The Living World Questions and Answers

Aside from the loss of hope and confidence around the world and the possibilities of trouble arising as desperate people panic, the consequences to the business economy of the United States should be easy to see. It is logical that the United States should do whatever it can to help, for without a return to normal business health in the world, there can be no stable government and no hope for real peace. Our policy is directed not against any country or system but against hunger, poverty, hopelessness and chaos. Its purpose is the revival of businesses in the world that support better living conditions and governments where freedom can exist. Such assistance, I am convinced, must not be on a piecemeal basis or just in trouble spots. Any assistance that this Government may offer in the future should provide a cure rather than offer some short term relief. Any government that is willing to assist in this task will find full cooperation, I am sure, from the United States Government. Any government that
The Living World
Aside from the loss of hope and confidence around the world and the possibilities of trouble arising as desperate people panic, the consequences to the business economy of the United States should be easy to see. It is logical that the United States should do whatever it can to help, for without a return to normal business health in the world, there can be no stable government and no hope for real peace. Our policy is directed not against any country or system but against hunger, poverty, hopelessness and chaos. Its purpose is the revival of businesses in the world that support better living conditions and governments where freedom can exist. Such assistance, I am convinced, must not be on a piecemeal basis or just in trouble spots. Any assistance that this Government may offer in the future should provide a cure rather than offer some short term relief. Any government that is willing to assist in this task will find full cooperation, I am sure, from the United States Government. Any government that
Here is the truth of the matter. For the next three or four years, Europe needs foreign food and other essential products, which will come mostly from America. Europe does not have the ability to pay for all that is needed, so she must have a great deal of additional help, or face serious economic, social and political difficulties.
The Living World
Here is the truth of the matter. For the next three or four years, Europe needs foreign food and other essential products, which will come mostly from America. Europe does not have the ability to pay for all that is needed, so she must have a great deal of additional help, or face serious economic, social and political difficulties.
Earth's rotation causes the cycle of _. If
Earth began to spin a little bit faster
First Blank:
- seasons
sunrise and sunset
- high and low tide
Second Blank:
colder summers
- shorter days
- higher tides
The Living World
Earth's rotation causes the cycle of _. If Earth began to spin a little bit faster First Blank: - seasons sunrise and sunset - high and low tide Second Blank: colder summers - shorter days - higher tides
What is the likelihood that a patient infected by West Nile virus will develop West Nile encephalitis?
Select one:
Qa. Less than 1%
b. Between 1% and 10%
c. Between 10% and 15%
d. Greater than 20%
e. Greater than 50%
The Living World
What is the likelihood that a patient infected by West Nile virus will develop West Nile encephalitis? Select one: Qa. Less than 1% b. Between 1% and 10% c. Between 10% and 15% d. Greater than 20% e. Greater than 50%
Tags are a way of marking fish. In a lake, biologists captured and tagged 305 lake trout. Two weeks later, they recaptured 225 lake trout. 20 of them had tags. Estimate the lake trout population in this lake.
The Living World
Tags are a way of marking fish. In a lake, biologists captured and tagged 305 lake trout. Two weeks later, they recaptured 225 lake trout. 20 of them had tags. Estimate the lake trout population in this lake.
In multiple sclerosis, autoantibodies attack
Select one:
a. myelin sheath cells of the nervous system.
b. acetylcholine receptors on smooth muscle.
c. acetylcholine receptors on skeletal muscle.
d. sodium pump proteins in the cell membrane.
e. cells in thyroid follicles.
The Living World
In multiple sclerosis, autoantibodies attack Select one: a. myelin sheath cells of the nervous system. b. acetylcholine receptors on smooth muscle. c. acetylcholine receptors on skeletal muscle. d. sodium pump proteins in the cell membrane. e. cells in thyroid follicles.
Select one:
a. contain modified bacterial exotoxin molecules.
b. are always genetically engineered.
c. contain select antigenic components of a pathogen rather than whole cells or viruses.
d. confer passive immunity.
e. utilize DNA strands that will produce the antigen.
The Living World
Antitoxins Select one: a. contain modified bacterial exotoxin molecules. b. are always genetically engineered. c. contain select antigenic components of a pathogen rather than whole cells or viruses. d. confer passive immunity. e. utilize DNA strands that will produce the antigen.
Viral classification has changed over the years and while they are given genus names, the use of species names has not been widely accepted. This is because
Select one:
a. viruses are not organisms.
b. viruses change over time making species characteristics difficult to stabilize.
c. viruses that could be classified into a single species may have many, but not all, properties in common.
d. All of the above are arguments against using species designations for viruses.
The Living World
Viral classification has changed over the years and while they are given genus names, the use of species names has not been widely accepted. This is because Select one: a. viruses are not organisms. b. viruses change over time making species characteristics difficult to stabilize. c. viruses that could be classified into a single species may have many, but not all, properties in common. d. All of the above are arguments against using species designations for viruses.
Summarize 2-3 sentences The people who are the insurgents [rebels]... see the weakness of government. They feel at once their own poverty, compared with the opulent [rich], and their own force, and they are determined to make up the latter, in order to remedy the former... This dreadful situation, for which our government have made no adequate provision [arrangements], has alarmed every man of principle and property in New England... What is to give us security against the violence of lawless men? Our government must be braced [strengthened], changed, or altered to secure our lives and property.
The Living World
Summarize 2-3 sentences The people who are the insurgents [rebels]... see the weakness of government. They feel at once their own poverty, compared with the opulent [rich], and their own force, and they are determined to make up the latter, in order to remedy the former... This dreadful situation, for which our government have made no adequate provision [arrangements], has alarmed every man of principle and property in New England... What is to give us security against the violence of lawless men? Our government must be braced [strengthened], changed, or altered to secure our lives and property.
Which undefined geometric term can be described as a one-dimensional set of points that has no beginning or end?
The Living World
Which undefined geometric term can be described as a one-dimensional set of points that has no beginning or end? point line plane distance
Which one of the following is an example of transmission by indirect contact?
Select all that apply.
Sexual intercourse
Shared fomites
Mother to fetus
Shared toys and towels
The Living World
Which one of the following is an example of transmission by indirect contact? Select all that apply. Coughing Sexual intercourse Shared fomites Mother to fetus Shared toys and towels
Which of the following is not true of exotoxins?
They are part of the cell wall structure
They are inactivated by heat
They are proteins
They are released from live bacterial cells
The Living World
Which of the following is not true of exotoxins? They are part of the cell wall structure They are inactivated by heat They are proteins They are released from live bacterial cells
A portal of exit would be...
Choose all the correct answers
mosquito bites a person with malaria
Oblood donation by a person with Chagas disease
saliva from a COVID-19 patient that cough and sneeze and does not wear a mask
the ingestion of food contaminated with botulinum toxin
The Living World
A portal of exit would be... Choose all the correct answers mosquito bites a person with malaria Oblood donation by a person with Chagas disease saliva from a COVID-19 patient that cough and sneeze and does not wear a mask feces the ingestion of food contaminated with botulinum toxin
A biological vector is an arthropod that carries pathogenic microorganisms on its feet and body
The Living World
A biological vector is an arthropod that carries pathogenic microorganisms on its feet and body parts. True False
An encapsulated bacterium can be virulent because the capsule...
kills host cells
resists phagocytosis
is an endotoxin
destroys host tissues
No, capsules do not contribute to virulence
The Living World
An encapsulated bacterium can be virulent because the capsule... kills host cells resists phagocytosis is an endotoxin destroys host tissues No, capsules do not contribute to virulence
Give some examples of anxiety in the classroom. What are some ways to keep a student's anxiety at a healthy level? Give some examples of what you do to keep your anxiety in the classroom at a healthy level.
The Living World
Give some examples of anxiety in the classroom. What are some ways to keep a student's anxiety at a healthy level? Give some examples of what you do to keep your anxiety in the classroom at a healthy level.
Briefly describe what prerenal, intrarenal and postrenal mean related to kidney dysfunction.
Highlight the classification which represents the most common cause of kidney dysfunction;
underline the classification that is always obstructive. Provide examples of each specific type of
a. Prerenal
b. Intrarenal
c. Postrenal
The Living World
Briefly describe what prerenal, intrarenal and postrenal mean related to kidney dysfunction. Highlight the classification which represents the most common cause of kidney dysfunction; underline the classification that is always obstructive. Provide examples of each specific type of dysfunction a. Prerenal b. Intrarenal c. Postrenal
You are treating a patient with significant kidney dysfunction. If the values listed below were altered,
indicate whether they would likely be or as a result of this patient's renal dysfunction (you can
copy the paste the arrows provided!).
Protein in urine
Serum creatinine
Creatinine clearance
Serum albumin
The Living World
You are treating a patient with significant kidney dysfunction. If the values listed below were altered, indicate whether they would likely be or as a result of this patient's renal dysfunction (you can copy the paste the arrows provided!). BUN GFR Protein in urine Serum creatinine Creatinine clearance Serum albumin
What is a similarity between the following two main ideas? 

1. Stem cell research is unethical. 
2. Stem cell research is ethical. 

A. Both argue stem cell research is ethical. 
B. Both argue stem cell research is unethical.
C. Both argue the morality of stem cell research.
The Living World
What is a similarity between the following two main ideas? 1. Stem cell research is unethical. 2. Stem cell research is ethical. A. Both argue stem cell research is ethical. B. Both argue stem cell research is unethical. C. Both argue the morality of stem cell research.
Where should your contact information go on your resume? 
A. Near the bottom of the resume 
B. Near the top of the resume 
C. In the middle of the resume
The Living World
Where should your contact information go on your resume? A. Near the bottom of the resume B. Near the top of the resume C. In the middle of the resume
Which of the following is the best annotation? She persevered through severe muscle pain and completed the marathon in seven hours. 
A. I would never run a marathon. 
B. What day is it? 
C. Where are her friends? 
D. A marathon is 26.2 miles.
The Living World
Which of the following is the best annotation? She persevered through severe muscle pain and completed the marathon in seven hours. A. I would never run a marathon. B. What day is it? C. Where are her friends? D. A marathon is 26.2 miles.
Which of the
following is the
best definition
of Summarize?
A. Gather into
B. Condense
C. Persuade
The Living World
Which of the following is the best definition of Summarize? A. Gather into categories B. Condense C. Persuade
If you do not
have a thank-
you note
prepared after
an interview,
you should mail
it within how
long after the
A. within one week
B. within two days
C. send an email
The Living World
If you do not have a thank- you note prepared after an interview, you should mail it within how long after the interview? A. within one week B. within two days C. send an email instead
Which of the following is NOT
the best annotation
for this
A. The purpose of this visual is to convey
the atmosphere of the concert.
B. There are people in this photo.
C. An inference is that this visual is at a
D. The audience of this visual is music
The Living World
Which of the following is NOT the best annotation for this visual? A. The purpose of this visual is to convey the atmosphere of the concert. B. There are people in this photo. C. An inference is that this visual is at a concert. D. The audience of this visual is music lovers.
Which of the
following provides
the best definition
of compare?
A. to discuss the
similarities between two
or more things
B. to discuss the
differences between two
or more things
C. to discuss the motive of
two or more characters
The Living World
Which of the following provides the best definition of compare? A. to discuss the similarities between two or more things B. to discuss the differences between two or more things C. to discuss the motive of two or more characters
What is the
purpose for the
A hypothesis is
a proposed
made on the
basis of limited
evidence as a
starting point
for further
A. Define
B. Tell a story
C. Inspire
D. Describe
The Living World
What is the author's purpose for the following writing? A hypothesis is a proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation. A. Define B. Tell a story C. Inspire D. Describe
Which of the
following is the
best definition
of Compare?
A. Point out
B. Gather into
C. Weigh pros and
The Living World
Which of the following is the best definition of Compare? A. Point out similarities B. Gather into categories C. Weigh pros and cons
"Illustrate what
a teacher does
to prepare for
teaching every
A. Teachers prepare to
teach every day by
going to class.
B. Teachers develop
instructional practices
every day.
C. Teachers have to
create a professional
persona to teach a
rowdy classroom full
of kids.
D. Teachers prepare
for teaching every day
by creating lesson
plans, class activities,
and assignments.
The Living World
"Illustrate what a teacher does to prepare for teaching every day." A. Teachers prepare to teach every day by going to class. B. Teachers develop instructional practices every day. C. Teachers have to create a professional persona to teach a rowdy classroom full of kids. D. Teachers prepare for teaching every day by creating lesson plans, class activities, and assignments.
following is the
best thesis
statement for a
A. Free public
transportation is a key
step in reducing
unemployment rates
in urban cities.
B. Public
transportation is dirty
and disgusting.
C. Free public
transportation makes
getting to work easier.
D. Having to pay for
public transportation
is stupid and the
mayor of the city
should figure that out.
The Living World
following is the best thesis statement for a persuasive essay? A. Free public transportation is a key step in reducing unemployment rates in urban cities. B. Public transportation is dirty and disgusting. C. Free public transportation makes getting to work easier. D. Having to pay for public transportation is stupid and the mayor of the city should figure that out.
By definition, if
asked to compare
and contrast,
which of the
following is the
best description of
what you are asked
to do?
A. explain the similarities
and differences between
two or more items
B. explain the connections
between an item and how
it came to be
C. compare and contrast
two items
The Living World
By definition, if asked to compare and contrast, which of the following is the best description of what you are asked to do? A. explain the similarities and differences between two or more items B. explain the connections between an item and how it came to be C. compare and contrast two items
Soda is more acidic than water (lower pH).
The Living World
Soda is more acidic than water (lower pH). True False
Which of the
phrases should
be used when
referring to
A. Everyone knows ...
B. It is common
knowledge ...
C. According to ...
(reputable source)...
The Living World
Which of the following phrases should be used when referring to facts? A. Everyone knows ... B. It is common knowledge ... C. According to ... (reputable source)...
Which of the
would be the
best to use in a
persuasive essay
regarding teens
and drunk
A. the liquor store
B. the star high school
C. the ambulance
The Living World
Which of the following authorities would be the best to use in a persuasive essay regarding teens and drunk driving? A. the liquor store owner B. the star high school quarterback C. the ambulance paramedics
An example uses
the persuasive
technique pathos.
A. It is an ethical use of
information provided to
the reader to make
him/her think about the
B. It is an emotional
connection between the
reader and the author.
C. It is a logical
explanation of the reasons
why something happened.
The Living World
An example uses the persuasive technique pathos. How? A. It is an ethical use of information provided to the reader to make him/her think about the topic. B. It is an emotional connection between the reader and the author. C. It is a logical explanation of the reasons why something happened.
Which of the
following is a
Expression that
gives reasons?
A. Consequently
B. First
C. Granted that
The Living World
Which of the following is a Transitional Expression that gives reasons? A. Consequently B. First C. Granted that
Which of the following would have the highest amount of potential energy?
A pencil on your desk
A pencil falling from your desk
A pencil hitting the ground after falling from your desk
A pencil lying on the ground
The Living World
Which of the following would have the highest amount of potential energy? A pencil on your desk A pencil falling from your desk A pencil hitting the ground after falling from your desk A pencil lying on the ground
In 2019, fossil fuel consumption in the United States hit a new low of 80%. It was also the first time in history that renewable energy usage surpassed coal usage. Since fossil fuels are the primary source of energy we utilize, data has been collected on when fossil fuels are expected to run out. Based on what we know now, oil is expected to be the first fossil fuel to be depleted and that will occur in 30 years. Natural gas is expected to be depleted in 50 years, and coal is expected to be depleted in 70 years. Knowing that we will run out of these resources soon, what alternatives are there that we should invest in to ensure we energy supplies well into the future?
The Living World
In 2019, fossil fuel consumption in the United States hit a new low of 80%. It was also the first time in history that renewable energy usage surpassed coal usage. Since fossil fuels are the primary source of energy we utilize, data has been collected on when fossil fuels are expected to run out. Based on what we know now, oil is expected to be the first fossil fuel to be depleted and that will occur in 30 years. Natural gas is expected to be depleted in 50 years, and coal is expected to be depleted in 70 years. Knowing that we will run out of these resources soon, what alternatives are there that we should invest in to ensure we energy supplies well into the future?
Which of the following statements is Question FALSE? 
A. Transposase is a protein encoded by a DNA transposon to catalyze mobilization. cell. 
B. A deletion in an autonomous P element's inverted repeats WILL NOT impact the mobilization of other P elements in a germ-line
C. Crossing-over between Transposable Elements occurs equally, producing two duplicate chromosomes 
D. Autonomous elements aid in the movement of non-autonomous elements.
The Living World
Which of the following statements is Question FALSE? A. Transposase is a protein encoded by a DNA transposon to catalyze mobilization. cell. B. A deletion in an autonomous P element's inverted repeats WILL NOT impact the mobilization of other P elements in a germ-line C. Crossing-over between Transposable Elements occurs equally, producing two duplicate chromosomes D. Autonomous elements aid in the movement of non-autonomous elements.
Which sentence below correctly uses italics? 
A. When defining the word series, we need to first see how it is used in the sentence. 
B. Is the new movie we heard about being played in theaters yet? 
C. Please keep track of the number of times you say you know when you speak.
The Living World
Which sentence below correctly uses italics? A. When defining the word series, we need to first see how it is used in the sentence. B. Is the new movie we heard about being played in theaters yet? C. Please keep track of the number of times you say you know when you speak.
Which of the following is a complete sentence? 
A. Because the story was long and filled with complex words and complicated puns, she fell asleep. 
B. Although the cook, Wendy, is a hard worker, and I dare say a very efficient, caring sort of woman. 
C. Since she had scored so high on the difficult test and the others had not done very well at all.
The Living World
Which of the following is a complete sentence? A. Because the story was long and filled with complex words and complicated puns, she fell asleep. B. Although the cook, Wendy, is a hard worker, and I dare say a very efficient, caring sort of woman. C. Since she had scored so high on the difficult test and the others had not done very well at all.
At the summit of Mt. Everest, the altitude is 8848 m. At this altitude, the total atmospheric pressure is 253 mmHg. Calculate the partial pressures for nitrogen and oxygen in this air (assume it is not humidified).
The Living World
At the summit of Mt. Everest, the altitude is 8848 m. At this altitude, the total atmospheric pressure is 253 mmHg. Calculate the partial pressures for nitrogen and oxygen in this air (assume it is not humidified).
Drag and drop the term to its correct definition.
Organism with optimal growth pH of three or below.
Organism that grows under extreme or harsh conditions.
"Salt loving bacteria
Organism that lives at temperatures between 70-80 °C.
Produce "marsh gas".
=Methanogens =Halophile =Acidophile =Extremophile =Thermophile
The Living World
Drag and drop the term to its correct definition. Organism with optimal growth pH of three or below. Organism that grows under extreme or harsh conditions. "Salt loving bacteria Organism that lives at temperatures between 70-80 °C. Produce "marsh gas". =Methanogens =Halophile =Acidophile =Extremophile =Thermophile
Stained yeast were added to a paramecium culture, and some of the yeast were ingested (eaten) by the paramecium. This activity is most closely associated with which life function?
A.) nutrition
B.) synthesis
C.) growth
D.) regulation
The Living World
Stained yeast were added to a paramecium culture, and some of the yeast were ingested (eaten) by the paramecium. This activity is most closely associated with which life function? A.) nutrition B.) synthesis C.) growth D.) regulation
Which is the correct use of the following participle phrase: laughing at his jokes 
A. Laughing at his jokes, the shiny, red car pulled in. 
B. Laughing at his jokes, the shiny, red car came to a stop in the parking lot. 
C. Laughing at his jokes, she watched the shiny, red car pull in.
The Living World
Which is the correct use of the following participle phrase: laughing at his jokes A. Laughing at his jokes, the shiny, red car pulled in. B. Laughing at his jokes, the shiny, red car came to a stop in the parking lot. C. Laughing at his jokes, she watched the shiny, red car pull in.
Determine whether the given statements describing deeply branching bacteria is true or false.
Acetotherus belongs to the deeply branching bacteria
Deeply branching bacteria include the halophiles
Deeply branching bacteria belong to the Domain Eukarya
The deeply branching bacteria are among the oldest living bacteria dating back 3.5 billion years ago
Deeply branching bacteria can resist ionizing radiation
Deeply branching bacteria live in some of the coldest climates on the planet
The Living World
Determine whether the given statements describing deeply branching bacteria is true or false. Acetotherus belongs to the deeply branching bacteria Deeply branching bacteria include the halophiles Deeply branching bacteria belong to the Domain Eukarya The deeply branching bacteria are among the oldest living bacteria dating back 3.5 billion years ago Deeply branching bacteria can resist ionizing radiation Deeply branching bacteria live in some of the coldest climates on the planet
How do bacteria benefit from the coagulase/kinase  system of virulence  factors?

It allows them to avoid phagocytosis until their numbers are higher and phagocyte numbers are lower. 
It allows them to get past epithelial layers. 
It activates biofilm formation. 
It prevents bacteria engulfed by phagocytes from being destroyed.
The Living World
How do bacteria benefit from the coagulase/kinase system of virulence factors? It allows them to avoid phagocytosis until their numbers are higher and phagocyte numbers are lower. It allows them to get past epithelial layers. It activates biofilm formation. It prevents bacteria engulfed by phagocytes from being destroyed.
Assuming your transformation experiment worked as planned, what would you expect to see on Petri dishes containing just LB agar plated with bacteria from your - plasmid tube? 
no growth, no fluorescence 
lawn of growth, no fluorescence 
lawn of growth with fluoresence 
isolated colonies without fluoresence
The Living World
Assuming your transformation experiment worked as planned, what would you expect to see on Petri dishes containing just LB agar plated with bacteria from your - plasmid tube? no growth, no fluorescence lawn of growth, no fluorescence lawn of growth with fluoresence isolated colonies without fluoresence
Label each of the following alkyl halides as either primary, secondary, tertiar



The Living World
Label each of the following alkyl halides as either primary, secondary, tertiar A. FCH₂CH₂C(CH₂) B. FCH₂CHCHCH₂(CH3)₂ C. (CH₂)₂CFCH₂CH₂ D. (CH₂),CCHFCH, E: FCH₂C(CH₂)₂CH₂CH,
It is best to incubate your agar plates with the lid facing down and the agar side up to:
a) encourage the growth of bacteria by subjecting them to gravitational forces
b) prevent contaminants from landing on your colonies
c) to prevent any condensation that forms from falling on your colonies and mixing them together
d) all of the above
The Living World
It is best to incubate your agar plates with the lid facing down and the agar side up to: a) encourage the growth of bacteria by subjecting them to gravitational forces b) prevent contaminants from landing on your colonies c) to prevent any condensation that forms from falling on your colonies and mixing them together d) all of the above
Why does the moon change phases? Also, why do you think a solar eclipse is such a big deal compared to a lunar eclipse? Post your initial response today and be sure to comment on two classmates' posts before Friday.
The Living World
Why does the moon change phases? Also, why do you think a solar eclipse is such a big deal compared to a lunar eclipse? Post your initial response today and be sure to comment on two classmates' posts before Friday.