Biology Questions

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Select All of the following that are true of the dermis The superficial papillary layer is areolar connective tissue Collagen fibers in the dermis give the skin strength and resiliency while elastic fibers give skin the ability to stretch and recoil The deeper reticular layer is composed of reticular connective tissue Dermal papillae are superficial peglike projections of the manillar
Biological Classification
Select All of the following that are true of the dermis The superficial papillary layer is areolar connective tissue Collagen fibers in the dermis give the skin strength and resiliency while elastic fibers give skin the ability to stretch and recoil The deeper reticular layer is composed of reticular connective tissue Dermal papillae are superficial peglike projections of the manillar
Select whether each of the following is true for smooth muscle or skeletal muscle each fiber is innervated by a nerve forming neuromuscular junctions calcium binds to calmodulin which leads to the activation of myosin calcium binds to troponin leading to the exposure of the myosin binding sites triad relationships between T tubules and terminal cisterns play a crucial role in contraction synchronized contractions due to gap junctions that spread action potentials to all fibers innervated by the autonomic nervous system 1 smooth muscle 2 skeletal muscle
Human Physiology - General
Select whether each of the following is true for smooth muscle or skeletal muscle each fiber is innervated by a nerve forming neuromuscular junctions calcium binds to calmodulin which leads to the activation of myosin calcium binds to troponin leading to the exposure of the myosin binding sites triad relationships between T tubules and terminal cisterns play a crucial role in contraction synchronized contractions due to gap junctions that spread action potentials to all fibers innervated by the autonomic nervous system 1 smooth muscle 2 skeletal muscle
Select ALL of the following that are true regarding flat feet It is not considered a congenital condition and is only acquired later in life Risk factors for flat feet include age obesity and high impact activity Orthotic shoe inserts can help manage symptoms Footwear with good arch support may help prevent it
Biological Classification
Select ALL of the following that are true regarding flat feet It is not considered a congenital condition and is only acquired later in life Risk factors for flat feet include age obesity and high impact activity Orthotic shoe inserts can help manage symptoms Footwear with good arch support may help prevent it
Match the receptor with its stimulus spiral organ crista ampullaris maculae 1 pressure waves hearing 2 change in head position along a horizontal plane 3 rotational acceleration
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Match the receptor with its stimulus spiral organ crista ampullaris maculae 1 pressure waves hearing 2 change in head position along a horizontal plane 3 rotational acceleration
Select ALL of the following that are true regarding skeletal muscle fiber contraction Acetylcholine ACh binding to its receptors causes voltage gated sodium channels to open producing an end plate potential Acetylcholine ACh released by the motor neuron diffused across the synaptic cleft and binds to its receptors on the muscle fiber s sarcolemma Sodium entering in to the cell causes depolarization and potassium exiting from the cell causes repolarization Following the end plate potential there is a wave of depolarization that causes voltage gated sodium channels to open resulting in more sodium entering the cell
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Select ALL of the following that are true regarding skeletal muscle fiber contraction Acetylcholine ACh binding to its receptors causes voltage gated sodium channels to open producing an end plate potential Acetylcholine ACh released by the motor neuron diffused across the synaptic cleft and binds to its receptors on the muscle fiber s sarcolemma Sodium entering in to the cell causes depolarization and potassium exiting from the cell causes repolarization Following the end plate potential there is a wave of depolarization that causes voltage gated sodium channels to open resulting in more sodium entering the cell
Which of the following surrounds the individual muscle cell epimysium endomysium fascicle
Ecology - General
Which of the following surrounds the individual muscle cell epimysium endomysium fascicle
medially is called pes planus herniated palate colles palate cleft palate Question 25 2 points 4 Listen Synovial joints left halves of the palate do not fuse are all diarthrotic contain a fluid filled joint cavity have an inner synovial membrane that secretes synovial fluid for lubrication and nourishment of the articular cartilage
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
medially is called pes planus herniated palate colles palate cleft palate Question 25 2 points 4 Listen Synovial joints left halves of the palate do not fuse are all diarthrotic contain a fluid filled joint cavity have an inner synovial membrane that secretes synovial fluid for lubrication and nourishment of the articular cartilage
Select ALL of the following that influence synovial joint stability number and location of joint ligaments number of bones in the joint 100 muscle tone that keeps tendons crossing the joint taut shape of the articular surface
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
Select ALL of the following that influence synovial joint stability number and location of joint ligaments number of bones in the joint 100 muscle tone that keeps tendons crossing the joint taut shape of the articular surface
Match the eye structure with its function V retina ciliary zonule choroid cornea lens supplies blood to all layers of the eyeball and absorbs light to prevent scattering 2 holds lens in position 1 3 4 5 contains photoreceptor cells that transduce light energy changes shape to precisely focus light on retina lets light enter the eye and bends light as it enters the eye
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Match the eye structure with its function V retina ciliary zonule choroid cornea lens supplies blood to all layers of the eyeball and absorbs light to prevent scattering 2 holds lens in position 1 3 4 5 contains photoreceptor cells that transduce light energy changes shape to precisely focus light on retina lets light enter the eye and bends light as it enters the eye
Articulations permitting only slight degrees of movement are Amphiarthroses Synarthroses Diarthroses Synovial joints
Animal Kingdom
Articulations permitting only slight degrees of movement are Amphiarthroses Synarthroses Diarthroses Synovial joints
location of the muscle size of the muscle shape of the muscle action of the muscle Question 33 2 points Listen to the A term such as rectus in a muscle s name refers to the location of the muscle direction of the muscle fibers number of origins action of the muscle
Human Physiology - General
location of the muscle size of the muscle shape of the muscle action of the muscle Question 33 2 points Listen to the A term such as rectus in a muscle s name refers to the location of the muscle direction of the muscle fibers number of origins action of the muscle
the following is not a function of astrocytes anchor neurons to blood vessels provide the defense for the CNS support and brace neurons guide the migration of young neurons synapse formation and helping to determine capillary permeability Question 35 2 points Listen Collections of nerve cell bodies outside of the central nervous system are called tracts ganglia nuclei norves
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
the following is not a function of astrocytes anchor neurons to blood vessels provide the defense for the CNS support and brace neurons guide the migration of young neurons synapse formation and helping to determine capillary permeability Question 35 2 points Listen Collections of nerve cell bodies outside of the central nervous system are called tracts ganglia nuclei norves
Damage to the premotor cortex results in loss of motor skills programmed in that area but movement is still possible True False
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Damage to the premotor cortex results in loss of motor skills programmed in that area but movement is still possible True False
Anterior Association Area Posterior Association Area Cerebral Association Area Limbic Association Area Question 39 2 points 4 Listen anning Select ALL of the following that could occur as a result of an injury to the hypothalamus loss of fine motor control sleep disturbances loss of body temperature control
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Anterior Association Area Posterior Association Area Cerebral Association Area Limbic Association Area Question 39 2 points 4 Listen anning Select ALL of the following that could occur as a result of an injury to the hypothalamus loss of fine motor control sleep disturbances loss of body temperature control
llowing that are functions of dendrites convey incoming messages toward the cell body receive signals from other neurons produce graded potentials generate action potentials and transmit them away from the cell body Question 37 2 points 4 Listen Injury to the hypothalamus may result in all of the following EXCEPT sleep disturbances Oloss of fine motor control loss of body temperature control dehydration
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
llowing that are functions of dendrites convey incoming messages toward the cell body receive signals from other neurons produce graded potentials generate action potentials and transmit them away from the cell body Question 37 2 points 4 Listen Injury to the hypothalamus may result in all of the following EXCEPT sleep disturbances Oloss of fine motor control loss of body temperature control dehydration
dilation of the pupils salivation elimination of urine increased peristalsis of the digestive viscera Question 45 2 points 4 Listen a result of parasympathetic stimulation Preparing the body for the fight or flight response is the role of the parasympathetic division somatic nervous system cerebrum sympathetic division
Biotechnology: Principles and Processes
dilation of the pupils salivation elimination of urine increased peristalsis of the digestive viscera Question 45 2 points 4 Listen a result of parasympathetic stimulation Preparing the body for the fight or flight response is the role of the parasympathetic division somatic nervous system cerebrum sympathetic division
Pitch is determined by where the stimulated inner hair cells are located along the basilar membrane the amplitude of the sound wave the intensity of stimulation of the inner hair cells the frequency at which the inner hair cells send action potentials
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Pitch is determined by where the stimulated inner hair cells are located along the basilar membrane the amplitude of the sound wave the intensity of stimulation of the inner hair cells the frequency at which the inner hair cells send action potentials
dentify what humans can do to minimize the impact of urban sprawl on wildlife
Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation
dentify what humans can do to minimize the impact of urban sprawl on wildlife
The image meiosis begins How many genetically different gametes can this cell form 18 1A 2A 28 OA There will be eight genetically different gametes B There will be four genetically different gametes OC There will be two genetically different gametes D All of the gametes will be genetically identical
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
The image meiosis begins How many genetically different gametes can this cell form 18 1A 2A 28 OA There will be eight genetically different gametes B There will be four genetically different gametes OC There will be two genetically different gametes D All of the gametes will be genetically identical
How is the availability of needed natural resources affected by human activities
Ecology - General
How is the availability of needed natural resources affected by human activities
Which organism had the most DDT in their body Explain
Ecology - General
Which organism had the most DDT in their body Explain
At which trophic level would you expect to find these organisms Why
Ecology - General
At which trophic level would you expect to find these organisms Why
Give an example of how an animal that lives a far distance away from a polluted area can still have toxins from that area accumulate in their bodies
Ecology - General
Give an example of how an animal that lives a far distance away from a polluted area can still have toxins from that area accumulate in their bodies
How does DDT enter into the food chain
Ecology - Environmental Issues
How does DDT enter into the food chain
When two organic compounds bond together their valence shells are fulfilled in what is called a A rehydration reaction C dehydration reaction B dessication reaciton D hydroxyl substitution
The Living World
When two organic compounds bond together their valence shells are fulfilled in what is called a A rehydration reaction C dehydration reaction B dessication reaciton D hydroxyl substitution
The far point of vision is the distance beyond which no change in lens shape needed for focusing the distance at which you can see most clearly the furthest distance that you can see clearly the closest point on which the eye can focus
Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination
The far point of vision is the distance beyond which no change in lens shape needed for focusing the distance at which you can see most clearly the furthest distance that you can see clearly the closest point on which the eye can focus
Bitter taste receptors have the lowest threshold for activation highest sensitivity because poisons are frequently bitter True False Question 5 1 point Listen respond to odorants and tastants in aqueous solutions Chemoreceptors Exteroceptors Nociceptors
Bitter taste receptors have the lowest threshold for activation highest sensitivity because poisons are frequently bitter True False Question 5 1 point Listen respond to odorants and tastants in aqueous solutions Chemoreceptors Exteroceptors Nociceptors
Which of the following is NOT true regarding the signalling pathway when light activates a rod cell Light activated rhodopsin activates a G protein coupled signaling cascade The photoreceptor cell hyperpolarizes The photoreceptor cell releases neurotransmitter The bipolar cell depolarizes Action potentials are fired in the ganglion cell
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
Which of the following is NOT true regarding the signalling pathway when light activates a rod cell Light activated rhodopsin activates a G protein coupled signaling cascade The photoreceptor cell hyperpolarizes The photoreceptor cell releases neurotransmitter The bipolar cell depolarizes Action potentials are fired in the ganglion cell
Match the following equilibrium receptors with the motion they detect Changes in head position along a horizontal plane Changes in head position along a vertical plane Rotational movements of the head 1 Macula of the utricle 2 Macula of the saccule 3 Crista ampullaris
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
Match the following equilibrium receptors with the motion they detect Changes in head position along a horizontal plane Changes in head position along a vertical plane Rotational movements of the head 1 Macula of the utricle 2 Macula of the saccule 3 Crista ampullaris
Match the term with its correct description v Hyperopia Myopia Presbyopia Astigmatism 1 2 3 4 Loss of accommodation seen in older people Eyeball is too long resulting in blurry distant vision Eyeball is too short resulting in blurry close vision Curvature of cornea is unequal resulting in blurry vision
Human Physiology - Locomotion & Movement
Match the term with its correct description v Hyperopia Myopia Presbyopia Astigmatism 1 2 3 4 Loss of accommodation seen in older people Eyeball is too long resulting in blurry distant vision Eyeball is too short resulting in blurry close vision Curvature of cornea is unequal resulting in blurry vision
Which of the following is NOT correct regarding the properties of sound waves The greater the sound intensity the bigger the amplitude The longer the wavelength the higher the frequency The higher the frequency the higher the pitch
Ecology - General
Which of the following is NOT correct regarding the properties of sound waves The greater the sound intensity the bigger the amplitude The longer the wavelength the higher the frequency The higher the frequency the higher the pitch
The far point of vision is the furthest distance that you can see clearly the closest point on which the eye can focus the distance at which you can see most clearly the distance beyond which no change in lens shape needed for focusi
Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordination
The far point of vision is the furthest distance that you can see clearly the closest point on which the eye can focus the distance at which you can see most clearly the distance beyond which no change in lens shape needed for focusi
Listen The oceans affect the biosphere in all of the following ways exce regulating the pH of freshwater biomes and terrestrial groundwater removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere moderating the climate of terrestrial biomes producing a substantial amount of the biosphere s oxygen being the source of most of Earth s rainfall
Listen The oceans affect the biosphere in all of the following ways exce regulating the pH of freshwater biomes and terrestrial groundwater removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere moderating the climate of terrestrial biomes producing a substantial amount of the biosphere s oxygen being the source of most of Earth s rainfall
Jestion 22 1 point Listen Hormones that promote homeostasis O travel to target cells without passage in the plasma are not found as members of antagonistic signaling mechanisms utilize receptors that bind any hormone usually operate as part of a negative feedback system Cignal transduction in the target cell without binding to receptors
Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination
Jestion 22 1 point Listen Hormones that promote homeostasis O travel to target cells without passage in the plasma are not found as members of antagonistic signaling mechanisms utilize receptors that bind any hormone usually operate as part of a negative feedback system Cignal transduction in the target cell without binding to receptors
21 Listen Two plant species live in the same biome but on different continents two species are not at all closely related they may appear quite similar as a result of Oparallel evolution allopatric speciation Omigration convergent evolution Ogene flow
21 Listen Two plant species live in the same biome but on different continents two species are not at all closely related they may appear quite similar as a result of Oparallel evolution allopatric speciation Omigration convergent evolution Ogene flow
Listen In order to see the pretty colors of fall leaves you would the chaparral in California Ot the temperate broadleaf forest of New England the temperate grassland in the mid west You Tube the northern coniferous forest in Canada
Ecology - Ecosystems
Listen In order to see the pretty colors of fall leaves you would the chaparral in California Ot the temperate broadleaf forest of New England the temperate grassland in the mid west You Tube the northern coniferous forest in Canada
1 Listen A cell with membrane bound proteins that selectively bind a specific hormone is called that hormone s Oregulatory cell target cell O endocrine cell O secretory cell plasma cell
Plant Physiology - General
1 Listen A cell with membrane bound proteins that selectively bind a specific hormone is called that hormone s Oregulatory cell target cell O endocrine cell O secretory cell plasma cell
Which of the following promotes ovulation Olow levels of estradiol O estradiol plus progesterone GnRH high levels of FSH high levels of LH
Cell: The Unit of Life
Which of the following promotes ovulation Olow levels of estradiol O estradiol plus progesterone GnRH high levels of FSH high levels of LH
24 26 DO 1 60 Listen What is the main role of the hormone aldosterone in the human 27 Othe reabsorption of Na in the kidneys the secretion of K in the kidneys the excretion of water from the kidneys the reabsorption of urea in the collecting duct the reabsorption of glucose in the kidneys Question 24 1 point 4 Listen A cell with membrane bound proteins that selectively bind a specific hormone is that hormone s
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
24 26 DO 1 60 Listen What is the main role of the hormone aldosterone in the human 27 Othe reabsorption of Na in the kidneys the secretion of K in the kidneys the excretion of water from the kidneys the reabsorption of urea in the collecting duct the reabsorption of glucose in the kidneys Question 24 1 point 4 Listen A cell with membrane bound proteins that selectively bind a specific hormone is that hormone s
Listen Testosterone is synthesized primarily by the O sperm cells O Leydig cells hypothalamus Oseminiferous tubules ituitary gland
Human Reproduction
Listen Testosterone is synthesized primarily by the O sperm cells O Leydig cells hypothalamus Oseminiferous tubules ituitary gland
21 In male mammals excretory and reproductive systems share the prostate the vas deferens the testes the urethra the bladder
Human Reproduction
21 In male mammals excretory and reproductive systems share the prostate the vas deferens the testes the urethra the bladder
21 Listen The reason that the steroid hormone aldosterone affects only a small number of in the body is that O it is unable to enter nontarget cells only its target cells contain aldosterone receptors nontarget cells convert aldosterone to a hormone to which they do respond only its target cells get exposed to aldosterone nontarget cells destroy aldosterone before it can produce any effect
The Living World
21 Listen The reason that the steroid hormone aldosterone affects only a small number of in the body is that O it is unable to enter nontarget cells only its target cells contain aldosterone receptors nontarget cells convert aldosterone to a hormone to which they do respond only its target cells get exposed to aldosterone nontarget cells destroy aldosterone before it can produce any effect
21 Listen Antidiuretic hormone ADH functions at the cellular level by triggering the synthesis of an enzyme that makes the phospholipid bilayer more permeable to water 23 24 causing membranes to include more phospholipids that have unsaturated fatty acids causing an increase in the number of aquaporin molecules of collecting duct cells O decreasing the speed at which filtrate flows through the nephron leading to increased reabsorption of water stimulating the reabsorption of glucose through channel proteins
Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination
21 Listen Antidiuretic hormone ADH functions at the cellular level by triggering the synthesis of an enzyme that makes the phospholipid bilayer more permeable to water 23 24 causing membranes to include more phospholipids that have unsaturated fatty acids causing an increase in the number of aquaporin molecules of collecting duct cells O decreasing the speed at which filtrate flows through the nephron leading to increased reabsorption of water stimulating the reabsorption of glucose through channel proteins
18 20 21 Listen 1 Different body cells can respond differently to the same peptide horm 23 24 a target cell s response is determined by the components of its signal transduction pathways different target cells have different sets of genes the circulatory system regulates responses to hormones by routing the hormones to specific targets each cell converts that hormone to a different metabolite the hormone is chemically altered in different ways as it travels through the circulatory system only a small number of cells
Human Physiology - Circulatory System
18 20 21 Listen 1 Different body cells can respond differently to the same peptide horm 23 24 a target cell s response is determined by the components of its signal transduction pathways different target cells have different sets of genes the circulatory system regulates responses to hormones by routing the hormones to specific targets each cell converts that hormone to a different metabolite the hormone is chemically altered in different ways as it travels through the circulatory system only a small number of cells
Listen Which of the following is true about climate change the current levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are higher than they have ever been in the past 400 000 years CO2 levels in the air have never risen before the Earth s climate has never warmed before Earth s atmospheric temperature does not seem to be correlated with the level of CO2 Othe the
Human Physiology - Excretory Products & Elimination
Listen Which of the following is true about climate change the current levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are higher than they have ever been in the past 400 000 years CO2 levels in the air have never risen before the Earth s climate has never warmed before Earth s atmospheric temperature does not seem to be correlated with the level of CO2 Othe the
18 Which of the following environmental features might influence microclin O forest canopy Ofreshly plowed field log on the forest floor Olarge boulder of the options are correct
Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation
18 Which of the following environmental features might influence microclin O forest canopy Ofreshly plowed field log on the forest floor Olarge boulder of the options are correct
18 81 1 20 21 Listen Which of the following promotes follicle growth in the Ohigh levels of estradiol O estradiol plus progesterone OhCG OFSH high levels of progesterone
Reproduction in Organisms
18 81 1 20 21 Listen Which of the following promotes follicle growth in the Ohigh levels of estradiol O estradiol plus progesterone OhCG OFSH high levels of progesterone
21 Listen Trees are not usually found in the tundra biome because of extreme winter temperatures Opermafrost insufficient annual precipitation acidic soils overbrowsing by musk ox and caribou
Anatomy of Flowering Plants
21 Listen Trees are not usually found in the tundra biome because of extreme winter temperatures Opermafrost insufficient annual precipitation acidic soils overbrowsing by musk ox and caribou
Listen Which of the following levels of ecological organization is arranged in the correct sequence from most to least inclusive 21 3 1 O individual community population ecosystem O individual population community ecosystem population ecosystem individual community Oecosystem community population individual community ecosystem individual population s yearly to
Ecology - Ecosystems
Listen Which of the following levels of ecological organization is arranged in the correct sequence from most to least inclusive 21 3 1 O individual community population ecosystem O individual population community ecosystem population ecosystem individual community Oecosystem community population individual community ecosystem individual population s yearly to
21 Change of seasons is caused by Ochange in the distance of the Earth from the sun Ovariations in the output of solar energy the tilt of the Earth gravitational changes in wind patterns pull of the sun and the moon
Human Health and Diseases
21 Change of seasons is caused by Ochange in the distance of the Earth from the sun Ovariations in the output of solar energy the tilt of the Earth gravitational changes in wind patterns pull of the sun and the moon