The Living World Questions and Answers

21 Maintaining balanced membrane area to compensate for exocytosis is accomplished by what mechanism a Phagocytosis b Pinocytosis C Receptor mediated endocytosis d Opening water channels e Membrane budding and fission
The Living World
21 Maintaining balanced membrane area to compensate for exocytosis is accomplished by what mechanism a Phagocytosis b Pinocytosis C Receptor mediated endocytosis d Opening water channels e Membrane budding and fission
When electrons flow along the electron transport chains of mitochondria which of the followin changes occurs A the concentration of protons in the matrix decreases B ATP synthase pumps protons by active transport C the electrons gain free energy D the cytochromes phosphorylate ADP to form ATP E NAD is oxidized
The Living World
When electrons flow along the electron transport chains of mitochondria which of the followin changes occurs A the concentration of protons in the matrix decreases B ATP synthase pumps protons by active transport C the electrons gain free energy D the cytochromes phosphorylate ADP to form ATP E NAD is oxidized
Oxidative phosphorylation is the result of which two combined processes A glycolysis and electron transport chain B glycolysis and citric acid cycle C electron transport chain and chemiosmosis D chemiosmosis and substrate level phosphorylation E the citric acid cycle and electron transport chain
The Living World
Oxidative phosphorylation is the result of which two combined processes A glycolysis and electron transport chain B glycolysis and citric acid cycle C electron transport chain and chemiosmosis D chemiosmosis and substrate level phosphorylation E the citric acid cycle and electron transport chain
Use the illustration below to answer the question Cell Division 10 Which statement best describes the phase of the cell cycle shown The cell is in Telophase of mitosis because the cell is separating and contains two copies of each chromos The cell in Prophase of mitosis because the number of chromosomes has doubled The cell is in Telophase of meiosis because the cell is separating and contains two copies of each chromos The cell in Prophase I of meiosis because the number of chromosomes has doubled
The Living World
Use the illustration below to answer the question Cell Division 10 Which statement best describes the phase of the cell cycle shown The cell is in Telophase of mitosis because the cell is separating and contains two copies of each chromos The cell in Prophase of mitosis because the number of chromosomes has doubled The cell is in Telophase of meiosis because the cell is separating and contains two copies of each chromos The cell in Prophase I of meiosis because the number of chromosomes has doubled
5 Which organelle helps to sort and direct proteins to different sites in the cell A Lysosome B Nucleus C Golgi apparatus D smooth ER E rough FR
The Living World
5 Which organelle helps to sort and direct proteins to different sites in the cell A Lysosome B Nucleus C Golgi apparatus D smooth ER E rough FR
For anaphase to begin which of the following must occur A Chromatids must lose their kinetochores B Cohesin must attach the sister chromatids to each other C Cohesin must be cleaved enzymatically D Kinetochores must attach to the metaphase plate E Spindle microtubules must begin to depolymerize
The Living World
For anaphase to begin which of the following must occur A Chromatids must lose their kinetochores B Cohesin must attach the sister chromatids to each other C Cohesin must be cleaved enzymatically D Kinetochores must attach to the metaphase plate E Spindle microtubules must begin to depolymerize
epithelial cell faces the lumen space 38 Which side of an A apical B lateral C basal lateral Di basal
The Living World
epithelial cell faces the lumen space 38 Which side of an A apical B lateral C basal lateral Di basal
Choose an interaction you ve had with another person and use the transactional model of communication to show how the interaction worked It can be any scenario like a conversation with a friend over the phone or a discussion with a co worker You should focus on one interaction like a single conversation rather than a series of communication over a longer period of time Be as clear and direct as possible and avoid analogies and metaphors for communication Your application must be an interaction with another human Be sure to indicate or account for Senders Receivers The message The channel Encoding Decoding Noise Feedback Responses should be detailed and include a minimum of 150 words Place the required 8 terms in bold Your response should be formatted similarly to the example below Feedback Responses should be detailed and include a minimum of 150 words Place the required 8 terms in bold Your response should be formatted similarly to the example below Example I recently had a conversation with my friend Ashley on Facetime about what we would do over the weekend I initiated the conversation as the sender and as I decided how to explain what I wanted to do I encoded my message ahead of sharing it with her The channel in this interaction is Facetime My message during the conversation was that we could go to the movies or go shopping but I was open to other suggestions The receiver Ashley decoded my message indicating she understood the options I shared Ashley responded that she preferred to go shopping because she had to find a dress for her cousin s wedding Her response to my original message classifies as feedback At one point during our conversation we started to have connection issues and it was difficult to understand each other This disruption represents noise At the end of the conversation we agreed to meet at the mall at 1 00 on Saturday for our shopping trin
The Living World
Choose an interaction you ve had with another person and use the transactional model of communication to show how the interaction worked It can be any scenario like a conversation with a friend over the phone or a discussion with a co worker You should focus on one interaction like a single conversation rather than a series of communication over a longer period of time Be as clear and direct as possible and avoid analogies and metaphors for communication Your application must be an interaction with another human Be sure to indicate or account for Senders Receivers The message The channel Encoding Decoding Noise Feedback Responses should be detailed and include a minimum of 150 words Place the required 8 terms in bold Your response should be formatted similarly to the example below Feedback Responses should be detailed and include a minimum of 150 words Place the required 8 terms in bold Your response should be formatted similarly to the example below Example I recently had a conversation with my friend Ashley on Facetime about what we would do over the weekend I initiated the conversation as the sender and as I decided how to explain what I wanted to do I encoded my message ahead of sharing it with her The channel in this interaction is Facetime My message during the conversation was that we could go to the movies or go shopping but I was open to other suggestions The receiver Ashley decoded my message indicating she understood the options I shared Ashley responded that she preferred to go shopping because she had to find a dress for her cousin s wedding Her response to my original message classifies as feedback At one point during our conversation we started to have connection issues and it was difficult to understand each other This disruption represents noise At the end of the conversation we agreed to meet at the mall at 1 00 on Saturday for our shopping trin
Question 4 How many subunits make up th ribosome A one B two C three D four Question 5 One amino acid can be coded for by more than one codon A true B false
The Living World
Question 4 How many subunits make up th ribosome A one B two C three D four Question 5 One amino acid can be coded for by more than one codon A true B false
Question 3 Which molecule has a copy of the Dr and carries it to the ribosomes A transfer RNA B messenger RNA C ribosomal RNA Question 4 Which RNA molecule brings the am acids to the ribosomes for translatio A transfer RNA B messenger RNA C ribosomal RNA
The Living World
Question 3 Which molecule has a copy of the Dr and carries it to the ribosomes A transfer RNA B messenger RNA C ribosomal RNA Question 4 Which RNA molecule brings the am acids to the ribosomes for translatio A transfer RNA B messenger RNA C ribosomal RNA
8 The proteases responsible for apoptosis are called wha A Bax and Bak B caspases C kinases D cyclins E Apaf 1
The Living World
8 The proteases responsible for apoptosis are called wha A Bax and Bak B caspases C kinases D cyclins E Apaf 1
Question 8 How many bases are found in a codon A 1 B 2 C 3 D 5 Question 9 What is the monomer of a protein A lipid B amino acid both C monosaccharide D nucleotide RAN Question 10 If an mRNA sequence codes for 4 amino acids how many bases will be in the sequence A 40 B 8 C 12 D 16
The Living World
Question 8 How many bases are found in a codon A 1 B 2 C 3 D 5 Question 9 What is the monomer of a protein A lipid B amino acid both C monosaccharide D nucleotide RAN Question 10 If an mRNA sequence codes for 4 amino acids how many bases will be in the sequence A 40 B 8 C 12 D 16
person and use the transactional model of communication to show how the interaction worked It can be any scenario like a conversation with a friend over the phone or a discussion with a co worker You should focus on one interaction like a single conversation rather than a series of communication over a longer period of time Be as clear and direct as possible and avoid analogies and metaphors for communication Your application must be an interaction with another human Be sure to indicate or account for Senders Receivers The message The channel Encoding Decoding Noise Feedback Responses should be detailed and include a minimum of 150 words Place the required 8 terms in bold Your response should be formatted similarly to the example below
The Living World
person and use the transactional model of communication to show how the interaction worked It can be any scenario like a conversation with a friend over the phone or a discussion with a co worker You should focus on one interaction like a single conversation rather than a series of communication over a longer period of time Be as clear and direct as possible and avoid analogies and metaphors for communication Your application must be an interaction with another human Be sure to indicate or account for Senders Receivers The message The channel Encoding Decoding Noise Feedback Responses should be detailed and include a minimum of 150 words Place the required 8 terms in bold Your response should be formatted similarly to the example below
Q3 In the interactive demo what are is represented on the y axis x xis
The Living World
Q3 In the interactive demo what are is represented on the y axis x xis
You surveyed the number of tree species along the American River watershed and obtain the following data set Please respond to the following questions Forest A Species Number 59 b d 8 3 1 Forest B Number 5 6 0 7 10 Forest C Number 852288 Which forest has the lowest species richness A B or C B Which forest has the greatest species evenness A B or C Which forest has the lowest species diversity based on 1 D A B or C
The Living World
You surveyed the number of tree species along the American River watershed and obtain the following data set Please respond to the following questions Forest A Species Number 59 b d 8 3 1 Forest B Number 5 6 0 7 10 Forest C Number 852288 Which forest has the lowest species richness A B or C B Which forest has the greatest species evenness A B or C Which forest has the lowest species diversity based on 1 D A B or C
What gives the president the ability to issue a directive rule or regulation that has the effect of law O It comes from a Congressional ruling granting the president executive order powers OIt comes from the ordinance power which derives from acts of Congress and the Constitution OIt is an expressed power within the Constitution
The Living World
What gives the president the ability to issue a directive rule or regulation that has the effect of law O It comes from a Congressional ruling granting the president executive order powers OIt comes from the ordinance power which derives from acts of Congress and the Constitution OIt is an expressed power within the Constitution
the correct answer Imagine you are a reporter and someone has given you confidential information You have protection which allows you not to have to disclose where your information came from with the laws umbrella Oprotection
The Living World
the correct answer Imagine you are a reporter and someone has given you confidential information You have protection which allows you not to have to disclose where your information came from with the laws umbrella Oprotection
Figure 36 15 on page 780 describes a study of the interaction between legumes and the root nodules that house nitrogen fixing bacteria In the study the scientists let the plants germinate and start forming root nodules Then they grew the plants in hydroponic cultures The treatment groups were a hydroponic culture with all the essential nutrients including nitrogen and b hydroponic culture with all the essential nutrients except nitrogen Why did the scientists use these treatment groups O To prevent the plants from growing nodules To make sure they had roughly equal numbers of plants in each group To prevent the plants from learning which treatment group they were in To control for the difference in nodule growth that might be expected if the plant has enough nitrogen vs not enough nitrogen
The Living World
Figure 36 15 on page 780 describes a study of the interaction between legumes and the root nodules that house nitrogen fixing bacteria In the study the scientists let the plants germinate and start forming root nodules Then they grew the plants in hydroponic cultures The treatment groups were a hydroponic culture with all the essential nutrients including nitrogen and b hydroponic culture with all the essential nutrients except nitrogen Why did the scientists use these treatment groups O To prevent the plants from growing nodules To make sure they had roughly equal numbers of plants in each group To prevent the plants from learning which treatment group they were in To control for the difference in nodule growth that might be expected if the plant has enough nitrogen vs not enough nitrogen
Which of the new species highlighted on the Earth Sky website did you find most interest ing and why Answer the questions in 2 to 3 complete sentences
The Living World
Which of the new species highlighted on the Earth Sky website did you find most interest ing and why Answer the questions in 2 to 3 complete sentences
The expansion of Plants further and further onto land and into areas far from bodies of water required a symbiotic association with O Bacteria Plantae O Animalia that increased the efficency of their roots
The Living World
The expansion of Plants further and further onto land and into areas far from bodies of water required a symbiotic association with O Bacteria Plantae O Animalia that increased the efficency of their roots
The purpose of an Outgroup in a phylogenic tree is to establish O A reference for the homoplasies that exist in the tree O A reference for the ancestral states of the characters used in the tree A reference for the evolutionary convgences that occur in a tree O A reference for the evolutionary reversals that occur in a tree
The Living World
The purpose of an Outgroup in a phylogenic tree is to establish O A reference for the homoplasies that exist in the tree O A reference for the ancestral states of the characters used in the tree A reference for the evolutionary convgences that occur in a tree O A reference for the evolutionary reversals that occur in a tree
Which of the following periods ended with the greatest mass extinction that the world has ever known O Ordovician O Silurian O Permian
The Living World
Which of the following periods ended with the greatest mass extinction that the world has ever known O Ordovician O Silurian O Permian
The best fossilization should occur in what type of environment A Forest OA Mountain top OA Lake shoreline A Desert
The Living World
The best fossilization should occur in what type of environment A Forest OA Mountain top OA Lake shoreline A Desert
The primary cause for the cooling period which the Earth has experienced over the last 30 million years is due to a decrease in globa O Atmospheric Carbon O Nitrogen Resources O Reflection of Sunlight Albedo Effect O Mixing of Ocean Currents
The Living World
The primary cause for the cooling period which the Earth has experienced over the last 30 million years is due to a decrease in globa O Atmospheric Carbon O Nitrogen Resources O Reflection of Sunlight Albedo Effect O Mixing of Ocean Currents
The vector for Trypanosoma cruzi is the O Mosquito OTse tse fly O Kissing bug SURMIT
The Living World
The vector for Trypanosoma cruzi is the O Mosquito OTse tse fly O Kissing bug SURMIT
Which of the following is not a type of relationship tha can be applied in Access database O One to one O One to many O Many to one Many to many
The Living World
Which of the following is not a type of relationship tha can be applied in Access database O One to one O One to many O Many to one Many to many
When a user does not have a secured internet access the hackers can easily find a way to steal data This type of cyber attack can be classified under which of the following O Social attack O Sophisticated and stealthy attack O Stealthy attack O Sophisticated attack
The Living World
When a user does not have a secured internet access the hackers can easily find a way to steal data This type of cyber attack can be classified under which of the following O Social attack O Sophisticated and stealthy attack O Stealthy attack O Sophisticated attack
Which of the following is an example of exter hardware O Central Processing Unit O Motherboard
The Living World
Which of the following is an example of exter hardware O Central Processing Unit O Motherboard
What are functions of circulating blood Check all that apply Check All That Apply movement of O2 movement of CO2 movement of NO movement of nutrients movement of waste creation of new blood cells G
The Living World
What are functions of circulating blood Check all that apply Check All That Apply movement of O2 movement of CO2 movement of NO movement of nutrients movement of waste creation of new blood cells G
Which of the following tab contains the Use Presente View in MS PowerPoint 2013 O Home O Design
The Living World
Which of the following tab contains the Use Presente View in MS PowerPoint 2013 O Home O Design
The difference between a myogenic and a neurogenic heart lies in the location of the stimulus for the heart True or False True False
The Living World
The difference between a myogenic and a neurogenic heart lies in the location of the stimulus for the heart True or False True False
Choose the correct answer While shopping O cash O shopping list O debit card credit card is required for wise shopping
The Living World
Choose the correct answer While shopping O cash O shopping list O debit card credit card is required for wise shopping
Suppose you start a business by investing 30 000 You expect that you would get 25 more of your investment in return after a year But you receive only 10 more of your investment Which of the following concepts suits the above statement O Inflation risk O Investment risk O Business risk O Profit risk
The Living World
Suppose you start a business by investing 30 000 You expect that you would get 25 more of your investment in return after a year But you receive only 10 more of your investment Which of the following concepts suits the above statement O Inflation risk O Investment risk O Business risk O Profit risk
Complete the sentences about blood clots with the correct terms and place these events in the correct order from the earliest even to the last event cell vessel leukocytes elastin collagen platelets erythrocytes MAMAMAY Drag the text blocks below into their correct order An injury ruptures a blood vessel Platelets stick to each other and to collagen fibers Fibrin forms a meshwork that traps RBCs and platelets forming a clot
The Living World
Complete the sentences about blood clots with the correct terms and place these events in the correct order from the earliest even to the last event cell vessel leukocytes elastin collagen platelets erythrocytes MAMAMAY Drag the text blocks below into their correct order An injury ruptures a blood vessel Platelets stick to each other and to collagen fibers Fibrin forms a meshwork that traps RBCs and platelets forming a clot
What does a goal mean O An aim for the future O A commitment to the future A target set in to achieve An obiective fulfilled
The Living World
What does a goal mean O An aim for the future O A commitment to the future A target set in to achieve An obiective fulfilled
Which of the following can background O Gradient O Texture O Picture All of the choices be used
The Living World
Which of the following can background O Gradient O Texture O Picture All of the choices be used
Which of the following is the multitasking operating system I Mac OS II UNIX III MS Windows IV MS DOS O I only O I II and III OI and III only
The Living World
Which of the following is the multitasking operating system I Mac OS II UNIX III MS Windows IV MS DOS O I only O I II and III OI and III only
Which of the following acts as the backbone of onli access O Root nameserver OTLD nameserver
The Living World
Which of the following acts as the backbone of onli access O Root nameserver OTLD nameserver
Presenter View O Move to the previous or next slide O View all the slides
The Living World
Presenter View O Move to the previous or next slide O View all the slides
Study the following diagram Convenient Useful for emergencies Which of the following BEST completes the diagram O Advantages of credit cards O Disadvantages of credit cards Fringe benefits of credit cards None of the choices Often required to hold a reservation
The Living World
Study the following diagram Convenient Useful for emergencies Which of the following BEST completes the diagram O Advantages of credit cards O Disadvantages of credit cards Fringe benefits of credit cards None of the choices Often required to hold a reservation
In step the generated code is executed against the data to create the desired output O code execution O code generation O data mapping O data review
The Living World
In step the generated code is executed against the data to create the desired output O code execution O code generation O data mapping O data review
What keeps destructive forces from accessing yo data O Firewall O DMZ O Internet
The Living World
What keeps destructive forces from accessing yo data O Firewall O DMZ O Internet
group contains the Change Colors ommand button in MS PowerPoint 2013 O Create Graphic
The Living World
group contains the Change Colors ommand button in MS PowerPoint 2013 O Create Graphic
Which of the following should be used when you want to add a slide to an existing presentation O Click Home tab and click new slide
The Living World
Which of the following should be used when you want to add a slide to an existing presentation O Click Home tab and click new slide
Click on the in the status bar to see the number of characters lines paragraphs and other information Track Changes Spelling and Grammar check
The Living World
Click on the in the status bar to see the number of characters lines paragraphs and other information Track Changes Spelling and Grammar check
Which shortcut key is used for Spelling Gramma check option in MS Word 2013
The Living World
Which shortcut key is used for Spelling Gramma check option in MS Word 2013
How many ways are there to start Word Unlin O 1 O 2 O 3
The Living World
How many ways are there to start Word Unlin O 1 O 2 O 3
AABBCCDDE AABBCCDI AABBCC AaBbCcDdE Subtle Em Emphasis Intense E Strong AABBCCD AABBCCD Subtle Ref Intense R AABBCCI 1 TOC He Create a Style Clear Formatting A4 Apply Styles AaBbCcDdi AABEC Quote Intense AABBCCD AaBbCcDdf AaBbCcDdi Book Title 1 List Para 1 TOC 1 Stylos galleryL Aa Bbc 1 TO
The Living World
AABBCCDDE AABBCCDI AABBCC AaBbCcDdE Subtle Em Emphasis Intense E Strong AABBCCD AABBCCD Subtle Ref Intense R AABBCCI 1 TOC He Create a Style Clear Formatting A4 Apply Styles AaBbCcDdi AABEC Quote Intense AABBCCD AaBbCcDdf AaBbCcDdi Book Title 1 List Para 1 TOC 1 Stylos galleryL Aa Bbc 1 TO
To see the data from your access app in a form layout use O List view O Query
The Living World
To see the data from your access app in a form layout use O List view O Query
What is the function of the icon given below O Insert pictures Insert online pictures Insert tablo
The Living World
What is the function of the icon given below O Insert pictures Insert online pictures Insert tablo