Evolution Questions and Answers

EvolutionAn organism that obtains energy rich nutrients by consuming living or dead organisms is called a n autotroph True False A n dichotomous key is a diagram depicting the evolutionary relationships between different species or groups True False Autosomal inheritance refers to the inheritance of alleles located on sex chromosomes True Falce 1 point 1 point 1 point

EvolutionIn garden pea plants the allele for inflated pod shape I is dominant over that for constricted pod shape i Consider a cross between a garden pea plant that is homozygous for inflated pod shape and a plant that is homozygous for constricted pod shape What is are the only possible genotype s of the offspring O II or ii O li O II O II li or ii Who is considered the father of taxonomy O Edward O Wilson Paul Herbert Charles Darwin Carl Linnaeus 11

EvolutionWhat does the presence of cyanobacteria in the earliest known stromatolites indicate about evolution of life on earth up to that point in time Study the tree before composing your answer and make sure to reference aspects of the tree in your discussion such as the sequence of branch points to support your answer Bacteria Flavobacteria Cyanobacteria Thermotogales Green 000 sulfur bacteria Archaea Euryarchaeota Methanosarcina Methano bacterium Gram Purple positives Crenarchaeota Methanococcus bacteria Thermoproteut Pyrodiction Thermococcia celer Eukarya Entamoebae Slime molds Halophiles Animals Fungi Plants Ciliates Flagellates Trichomonads Microsporidia Diplomonads

EvolutionWhich scientist coined the term homeostasis Claude Bernard Walter Cannon Per Scholander Knut Schmidt Neilsen

EvolutionThere must be variation within the population The variation must be heritable O The reproductive success of the individual is dependent on the available variation O The population must be large All of these must be present for evolution to occur Question 10 What is the smallest level of biological organization Cell Organism Atom Population Molecule 1 pts

EvolutionOf the following which is not required for evolution by natural selection to occur There must be variation within the population The variation must be heritable The reproductive success of the individual is dependent on the available variation O The population must be large All of these must be present for evolution to occur

EvolutionPunctuated equilibrium is a hypothesis that maintains that populations of organisms tend to remain stable for periods of time and then slowly increase in size O large geologic events are infrequent evolutionary change takes place in spurts rather than gradually O evolutionary change occurs very slowly over vast amounts of time

EvolutionVicariance occurs when a peripheral segment of the population experiences evolutionary changes while still in geographic contact with the m population O the entire population of a species slowly experiences evolutionary change a peripheral segment of a population becomes geographically isolated and then experiences evolutionary change

Evolution1 On your chart identify by arrows or circles or other indications points where there appear to be major radiation and extinction events multiple classes involved

EvolutionCompare and contrast the two key viral evolution theories Do you think they are mutually exclusive Explain your reasoning Rubrics

EvolutionWhat do the colors on the chromosome in the figure represent Anterior 3 end Mouse chromosomes lab pb Hox A Hox B Hox C Hox D Fly chromosome Dfd Scr Antp Ubx O Fruit fly embryo Fruit fly Mouse embryo Mouse Abd B 15 Posterior end The number of chromosomes each example has Homologies shared between the insect and the mammal Morphogenesis Where the gene is expressed in the body

EvolutionTollowing is FALSE A If a genetic disease reduces fertility and the allele that causes the disease offers no other advantage the allele will likely eventually disappear due to natural selection B Natural selection does not favor individuals who are homozygous for the sickle cell allele because these individuals typically die before they are old enough to reproduce OC Individuals who are heterozygous HbA HbS are protected from malaria and this is why sickle cell disease persists in wetter mosquito prone regions in Africa OD In regions where malaria does not occur individuals who are heterozygous HbA HbS have a fitness advantage over those who are homozygous for the normal hemoglobin allele H Reset Selection Question 2 of 8 1 Points FTER malaria is cured the frequency of the HbS allele should decrease in regions with lots of mosquitoes because A People will no longer die from sickle cell disease in these regions OB Having one copy of the HbS allele will no longer be advantageous in these regions OC Natural selection will no longer act on the HbS allele at all in these regions otic diseases eventually disappear

Evolution7 In Drosophila fruit fly vestigial wings short and useless and black body color are due to two separate recessive genes The dominant alleles are normal long wings and gray body color Use N n G and g to show a cross between a vestigial winged black female and a homozygous long winged homozygous gray bodied male fly Show complete Punnett squares and give the phenotype ratios for both the F1 and F2 generations A P Cross Phenotype ratio F1 B F1 Cross Phenotype ratio F2 X bil X 8 In humans Antitidia a type of blindness is due to a dominant gene Migraine a type of headache is the result of a different dominant gene Lack of these traits is recessive in both cases A man with Antitidia whose mother was not blind married a woman who suffered from Migraines but her father did not What proportion of

EvolutionYou have two true breeding plants one with blue flowers and one with red flowers You cross these plants and then cross two of the resulting F1 plants The resulting F2 generation contains the following offspring 248 red flowered offspring 255 blue flowered offspring and 497 offspring have purple flowers Which of the following patterns of inheritance best explains the results you observed The red pigment is codominant with the blue pigment Blue pigment production is a controlled temperature sensitive allele The blue and red pigment alleles exhibit incomplete dominance O The purple pigment allele is dominant over both blue and red alleles O The red pigment is dominant over the blue pigment allele

EvolutionThis question is based on the last ATOD How do Whiptail lizards adapt to survive in the harsh desert environment By changing the color of their scales based on their mood By adjusting their body orientation to control heat absorption from the sun By developing wings to fly to cooler areas By hibernating during extreme temperature fluctuations

EvolutionWhich of the following is host for Plasmodium sp O domestic cat O cattle O crayfish O Anopheles mosquito

EvolutionLimestone forms through the precipitation of calcite on the seabed or a lake bed O True O False

EvolutionSedimentary rocks form through a sequence of events I don t list all the steps in the choices below but I list most of them Choose the answer that lists them in the proper ORDER O transportation lithification weathering deposition O weathering deposition transportation lithification weathering transportation deposition lithification

EvolutionDetrital sedimentary rocks differ from chemical sedimentary rocks in that detrital sedimentary rocks form by chemicals precipitating on the the sea floor or a lake bed True False

EvolutionWhich of the following external structures can help prevent a bacterium from being destroyed by phagocytosis O flagella O pili O capsule O fimbriae

Evolution2 An observer suggested that during drought years all the seeds were large and tough to open This meant that birds exercised their beaks more making the beaks stronger Is this a plausible explanation for these data Explain your answer 3 por

EvolutionGenetic drift may occur when a small group of individuals colonize a new habitat True O False

EvolutionIn Charles Darwin s time many people thought that Earth and its living things were formed about a few thousand years ago True False

EvolutionAn epidemic killed a large proportion of a population of deer in California thereby reducing the gene pool This is an example of directional selection genetic isolation the bottleneck effect all of the above are correct

EvolutionWhich of the following does not produce evolutionary change genetic drift gene flow directional selection none of the above

EvolutionWhich of the following ideas was developed by Thomas Malthus Peppered moths living near English industrial cities provide a good example of evolution All above 1 point The diversity of Gal pagos finch species is the result of natural selection Living things often produce far more offspring than are needed to maintain their numbers

EvolutionDarwin s primary contribution to biological theory was the idea that 1 point an important mechanism of biological evolution is natural selection new alleles arise through mutation evolution is the change in gene frequencies over time characteristics acquired during an individual s lifetime can be passed to its offspring

EvolutionThe most prevalent form of evolution and the one proposed by Darwin is 1 saltation gradualism macroevolution O punctuated equilibrium

EvolutionIndividuals that are well adapted to their environment will survive and produce fewer mutations more offspring stronger genes better traits

EvolutionThe example of the peppered moths living near English industrial cities demonstrates that 1 point a change in an environment can result in the evolution of species living there evolution occurs so slowly that it is not possible to determine that it has happened in less than a million years O the environment near these cities has always favored dark colored moths All above

EvolutionDescribe the depositional environment of where this creature might get buried and fossilized

EvolutionA paleontologist finds a locality that yields many different kinds of mammal and reptile fossils The absence of insect fossils at a fossil this locality indicates that O Insects didn t live in the environment O Insects lived in the environment but only seasonally O Insects were migratory and weren t present when the fossils got buried O you can t know

EvolutionThe fossil in the figure below represents a trace fossil Correct this statement and explain why this example is not a trace fossil

EvolutionWhich choice describes the steps in the formation of a fossil in the correct order erosion of sediment alteration burial in sediment O burial in sediment alteration erosion of sediment O alteration burial in sediment erosion of sediment

EvolutionWhich of the following statements is true Homologous structures are the result of similar environmental pressures Convergent evolution produces analogous structures Divergent evolution produces species that share similar structures but have no common ancestor A whale s pectoral fin and a shark s pectoral fin are the product of divergent evolution Question 10

EvolutionCreature 1 Creature 2 Creature 3 Procedure fill in the table as you go Compare the three sequences By how many nucleotide positions do each differ By what percent do they differ divide the number of positions that differ by the total number of nucleotides This is their evolutionary distance Construct the tree in the space below the table Remember that the branching order will be dictated by the evolutionary distances that you calculated i e the two more closely related organisms will reside closer on the tree to each other organism C GUAGAGC GCU GA C C CAA GAC GUGG C C CAA GAUCUGC C 1 to 2 1 to 3 2 to 3 total nucleotides 12 12 12 number of evolutionary differing nucleotide positions 5 4 3 distance column 3 divided by column 2 0 416 0 333 0 25

EvolutionWhich of the following statement s accurately describe s genetic drift Genetic drift is a form of natural selection because it depends on an allele s benicial or harmful effects Genetic drift is a random change in in allele frequencies from generation to generation due to random chance Genetic drift is different from natural selection because it doesn t depend on an allele s beneficial or harmful effects The impact of genetic drift depends on population size and its effects are strongest in small populations Genetic drift is a non random change in allele frequencies from generation to generation due to biological fitness

EvolutionTerence between phyletic gradualism and punctuated equilibria with regard to describing rates of evolutionary change There is no difference between phyletic gradualism and punctuated equilibria According to Darwin neither theory was controversial and was widely accepted by many researchers Phyletic gradualism embraces new traits becoming established in a population by increasing their frequency from small to majority of the population whereas pu tuated equilibria states that new t its are produced in a series of small incremental steps over thousands of generations Phyletic gradualism embraces small changes accumulating regularly over long periods of time while punctuated equilibria embraces more rapid changes in a brief period of time

EvolutionWwenss Mill on years ago Olpe 42000 8 magp Rew Maplung TEZOM andducant appel ergoa Main Mosty brows Choose all of the answers below that are correct with regard to the figure provided above This figure tells us about the phylogenetic relationships among the horse species depicted The only extant horse depicted in this figure has teeth with relatively large grinding surfaces Horses have increased in size over time Modern horses have more toes than extinct horses As shown with the green bars the largest adaptive radiation during horse evolution occurred during the Eocene Oligocene periods

EvolutionWhich of the following options best describes the difference between phyletic gradualism and punctuated equilibria with regard to describing rates of evolutionary change Phyletic gradualism embraces small changes accumulating regularly over long periods of time while punctuated equilibria embraces more rapid changes in a brief period of time According to Darwin neither theory was controversial and was widely accepted by many researchers There is no difference between phyletic gradualism and punctuated equilibria Phyletic gradualism embraces new traits becoming established in a population by increasing their frequency from small to majority of the population whereas punctuated equilibria states that new traits are produced in a series of small incremental steps over thousands of generations

EvolutionWhich of the following statement s accurately describe s genetic drift Genetic drift is different from natural selection because it doesn t depend on an allele s beneficial or harmful effects Genetic drift is a random change in in allele frequencies from generation to generation due to random chance Genetic drift is a form of natural selection because it depends on an allele s beneficial or harmful effects Genetic drift is a non random change in allele frequencies from generation to generation due to biological fitness The impact of genetic drift depends on population size and its effects are strongest in small populations

EvolutionSoln The Adaptation of the Day is about horses and their cool ability to sleep while standing using something called the stay apparatus in their legs This special system of ligaments and tendons helps them stay alert and rest at the same time by locking their leg joints giving support without using muscles This adaptation is super important for survival in the wild where being ready for danger quickly is crucial

EvolutionIn conclusion the stay apparatus in horse legs showcases the remarkable adaptability of these majestic animals This adaptation not only enhances their survival in the wild but also plays a pivotal role in their domesticated roles such as racing Understanding such intricate adaptations contributes to our appreciation of the evolutionary journey that has shaped these incredible creatures

Evolutionich of the following des The same amino acid sequence can code for different proteins O Different amino acid sequences can code for the same protein O Different codons can code for the same amino acid O The same codon codes for different amino acids Question 9 0 5 In double stranded DNA guanine and cytosine pair with two hydrogen bonds between the while adenine and thymine pair with three hydrogen bonds True