January 1952 against five other evils theft of state property fraud on state contracts bribery tax evasion and leaking state and economic secrets This campaign the Wufan campaign was essentially directed against the national bourgeoisie especially the
The picture below shows a cuttlefish It lives in the Hilu the ocean Why might the cuttlefish have so many extremities extending from its head Cuttlefish on a coral reef Select all that apply A B for catching prey for acute vision for feeding
The picture below shows a cuttlefish It lives in the Hilu the ocean Why might the cuttlefish have so many extremities extending from its head Cuttlefish on a coral reef Select all that apply A B for catching prey for acute vision for feeding
Term Missouri Compromise Manifest Destiny Kansas Nebra ska Act Bleeding Kansas Popular Visual Illustration Definition A
Biological Classification
Term Missouri Compromise Manifest Destiny Kansas Nebra ska Act Bleeding Kansas Popular Visual Illustration Definition A
States Rights Secession Harper s Ferry Compromise of 1850
The Living World
States Rights Secession Harper s Ferry Compromise of 1850
1 Gretta s insurance plan now includes the option to use telemedicine How will this new technology impact Gretta s personal health and the health of her family What are the benefits of using this technology How does it affect lives on a larger worldwide scale 2 Owen is a 14 year old student who suspects that his friend Brody is using illegal drugs Who are two people Owen can turn to in order to get help for his friend What should he say to these people 3 Anastasia is thinking about trying a new restaurant in her town She wants to be sure that the owners are using safe practices to prepare the food Her friend Laura says No worries There are government people who make sure the restaurant is doing the right things What is Laura describing How is the government involved in this restaurant s business What impact does this type of regulation have on disease prevention in Anastasia and Laura s community 4 Mr Martinez wants his daughter s school to consider implementing SEL in its curriculum At the school board meeting he is asked to present on this topic How can he best sell this idea to the school board What health benefits will this new curriculum provide to students and ultimately to their community 5 Imagine two wounded service members from two different time periods with the same injury Both have been shot in the leg and require immediate medical care One was injured in the war of 1812 The other was injured in the War in Afghanistan in 2012 How might each service member be assessed and treated for their injuries How would the available technology at the time of their injuries make their treatments very different and how might their mental health be treated differently
The Living World
1 Gretta s insurance plan now includes the option to use telemedicine How will this new technology impact Gretta s personal health and the health of her family What are the benefits of using this technology How does it affect lives on a larger worldwide scale 2 Owen is a 14 year old student who suspects that his friend Brody is using illegal drugs Who are two people Owen can turn to in order to get help for his friend What should he say to these people 3 Anastasia is thinking about trying a new restaurant in her town She wants to be sure that the owners are using safe practices to prepare the food Her friend Laura says No worries There are government people who make sure the restaurant is doing the right things What is Laura describing How is the government involved in this restaurant s business What impact does this type of regulation have on disease prevention in Anastasia and Laura s community 4 Mr Martinez wants his daughter s school to consider implementing SEL in its curriculum At the school board meeting he is asked to present on this topic How can he best sell this idea to the school board What health benefits will this new curriculum provide to students and ultimately to their community 5 Imagine two wounded service members from two different time periods with the same injury Both have been shot in the leg and require immediate medical care One was injured in the war of 1812 The other was injured in the War in Afghanistan in 2012 How might each service member be assessed and treated for their injuries How would the available technology at the time of their injuries make their treatments very different and how might their mental health be treated differently
connecting 5 You visit a florist to buy a flower arrangement For every 3 pink flowers the places in a vase he puts in 7 white flowers a Does the relationship between pink and white flowers represent a constant rate relationship Explain why or why not b Is the relationship between pink and white flowers an example of direct variation How do you know c What is the constant rate of change between pink and white flowers in the arrangement 1 If you plotted the points given by pink flowers white flowers on a coordinate plane and connected those points what would the shape of the graph be
Ecology - Organisms & Population
connecting 5 You visit a florist to buy a flower arrangement For every 3 pink flowers the places in a vase he puts in 7 white flowers a Does the relationship between pink and white flowers represent a constant rate relationship Explain why or why not b Is the relationship between pink and white flowers an example of direct variation How do you know c What is the constant rate of change between pink and white flowers in the arrangement 1 If you plotted the points given by pink flowers white flowers on a coordinate plane and connected those points what would the shape of the graph be
12 Which would likely produce more fragments during a restriction digest of DNA an enzyme that cuts at GAATTC or GATC
Biotechnology & its Applications
12 Which would likely produce more fragments during a restriction digest of DNA an enzyme that cuts at GAATTC or GATC