Animal Kingdom Questions and Answers

Animal KingdomLophotrochozoan Protostomes
These are bilaterally symmetrical with digestive and sensory organs. Three small groups of
aquatic coelomate animals possess a lophophore.
They have a U-shaped lophophore with ciliated tentacles surrounding the mouth
Phylum Platyhelminthes are flatworms with digestive, excretory, nervous, and reproductive
systems, but that lack a
Phylum Nemertea are ribbon worms with a proboscis that is used to capture food
Phylum Mollusca include eight classes of animals with muscular feet and a mantle that
secretes a shell and/or aids in

Animal KingdomAgnathans: Hagfishes and Lampreys, Conodonts and Ostracoderms
A. Lacking
into their mouths.
B. Hagfishes and lampreys are the living descendants of ancient agnathan lineages.
1. Two lineages of jawless vertebrates, hagfishes (Myxinoidea) and lampreys
(Petromyzontoidea), still live today. Both have skeletons composed entirely of cartilage.
They have a well-developed notochord, but no true vertebrae or paired fins
2. The axial skeleton of the 60 living species of hagfishes includes only a cranium and a
notochord. Hagfishes are marine scavengers that burrow in sediments on continental
shelves. Hagfish life cycles are simple and lack a larval stage.
3. The 40 or so living species of lampreys have a more derived axial skeleton. Their
notochord is surrounded by dorsally pointing cartilages that partially cover the nerve
cord. Most are parasitic as adults. Sexually mature adults migrate to the headwaters of a
stream, where they reproduce and then die. Their suspension-feeding larvae resemble
adult cephalochordates.
most of the earliest vertebrates used a pharynx to suck food

Animal KingdomKey Innovations in Animal Evolution
Early biologists used morphology to study evolutionary trends in major animal groups.
Tissue and tissue layers appeared early in animal evolution.
Primary cell layers of tissue include the endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm.
A few diploblastic animals have only two layers.
Most animals exhibit either or Sponges are an exception and are
Cephalization evolved in
symmetrical animals.
Many animals have body cavities that surround their internal organs.
animals do not have a cavity
muscles of the body
animals have a fluid- or organ-filled space between the gut and
animals have a fluid-filled body cavity lined by the peritoneum
The fluid can serve as a hydrostatic skeleton and allows movement of the organism as
well as provides support.

Animal Kingdomdivides the bodies of some animals of both groups into repeating units.
Segments can be seen in humans by observing the vertebral column.
In worms, the segments allow duplication of function, and at the same time offer flexibility.

Animal KingdomEcdysozoan Protostomes
A. The three phyla in the protostome group Ecdysozoa all have external coverings that shed
Nematodes are unsegmented roundworms covered by a flexible cuticle and are perhaps
the most abundant animal on Earth
Members of phylum
and jointed appendages.
are segmented animals with a hard exoskeleton
include spiders, ticks, mites, scorpions, and horseshoe crabs, all
of which have modified appendages used for biting.
b. include shrimps, lobsters, crabs, and their relatives, all of which
have a fused cephalothorax..

Animal KingdomThe transfer of fluid from the glomerulus to Bowman's capsule
transfers large molecules as easily as small ones.
results from active transport.
is very selective as to which subprotein-sized molecules are transferred.
usually includes the transfer of red blood cells into Bowman's capsule.
is mainly a consequence of blood pressure in the capillaries of the glomerulus.

Animal KingdomWhy do birds secrete uric acid and we secrete urea? Use toxicity and energy expenditure to answer this question.

Animal KingdomA cohort is defined as:
All of the individuals in a population born at the same time
All of the individuals living in the same habitat
All of the different species in a community
All of the organisms interacting in the ecosystem
All of the above

Animal KingdomCiprofloxacin is an example of this class of drugs related to quinine which target DNA replication by preventing unwinding of DNA

Animal KingdomTomato flesh is typically red due to the production of lycopene, which is a carotenoid
pigment. Some tomatoes may have tangerine-colored flesh or yellow-colored flesh.
In the 1950's, researchers reported that this variation in tomato flesh color could be
explained by an epistatic interaction involving genes T and R. Previous work had
shown that red flesh is the wild-type phenotype, and that yellow flesh is caused by a
recessive mutation at the R locus only. The researchers were not sure, however, how
tangerine flesh was inherited. They established a cross between two double
heterozygous red-fleshed tomatoes and observed the following offspring: 27 red-
fleshed plants, 12 tangerine-fleshed plants, and 9 yellow-fleshed plants. Use this
information to answer the following questions.
(a) In general, what must the genotypes be for red-fleshed tomatoes, tangerine-
tomatoes, and yellow-fleshed tomatoes, respectively?
(b) You cross a heterozygous red-fleshed plant with a true-breeding yellow-fleshed
plant. What are the genotypes of these two plants? What are the expected offspring
phenotypes, and in what proportions? Use a punnett square or product law / forked
line method to support your answer.

Animal KingdomDuring an infection by an enveloped animal virus, the whole virus enters the animal cell

Animal Kingdom3. Dimorphic fungi are those fungi that..
A. Exist either in yeast form or mold form depending on environmental conditions
B. Are able to grow in dry or humid conditions
C. Produce two different pigments depending on the temperature
D. Are able to reproduce by spores at 25C or at 37C
E. All of the above

Animal Kingdom7. How would you classify a mycosis that....
is localized on outermost skin layers
is caused by normal microbiota
is located beneath the skin
affects internal organs
affects hair, skin, and/or nails

Animal KingdomIn which sentence is the modifier placed correctly?
A. The self-conscious student looked at the floor while her teacher talked with a spikey haircut.
B. Self-consciously, the student looked at the floor with a spikey haircut while her teacher talked.
C. Self-conscious with a spikey haircut, the student looked at the floor while her teacher talked.

Animal KingdomIn Paragraph 26 of "April Showers," the narrator uses what literary device in describing Sophie Brill's visit?
A. sarcasm -- the author says positive things about Miss Brill but means the opposite
B. foreshadowing -- the author is warning us of something bad that is to come
C. allegory -- an extended symbolic representation

Animal KingdomWhich part of the United States were mostly occupied by German immigrants?

Animal KingdomRiver blindness is
Caused by Herpes simplex virus
Caused by worms that invades the eyes
Caused by a blood fluke
Transmitted by mosquito vector
all of these

Animal KingdomBetween a phloem-feeding (plant fluids) and leaf-chewing herbivorous describe two major differences in their internal digestive system.

Animal KingdomWhich of the following is mismatched?
ray-finned fishes -- bony operculum protects the gills
lobe-finned fishes -- lungfishes undergo estivation
sharks & rays -- direct ancestors of tetrapods
sharks & rays -- skeleton and backbone are made of cartilage

Animal KingdomDesert owls are inactive during the day and active at night. They also have small bodies. This
describes a _______ adaptation to the hot and dry desert. CHECK ALL THAT WOULD APPLY
No answer text provided.

Animal KingdomMycoplasmas are bacteria that lack cell walls. On the basis of this structural feature, which
statement concerning mycoplasmas should be true?
They should contain less cellulose than do bacteria that possess cell walls.
They lack a cell membrane as well.
They possess typical prokaryotic flagella.
They are gram-negative.
They are subject to lysis in hypotonic conditions.

Animal KingdomWhich of the following is descriptive of deuterostomes?
spiral and determinate cleavage, blastopore develops second and becomes the anus, enterocoelous development
radial and determinate cleavage, blastopore becomes the mouth, schizocoelous development
spiral and indeterminate cleavage, blastopore becomes the mouth, schizocoelous development
spiral and determinate cleavage, blastopore becomes the mouth, schizocoelous development
radial and indeterminate cleavage, blastopore becomes the anus, enterocoelous development

Animal KingdomHow would you distinguish between Phylum Porifera and any other animal phyla?
the presence of a complete digestive tract.
the presence of true tissues.
the presence of a body cavity.
the presence of a circulatory system.

Animal KingdomThe cells in a sponge are primarily responsible for creating water currents bearing food particles

Animal KingdomGas exchange in the gills of a bony fish is maximized by which of the following?
Countercurrent exchange
A tracheal system
Negative pressure breathing

Animal KingdomWhat are the white stains on the rocks?White bird excrement covers ocean rocks.
uric acid

Animal KingdomEndothermy
is a characteristic of animals that have a fairly constant body temperature.
is a characteristic of most animals found in tropical zones.
is a characteristic of mammals but not of birds.
is seen only in insects and in certain predatory fishes.
is a term equivalent to cold-blooded.

Animal KingdomA cloaca is an anatomical structure found in many non-mammalian vertebrates, which functions as
a common exit for the digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems.
a gland that secretes mucus to lubricate the vaginal opening.
a region bordered by the labia minora and clitoris in females.
a source of nutrients for developing sperm in the testes.
a specialized sperm-transfer device produced by males.

Animal KingdomCountercurrent exchange is evident in
the flow of water across the gills of a fish and the blood within those gills.
the flow of blood into and out of the legs of a bird in order to maintain blood temperature
the flow of fluid out of the arterial end of a capillary and that of fluid back into the venous end of the same capillary.
the flow of blood and fluid through the nasal glands of a bird

Animal KingdomIn which group of animals would you expect to find a relatively large cecum?

Animal KingdomInternal and external fertilization both ..........
O produce single-celled zygotes.
occur only among invertebrates.
depend on the use of intromittent copulatory organs,
occur only among terrestrial animals.
occur only among birds.

Animal KingdomWhich of the following component(s) belongs to the second line of defense
The tough cell sheet of the upper epidermis of the skin
Complement system
Nasal hairs
Action of antibodies

Animal KingdomApproximately 70-80% of finfish and shellfish are made of

Animal KingdomDescribe bacterial conjugation. What plasmid is involved? What cellular structure is involved? What do we call a cell that can initiate conjugation? What happens to the other (2nd) cell involved in conjugation?
Describe how F' (prime), HFr cells differ from F+ (plus) cells? What would happen if each of the preceding cells came in contact with a F- (minus) cell?

Animal KingdomWhich sentence
below does not
belong in a
"Narrative" piece?
A. Often did I think many
of the inhabitants of the
deep much more happy
than myself.
B. The God that holds you
over the pit of hell...
abhors you.
C. Not long after they
crossed the river, they saw
the sailors that had been
missing for two days.

Animal KingdomThe muscle in the forehead that raise and lowers the eyebrows is the :
A. frontalis
B. masseter
C. sternocleidomastod
D. temporalis

Animal KingdomPoison ivy is also known as Rhus toxicodendron. Its species identifier is

Animal KingdomWhich organisms are most closely related to humans?

Animal KingdomWhich two of these characteristics are examples of endoskeletons?
scales in fish
bones in mammals
calcium-rich plates in echinoderms
appendages in arthropods

Animal KingdomWhen testing the question of why some corals survive in excessive heat, what was the independent variable?
Placing the corals in freshwater, rather than sea water
Constant light levels and salinity of the water
Growth measurements of the coral
Application of heat stress to the coral

Animal KingdomWhy are coral reefs important ecosystems on Earth? Select all that may apply.
Host numerous biological communities
Valuable sources of food for millions of people
Pretty to look at and study
Valuable sources for sea shell craft supplies
Important shelters for biodiversity

Animal KingdomA drop of blood hits the ground at 35 degrees, what shape does it form?
Ellipse (oval)

Animal KingdomWhich of the following is NOT a benefit of the auto refill program?
Patients do not have to call in their prescriptions to be refilled
Assists patients in remembering to pick up their refilled prescriptions
The pharmacy system will attempt to contact prescriber for prescriptions
that are expired or have no refills remaining
The medication will be delivered to the patient's home

Animal KingdomWhat would be the best microscope to view living single-celled organisms in a sample of pond water?
Transmission electron microscope
Scanning electron microscope
Compound light microscope
Dissecting microscope

Animal KingdomWhat would be the main disadvantage to the poikilothermic thermoregulation strategy?
Their body temperatures can fluctuate with little to no adverse effects to their overall health
These animals can not inhabit environments with extreme temperatures (i.e. very hot or very cold)
Since they do not rely on their metabolism to generate thermal energy, they do not have to eat each day
They must keep their internal body temperature higher than the ambient temperature, because if not their enzymes will not function properly

Animal KingdomWhat advances did the phylum Cnidaria (jellyfish, hydra) bring to the animal kingdom?
1. Three tissue layers
2. Predation
3. complete digestive system including mouth and anus
4. Purposeful movement

Animal KingdomAs you may have heard from Dr. Fauci in the news in reference to the ongoing COVID-19 viral pandemic: "Viruses cannot mutate if they cannot replicate". Based on what you know about the basic properties of viruses and vaccines, explain why widespread vaccination could help prevent the emergence of novel viral variants.

Animal KingdomWhat is the difference between a protostome and deuterostome? In the space below, please list or describe the key differences between these two types of organism and provide an example of each.