The Living World Questions and Answers

rassostrea virginica a species of oyster is a keystone species that lives in the Chesapeake Bay which is on the northeast coas f the United States These oysters build reefs that provide a habitat to numerous species of aquatic life and help to stabilize the pastline In addition these oysters filter the water around the reefs Based on this information which of the following best describes how removing a keystone species like Crassostrea virginica from n ecosystem compares to removing a species that is not a keystone species O A Removing any species whether or not it is a keystone species is not likely to cause a change in the ecosystem OB Removing any species whether or not it is a keystone species is likely to cause the same degree of change in the ecosystem OC Removing a keystone species is likely to cause a less significant change in the ecosystem OD Removing a keystone species is likely to cause a more drastic change in the ecosystem
The Living World
rassostrea virginica a species of oyster is a keystone species that lives in the Chesapeake Bay which is on the northeast coas f the United States These oysters build reefs that provide a habitat to numerous species of aquatic life and help to stabilize the pastline In addition these oysters filter the water around the reefs Based on this information which of the following best describes how removing a keystone species like Crassostrea virginica from n ecosystem compares to removing a species that is not a keystone species O A Removing any species whether or not it is a keystone species is not likely to cause a change in the ecosystem OB Removing any species whether or not it is a keystone species is likely to cause the same degree of change in the ecosystem OC Removing a keystone species is likely to cause a less significant change in the ecosystem OD Removing a keystone species is likely to cause a more drastic change in the ecosystem
3 T or F A necessary condition for what Burrows calls the ideal situation for organ donation is that the donor is provided long term after care 4 T or F Burrows believes that encouraging entrepreneurs to create businesses to find and attract donors would be a morally acceptable way to increase organ donation
The Living World
3 T or F A necessary condition for what Burrows calls the ideal situation for organ donation is that the donor is provided long term after care 4 T or F Burrows believes that encouraging entrepreneurs to create businesses to find and attract donors would be a morally acceptable way to increase organ donation
Dutch elm disease is a disease that affects elm trees and is caused by a fungal species that infects the vascular systems of the tree Over time the fungus will spread through the vascular tissue and eventually result in a complete blockage that prohibits water and nutrient transport in the tree Dutch elm disease is most commonly spread by elm bark beetles that can carry fungal spores on their body When an infected beetle lands on a healthy elm tree to feed the tree can become infected by the spores As beetles move from tree to tree more of the elm population can become infected Suppose a forested area has many tree species including elms Elm bark beetles carrying the fungus that causes Dutch elm disease are accidentally introduced into the area by humans The elm bark beetle population flourishes because of a lack of natural predators What will most likely happen over time as the elm bark beetle population grows OA The death rate of the elm tree population will increase causing an overall decrease in the elm tree population OB The death rate of the elm tree population will decrease causing an overall increase in the elm tree population The death rate of the elm tree population will increase but the reproduction rate will increase by the same amount Many elm trees will become infected but the population of elm trees will remain relatively stable O C OD
The Living World
Dutch elm disease is a disease that affects elm trees and is caused by a fungal species that infects the vascular systems of the tree Over time the fungus will spread through the vascular tissue and eventually result in a complete blockage that prohibits water and nutrient transport in the tree Dutch elm disease is most commonly spread by elm bark beetles that can carry fungal spores on their body When an infected beetle lands on a healthy elm tree to feed the tree can become infected by the spores As beetles move from tree to tree more of the elm population can become infected Suppose a forested area has many tree species including elms Elm bark beetles carrying the fungus that causes Dutch elm disease are accidentally introduced into the area by humans The elm bark beetle population flourishes because of a lack of natural predators What will most likely happen over time as the elm bark beetle population grows OA The death rate of the elm tree population will increase causing an overall decrease in the elm tree population OB The death rate of the elm tree population will decrease causing an overall increase in the elm tree population The death rate of the elm tree population will increase but the reproduction rate will increase by the same amount Many elm trees will become infected but the population of elm trees will remain relatively stable O C OD
Theoretically living organisms are capable of producing populations of infinite size However this never occurs because population sizes are limited by O A environmental conditions OB O C OD the availability of resources organism interactions and behaviors all of these
The Living World
Theoretically living organisms are capable of producing populations of infinite size However this never occurs because population sizes are limited by O A environmental conditions OB O C OD the availability of resources organism interactions and behaviors all of these
Mistletoe is a parasitic shrub It extends its root like structures into a host tree s branches to absorb its water and minerals Birds spread mistletoe as they feed on the mistletoe s seeds and then deposit them in nearby trees as waste When a tree has a large amount of mistletoe on it the mistletoe can take away almost all of the tree s nutrients An oak tree that is covered in mistletoe is shown below If mistletoe was introduced into a stable deciduous forest ecosystem with a large population of oak trees which of the following describes how the forest s oak trees would most likely change OA The oak trees height would increase beyond what the ecosystem could normally support The oak trees branches would shorten to protect the species from the parasite The oak trees population would decrease below what the ecosystem could normally support The oak trees reproductive rates would increase to protect the species from the parasite OB OC OD
The Living World
Mistletoe is a parasitic shrub It extends its root like structures into a host tree s branches to absorb its water and minerals Birds spread mistletoe as they feed on the mistletoe s seeds and then deposit them in nearby trees as waste When a tree has a large amount of mistletoe on it the mistletoe can take away almost all of the tree s nutrients An oak tree that is covered in mistletoe is shown below If mistletoe was introduced into a stable deciduous forest ecosystem with a large population of oak trees which of the following describes how the forest s oak trees would most likely change OA The oak trees height would increase beyond what the ecosystem could normally support The oak trees branches would shorten to protect the species from the parasite The oak trees population would decrease below what the ecosystem could normally support The oak trees reproductive rates would increase to protect the species from the parasite OB OC OD
Water hyacinth is an aquatic plant native to South America This species has been introduced into aquatic ecosystems as an ornamental plant in many areas of the United States due to the attractive purple flowers that the plants produce when they bloom Water hyacinth can reproduce much more quickly than most other aquatic plants Additionally the lack of native animal species that feed on water hyacinth in the United States allows it to spread rapidly once introduced into an area In fact it can completely cover a small water body within just a few years The image below shows a water body that has been covered by water hyacinth Suppose water hyacinth is introduced into a lake ecosystem in the southeastern United States where it was not previously located Which of the following best predicts how this will impact the ecosystem over time O A The number of individual plants living in the lake will decrease There will be an increase in oxygen available in the lake There will be an increase in nutrients available in the lake The biodiversity of plant species in the lake will decrease OB OC OD
The Living World
Water hyacinth is an aquatic plant native to South America This species has been introduced into aquatic ecosystems as an ornamental plant in many areas of the United States due to the attractive purple flowers that the plants produce when they bloom Water hyacinth can reproduce much more quickly than most other aquatic plants Additionally the lack of native animal species that feed on water hyacinth in the United States allows it to spread rapidly once introduced into an area In fact it can completely cover a small water body within just a few years The image below shows a water body that has been covered by water hyacinth Suppose water hyacinth is introduced into a lake ecosystem in the southeastern United States where it was not previously located Which of the following best predicts how this will impact the ecosystem over time O A The number of individual plants living in the lake will decrease There will be an increase in oxygen available in the lake There will be an increase in nutrients available in the lake The biodiversity of plant species in the lake will decrease OB OC OD
White tailed deer are considered to be an overpopulated species in the central United States Which of these events probably contributed the most to white tailed deer exceeding their carrying capacity O A the occurrence of a genetic mutation that prevented breeding a decrease in natural predation of white tailed deer the water supply in the habitat remained steady a large increase in available grassland OB O C D
The Living World
White tailed deer are considered to be an overpopulated species in the central United States Which of these events probably contributed the most to white tailed deer exceeding their carrying capacity O A the occurrence of a genetic mutation that prevented breeding a decrease in natural predation of white tailed deer the water supply in the habitat remained steady a large increase in available grassland OB O C D
Populations of typical prey animals such as deer might exceed the carrying capacity of an ecosystem if top predators such as mountain lions are removed Without the mountain lions increased numbers of deer may reduce the food supply available to other herbivores such as field mice and crickets As a result populations of mice and crickets might decline causing a similar decline in species that feed on these organisms This example implies that properly functioning predator prey relationships O A can throw an ecosystem out of balance harm all of the organisms in an ecosystem result in food shortage for the entire ecosystem maintain balance within an ecosystem OB O C OD
The Living World
Populations of typical prey animals such as deer might exceed the carrying capacity of an ecosystem if top predators such as mountain lions are removed Without the mountain lions increased numbers of deer may reduce the food supply available to other herbivores such as field mice and crickets As a result populations of mice and crickets might decline causing a similar decline in species that feed on these organisms This example implies that properly functioning predator prey relationships O A can throw an ecosystem out of balance harm all of the organisms in an ecosystem result in food shortage for the entire ecosystem maintain balance within an ecosystem OB O C OD
A certain type of bacteria can divide asexually every 20 minutes This bacteria s habitat is inside of a human s mouth A certain type of fish is able to reproduce sexually once every six months This fish s habitat is in a lake The human uses mouthwash which kills 90 of the bacteria Meanwhile pollution is dumped in the lake which kills 90 of the fish How quickly will the bacteria repopulate its habitat compared to the fish OA slightly faster OB O C much faster about the same OD slightly slower
The Living World
A certain type of bacteria can divide asexually every 20 minutes This bacteria s habitat is inside of a human s mouth A certain type of fish is able to reproduce sexually once every six months This fish s habitat is in a lake The human uses mouthwash which kills 90 of the bacteria Meanwhile pollution is dumped in the lake which kills 90 of the fish How quickly will the bacteria repopulate its habitat compared to the fish OA slightly faster OB O C much faster about the same OD slightly slower
Which of the following is a way that asexual reproduction is different from sexual reproduction O A In asexual reproduction the offspring is genetically different from the parent In asexual reproduction genes are modified then transferred to the offspring In asexual reproduction only one parent is needed to produce offspring In asexual reproduction the offspring has the same number of chromosomes as the parent OB O C OD
The Living World
Which of the following is a way that asexual reproduction is different from sexual reproduction O A In asexual reproduction the offspring is genetically different from the parent In asexual reproduction genes are modified then transferred to the offspring In asexual reproduction only one parent is needed to produce offspring In asexual reproduction the offspring has the same number of chromosomes as the parent OB O C OD
A disadvantage of sexual reproduction is that it takes less time O A OB O C it requires less energy it decreases genetic variability OD it requires more energy
The Living World
A disadvantage of sexual reproduction is that it takes less time O A OB O C it requires less energy it decreases genetic variability OD it requires more energy
Which of the following is a disadvantage of sexual reproduction O A Most sexually reproducing organisms reproduce too quickly Most sexually reproducing organisms are genetically unique Most species that reproduce sexually are unable to adapt Most species that reproduce sexually require a mate OB O C OD
The Living World
Which of the following is a disadvantage of sexual reproduction O A Most sexually reproducing organisms reproduce too quickly Most sexually reproducing organisms are genetically unique Most species that reproduce sexually are unable to adapt Most species that reproduce sexually require a mate OB O C OD
Some redwood trees reproduce both sexually and asexually Once a tree reaches maturity it can reproduce with another tree through pollination and fertilization The tree then disperses thousands of seeds so that some of them might take root However a tree can also reproduce asexually If it falls down several smaller trees can sprout from its trunk without the need of fertilization Why is it advantageous for a redwood tree to reproduce sexually when it could reproduce asexually instead O A It decreases the need to mate OB O C OD It increases the genetic diversity of the offspring It decreases the time needed to reproduce It increases the energy needed to reproduce
The Living World
Some redwood trees reproduce both sexually and asexually Once a tree reaches maturity it can reproduce with another tree through pollination and fertilization The tree then disperses thousands of seeds so that some of them might take root However a tree can also reproduce asexually If it falls down several smaller trees can sprout from its trunk without the need of fertilization Why is it advantageous for a redwood tree to reproduce sexually when it could reproduce asexually instead O A It decreases the need to mate OB O C OD It increases the genetic diversity of the offspring It decreases the time needed to reproduce It increases the energy needed to reproduce
Washing hands with soap and water could reduce diarrheal disease associated deaths by up to 1 Point O 10 O 25
The Living World
Washing hands with soap and water could reduce diarrheal disease associated deaths by up to 1 Point O 10 O 25
Examine the picture of the two plants below The plant on the left is the parent plant The plant on the right is the parent s offspring The offspring is genetically identical to th parent How did the parent plant reproduce O A There is not enough information to tell how the plant reproduced The plant reproduced through asexual reproduction The plant reproduced through both asexual and sexual reproduction The plant reproduced through sexual reproduction OB O C O D
The Living World
Examine the picture of the two plants below The plant on the left is the parent plant The plant on the right is the parent s offspring The offspring is genetically identical to th parent How did the parent plant reproduce O A There is not enough information to tell how the plant reproduced The plant reproduced through asexual reproduction The plant reproduced through both asexual and sexual reproduction The plant reproduced through sexual reproduction OB O C O D
Suppose four different species live in close proximity to one another within an ecosystem Species W reproduces through fragmentation Species X reproduces sexually Species Y reproduces through budding Species Z reproduces through fission Which species will most likely have the most genetic diversity among their offspring OA Species X OB Species Y OC Species W OD Species Z
The Living World
Suppose four different species live in close proximity to one another within an ecosystem Species W reproduces through fragmentation Species X reproduces sexually Species Y reproduces through budding Species Z reproduces through fission Which species will most likely have the most genetic diversity among their offspring OA Species X OB Species Y OC Species W OD Species Z
Examine the diagram below O C fragmentation fission 1 soviel reproduction Process A Ciliates are a type of protist that are able to reproduce both sexually and asexually Both of these forms of ciliate reproduction are shown in the diagram Which type of reproduction is represented in Process B O A budding OB 60 00 Process B meiosis exchange fusion
The Living World
Examine the diagram below O C fragmentation fission 1 soviel reproduction Process A Ciliates are a type of protist that are able to reproduce both sexually and asexually Both of these forms of ciliate reproduction are shown in the diagram Which type of reproduction is represented in Process B O A budding OB 60 00 Process B meiosis exchange fusion
Which example describes a group behavior A A meercat using its keen sense of smell to search for food B A zebra traveling with a herd that protects it from predators C A water buffalo submerging itself in water to get rid of pests D An elephant using its large ears to release heat from its body
The Living World
Which example describes a group behavior A A meercat using its keen sense of smell to search for food B A zebra traveling with a herd that protects it from predators C A water buffalo submerging itself in water to get rid of pests D An elephant using its large ears to release heat from its body
Directions Select each correct answer Examine the Punnett square below which represents a cross between a male and a female pear tre B B B BR 2 b What are the possible genetic variations of offspring in this cross c
The Living World
Directions Select each correct answer Examine the Punnett square below which represents a cross between a male and a female pear tre B B B BR 2 b What are the possible genetic variations of offspring in this cross c
According to Mendel s Law of Segregation meiosis involves the separation of a parent organism s alleles in order to form gametes Since the alleles separate into different gametes only one allele passes from each parent on to an offspring This segregation of alleles during meiosis O A OB O C O D increases the chance that an offspring will receive a dominant allele increases the genetic variability of the offspring decreases the genetic variability of the offspring decreases the chance that an offspring will receive a dominant allele
The Living World
According to Mendel s Law of Segregation meiosis involves the separation of a parent organism s alleles in order to form gametes Since the alleles separate into different gametes only one allele passes from each parent on to an offspring This segregation of alleles during meiosis O A OB O C O D increases the chance that an offspring will receive a dominant allele increases the genetic variability of the offspring decreases the genetic variability of the offspring decreases the chance that an offspring will receive a dominant allele
The Punnett square below shows the genotypes for offspring produced from a cross between a red cow and a white bull R RW OA OB If all of the offspring have roan coats white hairs mixed into a base coat of red what can be said about the red and white alleles for coat color Red is dominant and white is recessive They are codominant They are sex linked OD White is dominant and red is recessive OC W W RW R RW RW
The Living World
The Punnett square below shows the genotypes for offspring produced from a cross between a red cow and a white bull R RW OA OB If all of the offspring have roan coats white hairs mixed into a base coat of red what can be said about the red and white alleles for coat color Red is dominant and white is recessive They are codominant They are sex linked OD White is dominant and red is recessive OC W W RW R RW RW
The Punnett square below represents a cross that produced two plants with orange flowers RR Rr orange red Rr rr orange yellow If the orange color of the flowers is a result of incomplete dominance what color were the flowers on the parent plants orange and orange red and orange red and yellow OD yellow and orange O A OB O C
The Living World
The Punnett square below represents a cross that produced two plants with orange flowers RR Rr orange red Rr rr orange yellow If the orange color of the flowers is a result of incomplete dominance what color were the flowers on the parent plants orange and orange red and orange red and yellow OD yellow and orange O A OB O C
Sea turtles spend their lives in the ocean They only come on land to lay their eggs in nests in the sand Sea turtle eggs that develop below 27 7 C will be born male Those that develop above 31 C will be female If they develop between the two temperatures they may be born male or female How will sea turtle populations most likely change as a result of long term climate change if the beach is consistently warmer O A More females will hatch from the eggs OB More males will hatch from the eggs O C Females will require a higher temperature for development D Males will require a lower temperature for development
The Living World
Sea turtles spend their lives in the ocean They only come on land to lay their eggs in nests in the sand Sea turtle eggs that develop below 27 7 C will be born male Those that develop above 31 C will be female If they develop between the two temperatures they may be born male or female How will sea turtle populations most likely change as a result of long term climate change if the beach is consistently warmer O A More females will hatch from the eggs OB More males will hatch from the eggs O C Females will require a higher temperature for development D Males will require a lower temperature for development
Unknown Cat because it is the only cat nknown Cat because it is the only cat Unknown Cat because I didn t need 3
The Living World
Unknown Cat because it is the only cat nknown Cat because it is the only cat Unknown Cat because I didn t need 3
Select ALL the statements that are true about MacConkey Agar MAC Select 3 correct answer s Selects Gram negative organisms Selects Halophiles Selects Gram positive organisms Inhibits Gram negative organisms Inhibits Gram positive organisms Differentiates between Lactose fermentation and non Lactose fermentation Differentiates between Mannitol fermentation and non Mannitol fermentation
The Living World
Select ALL the statements that are true about MacConkey Agar MAC Select 3 correct answer s Selects Gram negative organisms Selects Halophiles Selects Gram positive organisms Inhibits Gram negative organisms Inhibits Gram positive organisms Differentiates between Lactose fermentation and non Lactose fermentation Differentiates between Mannitol fermentation and non Mannitol fermentation
In pea plants tall T plants are dominant over short t plants If a heterozygous Tt pea plant is crossed with a homozygous dominant TT pea plant all of the resulting pea plants should be tall TT or Tt Each plant will receive a dominant allele from the homozygous dominant plant while they could receive either a dominant or recessive allele from the heterozygous plant The fact that each plant gets only one allele from each parent plant is detailed in the law of O A genetic inheritance OB multiple alleles OC segregation OD independent assortment
The Living World
In pea plants tall T plants are dominant over short t plants If a heterozygous Tt pea plant is crossed with a homozygous dominant TT pea plant all of the resulting pea plants should be tall TT or Tt Each plant will receive a dominant allele from the homozygous dominant plant while they could receive either a dominant or recessive allele from the heterozygous plant The fact that each plant gets only one allele from each parent plant is detailed in the law of O A genetic inheritance OB multiple alleles OC segregation OD independent assortment
Every year monarch butterflies travel in the millions from summer breeding grounds to overwintering locations in central Mexico This is an example of which type of group behavior A Migration B Schooling C Swarming D Cooperative hunting
The Living World
Every year monarch butterflies travel in the millions from summer breeding grounds to overwintering locations in central Mexico This is an example of which type of group behavior A Migration B Schooling C Swarming D Cooperative hunting
Question 3 Biology text books especially at the lower levels typica is stored in a cell This section often include diagrams w released Which of the statements listed below would b happens to ATP Breaking the bond in ATP releases energy the cell can use
The Living World
Question 3 Biology text books especially at the lower levels typica is stored in a cell This section often include diagrams w released Which of the statements listed below would b happens to ATP Breaking the bond in ATP releases energy the cell can use
When gathering information about important issues voters should keep in mind that talk shows always present both sides of an issue O information must be evaluated for accuracy and balance O fact checkers have verified all of the information presented online O the government regulates the information that may be discussed in the media
The Living World
When gathering information about important issues voters should keep in mind that talk shows always present both sides of an issue O information must be evaluated for accuracy and balance O fact checkers have verified all of the information presented online O the government regulates the information that may be discussed in the media
O have lobbyists that usually provide misinformation to public officials O create political action committees to run campaigns for its members O form based on people s shared issues viewpoints or experiences O make coalitions in order to weaken the voices of individual people
The Living World
O have lobbyists that usually provide misinformation to public officials O create political action committees to run campaigns for its members O form based on people s shared issues viewpoints or experiences O make coalitions in order to weaken the voices of individual people
A person with conservative views believes that government should have a O weak role in people s daily lives and is more likely to support the Republican Party weak role in people s daily lives and is more likely to support the Democratic Party O strong role in people s daily lives and is more likely to support the Republican Party strong role in people s daily lives and is more likely to support the Democratic Party
The Living World
A person with conservative views believes that government should have a O weak role in people s daily lives and is more likely to support the Republican Party weak role in people s daily lives and is more likely to support the Democratic Party O strong role in people s daily lives and is more likely to support the Republican Party strong role in people s daily lives and is more likely to support the Democratic Party
rections Drag each tile to the correct box range the following events in the order they would occur One or more base pairs are accidentally inserted into a DNA sequence during DNA replication A new or different trait is expressed in an organism which could be beneficial harmful or neutral A DNA sequence is used as a template to form an altered
The Living World
rections Drag each tile to the correct box range the following events in the order they would occur One or more base pairs are accidentally inserted into a DNA sequence during DNA replication A new or different trait is expressed in an organism which could be beneficial harmful or neutral A DNA sequence is used as a template to form an altered
DNA replication occurs rapidly For example approximately 50 nitrogenous bases are added to a DNA strand each second in humans In bacteria this occurs even faster with 1000 bases being added each second At such speeds errors can occur and some bases are copied incorrectly Even so a human cell is able to replicate its DNA with only one mutation for every 50 million bases copied Bacteria experience mutations much more frequently because the speed of their DNA replication is 20 times faster than that of a human To reproduce bacteria clone themselves through an asexual process called binary fission Why then are bacterial colonies still able to adapt to new environments O A New genetic combinations resulting from mitosis allow offspring to be genetically different from their parents Asexual reproduction allows offspring to adapt without being genetically different from their parents OC Sexual reproduction always results in offspring that are genetically different from their parents OD Viable errors during DNA replication allow offspring to be genetically different from their parents OB
The Living World
DNA replication occurs rapidly For example approximately 50 nitrogenous bases are added to a DNA strand each second in humans In bacteria this occurs even faster with 1000 bases being added each second At such speeds errors can occur and some bases are copied incorrectly Even so a human cell is able to replicate its DNA with only one mutation for every 50 million bases copied Bacteria experience mutations much more frequently because the speed of their DNA replication is 20 times faster than that of a human To reproduce bacteria clone themselves through an asexual process called binary fission Why then are bacterial colonies still able to adapt to new environments O A New genetic combinations resulting from mitosis allow offspring to be genetically different from their parents Asexual reproduction allows offspring to adapt without being genetically different from their parents OC Sexual reproduction always results in offspring that are genetically different from their parents OD Viable errors during DNA replication allow offspring to be genetically different from their parents OB
How the Capuchin monkeys s behaviors help with understanding children s and even adults behaviors in social situations
The Living World
How the Capuchin monkeys s behaviors help with understanding children s and even adults behaviors in social situations
In the experimental conditions described below how many molecules of dextrose do you have to add to the extracellular fluid in order to make it iso osmotic relative to the intracellular fluid Intracellular fluid Number of water molecules 60 Number of Dextrose molecules 7 Number of Sucrose molecules 3 N Extracellular fluid M Number of water molecules 160 Number of dextrose molecule Number of Sucrose molecules 0 Enter the number of molecules of dextrose in your answer format for 7 enter 7 or 7 00 for 7 5 enter 7 5 or 7 50 for 7 3333 enter 7 33 etc
The Living World
In the experimental conditions described below how many molecules of dextrose do you have to add to the extracellular fluid in order to make it iso osmotic relative to the intracellular fluid Intracellular fluid Number of water molecules 60 Number of Dextrose molecules 7 Number of Sucrose molecules 3 N Extracellular fluid M Number of water molecules 160 Number of dextrose molecule Number of Sucrose molecules 0 Enter the number of molecules of dextrose in your answer format for 7 enter 7 or 7 00 for 7 5 enter 7 5 or 7 50 for 7 3333 enter 7 33 etc
Share your self control successes or failures with your classmates You may learn something from one another about how to implement successful self control strategies
The Living World
Share your self control successes or failures with your classmates You may learn something from one another about how to implement successful self control strategies
The process of DNA replication is biologically significant because it allows the cells of living organisms to OA break down glucose molecules for energy OB convert solar energy into glucose OC synthesize proteins from mRNA polymers OD copy their DNA before cell division
The Living World
The process of DNA replication is biologically significant because it allows the cells of living organisms to OA break down glucose molecules for energy OB convert solar energy into glucose OC synthesize proteins from mRNA polymers OD copy their DNA before cell division
Which of the following is a true statement about codons OA A codon is a sequence of four nitrogenous bases OB In translation an mRNA codon is recognized by its complementary tRNA OC In translation an mRNA codon is recognized by its complementary amino acid OD A codon is a sequence of three amino acids
The Living World
Which of the following is a true statement about codons OA A codon is a sequence of four nitrogenous bases OB In translation an mRNA codon is recognized by its complementary tRNA OC In translation an mRNA codon is recognized by its complementary amino acid OD A codon is a sequence of three amino acids
61 What is the N terminal for the pentapeptide Val Ile Glu Arg Tyr A tyrosine C valine B the NH3 group on the side chain of Arg D tryptophan 61
The Living World
61 What is the N terminal for the pentapeptide Val Ile Glu Arg Tyr A tyrosine C valine B the NH3 group on the side chain of Arg D tryptophan 61
A sequence of nucleotides is shown below What does this sequence provide coding for OA proteins OB lipids OC carbohydrates OD ATP FIN ENI ATGAAAG
The Living World
A sequence of nucleotides is shown below What does this sequence provide coding for OA proteins OB lipids OC carbohydrates OD ATP FIN ENI ATGAAAG
When the water availability of a plant s environment decreases the plant can respond by closing its stomata This reduces the amount of water that the plant loses through its leaves due to transpiration Closing the stomata also reduces the amount of carbon dioxide that the plant can take in through its leaves which will most likely result in O A no change in the cellular processes of the plant an increased rate of photosynthesis an increased rate of cellular respiration a decreased rate of photosynthesis OB O C OD
The Living World
When the water availability of a plant s environment decreases the plant can respond by closing its stomata This reduces the amount of water that the plant loses through its leaves due to transpiration Closing the stomata also reduces the amount of carbon dioxide that the plant can take in through its leaves which will most likely result in O A no change in the cellular processes of the plant an increased rate of photosynthesis an increased rate of cellular respiration a decreased rate of photosynthesis OB O C OD
Plant and animal cells release energy stored in the bonds of glucose molecules when they perform O A O B O C O D mitosis cellular respiration meiosis metamorphosis
The Living World
Plant and animal cells release energy stored in the bonds of glucose molecules when they perform O A O B O C O D mitosis cellular respiration meiosis metamorphosis
What type of energy transformation takes place during photosynthesis OA Light energy is converted into chemical energy OB Chemical energy is converted into chemical energy Chemical energy is converted into light energy Potential energy is converted into kinetic energy O C OD
The Living World
What type of energy transformation takes place during photosynthesis OA Light energy is converted into chemical energy OB Chemical energy is converted into chemical energy Chemical energy is converted into light energy Potential energy is converted into kinetic energy O C OD
The Calvin cycle is a series of chemical reactions that takes place in chloroplasts of cells of photosynthetic organisms The Calvin cycle is driven by chemical energy that is produced in the light reactions of photosynthesis What occurs during the Calvin cycle O A complex carbohydrates are broken down to form simple sugars OB simple sugars are formed from carbon dioxide OC simple sugars are formed from oxygen O D complex carbohydrates are broken down to produce energy
The Living World
The Calvin cycle is a series of chemical reactions that takes place in chloroplasts of cells of photosynthetic organisms The Calvin cycle is driven by chemical energy that is produced in the light reactions of photosynthesis What occurs during the Calvin cycle O A complex carbohydrates are broken down to form simple sugars OB simple sugars are formed from carbon dioxide OC simple sugars are formed from oxygen O D complex carbohydrates are broken down to produce energy
A certain process takes place in the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells that consists of a series of chemical reactions that use high energy molecules from the Krebs cycle to drive the formation of large amounts of ATP What is the name of this process O A citric acid cycle OB glycolysis O C electron transport chain OD fermentation
The Living World
A certain process takes place in the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells that consists of a series of chemical reactions that use high energy molecules from the Krebs cycle to drive the formation of large amounts of ATP What is the name of this process O A citric acid cycle OB glycolysis O C electron transport chain OD fermentation
55 The Michaelis constant Km is equal to the A substrate concentration which gives the best enzyme assay for an enzyme reaction B substrate concentration when the rate is equal to half its maximal value C maximum velocity that any given enzyme reaction can achieve D maximum velocity divided by two 5
The Living World
55 The Michaelis constant Km is equal to the A substrate concentration which gives the best enzyme assay for an enzyme reaction B substrate concentration when the rate is equal to half its maximal value C maximum velocity that any given enzyme reaction can achieve D maximum velocity divided by two 5
DNA is a double stranded nucleic acid formed by millions of linked nucleotides that each contain the sugar deoxyribose a phosphate group and one of four nitrogenous bases How does the structure of DNA allow it to store hereditary information O A The sugar deoxyribose codes for all of the specific traits of an organism Each nucleotide in a strand of DNA codes for one specific trait in an organism Each strand of DNA codes for one specific trait in an organism The unique order of the nitrogenous bases codes for specific traits in an organism OB O C COD
The Living World
DNA is a double stranded nucleic acid formed by millions of linked nucleotides that each contain the sugar deoxyribose a phosphate group and one of four nitrogenous bases How does the structure of DNA allow it to store hereditary information O A The sugar deoxyribose codes for all of the specific traits of an organism Each nucleotide in a strand of DNA codes for one specific trait in an organism Each strand of DNA codes for one specific trait in an organism The unique order of the nitrogenous bases codes for specific traits in an organism OB O C COD
Which of the following is true about protein molecules O A Protein molecules are made up of strands of DNA joined together by amino acid sequences The sequence of amino acids that make up a protein molecule do not affect its function The shape and folded structure of a protein molecule are important in determining its function Protein molecules have many functions in the body including the storage of genetic information SOB O C OD
The Living World
Which of the following is true about protein molecules O A Protein molecules are made up of strands of DNA joined together by amino acid sequences The sequence of amino acids that make up a protein molecule do not affect its function The shape and folded structure of a protein molecule are important in determining its function Protein molecules have many functions in the body including the storage of genetic information SOB O C OD
Which of the following best describes a carbohydrate O A Carbohydrates always consist of a five carbon sugar a nitrogenous base and one or more phosphate groups and are used to store genetic information OB Carbohydrates are organic macromolecules that are made up of carbon hydrogen and oxygen atoms and are used for energy storage or as structural molecules OC Carbohydrates are composed of amino acid monomers and are involved in cell signaling cell transport immune responses and the cell cycle OD Carbohydrates are organic macromolecules that are insoluble in water and have the ability to store energy for extended periods of time
The Living World
Which of the following best describes a carbohydrate O A Carbohydrates always consist of a five carbon sugar a nitrogenous base and one or more phosphate groups and are used to store genetic information OB Carbohydrates are organic macromolecules that are made up of carbon hydrogen and oxygen atoms and are used for energy storage or as structural molecules OC Carbohydrates are composed of amino acid monomers and are involved in cell signaling cell transport immune responses and the cell cycle OD Carbohydrates are organic macromolecules that are insoluble in water and have the ability to store energy for extended periods of time
Enzymes are a type of protein found in cells They catalyze biochemical reactions that are essential for cellular function Each type of enzyme has a unique structure that is different from every other enzyme How does this help enzymes perform their function O A It ensures that all enzymes bind to the same substrate It allows enzymes to change their form based on a given substrate It allows each enzyme to catalyze multiple reactions It ensures that enzymes only bind to specific substrates OB O C SOD
The Living World
Enzymes are a type of protein found in cells They catalyze biochemical reactions that are essential for cellular function Each type of enzyme has a unique structure that is different from every other enzyme How does this help enzymes perform their function O A It ensures that all enzymes bind to the same substrate It allows enzymes to change their form based on a given substrate It allows each enzyme to catalyze multiple reactions It ensures that enzymes only bind to specific substrates OB O C SOD