Molecular Basis of Inheritance Questions and Answers

9 2 points In order for transcription to be initiated a number of different proteins must be present and interacting with the DNA molecule In addition to RNA polymerase which of the following components is involved in the initiation of prokaryotic transcription A TATA box B Sigma C Basal transcription factors D Activators and enhancers
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
9 2 points In order for transcription to be initiated a number of different proteins must be present and interacting with the DNA molecule In addition to RNA polymerase which of the following components is involved in the initiation of prokaryotic transcription A TATA box B Sigma C Basal transcription factors D Activators and enhancers
5 2 points A portion of a DNA molecule has the sequence 5 CTGAA 3 Which nitrogenous bases and in what order do you expect to be on the complementary strand A 5 CTGAA 3 B 5 TTCAG 3 C 5 AAGTC 3 D 5 GACTT 3
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
5 2 points A portion of a DNA molecule has the sequence 5 CTGAA 3 Which nitrogenous bases and in what order do you expect to be on the complementary strand A 5 CTGAA 3 B 5 TTCAG 3 C 5 AAGTC 3 D 5 GACTT 3
1 2 points Which of the following correctly describes a piece of biological information A The sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide B The functional groups present on a steroid hormone such as testosterone C The order of nucleotides A C T G in a sequence of DNA D All of the above correctly describe pieces of biological information
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
1 2 points Which of the following correctly describes a piece of biological information A The sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide B The functional groups present on a steroid hormone such as testosterone C The order of nucleotides A C T G in a sequence of DNA D All of the above correctly describe pieces of biological information
5 The DNA sequence shown below codes for a four amino acid polypeptide A box has been drawn around the start codon to indicate the beginning of an open reading frame in the coding strand mRNA a 2 points Transcribe the template strand to mRNA sequence in the space below Make sure you transcribe the entire mRNA and label which end is 5 and which end is 3 There is a codon chart below b 3 points Using the provided codon chart below translate the mRNA to the amino acid sequence in the space below Make sure you label which end is the N terminus and which end is the C terminus amino acid 5 C C G AT GTGT T C C G TTT GAA G 3 3 G G C T A CACA AGGCAAA C T T C 5 c 2 points If a point mutation changes the amino acid sequence to Met Cys Pro Val what is the name of this type of mutation U C SECOND BASE A G
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
5 The DNA sequence shown below codes for a four amino acid polypeptide A box has been drawn around the start codon to indicate the beginning of an open reading frame in the coding strand mRNA a 2 points Transcribe the template strand to mRNA sequence in the space below Make sure you transcribe the entire mRNA and label which end is 5 and which end is 3 There is a codon chart below b 3 points Using the provided codon chart below translate the mRNA to the amino acid sequence in the space below Make sure you label which end is the N terminus and which end is the C terminus amino acid 5 C C G AT GTGT T C C G TTT GAA G 3 3 G G C T A CACA AGGCAAA C T T C 5 c 2 points If a point mutation changes the amino acid sequence to Met Cys Pro Val what is the name of this type of mutation U C SECOND BASE A G
6 In pedigree shown below individuals that are affected by a particular genetic trait are shown as colored shapes while unaffected individuals are shown as open shapes It is assumed that this trait corresponds to a single gene with two alleles one dominant and one recessive Females are shown as circles and males are shown as squares Generations are marked with Roman numerals and individuals within generations are marked by Arabic numerals I II III 1 2 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 a 2 points Based on the pattern of individuals affected by this trait is the allele for this trait inherited in a dominant or recessive fashion Explain how you can tell SET b 1 point If the gene responsible for this trait is located on the X chromosome is this trait inherited in an autosomal or sex linked fashion c 2 points Use words or allele symbols to indicate the genotype of individual III 2
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
6 In pedigree shown below individuals that are affected by a particular genetic trait are shown as colored shapes while unaffected individuals are shown as open shapes It is assumed that this trait corresponds to a single gene with two alleles one dominant and one recessive Females are shown as circles and males are shown as squares Generations are marked with Roman numerals and individuals within generations are marked by Arabic numerals I II III 1 2 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 a 2 points Based on the pattern of individuals affected by this trait is the allele for this trait inherited in a dominant or recessive fashion Explain how you can tell SET b 1 point If the gene responsible for this trait is located on the X chromosome is this trait inherited in an autosomal or sex linked fashion c 2 points Use words or allele symbols to indicate the genotype of individual III 2
3 If an individual is heterozygous Aa then a they possess two different alleles of the same gene b they possess two different alleles of different genes c they possess two identical alleles of the same gene d they possess two identical alleles of different genes
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
3 If an individual is heterozygous Aa then a they possess two different alleles of the same gene b they possess two different alleles of different genes c they possess two identical alleles of the same gene d they possess two identical alleles of different genes
9 Highly repetitive elements in eukaryotic genomes can be detected by A the short time required for their renaturation in reassociation kinetic analy B confirming the dispersive model for DNA replication C their absence from genomic DNA libraries D over representation in globin mRNA transcript preparations cross linking E protein protein
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
9 Highly repetitive elements in eukaryotic genomes can be detected by A the short time required for their renaturation in reassociation kinetic analy B confirming the dispersive model for DNA replication C their absence from genomic DNA libraries D over representation in globin mRNA transcript preparations cross linking E protein protein
3 H Gobind Khorana described a synthetic RNA copolymer poly UC which encodes A poly U B poly Phe C alternating copolymer LeuSer D nonsense mediated decay E translation initiation
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
3 H Gobind Khorana described a synthetic RNA copolymer poly UC which encodes A poly U B poly Phe C alternating copolymer LeuSer D nonsense mediated decay E translation initiation
E decoding 5 Tropomyosin isoforms are mainly produced by A exon skipping B DNA rearrangement C retrotransposition D site specific mutagenesis E decoding errors and ribosomal frameshifting and the core promoter is
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
E decoding 5 Tropomyosin isoforms are mainly produced by A exon skipping B DNA rearrangement C retrotransposition D site specific mutagenesis E decoding errors and ribosomal frameshifting and the core promoter is
5 The nucleotide excision repair system can undo damaging caused by UV radiation A alternative splicing errors B T T dimers C apurinic sites D protein protein cross links E cataracts in lens of the eye
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
5 The nucleotide excision repair system can undo damaging caused by UV radiation A alternative splicing errors B T T dimers C apurinic sites D protein protein cross links E cataracts in lens of the eye
4 The factors most involved in transcription initiation are A N fMet tRNAMc mRNA B TBP and TFIIB C EF Tu EF G D IF1 IF2 IF3 E RF RRF
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
4 The factors most involved in transcription initiation are A N fMet tRNAMc mRNA B TBP and TFIIB C EF Tu EF G D IF1 IF2 IF3 E RF RRF
Spot size in lady bugs is controlled by one gene In a certain population there are two alleles of this gene the wild type allele and mutant allele You breed a heterozygous individual to a homozygous wild type individual Use this information to answer the following questions Enter all probabilities as frequencies The probability of the heterozygous parent producing reproductive cells with the wild type allele is and reproductive cells with the mutant allele is The probability of the homozygous wild type parent producing reproductive cells with the wild type allele and reproductive cells with the mutant allele is IS The probability of these parents producing homozygous wild type offspring is offspring is and homozygous mutant offspring is heterozygous If the two alleles exhibit co dominance and homozygous wild type individuals have small spots and homozygous mutants have large spots then the probability of these parents producing offspring with small spots is offspring with medium spots is offspring with large spots is and offspring with both large and small spots is
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Spot size in lady bugs is controlled by one gene In a certain population there are two alleles of this gene the wild type allele and mutant allele You breed a heterozygous individual to a homozygous wild type individual Use this information to answer the following questions Enter all probabilities as frequencies The probability of the heterozygous parent producing reproductive cells with the wild type allele is and reproductive cells with the mutant allele is The probability of the homozygous wild type parent producing reproductive cells with the wild type allele and reproductive cells with the mutant allele is IS The probability of these parents producing homozygous wild type offspring is offspring is and homozygous mutant offspring is heterozygous If the two alleles exhibit co dominance and homozygous wild type individuals have small spots and homozygous mutants have large spots then the probability of these parents producing offspring with small spots is offspring with medium spots is offspring with large spots is and offspring with both large and small spots is
101 In the illustration above a parent cell is going through cell division Black lines represent nucleic acids and blue dots represent kinetochore complexes These nucleic acids are aligned on the cell s metaphase plate Use this information to answer the following questions In this illustration there are molecule s of double stranded DNA daughter chromosome s and replicated chromosome s so this organism mostly likely reproduces Based on this information we would describe this parent cell and organism as composed of different chromosomes or to say this another way The parent cell has chromosomes and is a Once cell division is complete we would describe one daughter cell as different chromosomes or to say this another way Through this mode of cellular division ploidy 11 chromosome s sister chromatids This cell is dividing by 9 with a with a PAIRS of homologous chromosomes and one daughter cell has tetrad s 6 and genome segmentation 0 PAIRS of homologous genome genome composed of 6 0
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
101 In the illustration above a parent cell is going through cell division Black lines represent nucleic acids and blue dots represent kinetochore complexes These nucleic acids are aligned on the cell s metaphase plate Use this information to answer the following questions In this illustration there are molecule s of double stranded DNA daughter chromosome s and replicated chromosome s so this organism mostly likely reproduces Based on this information we would describe this parent cell and organism as composed of different chromosomes or to say this another way The parent cell has chromosomes and is a Once cell division is complete we would describe one daughter cell as different chromosomes or to say this another way Through this mode of cellular division ploidy 11 chromosome s sister chromatids This cell is dividing by 9 with a with a PAIRS of homologous chromosomes and one daughter cell has tetrad s 6 and genome segmentation 0 PAIRS of homologous genome genome composed of 6 0
In the image below a plasmid has been cut with restriction enzymes and a new gene is being inserted Gene O S Plasmid The enzyme Recombinant DNA is used to seal the sticky ends and create a bond between the plasmid and the new gene
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
In the image below a plasmid has been cut with restriction enzymes and a new gene is being inserted Gene O S Plasmid The enzyme Recombinant DNA is used to seal the sticky ends and create a bond between the plasmid and the new gene
n the technique of Southern or RNA Northern nucleic acids that have been separated by gel electrophoresis are transfered to a nylon membrane This process can be used with DNA
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
n the technique of Southern or RNA Northern nucleic acids that have been separated by gel electrophoresis are transfered to a nylon membrane This process can be used with DNA
cell is always to undergo abnormal division and create a tumor False O True Question 97 Following DNA replication each new DNA molecule consists of one old strand and one new strand This mode of replication is called Transcription Conservative replication 1 pts Semi conservative replication
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
cell is always to undergo abnormal division and create a tumor False O True Question 97 Following DNA replication each new DNA molecule consists of one old strand and one new strand This mode of replication is called Transcription Conservative replication 1 pts Semi conservative replication
5 730 7 530 O530 3 570 Question 81 In the experiment by Hershey and Chase in which radio labeled nucleic acids and proteins were applied to bacteriophages bacteria viruses the results showed that O Proteins are not present in viruses Protein is not the molecule of inheritance 1 pts O Proteins are full of phosphorus
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
5 730 7 530 O530 3 570 Question 81 In the experiment by Hershey and Chase in which radio labeled nucleic acids and proteins were applied to bacteriophages bacteria viruses the results showed that O Proteins are not present in viruses Protein is not the molecule of inheritance 1 pts O Proteins are full of phosphorus
Match the parts of the lac operon to their correct names Part a Part b Part C Part d Part e Part f Part g Part h Parti locz locy locA VV A regulatory gene B promoter C operon D RNA polymerase E operator F enzyme genes G active repressor protein H inducer 1 mRNA transcript
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Match the parts of the lac operon to their correct names Part a Part b Part C Part d Part e Part f Part g Part h Parti locz locy locA VV A regulatory gene B promoter C operon D RNA polymerase E operator F enzyme genes G active repressor protein H inducer 1 mRNA transcript
When chromatin undergoes its nucleosomes pack tightly together and transcription cannot occur
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
When chromatin undergoes its nucleosomes pack tightly together and transcription cannot occur
Match the transcription machinery to its function TATA box promoter Introns exons terminator transcription factors RNA polymerase A a DNA sequence that the RNA pol can recognize and bind to initiate transcription B a region in the promotor of eukaryotes C coding regions of eukaryotic DNA D noncoding regions of eukaryotic DNA E proteins that must bind to the DNA in order to mediate the binding of RNA polymerase in eukaryotes F the enzyme that builds mRNA during transcription G the sequence that signals the end of transcription in prokaryotes
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Match the transcription machinery to its function TATA box promoter Introns exons terminator transcription factors RNA polymerase A a DNA sequence that the RNA pol can recognize and bind to initiate transcription B a region in the promotor of eukaryotes C coding regions of eukaryotic DNA D noncoding regions of eukaryotic DNA E proteins that must bind to the DNA in order to mediate the binding of RNA polymerase in eukaryotes F the enzyme that builds mRNA during transcription G the sequence that signals the end of transcription in prokaryotes
is the production of RNA using DNA as a template is the synthesis of polypeptides at the ribosom
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
is the production of RNA using DNA as a template is the synthesis of polypeptides at the ribosom
Identify the parts of DNA replication k Part k Part 1 Part m Part n Part o Bortin 1 m n P q r S t u A DNA polymerase III on leading strand B leading strand C primase D RNA primer E single strand binding proteins
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Identify the parts of DNA replication k Part k Part 1 Part m Part n Part o Bortin 1 m n P q r S t u A DNA polymerase III on leading strand B leading strand C primase D RNA primer E single strand binding proteins
Identify the following parts of the DNA molecule a 5 end OH 3 end Part a Part b Part c Part d OH i h b C g OH 3 end 5 end d f C A deoxyribose B hydrogen bonds C nucleotide D sugar phosphate backbone
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Identify the following parts of the DNA molecule a 5 end OH 3 end Part a Part b Part c Part d OH i h b C g OH 3 end 5 end d f C A deoxyribose B hydrogen bonds C nucleotide D sugar phosphate backbone
The chart below shows the inheritance of human eye color AABB AABD A00 Aso Asto AABO AADO Andy Aabo eggs Aato Ada Aalo 6100 2050 Aalb Auto aa8o 8100 deep blue green m medium brown dark brown black When traits like this are produced from the accumulated effects of many genes it is an example of inheritance
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
The chart below shows the inheritance of human eye color AABB AABD A00 Aso Asto AABO AADO Andy Aabo eggs Aato Ada Aalo 6100 2050 Aalb Auto aa8o 8100 deep blue green m medium brown dark brown black When traits like this are produced from the accumulated effects of many genes it is an example of inheritance
4 What should be the social and ethical responsibilitie of the individual scientists involved in research with genome editing technology How can they best fulfill those responsibilities
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
4 What should be the social and ethical responsibilitie of the individual scientists involved in research with genome editing technology How can they best fulfill those responsibilities
Use the genetic code table and the information in the diagram below to determine the amino acids that would make up the portion of the polypeptide shown. Include information for a key as well. DNA template
RNA strand
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Use the genetic code table and the information in the diagram below to determine the amino acids that would make up the portion of the polypeptide shown. Include information for a key as well. DNA template 3'- GCATA A CAGAGGATT-5' transcription RNA strand 5'-CGUAUUGUCUCC polypeptide UCCUUA - 3' Key: translation
To make DNA, this enzyme must first make a short strand of RNA on the template.
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
To make DNA, this enzyme must first make a short strand of RNA on the template. topoisomerase helicase primase exonuclease
The DNA strand that is replicated in discontinuous segments is known as the strand.
3' -> 5'
5' -> 3'
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
The DNA strand that is replicated in discontinuous segments is known as the strand. Okazaki leading lagging 3' -> 5' 5' -> 3'
What is an appropriate definition of the evolutionary rate?
The rate at which novel mutations arise (per site or per genome) when genomes
The estimated rate at which novel genes arise.
The estimated rate at which nucleotide changes (per site or per genome) are
observed within a population sampled over a particular timescale.
The estimated rate at which pathogens escape immune response.
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
What is an appropriate definition of the evolutionary rate? The rate at which novel mutations arise (per site or per genome) when genomes replicate. The estimated rate at which novel genes arise. The estimated rate at which nucleotide changes (per site or per genome) are observed within a population sampled over a particular timescale. The estimated rate at which pathogens escape immune response.
A person without the allele for sickle cell anemia has children with a person who is a carrier for sickle cell anemia but doesn't have the disease. What percentage of their children will have sickle cell anemia? What percentage of their children will be carriers for sickle cell anemia? Show your work with a Punnett square. You can copy/paste the blank table below or create a table in the submission box to complete the Punnett square
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
A person without the allele for sickle cell anemia has children with a person who is a carrier for sickle cell anemia but doesn't have the disease. What percentage of their children will have sickle cell anemia? What percentage of their children will be carriers for sickle cell anemia? Show your work with a Punnett square. You can copy/paste the blank table below or create a table in the submission box to complete the Punnett square
What is the minimal number of tRNAS that can be used to recognize all the codons for leucine & argine ?
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
What is the minimal number of tRNAS that can be used to recognize all the codons for leucine & argine ?
In the human genes for B-globin, a locus control region is characterized by
regulating the expression of the B-globin gene.
containing several DNAse I hypersensitive sites.
being about 15 kb in length.
acting upstream of the genes it affects.
all of these are correct.
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
In the human genes for B-globin, a locus control region is characterized by regulating the expression of the B-globin gene. containing several DNAse I hypersensitive sites. being about 15 kb in length. acting upstream of the genes it affects. all of these are correct.
RrYyCc x RrYyCc (R = round, r = wrinkled; Y = yellow, y = green; C = smooth, c = constricted)
Considering the P1 above, what is the probability of a plant having a round, yellow, constricted pod, a wrinkled, green, constricted pod, OR a wrinkled, green, smooth pod?
A 13/64
B 15/64
C 1/64
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
RrYyCc x RrYyCc (R = round, r = wrinkled; Y = yellow, y = green; C = smooth, c = constricted) Considering the P1 above, what is the probability of a plant having a round, yellow, constricted pod, a wrinkled, green, constricted pod, OR a wrinkled, green, smooth pod? A 13/64 B 15/64 C 1/64
How many promoters are in a bacterial operon?
It depends on how many genes are present in the operon
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
How many promoters are in a bacterial operon? 1 2 3 It depends on how many genes are present in the operon
Alternative splicing produces
A. mRNAs of different lengths from the same pre-mRNA
B. genes of different lengths from the same DNA
C. mRNAs of different lengths from the same amino acid sequences
D. pre-mRNAs of different lengths from the same DNA
E. pre-mRNAs of different lengths from the same mRNA
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Alternative splicing produces A. mRNAs of different lengths from the same pre-mRNA B. genes of different lengths from the same DNA C. mRNAs of different lengths from the same amino acid sequences D. pre-mRNAs of different lengths from the same DNA E. pre-mRNAs of different lengths from the same mRNA
The code for a given amino acid consists of_______ bases(s)
A. four
B. two
C. one
D. three
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
The code for a given amino acid consists of_______ bases(s) A. four B. two C. one D. three
Discussion Board Topic: This are the questions you need to answer: In mammals, males often have greater variance in reproductive success than females, as a result of sexual selection. How will this alter the effective levels of allelic variation in genes on the autosomes, the X chromosome, the Y chromosome and the mitochondrial genome? What other factors may influence the genetic diversity in these different parts of the genome? Discuss this question and potential answers with one another by posting your answers on the forum. 
Just in order to prime this discussion, think about this: If fewer males reproduce than females, what effects will this have on y- chromosome diversity vs. mitochondrial diversity? Variance in reproductive success means basically "Some guys have all the luck". What would be the influence of this type of selection on x- chromosomes diversity or autosomal diversity? Are there other things that can happen to a population which affect genetic diversity? Would you have different conclusions about how and when our species evolved from the different levels of diversity seen using Y Chromosomes, X Chromosomes, and Mitochondrial Chromosomes?
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Discussion Board Topic: This are the questions you need to answer: In mammals, males often have greater variance in reproductive success than females, as a result of sexual selection. How will this alter the effective levels of allelic variation in genes on the autosomes, the X chromosome, the Y chromosome and the mitochondrial genome? What other factors may influence the genetic diversity in these different parts of the genome? Discuss this question and potential answers with one another by posting your answers on the forum. Just in order to prime this discussion, think about this: If fewer males reproduce than females, what effects will this have on y- chromosome diversity vs. mitochondrial diversity? Variance in reproductive success means basically "Some guys have all the luck". What would be the influence of this type of selection on x- chromosomes diversity or autosomal diversity? Are there other things that can happen to a population which affect genetic diversity? Would you have different conclusions about how and when our species evolved from the different levels of diversity seen using Y Chromosomes, X Chromosomes, and Mitochondrial Chromosomes?
The trp operon codes for genes involved in the synthesis of the amino acid tryptophan. Under what condition would the expression of these genes be the lowest?
E. coli growing in a medium containing glucose
E. coli growing in medium containing tryptophan
E. coli growing in a medium lacking tryptophan
E. coli growing in medium containing lactose
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
The trp operon codes for genes involved in the synthesis of the amino acid tryptophan. Under what condition would the expression of these genes be the lowest? E. coli growing in a medium containing glucose E. coli growing in medium containing tryptophan E. coli growing in a medium lacking tryptophan E. coli growing in medium containing lactose
Once the DNA polymerase reaches the end of a linear chromosome, there is no additional primer to extend the lagging strand, resulting in a shortening of the chromosome without the function of what protein?

Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Once the DNA polymerase reaches the end of a linear chromosome, there is no additional primer to extend the lagging strand, resulting in a shortening of the chromosome without the function of what protein? helicase telomerase topoisomerase ligase
You are trying to identify new genes. Based on your understanding of transcription and translation, which of the following codons in the genomic DNA could be the beginning to a new protein sequence? GATG AUG CAU CAT
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
You are trying to identify new genes. Based on your understanding of transcription and translation, which of the following codons in the genomic DNA could be the beginning to a new protein sequence? GATG AUG CAU CAT
During DNA replication, RNA primers _______. (Choose all that apply.)
are maintained in the finished chromosome
give DNA polymerase a double-stranded section to which to add nucleotides
must be removed and replaced by DNA nucleotides
serve as the start site for transcription
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
During DNA replication, RNA primers _______. (Choose all that apply.) are maintained in the finished chromosome give DNA polymerase a double-stranded section to which to add nucleotides must be removed and replaced by DNA nucleotides serve as the start site for transcription
In an elegant set of experiments, Hershey and Chase used radioactively labelled bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria) containing 32p and 35S to demonstrate that the genetic material is indeed DNA and not proteins by exploiting differences in biological macromolecules. Which of the following correctly describe these biological macromolecules? 
Proteins contain sulfur 
Proteins contain phoshporous 
DNA contains phosphorous 
Deoxyribose contains sulfur 
DNA contains sulfur
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
In an elegant set of experiments, Hershey and Chase used radioactively labelled bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria) containing 32p and 35S to demonstrate that the genetic material is indeed DNA and not proteins by exploiting differences in biological macromolecules. Which of the following correctly describe these biological macromolecules? Proteins contain sulfur Proteins contain phoshporous DNA contains phosphorous Deoxyribose contains sulfur DNA contains sulfur
When trying to understand how nucleotides would code for amino acids, why did researchers predict that each "word" in the genetic code would contain three bases, what we refer to as codons? 

There are 64 different amino acids that needed to be coded for, which three nucleotides can accomplish. 

Having codons of three nucleotides would enable more amino acids to be coded for if they were to be encountered. 

Three nucleotides could specify 64 different codons, enough to code for all 20 amino acids and punctuation 

Codons of just two nucleotides would mean frameshifts could not occur.
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
When trying to understand how nucleotides would code for amino acids, why did researchers predict that each "word" in the genetic code would contain three bases, what we refer to as codons? There are 64 different amino acids that needed to be coded for, which three nucleotides can accomplish. Having codons of three nucleotides would enable more amino acids to be coded for if they were to be encountered. Three nucleotides could specify 64 different codons, enough to code for all 20 amino acids and punctuation Codons of just two nucleotides would mean frameshifts could not occur.
Imagine you work in a research lab that develops a drug that binds to the sigma factor, preventing it from its normal function. What impact would this drug have on a culture of bacteria?

It would prevent translation
It would prevent DNA replication
It would stop lagging strand synthesis
It would block gene expression
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Imagine you work in a research lab that develops a drug that binds to the sigma factor, preventing it from its normal function. What impact would this drug have on a culture of bacteria? It would prevent translation It would prevent DNA replication It would stop lagging strand synthesis It would block gene expression
You decide to use PCR to determine if a patient has HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). Since people living with HIV are more likely than others to become sick with tuberculosis, you also decide to use another PCR test to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis. What PCR "ingredient" would be different in these two tests? 
Template DNA 
Taq DNA Polymerase 
Nucleotides Stry
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
You decide to use PCR to determine if a patient has HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). Since people living with HIV are more likely than others to become sick with tuberculosis, you also decide to use another PCR test to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis. What PCR "ingredient" would be different in these two tests? Template DNA Taq DNA Polymerase Primers Buffer Nucleotides Stry
The purpose of PCR is...
analyze the length of DNA fragments
cut DNA
convert DNA into RNA
copy short segments of DNA
make billions of copies of the whole molecule of DNA
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
The purpose of PCR is... analyze the length of DNA fragments cut DNA convert DNA into RNA copy short segments of DNA make billions of copies of the whole molecule of DNA
A cell experiences a mutation in its gene coding for helicase. This cell would most directly be unable to
cut and rejoin DNA in order to relieve tension
separate the strands of DNA prior to DNA replication
transcribe DNA into mRNA
translate RNA into proteins
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
A cell experiences a mutation in its gene coding for helicase. This cell would most directly be unable to cut and rejoin DNA in order to relieve tension separate the strands of DNA prior to DNA replication transcribe DNA into mRNA translate RNA into proteins
Imagine a cell experiences an insertional mutation involving the addition of one or more nucleotides into the sequence of a gene in its chromosome. Which of the following insertional mutations would most likely have the least impact on the cell, i.e., change the structure (and thus function) of the resulting protein the least?
An insertion of a single nucleotide
An insertion of three nucleotides
An insertion of two nucleotides
Each of these mutations would have the same impact.
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Imagine a cell experiences an insertional mutation involving the addition of one or more nucleotides into the sequence of a gene in its chromosome. Which of the following insertional mutations would most likely have the least impact on the cell, i.e., change the structure (and thus function) of the resulting protein the least? An insertion of a single nucleotide An insertion of three nucleotides An insertion of two nucleotides Each of these mutations would have the same impact.
What codons can you have after fixing Adenine in the first place and Cytosine and Uracil in the second place?
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
What codons can you have after fixing Adenine in the first place and Cytosine and Uracil in the second place?
Put the following steps of making a protein in order from beginning to end.
= DNA is transcribed into mRNA
=mRNA travels from the nucleus to the cytoplasm
= mRNA is bound with a ribosome
=The polypeptide needs modification and moves to the Golgi where it is packaged to leave the cell
= Ribosomes bring together mRNA and rRNA to make a growing polypeptide
= The large polypeptide needs to be folded, so it goes into the RER
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Put the following steps of making a protein in order from beginning to end. = DNA is transcribed into mRNA =mRNA travels from the nucleus to the cytoplasm = mRNA is bound with a ribosome =The polypeptide needs modification and moves to the Golgi where it is packaged to leave the cell = Ribosomes bring together mRNA and rRNA to make a growing polypeptide = The large polypeptide needs to be folded, so it goes into the RER