Biology Questions

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18 Listen When climbing a mountain we can observe transitions in biological communities that are analogous to the changes 21 in a community through different seasons in an ecosystem as it evolves over time in biomes at different latitudes across the United States from east to west Oa at different depths in the ocean O
Ecology - Ecosystems
18 Listen When climbing a mountain we can observe transitions in biological communities that are analogous to the changes 21 in a community through different seasons in an ecosystem as it evolves over time in biomes at different latitudes across the United States from east to west Oa at different depths in the ocean O
21 Listen The calcium ions released into the cytosol during excitation of skeletal to Otropomyosin Otroponin Omyosin actin transverse tubules
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
21 Listen The calcium ions released into the cytosol during excitation of skeletal to Otropomyosin Otroponin Omyosin actin transverse tubules
Listen What is the difference between a community and an ecosystem An ecosystem includes only abiotic factors Communities contain only one species whereas ecosystems include many species A commuity is larger than an ecosystem O An ecosystem is a community plus the physical environment of that area nities
Human Physiology - Digestion
Listen What is the difference between a community and an ecosystem An ecosystem includes only abiotic factors Communities contain only one species whereas ecosystems include many species A commuity is larger than an ecosystem O An ecosystem is a community plus the physical environment of that area nities
15 Liste In a relaxed skeletal muscle actin is not chemically bound to OZ lines Otroponin tropomyosin myosin
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
15 Liste In a relaxed skeletal muscle actin is not chemically bound to OZ lines Otroponin tropomyosin myosin
Graph Effect of Different Factors The graph represents the average time taken for each balloon to inflate fully indicating the rate of yeast activation under different concentrations of the factors sugar salt vinegar and baking soda Factor Sugar Salt Vinegar Baking Soda Low Concentration 12 5 min 10 8 min 14 2 min 10 9 min Medium Concentration 8 2 min 10 5 min 9 8 min 10 7 min High Concentration 6 1 min 10 7 min 6 7 min 11 4 min
Graph Effect of Different Factors The graph represents the average time taken for each balloon to inflate fully indicating the rate of yeast activation under different concentrations of the factors sugar salt vinegar and baking soda Factor Sugar Salt Vinegar Baking Soda Low Concentration 12 5 min 10 8 min 14 2 min 10 9 min Medium Concentration 8 2 min 10 5 min 9 8 min 10 7 min High Concentration 6 1 min 10 7 min 6 7 min 11 4 min
A cell with membrane bound proteins that selectively bind a specific hormone called that hormone s plasma cell endocrine cell O secretory cell target cell regulate
Animal Kingdom
A cell with membrane bound proteins that selectively bind a specific hormone called that hormone s plasma cell endocrine cell O secretory cell target cell regulate
In humans the follicular cells that remain behind in the ovary following ovulation become the thickened portion of the uterine wall O the ovarian endometrium that is shed at the time of the menses Oswept into the fallopian tube O the placenta which secretes cervical mucus Oa steroid hormone synthesizing structur
Ecology - Ecosystems
In humans the follicular cells that remain behind in the ovary following ovulation become the thickened portion of the uterine wall O the ovarian endometrium that is shed at the time of the menses Oswept into the fallopian tube O the placenta which secretes cervical mucus Oa steroid hormone synthesizing structur
Any drug that blocks the release of ADH would increase urine volume and increase its concentration increase urine volume and decrease its concentration decrease urine volume and increase its concentration decrease urine yolume and
Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination
Any drug that blocks the release of ADH would increase urine volume and increase its concentration increase urine volume and decrease its concentration decrease urine volume and increase its concentration decrease urine yolume and
hat is the difference between a community and an ecosystem A commuity is larger than an ecosystem An ecosystem includes only abiotic factors O An ecosystem is a community plus the physical environment of that are Communities contain only one species whereas pr species
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
hat is the difference between a community and an ecosystem A commuity is larger than an ecosystem An ecosystem includes only abiotic factors O An ecosystem is a community plus the physical environment of that are Communities contain only one species whereas pr species
erent body cells can respond differently to the same peptide hormones because Oa target cell s response is determined by the components of its signal transduction pathways the circulatory system regulates responses to hormones by routing the hormones to specific targets different target cells have different sets of genes O each cell converts that hormone to a different metabolite the hormone is chemically altered in different ways as it travels thr circulatory system
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
erent body cells can respond differently to the same peptide hormones because Oa target cell s response is determined by the components of its signal transduction pathways the circulatory system regulates responses to hormones by routing the hormones to specific targets different target cells have different sets of genes O each cell converts that hormone to a different metabolite the hormone is chemically altered in different ways as it travels thr circulatory system
All hormones elicit the same biological response from all of their target cells are protein molecules O are carried to target cells in the blood are lipid soluble molecules are produced by endocrine glands O
Animal Kingdom
All hormones elicit the same biological response from all of their target cells are protein molecules O are carried to target cells in the blood are lipid soluble molecules are produced by endocrine glands O
What is the main role of the hormone aldosterone in the human body the reabsorption of Na in the kidneys the secretion of K in the kidneys the excretion of water from the kidneys the reabsorption of urea in the collecting duct the reabsorption of glucose in the kidnou
Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination
What is the main role of the hormone aldosterone in the human body the reabsorption of Na in the kidneys the secretion of K in the kidneys the excretion of water from the kidneys the reabsorption of urea in the collecting duct the reabsorption of glucose in the kidnou
Which of the following is dominated by plants that drop their leaves yearly to conserve water savanna Otropical rain forest temperate broadleaf forest Oconiferous forest desert
Animal Kingdom
Which of the following is dominated by plants that drop their leaves yearly to conserve water savanna Otropical rain forest temperate broadleaf forest Oconiferous forest desert
Which of the following shows how biotic environmental factors can affect an organism Monarch butterflies live only where there are milkweed plants for food Maple trees will not grow in waterlogged soil Mice have the highest reproductive rate of any common mammal Trout will not live in shallow warm water O Some shrubs grow only where forest fires scorch their sond
Ecology - Ecosystems
Which of the following shows how biotic environmental factors can affect an organism Monarch butterflies live only where there are milkweed plants for food Maple trees will not grow in waterlogged soil Mice have the highest reproductive rate of any common mammal Trout will not live in shallow warm water O Some shrubs grow only where forest fires scorch their sond
Change of seasons is caused by Ochanges in wind patterns change in the distance of the Earth from the sun Ovariations in the output of solar energy the tilt of the Earth gravitational pull of the sun and the moon O
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Change of seasons is caused by Ochanges in wind patterns change in the distance of the Earth from the sun Ovariations in the output of solar energy the tilt of the Earth gravitational pull of the sun and the moon O
The oceans affect the biosphere in all of the following ways except Omoderating the climate of terrestrial biomes Obeing the source of most of Earth s rainfall producing a substantial amount of the biosphere s oxygen O removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere regulating the pH of frank
Animal Kingdom
The oceans affect the biosphere in all of the following ways except Omoderating the climate of terrestrial biomes Obeing the source of most of Earth s rainfall producing a substantial amount of the biosphere s oxygen O removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere regulating the pH of frank
In which of the following biomes is fire very important for maintaining biodivers Ograsslands Oboreal forests enca temperate forests coastal zones deserts
Ecology - Ecosystems
In which of the following biomes is fire very important for maintaining biodivers Ograsslands Oboreal forests enca temperate forests coastal zones deserts
ch greenhouse gas is thought to be the most important gas when it comes to the global warming trend we have been seeing ozone carbon dioxide Omethane water vapor Ooxygen
Ecology - Ecosystems
ch greenhouse gas is thought to be the most important gas when it comes to the global warming trend we have been seeing ozone carbon dioxide Omethane water vapor Ooxygen
vertical strata found in the environment If so in which of the following biomes the number of bird species is determined mainly by the number of would you find the greatest number of bird species O temperate grassland temperate broadleaf forest O desert O savanna Otropical rain forest
Animal Kingdom
vertical strata found in the environment If so in which of the following biomes the number of bird species is determined mainly by the number of would you find the greatest number of bird species O temperate grassland temperate broadleaf forest O desert O savanna Otropical rain forest
of a skeletal muscle fiber following is the correct sequence that describes the excitation and Contraction 1 Tropomyosin shifts and unblocks the cross bridge binding sites 2 Calcium is released and binds to the troponin complex 3 Transverse tubules depolarize the sarcoplasmic reticulum 4 The thin filaments are ratcheted across the thick filaments by the heads of the myosin molecules using energy from ATP 5 An action potential in a motor neuron causes the axon to release acetylcholin which depolarizes the muscle cell membrane 05 3 1 2 4 01 2 3 4 5 05 3 2 1 4 02 3 4 1 5 1 3 5 4
Animal Kingdom
of a skeletal muscle fiber following is the correct sequence that describes the excitation and Contraction 1 Tropomyosin shifts and unblocks the cross bridge binding sites 2 Calcium is released and binds to the troponin complex 3 Transverse tubules depolarize the sarcoplasmic reticulum 4 The thin filaments are ratcheted across the thick filaments by the heads of the myosin molecules using energy from ATP 5 An action potential in a motor neuron causes the axon to release acetylcholin which depolarizes the muscle cell membrane 05 3 1 2 4 01 2 3 4 5 05 3 2 1 4 02 3 4 1 5 1 3 5 4
The deepest part of the ocean is referred to as the intertidal zone Obenthic zone
Ecology - Ecosystems
The deepest part of the ocean is referred to as the intertidal zone Obenthic zone
wo plant species live in the same biome but on different continents Although the wo species are not at all closely related they may appear quite similar as a result of convergent evolution Omigration Ogene flow Oparallel evolution allopatric speciation
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
wo plant species live in the same biome but on different continents Although the wo species are not at all closely related they may appear quite similar as a result of convergent evolution Omigration Ogene flow Oparallel evolution allopatric speciation
What are the three main types of forest biomes Orain temperate boreal marine coastal terestrial Ohigh altitude temperate coastal O temperate tropical boreal old growth
Ecology - General
What are the three main types of forest biomes Orain temperate boreal marine coastal terestrial Ohigh altitude temperate coastal O temperate tropical boreal old growth
skeletal muscle deprived of adequate ATP supplies will sequester all free calcium ions into the sarcoplasmic reticulum enter a state where actin and myosin are unable to separate immediately relax O fire many more action potentials than usual and enter a state of rigo Orelease all actin myosin bonds
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
skeletal muscle deprived of adequate ATP supplies will sequester all free calcium ions into the sarcoplasmic reticulum enter a state where actin and myosin are unable to separate immediately relax O fire many more action potentials than usual and enter a state of rigo Orelease all actin myosin bonds
2 During pregnancy the uterus grows up to 10 times its normal size as the baby develops Explain why this might cause the following a Most women find that they must urinate much more often than normal especially during the first trimester b Many women during the last trimester find eating large meals to be a challenge and often will be eating many small meals snacking throughout the day instead c Towards the end of pregnancy women often experience difficulty breathing unable to take deep breaths
Reproduction in Organisms
2 During pregnancy the uterus grows up to 10 times its normal size as the baby develops Explain why this might cause the following a Most women find that they must urinate much more often than normal especially during the first trimester b Many women during the last trimester find eating large meals to be a challenge and often will be eating many small meals snacking throughout the day instead c Towards the end of pregnancy women often experience difficulty breathing unable to take deep breaths
Organ dysfunction most often occurs when an organ is injured or fails but so can have function issues due to problems associated with another organ or structure in the same body region For each of the following EXPLAIN WHY the disruption has occurred 1 Older males often develop prostatic hyperplasia a disease condition in which the prostate enlarges sometimes to twice the normal size Explain why this might cause the following a For most males this will cause problems with urination b Some males experience difficulty passing feces
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
Organ dysfunction most often occurs when an organ is injured or fails but so can have function issues due to problems associated with another organ or structure in the same body region For each of the following EXPLAIN WHY the disruption has occurred 1 Older males often develop prostatic hyperplasia a disease condition in which the prostate enlarges sometimes to twice the normal size Explain why this might cause the following a For most males this will cause problems with urination b Some males experience difficulty passing feces
atch the eyeball structure with its description Transparent anterior part of the fibrous layer of the eyeball wall It allows light to enter the eye and bends it as it does The inner layer of the eyeball wall that contains millions of photoreceptor cells that transduce light energy into electrical signals Brown posterior portion of the uvea It absorbs light to prevent the light from scattering and supplies blood to the layers of the eyeball wall The colored part of the eye that regulates the size of the pupil the amount of 1 cornea 2 choroid region 3 retina 4 iris
Human Physiology - General
atch the eyeball structure with its description Transparent anterior part of the fibrous layer of the eyeball wall It allows light to enter the eye and bends it as it does The inner layer of the eyeball wall that contains millions of photoreceptor cells that transduce light energy into electrical signals Brown posterior portion of the uvea It absorbs light to prevent the light from scattering and supplies blood to the layers of the eyeball wall The colored part of the eye that regulates the size of the pupil the amount of 1 cornea 2 choroid region 3 retina 4 iris
All postganglionic neurons have binds sympathetic muscarinic adrenergic nicotinic receptors and are stimulated when ACh
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
All postganglionic neurons have binds sympathetic muscarinic adrenergic nicotinic receptors and are stimulated when ACh
The superior oblique muscle s action is to depress the eye and turn it laterally
Human Physiology - General
The superior oblique muscle s action is to depress the eye and turn it laterally
The secretes norepinephrine and epinephrine into the blood when stimulated which enhance the fight or flight response of the SNS kidneys adrenal medulla adrenal cortex hypothalamus
Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination
The secretes norepinephrine and epinephrine into the blood when stimulated which enhance the fight or flight response of the SNS kidneys adrenal medulla adrenal cortex hypothalamus
The sympathetic parasympathetic True False division causes the blood vessels to constrict whereas the division causes them to dilate
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
The sympathetic parasympathetic True False division causes the blood vessels to constrict whereas the division causes them to dilate
Which of the following is NOT true of the sympathetic nervous system with regards to anatomy Postganglionic fibers are long Ganglia are within or near visceral effector organs Preganglionic fibers are short Fibers originate in the thoracic and lumbar spinal cord
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Which of the following is NOT true of the sympathetic nervous system with regards to anatomy Postganglionic fibers are long Ganglia are within or near visceral effector organs Preganglionic fibers are short Fibers originate in the thoracic and lumbar spinal cord
Which of the following is an effect of the parasympathetic nervous system Constricts pupils Increases the rate and force of heart contraction Stimulates sweating Decreases the activity of the digestive systom
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Which of the following is an effect of the parasympathetic nervous system Constricts pupils Increases the rate and force of heart contraction Stimulates sweating Decreases the activity of the digestive systom
Find an article from the library and or internet related to somatic nervous posted by a science magazine journal like Science or National Geographic or a scientific research article You cannot post something like a Wikipedia or WebMD article however You ll probably have the best luck searching for things related to Homeostatic Imbalances
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Find an article from the library and or internet related to somatic nervous posted by a science magazine journal like Science or National Geographic or a scientific research article You cannot post something like a Wikipedia or WebMD article however You ll probably have the best luck searching for things related to Homeostatic Imbalances
sympathetic division has short preganglionic and long postganglionic fibers parasympathetic has long preganglionic and short postganglionic fibers True False Question 26 2 points Listen Roughly 90 of all parasympathetic fibers are derived from the nerves Ohypoglossal O trigeminal Ovagus
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
sympathetic division has short preganglionic and long postganglionic fibers parasympathetic has long preganglionic and short postganglionic fibers True False Question 26 2 points Listen Roughly 90 of all parasympathetic fibers are derived from the nerves Ohypoglossal O trigeminal Ovagus
Match the following properties of sound with how they are perceived by the cortex Based on action potential frequency larger deflections of hair cells results in an increase in action potential frequency Based on the relative intensity and relative timing of sound waves reaching the two ears Based on the location of the activated hair cells along the basilar membrane 1 Loudness 2 Pitch 3 Sound location
Cell: The Unit of Life
Match the following properties of sound with how they are perceived by the cortex Based on action potential frequency larger deflections of hair cells results in an increase in action potential frequency Based on the relative intensity and relative timing of sound waves reaching the two ears Based on the location of the activated hair cells along the basilar membrane 1 Loudness 2 Pitch 3 Sound location
Regeneration within the CNS typically allows axonal sprouting of 20 mm O is more successful than with the PNS is promoted by growth inhibitors and glial scars is prevented due to growth inhibiting proteins of oligodendroc
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Regeneration within the CNS typically allows axonal sprouting of 20 mm O is more successful than with the PNS is promoted by growth inhibitors and glial scars is prevented due to growth inhibiting proteins of oligodendroc
Listen Injury to the small objects Oaxillary median Oulnar O radial nerve makes it difficult to use the pincer grasp to pick up
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Listen Injury to the small objects Oaxillary median Oulnar O radial nerve makes it difficult to use the pincer grasp to pick up
Select ALL of the following nerves that innervate muscles that move the eyeball the abducens VI the vestibulocochlear nerve VIII the trochlear nerve IV the oculomotor nerve III
Biological Classification
Select ALL of the following nerves that innervate muscles that move the eyeball the abducens VI the vestibulocochlear nerve VIII the trochlear nerve IV the oculomotor nerve III
Blood vessels are almost entirely innerved by parasympathetic fibers so the parasympathetic division controls blood pressure True False Question 6 2 points Listen Products to help individuals stop smoking would fall into which drug class acetylcholinesterase inhibitors O sympathomimetic agents nicotinic agents
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Blood vessels are almost entirely innerved by parasympathetic fibers so the parasympathetic division controls blood pressure True False Question 6 2 points Listen Products to help individuals stop smoking would fall into which drug class acetylcholinesterase inhibitors O sympathomimetic agents nicotinic agents
tollowing terms with their descriptions The smaller branch of a spinal nerve that innervates the posterior body trunk The connection between the spinal cord and a spinal nerve containing sensory fibers The connection between the spinal cord and a spinal nerve containing motor fibers The larger branch of a spinal nerve that innervates the anterior and lateral trunk and limbs 1 Dorsal rami 2 Dorsal roots 3 Ventral rami 4 Ventral roots
Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation
tollowing terms with their descriptions The smaller branch of a spinal nerve that innervates the posterior body trunk The connection between the spinal cord and a spinal nerve containing sensory fibers The connection between the spinal cord and a spinal nerve containing motor fibers The larger branch of a spinal nerve that innervates the anterior and lateral trunk and limbs 1 Dorsal rami 2 Dorsal roots 3 Ventral rami 4 Ventral roots
Match the level of motor control with its description The level that consists of neurons in the cerebellum and basal nuclei and controls the outputs of the cortex and brain stem motor centers The lowest level of motor control that consists of reflexes and automatic movements The level that has direct control of the spinal cord and consists of upper motor neurons and brain stem motor nuclei 1 Precommand Level 2 Projection Level 3 Segmental Level
Biological Classification
Match the level of motor control with its description The level that consists of neurons in the cerebellum and basal nuclei and controls the outputs of the cortex and brain stem motor centers The lowest level of motor control that consists of reflexes and automatic movements The level that has direct control of the spinal cord and consists of upper motor neurons and brain stem motor nuclei 1 Precommand Level 2 Projection Level 3 Segmental Level
Select ALL of the following that are true regarding Raynaud s disease It is characterized by exaggerated vasoconstriction in the fingers and toes It occurs primarily in association with injury to the spinal cord It is treated with vasodilators It is commonly induced by exposure to cold or by emotional stress
Human Health and Diseases
Select ALL of the following that are true regarding Raynaud s disease It is characterized by exaggerated vasoconstriction in the fingers and toes It occurs primarily in association with injury to the spinal cord It is treated with vasodilators It is commonly induced by exposure to cold or by emotional stress
Sympathetic ganglia are located very close to the CNS parasympathetic ganglia are close to the visceral organs served True False Question 28 2 points 4 Listen Sympathetic has extensive branching of preganglionic fibers parasympathetic has minimal branching of preganglionic fibers True
Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination
Sympathetic ganglia are located very close to the CNS parasympathetic ganglia are close to the visceral organs served True False Question 28 2 points 4 Listen Sympathetic has extensive branching of preganglionic fibers parasympathetic has minimal branching of preganglionic fibers True
smooth muscle cardiac muscle skeletal muscle most glands Question 32 2 points Listen All stretch reflexes are polysynaptic and ipsilateral True system
Human Physiology - General
smooth muscle cardiac muscle skeletal muscle most glands Question 32 2 points Listen All stretch reflexes are polysynaptic and ipsilateral True system
to its receptor activates a G protein coupled signaling cascade resulting in the opening of cation channels depolarization and impulse transmission True False Question 21 2 points Listen Select ALL of the following nerves that have both sensory and motor function Olfactory nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Abducens nerve
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
to its receptor activates a G protein coupled signaling cascade resulting in the opening of cation channels depolarization and impulse transmission True False Question 21 2 points Listen Select ALL of the following nerves that have both sensory and motor function Olfactory nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Abducens nerve
They are involuntary They result in a predictable motor response to a stimulus They are rapid They can be modified by learning and conscious effort Question 34 2 points Listen exes The occurs in weight bearing limbs to maintain balance and consists of a ipsilateral withdrawal reflex along with a contralateral extensor reflex O crossed extensor reflex O tendon reflex flexor reflex
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
They are involuntary They result in a predictable motor response to a stimulus They are rapid They can be modified by learning and conscious effort Question 34 2 points Listen exes The occurs in weight bearing limbs to maintain balance and consists of a ipsilateral withdrawal reflex along with a contralateral extensor reflex O crossed extensor reflex O tendon reflex flexor reflex
arding the iris of the eye The pupil is the opening in the center of the iris that allows light to enter the eye While irises can be different colors they contain only brown pigment Sympathetic stimulation causes the dilator pupillae muscle to relax and the pupil size increases Parasympathetic stimulation causes the sphincter pupillae muscle to contract and the pupil size decreases Question 16 2 points Listen would likely be affected if there is damage to the medial rectus muscles i re tu Refraction O Convergence Accommodation
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
arding the iris of the eye The pupil is the opening in the center of the iris that allows light to enter the eye While irises can be different colors they contain only brown pigment Sympathetic stimulation causes the dilator pupillae muscle to relax and the pupil size increases Parasympathetic stimulation causes the sphincter pupillae muscle to contract and the pupil size decreases Question 16 2 points Listen would likely be affected if there is damage to the medial rectus muscles i re tu Refraction O Convergence Accommodation
The flight system of the autonomic nervous system is referred to as the fight or Osympathetic division Osomatic division parasympathetic division peripheral division
The flight system of the autonomic nervous system is referred to as the fight or Osympathetic division Osomatic division parasympathetic division peripheral division
True False Question 23 2 points Listen The result of severe damage to the ventral root of a spinal nerve would result in in the tissue or region that nerve innervates a complete loss of sensation and movement O complete loss of sensation Oloss of neither sensation nor movement but only of autonomic control
Animal Kingdom
True False Question 23 2 points Listen The result of severe damage to the ventral root of a spinal nerve would result in in the tissue or region that nerve innervates a complete loss of sensation and movement O complete loss of sensation Oloss of neither sensation nor movement but only of autonomic control