Ecology - General Questions and Answers

refers to the decision by a farmer to use genetically engineered crops rather than traditional crops when planting acreage Adoption of genetically engineered crops in the United States 1996 2016 Percent of planted acres 100 75 50 25 Bt cotton HT soybeans HT cotton HT com Bt corn 0 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 Data for each crop category include varieties with both HT and Bt stacked traits Sources USDA Economic Research Service using data from Fernandez Cornejo and McBride 2002 for the years 1996 99 and USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service June Agricultural Survey for the years 2000 16 2016 Write 2 to 3 sentences that describe the overall trend in the adoption of genetically engineered crops
Ecology - General
refers to the decision by a farmer to use genetically engineered crops rather than traditional crops when planting acreage Adoption of genetically engineered crops in the United States 1996 2016 Percent of planted acres 100 75 50 25 Bt cotton HT soybeans HT cotton HT com Bt corn 0 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 Data for each crop category include varieties with both HT and Bt stacked traits Sources USDA Economic Research Service using data from Fernandez Cornejo and McBride 2002 for the years 1996 99 and USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service June Agricultural Survey for the years 2000 16 2016 Write 2 to 3 sentences that describe the overall trend in the adoption of genetically engineered crops
Male Chad 2016 AGE GROUP Population A developed B developing C post industrial D pre industrial Female According to the age structure diagram shown Chad is most likely which type of country
Ecology - General
Male Chad 2016 AGE GROUP Population A developed B developing C post industrial D pre industrial Female According to the age structure diagram shown Chad is most likely which type of country
WOLVES 2 2 2 2 2 1950 www 1000 RATA and Overview UK ALA 1979 1009 1900 YEAR AD 2012 The pon bology leware 2009 MOOSE Which of these factors would cause an INCREASE in a prey population A poor climate B a lack of precipitation C increased biotic potential D an increase in predators
Ecology - General
WOLVES 2 2 2 2 2 1950 www 1000 RATA and Overview UK ALA 1979 1009 1900 YEAR AD 2012 The pon bology leware 2009 MOOSE Which of these factors would cause an INCREASE in a prey population A poor climate B a lack of precipitation C increased biotic potential D an increase in predators
C Age percentage of life span A constant loss B early loss C late loss D no loss The curve labeled B in the graph shown is known as survivorship
Ecology - General
C Age percentage of life span A constant loss B early loss C late loss D no loss The curve labeled B in the graph shown is known as survivorship
POPULATION 3215 TIME YEARS The red line on the graph represents A J exponential growth B K carrying capacity C C population limit D S logistic growth
Ecology - General
POPULATION 3215 TIME YEARS The red line on the graph represents A J exponential growth B K carrying capacity C C population limit D S logistic growth
POPULATION SINE Time years The red line on the graph represents A J exponential growth B S logistic growth C E energy limit D K carrying capacity
Ecology - General
POPULATION SINE Time years The red line on the graph represents A J exponential growth B S logistic growth C E energy limit D K carrying capacity
A B AGE Male Population Female This population pyramid is that of a developed country with a negative population growth Which of the following countries might have growth like this Italy Nigeria
Ecology - General
A B AGE Male Population Female This population pyramid is that of a developed country with a negative population growth Which of the following countries might have growth like this Italy Nigeria
Question 78 The is a type of grassland O tundra temperate forest savanna
Ecology - General
Question 78 The is a type of grassland O tundra temperate forest savanna
Looking at this map which statement is supported 1 Point World Population Density 0 30 10 25 25 50 30 75 75 100 100 150 150 300 300 1000 1000 O India has the same population density as China O You can tell which country has the most people by how dense the population is India has a higher population density than most of the world
Ecology - General
Looking at this map which statement is supported 1 Point World Population Density 0 30 10 25 25 50 30 75 75 100 100 150 150 300 300 1000 1000 O India has the same population density as China O You can tell which country has the most people by how dense the population is India has a higher population density than most of the world
Which organism directly eats Submerged Aquatic Vegetation SAV in this food web A Herbivorous Duck B Osprey C Bivalves Use the image below to help you answer this question Chesapeake Bay Waterbird Food Web Quaternary Consumers Tertiary Consumers Gulls and Terns Secondary Consumers Primary Consumers Primary Osprey Wading Birds Small Planktivorous Fish Zooplankton Large Piscivorous Fish Benthic Invertebrates Sea Ducks Bivalves Bald Eagle Herbivorous Ducks Tundra Swan Geese and Mute Swans
Ecology - General
Which organism directly eats Submerged Aquatic Vegetation SAV in this food web A Herbivorous Duck B Osprey C Bivalves Use the image below to help you answer this question Chesapeake Bay Waterbird Food Web Quaternary Consumers Tertiary Consumers Gulls and Terns Secondary Consumers Primary Consumers Primary Osprey Wading Birds Small Planktivorous Fish Zooplankton Large Piscivorous Fish Benthic Invertebrates Sea Ducks Bivalves Bald Eagle Herbivorous Ducks Tundra Swan Geese and Mute Swans
Using this diagram which statement is supported 1 Point World Energy Consumption Highest Lowest O Generally countries that have more higher popula tions like China and India use more energy O Placement near the equator is an indicator of how much energy a country uses O Countries with more money use more energy O Energy use among nations is nearly equal
Ecology - General
Using this diagram which statement is supported 1 Point World Energy Consumption Highest Lowest O Generally countries that have more higher popula tions like China and India use more energy O Placement near the equator is an indicator of how much energy a country uses O Countries with more money use more energy O Energy use among nations is nearly equal
Match the type of Biodiversity with it s corresponding description Ecosystem diversity Genetic diversity Species diversity POSSIBLE POINTS 1 67 All the different genes contained in all individual plants animals fungi and microorganisms It occurs within a species as well as between species All the differences within and between populations of species as well as between different species All the different habitats biological communities and ecological processes as well as variation within individual ecosystems
Ecology - General
Match the type of Biodiversity with it s corresponding description Ecosystem diversity Genetic diversity Species diversity POSSIBLE POINTS 1 67 All the different genes contained in all individual plants animals fungi and microorganisms It occurs within a species as well as between species All the differences within and between populations of species as well as between different species All the different habitats biological communities and ecological processes as well as variation within individual ecosystems
Which of the following is a cause of biodiversity loss Select all that apply Habitat Loss Invasive Species Stable Environments Pollution Planting native plants POSSIBLE POINTS 1 67
Ecology - General
Which of the following is a cause of biodiversity loss Select all that apply Habitat Loss Invasive Species Stable Environments Pollution Planting native plants POSSIBLE POINTS 1 67
Which of the following is the most biodiverse place on land Temperate Rainforest Desert Wetlands Tropical Rainforest POSSIBLE POINTS
Ecology - General
Which of the following is the most biodiverse place on land Temperate Rainforest Desert Wetlands Tropical Rainforest POSSIBLE POINTS
Which of the following would INCREASE the population size select all that apply Access to resources food water shelter Increased death rate Decrease in fertility rate Extended life expectancy Immigration Emmigration POSSIBLE POINTS 1 25
Ecology - General
Which of the following would INCREASE the population size select all that apply Access to resources food water shelter Increased death rate Decrease in fertility rate Extended life expectancy Immigration Emmigration POSSIBLE POINTS 1 25
In many Native American societies women were just as likely to be found among the religious leadership of the tribe as men O True False
Ecology - General
In many Native American societies women were just as likely to be found among the religious leadership of the tribe as men O True False
A Cells are in interphase 90 of the time In a given sample of 1 000 cells our expected value for the number in interphase would be 900 and the number NOT in interphase is expected to be Not enough information is provided B 900 100
Ecology - General
A Cells are in interphase 90 of the time In a given sample of 1 000 cells our expected value for the number in interphase would be 900 and the number NOT in interphase is expected to be Not enough information is provided B 900 100
A naturally occurring gas that blocks UV radiation in the stratosphere 1 Point 02 CO2 OCH4 14 The accumulation of increasingly large amounts of toxic substances in successively higher levels of a food chain 1 Point O biodiversity food web trophic levels
Ecology - General
A naturally occurring gas that blocks UV radiation in the stratosphere 1 Point 02 CO2 OCH4 14 The accumulation of increasingly large amounts of toxic substances in successively higher levels of a food chain 1 Point O biodiversity food web trophic levels
O deforestation overfishing 20 A diverse variety of habitats communities and ecological processes is known as 1 Point O ecosystem diversity O species diversity O genetic diversity O economic diversity
Ecology - General
O deforestation overfishing 20 A diverse variety of habitats communities and ecological processes is known as 1 Point O ecosystem diversity O species diversity O genetic diversity O economic diversity
Without being in the presence of light a producer cannot make what A sugars B CO2 C H2O D oxygen
Ecology - General
Without being in the presence of light a producer cannot make what A sugars B CO2 C H2O D oxygen
Which of the following best describes how the greenhouse effect works A B C D Greenhouse gases reflect the sun s energy causing it to warm Earth Greenhouse gases absorb the sun s energy slowing or preventing heat from escaping into space Greenhouse gases directly warm oceans and cause dramatic weather Oceans absorb greenhouse gases which cause Earth s temperature to rise
Ecology - General
Which of the following best describes how the greenhouse effect works A B C D Greenhouse gases reflect the sun s energy causing it to warm Earth Greenhouse gases absorb the sun s energy slowing or preventing heat from escaping into space Greenhouse gases directly warm oceans and cause dramatic weather Oceans absorb greenhouse gases which cause Earth s temperature to rise
6 What are the four main processes that can cause changes in population size Write an equation for the relationship among them 2 marks enline no pritastal to eldsqeo zoeenil
Ecology - General
6 What are the four main processes that can cause changes in population size Write an equation for the relationship among them 2 marks enline no pritastal to eldsqeo zoeenil
4 A biologist wanted to estimate the number of endangered Blanding turtles living in a marsh The biologist caught tagged and released a sample of six Blanding turtles in the marsh After one month the biologist captured eight Blanding turtles in the same area and found that three of them had tags showing they were in the 061803 1 1 moltoo2 original sample Based on this information estimate the population of Blanding turtles in the marsh Explain whether another sampling procedure would have been better for the biologist to use 2 marks
Ecology - General
4 A biologist wanted to estimate the number of endangered Blanding turtles living in a marsh The biologist caught tagged and released a sample of six Blanding turtles in the marsh After one month the biologist captured eight Blanding turtles in the same area and found that three of them had tags showing they were in the 061803 1 1 moltoo2 original sample Based on this information estimate the population of Blanding turtles in the marsh Explain whether another sampling procedure would have been better for the biologist to use 2 marks
A method used to sustain fish populations and provide resources 1 Point O water treatment plants O aquaculture overfishing 13 People use fires in the Amazon 1 Point O to O to cook their food to stay warm
Ecology - General
A method used to sustain fish populations and provide resources 1 Point O water treatment plants O aquaculture overfishing 13 People use fires in the Amazon 1 Point O to O to cook their food to stay warm
What is coal ash 1 2 Describe the types of communities the energy companies have chosen to dump the coal ash on 1 3 What might be the reason energy companies choose these communities to dump coal ash 1 Discussion Questions 1 What were the kinds of communities that are impacted most by climate change in the videos 1 2 Do you think it is fair or just that these communities are impacted more by climate change and fossil fuels Why or why not 1 5
Ecology - General
What is coal ash 1 2 Describe the types of communities the energy companies have chosen to dump the coal ash on 1 3 What might be the reason energy companies choose these communities to dump coal ash 1 Discussion Questions 1 What were the kinds of communities that are impacted most by climate change in the videos 1 2 Do you think it is fair or just that these communities are impacted more by climate change and fossil fuels Why or why not 1 5
We studied the apple and hawthorn maggot flies as an example of speciation Flies of these two populations look identical are nearly identical genetically and are able to produce viable hybrids but they breed on separate host fruits 30 Would the flies be considered different species under each species concept 6 pts Yes No Yes No Yes No Biological species concept Ecological species concept Morphological species concept 31 Is this a pre zygotic or post zygotic isolating mechanism 2 points 32 Is this an example of allopatric or sympatric speciation 2 points
Ecology - General
We studied the apple and hawthorn maggot flies as an example of speciation Flies of these two populations look identical are nearly identical genetically and are able to produce viable hybrids but they breed on separate host fruits 30 Would the flies be considered different species under each species concept 6 pts Yes No Yes No Yes No Biological species concept Ecological species concept Morphological species concept 31 Is this a pre zygotic or post zygotic isolating mechanism 2 points 32 Is this an example of allopatric or sympatric speciation 2 points
c inbreeding many males d genetic drift few individuals Name Page 3 of 10 15 Lions usually live in prides comprised of one male and several females Occasionally a new male will take over the pride by killing its current male This is an example of
Ecology - General
c inbreeding many males d genetic drift few individuals Name Page 3 of 10 15 Lions usually live in prides comprised of one male and several females Occasionally a new male will take over the pride by killing its current male This is an example of
9 A population pyramid is a graph that shows the age structure of a human population Which is true of a population pyramid in the shape of an inverted triangle a The population is stable b The birth rate is increasing c The population is growing slowly d The population has a short life expectancy e A large number of the population is past the reproductive years 10 Which is true of human populations in different parts of the world a Their growth rates are similar b They may have different population profiles c Their per capita birth and death rates are the same d The graph of each population pyramid is rectangular e They are expected to contribute to the human population to the same degree 11 Ecological footprint is a the amount of productive land needed to support one person b made up primarily of housing requirements c dependent on the country s population d the same for everyone in the world e always equal to the biocapacity elver
Ecology - General
9 A population pyramid is a graph that shows the age structure of a human population Which is true of a population pyramid in the shape of an inverted triangle a The population is stable b The birth rate is increasing c The population is growing slowly d The population has a short life expectancy e A large number of the population is past the reproductive years 10 Which is true of human populations in different parts of the world a Their growth rates are similar b They may have different population profiles c Their per capita birth and death rates are the same d The graph of each population pyramid is rectangular e They are expected to contribute to the human population to the same degree 11 Ecological footprint is a the amount of productive land needed to support one person b made up primarily of housing requirements c dependent on the country s population d the same for everyone in the world e always equal to the biocapacity elver
BEFORE AFTER In a population of giraffes those with medium sized necks have higher fitness than those with large or small necks This is an example of which type of selection A directional B stabilizing C disruptive
Ecology - General
BEFORE AFTER In a population of giraffes those with medium sized necks have higher fitness than those with large or small necks This is an example of which type of selection A directional B stabilizing C disruptive
What can a change in the environmental conditions cause A natural selection B artificial selection C mutations D new predators
Ecology - General
What can a change in the environmental conditions cause A natural selection B artificial selection C mutations D new predators
When carbon and nitrogen rich wastes are released into aquatic environments O Cyanobacterial populations increase O Fish populations increase Algal populations decrease O Invertebrate populations increase
Ecology - General
When carbon and nitrogen rich wastes are released into aquatic environments O Cyanobacterial populations increase O Fish populations increase Algal populations decrease O Invertebrate populations increase
Population of Birds after a Forest Fire Original population 0 00 0 41 A C B O After forest fire Speed 1x It will increase the size of the population survived New population It will decrease the genetic diversity of the new smaller population Paus
Ecology - General
Population of Birds after a Forest Fire Original population 0 00 0 41 A C B O After forest fire Speed 1x It will increase the size of the population survived New population It will decrease the genetic diversity of the new smaller population Paus
Give a specific example of geographic isolation and explain how it resulted in speciation
Ecology - General
Give a specific example of geographic isolation and explain how it resulted in speciation
2 The activity of serine proteases is severely suppressed at low pH 6 Why might this be the case Draw the structure of the serine protease active site just the main sidechains at pH 6 and at pH 8 to support your answer
Ecology - General
2 The activity of serine proteases is severely suppressed at low pH 6 Why might this be the case Draw the structure of the serine protease active site just the main sidechains at pH 6 and at pH 8 to support your answer
Lithe and young she made him ruddy with the sun his jaw line clean the beard no longer gray upon his chin lines 1018 1020 2 When he had spoken down he sat line 1059 O 3 They seemed no longer those bright arms Odysseus left us years ago when he first went off to Troy lines 1141 1143 4 No flashed arrow from twanging bow clean as a whistle through every socket ring and grazed not one To thud with heavy brazen head beyond lines 1389 1392
Ecology - General
Lithe and young she made him ruddy with the sun his jaw line clean the beard no longer gray upon his chin lines 1018 1020 2 When he had spoken down he sat line 1059 O 3 They seemed no longer those bright arms Odysseus left us years ago when he first went off to Troy lines 1141 1143 4 No flashed arrow from twanging bow clean as a whistle through every socket ring and grazed not one To thud with heavy brazen head beyond lines 1389 1392
n what way is a gene pool representative of a population
Ecology - General
n what way is a gene pool representative of a population
Which clause from the passage uses passive voice O a a they choose to experience the physicality of the book paragraph 7 O b b jet passengers reaching cruising altitudes often reach for a paperback or a print magazine paragraph 1 O c Furthermore less than 10 percent of these devices are recycled paragraph 8 d When novelist Peter James published his thriller Host on two discs in 1993
Ecology - General
Which clause from the passage uses passive voice O a a they choose to experience the physicality of the book paragraph 7 O b b jet passengers reaching cruising altitudes often reach for a paperback or a print magazine paragraph 1 O c Furthermore less than 10 percent of these devices are recycled paragraph 8 d When novelist Peter James published his thriller Host on two discs in 1993
A B C ril to increase oil prices by controlling global supply to ensure a steady supply of oil for the United States to make industrial nations more dependent on the use of oil
Ecology - General
A B C ril to increase oil prices by controlling global supply to ensure a steady supply of oil for the United States to make industrial nations more dependent on the use of oil
Bee Results Select whether the population numbers are low normal or high Species Grass producer Bees primary Deer primary Coyotes secondary Wolves tertiary Ravens scavenger Normal Range 800 1 000 blades m 4 000 5 000 hives 4 000 8 000 250 300 95 120 220 270 Original 400 2 000 15 000 600 0 160 5 years 350 3 000 17 000 650 0 145 Low Normal
Ecology - General
Bee Results Select whether the population numbers are low normal or high Species Grass producer Bees primary Deer primary Coyotes secondary Wolves tertiary Ravens scavenger Normal Range 800 1 000 blades m 4 000 5 000 hives 4 000 8 000 250 300 95 120 220 270 Original 400 2 000 15 000 600 0 160 5 years 350 3 000 17 000 650 0 145 Low Normal
Economics and Sustainability 11 Complete the following paragraph with terms from the word bank ecolabeling ecological economics market failure Many economists in sustainable But economists in environmental economics non market value argue that economies must be stable to be think growing economies can become sustainable if they address environmental problems In particular these economists are developing ways to include the of ecosystem services in prices They are by acknowledging the positive effects of the also finding ways to avoid environment on economies and the negative effects of economic activities on the environment helps consumers push companies toward sustainability and people
Ecology - General
Economics and Sustainability 11 Complete the following paragraph with terms from the word bank ecolabeling ecological economics market failure Many economists in sustainable But economists in environmental economics non market value argue that economies must be stable to be think growing economies can become sustainable if they address environmental problems In particular these economists are developing ways to include the of ecosystem services in prices They are by acknowledging the positive effects of the also finding ways to avoid environment on economies and the negative effects of economic activities on the environment helps consumers push companies toward sustainability and people
Name 1 Base your answer s to the following question s in part on the news article and map below Points A and B on the map are reference points Sea level Huge Quake Possible in Oregon Valley Scientists have warned for years that a magnitude 8 or 9 earthquake could strike about 30 miles off the Oregon coast causing huge tsunamis large ocean waves and tremendous damage Now scientists say these earthquakes could be centered much farther inland and cause severe damage to a larger area including cities in Oregon such as Portland Salem and Eugene 30 mi Geologic evidence suggests that strong quakes in this area occur about every 400 years plus or minus 200 years The last one believed to be a magnitude 9 occurred 300 years ago A magnitude 8 quake can cause tremendous damage The San Francisco quake of 1906 has been estimated at 7 9 The Mexico City quake of 1985 that left thousands dead was measured at 8 1 A Ocean Explorer Ridge EXPLORER Sovanco PLATE Fracture Zone Juan de Fuca Ridge Pacific Ocean Nootka Fracture Zone Blanco Fracture Zone JUAN DE FUCA PLATE Gorda Ridge Juan de Fuca Ridge Vancouver Island GORDA PLATE Mendocino Fracture Zone Juan de Fuca Plate Trench Portland page 1 Salom Eugono 200 mi me cross section shows the lithosphere and asthenosphere between points A and B on the map On the cross section provided draw an arrow in the Juan de Fuca Plate to indicate the direction of the relative movement of the plate 0 ML Hood Coastline Salem Oregon Mt Hood B North American Plate B N
Ecology - General
Name 1 Base your answer s to the following question s in part on the news article and map below Points A and B on the map are reference points Sea level Huge Quake Possible in Oregon Valley Scientists have warned for years that a magnitude 8 or 9 earthquake could strike about 30 miles off the Oregon coast causing huge tsunamis large ocean waves and tremendous damage Now scientists say these earthquakes could be centered much farther inland and cause severe damage to a larger area including cities in Oregon such as Portland Salem and Eugene 30 mi Geologic evidence suggests that strong quakes in this area occur about every 400 years plus or minus 200 years The last one believed to be a magnitude 9 occurred 300 years ago A magnitude 8 quake can cause tremendous damage The San Francisco quake of 1906 has been estimated at 7 9 The Mexico City quake of 1985 that left thousands dead was measured at 8 1 A Ocean Explorer Ridge EXPLORER Sovanco PLATE Fracture Zone Juan de Fuca Ridge Pacific Ocean Nootka Fracture Zone Blanco Fracture Zone JUAN DE FUCA PLATE Gorda Ridge Juan de Fuca Ridge Vancouver Island GORDA PLATE Mendocino Fracture Zone Juan de Fuca Plate Trench Portland page 1 Salom Eugono 200 mi me cross section shows the lithosphere and asthenosphere between points A and B on the map On the cross section provided draw an arrow in the Juan de Fuca Plate to indicate the direction of the relative movement of the plate 0 ML Hood Coastline Salem Oregon Mt Hood B North American Plate B N
vera PT a Put the following layers of the earth in order from the center 1 to outside 4 outer core mantle crust Inner core b Which layer is the densest c Which layer of the earth is the thickest d The inner core is the most least dense and is made up of solid liquid metal e The crust and the upper mantle make up the lithosphere asthenosphere f The soft layer is partially molten rock in the upper mantle is called the Withosphere asthenosphere g Who was the Father of Continental Drift h List at least 3 pieces of evidence that the scientist named in question g based his theory on i Who discovered the second theory called Sea Floor Spreading j Describe what he saw on the ocean floor that made him think moved the continents listen to notes videos if unsure k Is the Earth getting bigger No it is not So What did Hess call places where ocean floor went under other pieces of sea floor
Ecology - General
vera PT a Put the following layers of the earth in order from the center 1 to outside 4 outer core mantle crust Inner core b Which layer is the densest c Which layer of the earth is the thickest d The inner core is the most least dense and is made up of solid liquid metal e The crust and the upper mantle make up the lithosphere asthenosphere f The soft layer is partially molten rock in the upper mantle is called the Withosphere asthenosphere g Who was the Father of Continental Drift h List at least 3 pieces of evidence that the scientist named in question g based his theory on i Who discovered the second theory called Sea Floor Spreading j Describe what he saw on the ocean floor that made him think moved the continents listen to notes videos if unsure k Is the Earth getting bigger No it is not So What did Hess call places where ocean floor went under other pieces of sea floor
Four different thermometers were used to measure the temperature of a sample of impure boiling water The measurements are recorded the table below Thermometer Temperature Temperature Temperature Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 100 1 C 99 9 C 96 9 C 100 4 C 102 3 C 101 4 C 90 0 C 95 2 C 98 6 C 90 8 C 90 6 C 90 7 C W X Y Z The actual boiling point of pure water is 100 0 C What can be concluded from the data about the reliability and validity of the thermometers OA Thermometer W is the most reliable OB Thermometer X has the highest validity OC Thermometer Z is the most reliable O D Thermometer Y has the highest validity
Ecology - General
Four different thermometers were used to measure the temperature of a sample of impure boiling water The measurements are recorded the table below Thermometer Temperature Temperature Temperature Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 100 1 C 99 9 C 96 9 C 100 4 C 102 3 C 101 4 C 90 0 C 95 2 C 98 6 C 90 8 C 90 6 C 90 7 C W X Y Z The actual boiling point of pure water is 100 0 C What can be concluded from the data about the reliability and validity of the thermometers OA Thermometer W is the most reliable OB Thermometer X has the highest validity OC Thermometer Z is the most reliable O D Thermometer Y has the highest validity
A scientist conducted an experiment to determine how the amount of salt in a body of water affects the number of plants that can live in the water In this experiment the dependent variable is The amount of salt in the water O The water The number of plants in the water O The temperature of the water
Ecology - General
A scientist conducted an experiment to determine how the amount of salt in a body of water affects the number of plants that can live in the water In this experiment the dependent variable is The amount of salt in the water O The water The number of plants in the water O The temperature of the water
rwoeorphyd 2 Barriers built across rivers are 3 To move the water in a river or stream mpurtsae 4 Fish upstream sladerd 5 To move as the water nsowmreatd 6 The gravity of the sun and moon cause affect the surface of the ocean dseit 7 A wind into energy bneirut are sometimes used to help fish travel asmd means to travel against the flow of means to travel in the same direction converts wind movement 8 Designers of power systems must keep or visual appearance in mind tseathecsi 9 A group of wind turbines form a wind 10 A hot S Globe Permission is granted to reproduce for Directions Choose the term from the Word Bank that completes each sentence correctly Write the answer on the line 11 A spongelike brown material is It is made of partly decomposed plants 12 Heat from inside the earth is referred to as mfra is a natural flow of groundwater heated inside the earth gpnsir 3 A n shooting out of Earth s crust Organic material made by plants and animals is type of fuel made from corn or sugar which is a jet of hot liquid or steam Word Bank biomass ethanol geothermal geyser peat
Ecology - General
rwoeorphyd 2 Barriers built across rivers are 3 To move the water in a river or stream mpurtsae 4 Fish upstream sladerd 5 To move as the water nsowmreatd 6 The gravity of the sun and moon cause affect the surface of the ocean dseit 7 A wind into energy bneirut are sometimes used to help fish travel asmd means to travel against the flow of means to travel in the same direction converts wind movement 8 Designers of power systems must keep or visual appearance in mind tseathecsi 9 A group of wind turbines form a wind 10 A hot S Globe Permission is granted to reproduce for Directions Choose the term from the Word Bank that completes each sentence correctly Write the answer on the line 11 A spongelike brown material is It is made of partly decomposed plants 12 Heat from inside the earth is referred to as mfra is a natural flow of groundwater heated inside the earth gpnsir 3 A n shooting out of Earth s crust Organic material made by plants and animals is type of fuel made from corn or sugar which is a jet of hot liquid or steam Word Bank biomass ethanol geothermal geyser peat
on the chart below which shows some physical properties of minerals and the definitions of these properties The letters A B and C indicate parts of the chart that have been left blank Letter C represents the name of a mineral Hardness which means Some physical properties How easily a mineral is scratched Minerals Example A which means The way a mineral reflects light Example Metallic Streak which means B which scratches olivine State the definition represented by letter B
Ecology - General
on the chart below which shows some physical properties of minerals and the definitions of these properties The letters A B and C indicate parts of the chart that have been left blank Letter C represents the name of a mineral Hardness which means Some physical properties How easily a mineral is scratched Minerals Example A which means The way a mineral reflects light Example Metallic Streak which means B which scratches olivine State the definition represented by letter B
Which of the following types of organisms converts atmospheric carbon dioxide into carbohydrates O Carnivore O Herbivore O Producer O Scavenger
Ecology - General
Which of the following types of organisms converts atmospheric carbon dioxide into carbohydrates O Carnivore O Herbivore O Producer O Scavenger
is the study of how populations change over time O Population dynamics O Niche O Habitat O Population aging
Ecology - General
is the study of how populations change over time O Population dynamics O Niche O Habitat O Population aging
What is the challenge facing India and China in the years to come O Finding a market to purchase their excess energy exports O Persuading more of their population to use modern services Providing power to a such a large population in a sustainable way Running out of coal reserves
Ecology - General
What is the challenge facing India and China in the years to come O Finding a market to purchase their excess energy exports O Persuading more of their population to use modern services Providing power to a such a large population in a sustainable way Running out of coal reserves
Which country has demonstrated that nuclear power can be the primary method for all electrical generation France Iceland Spain O United States
Ecology - General
Which country has demonstrated that nuclear power can be the primary method for all electrical generation France Iceland Spain O United States