The Living World Questions and Answers

Recently, more than three dozen cases of food poisoning/ infection were reported after a political party meeting attended by
approximately 1,000 people. Food was served by a catering service, including salad, starters, soup, and variety of sumptuous main
dishes and desserts.
You are working for the City Health Department and assigned to investigate the case.
What is your role (position), how will you proceed to find the culprit food/s of this incident and what will be your recommendations to
prevent such incidence from happening in future?
The Living World
Recently, more than three dozen cases of food poisoning/ infection were reported after a political party meeting attended by approximately 1,000 people. Food was served by a catering service, including salad, starters, soup, and variety of sumptuous main dishes and desserts. You are working for the City Health Department and assigned to investigate the case. What is your role (position), how will you proceed to find the culprit food/s of this incident and what will be your recommendations to prevent such incidence from happening in future?
Fill in the blank with the correctly spelled word: The purpose of the cultural assembly is to promote the of all cultures into one population. 
A. integration
B. intgration
C. inegration
D. intergation
The Living World
Fill in the blank with the correctly spelled word: The purpose of the cultural assembly is to promote the of all cultures into one population. A. integration B. intgration C. inegration D. intergation
Charles Darwin was influenced by the observations on Galapagos islands which suggested that the different environments on the islands led to natural selection of birds with different beaks for feeding.
The Living World
Charles Darwin was influenced by the observations on Galapagos islands which suggested that the different environments on the islands led to natural selection of birds with different beaks for feeding. True False
Correct capitalization in the sentence below if necessary.
"Tomorrow," sally said, "you should travel North to get to New york city."
Sally... North...New York City
Sally...north...New York City
sally... North...New york city
The Living World
Correct capitalization in the sentence below if necessary. "Tomorrow," sally said, "you should travel North to get to New york city." Sally... North...New York City Sally...north...New York City sally... North...New york city
What can be inferred from the given passage taken from the essay "Eastern Sports and Western Bodies - The "Indian Club" in the United States" by Daniel Elkind? "Though "Indian club" isn't exactly a misnomer, some of the clubs called by this name are now thought to descend from the large meals used in Persian Pahlevani and zourkhaneh culture, a kind of ritual gymnastics that combines pre-Islamic, Sufi, and Shia spiritual exercises. Likely arriving in the Indian subcontinent with the Mughals during the late sixteenth century, these traditions were possibly "crossbred" with local Indian grappling (Malla-yuddha) to create the hybrid we know as Pehlwani today." .
The writer has not used any supporting information.
The writer has used an extended definition.
The writer has used a testimony
The Living World
What can be inferred from the given passage taken from the essay "Eastern Sports and Western Bodies - The "Indian Club" in the United States" by Daniel Elkind? "Though "Indian club" isn't exactly a misnomer, some of the clubs called by this name are now thought to descend from the large meals used in Persian Pahlevani and zourkhaneh culture, a kind of ritual gymnastics that combines pre-Islamic, Sufi, and Shia spiritual exercises. Likely arriving in the Indian subcontinent with the Mughals during the late sixteenth century, these traditions were possibly "crossbred" with local Indian grappling (Malla-yuddha) to create the hybrid we know as Pehlwani today." . The writer has not used any supporting information. The writer has used an extended definition. The writer has used a testimony
What does the following sentence from conclusion section of the essay "How the days draw in!" by Aldous Huxley indicate? "Many 'eternal truths' have already found their way on to the dust-heap of antiquated ideas. It may be that this last and seemingly most inexorable of them-that life is short and subject to a dreadful decay-will join the other great commonplaces which have already perished out of literature." 
Reference to an external source
Articulates the implication of the topic
Introduction of a claim
The Living World
What does the following sentence from conclusion section of the essay "How the days draw in!" by Aldous Huxley indicate? "Many 'eternal truths' have already found their way on to the dust-heap of antiquated ideas. It may be that this last and seemingly most inexorable of them-that life is short and subject to a dreadful decay-will join the other great commonplaces which have already perished out of literature." Reference to an external source Articulates the implication of the topic Introduction of a claim
What is the significance of the title "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus"?
"The Fall of Icarus" is subordinated, while "Landscape" is foregrounded.
The irony present in the title.
The title captures the imagery.
The Living World
What is the significance of the title "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus"? "The Fall of Icarus" is subordinated, while "Landscape" is foregrounded. The irony present in the title. The title captures the imagery.
All of these sentences include commonly confused homophones. Which sentence is correct? 
a) It is not fare that George earns more money than his brother.
b) Lisa found a whole in her new sweater.
c) Of coarse I want you to come to my graduation party!
d) My brother likes to feed the deer behind his house.
The Living World
All of these sentences include commonly confused homophones. Which sentence is correct? a) It is not fare that George earns more money than his brother. b) Lisa found a whole in her new sweater. c) Of coarse I want you to come to my graduation party! d) My brother likes to feed the deer behind his house.
Cells from a frog blastula were taken from the right side and transplanted into the left side of another blastula. If these cells exhibited conditional specification, which of the following would you expect to be the result?
a) A normal tadpole.
b) An embryo with only the left side developed.
Oc) An embryo with only the right side developed.
d) None of the above.
The Living World
Cells from a frog blastula were taken from the right side and transplanted into the left side of another blastula. If these cells exhibited conditional specification, which of the following would you expect to be the result? a) A normal tadpole. b) An embryo with only the left side developed. Oc) An embryo with only the right side developed. d) None of the above.
An experiment was completed to measure the height of a table that is really 1.2 m tall. Are the following numbers accurate, precise, both, or neither? 
1.7, 1.6, 1.7, 1.7, 1.6
Accurate but not precise
Both accurate and precise
Neither accurate nor precise
Precise but not accurate
The Living World
An experiment was completed to measure the height of a table that is really 1.2 m tall. Are the following numbers accurate, precise, both, or neither? 1.7, 1.6, 1.7, 1.7, 1.6 Accurate but not precise Both accurate and precise Neither accurate nor precise Precise but not accurate
__1. Carlos took the job and he was happy to get it.
__2. Tono loves Chinese food, he eats it three times a week.
__3. Lovie congratulated Jake and wished him success.
__4. Ms. Nois wrote an article about Philadelphia, one of the local magazines is buying it.
__5. Pancho refuses to eat at the school cafeteria last year he found a roach in his tea.
__6. Mr. Altman donated five chairs, four tables, and three barrels.
__7. After the storm ended, people came out of their houses.
__8. My paper is due in three days, therefore I cannot go to the movie.
The Living World
__1. Carlos took the job and he was happy to get it. __2. Tono loves Chinese food, he eats it three times a week. __3. Lovie congratulated Jake and wished him success. __4. Ms. Nois wrote an article about Philadelphia, one of the local magazines is buying it. __5. Pancho refuses to eat at the school cafeteria last year he found a roach in his tea. __6. Mr. Altman donated five chairs, four tables, and three barrels. __7. After the storm ended, people came out of their houses. __8. My paper is due in three days, therefore I cannot go to the movie.
The excerpt above reflects the dissatisfaction of American colonists with the -
0:00 / 0:47 
handling of British Parliament's response to the actions of the Sons of Liberty during the Boston Tea Party
agreement made by the King and Parliament to place a tax on all printed material in
the colonies
passage of the Proclamation that halted the colonists expanding into the lands
acquired from the French and Indian War
economic policies imposed by Great Britain without colonial representation following
the French and Indian War
The Living World
The excerpt above reflects the dissatisfaction of American colonists with the - 0:00 / 0:47 handling of British Parliament's response to the actions of the Sons of Liberty during the Boston Tea Party agreement made by the King and Parliament to place a tax on all printed material in the colonies passage of the Proclamation that halted the colonists expanding into the lands acquired from the French and Indian War economic policies imposed by Great Britain without colonial representation following the French and Indian War
Purpose: To have a better understanding of time management skills Directions: Watch the Ted talk titled "A Teen's Guide to Stress and Time-Management" by Jose Andres Lopez. Then write a detailed summary about the main ideas of the video. A summary does not include your opinion but focuses on the facts. In the summary include the title and author to begin. Next, focus on the 5 W's which include who, what, when, where, why, and how. Video Link
The Living World
Purpose: To have a better understanding of time management skills Directions: Watch the Ted talk titled "A Teen's Guide to Stress and Time-Management" by Jose Andres Lopez. Then write a detailed summary about the main ideas of the video. A summary does not include your opinion but focuses on the facts. In the summary include the title and author to begin. Next, focus on the 5 W's which include who, what, when, where, why, and how. Video Link
Which word is correctly used in the sentence?
Will you__ my apology?
The Living World
Which word is correctly used in the sentence? Will you__ my apology? accept except
What is the most likely reason the new people made somé Americans angry? 
A The new people did not want to work hard. 
B The new people took jobs away from others. 
C The new people did not know how to grow food. 
D The new people had a lot of money to spend.
The Living World
What is the most likely reason the new people made somé Americans angry? A The new people did not want to work hard. B The new people took jobs away from others. C The new people did not know how to grow food. D The new people had a lot of money to spend.
Gamma rays require the heaviest shielding of all the common types of nuclear radiation because gamma rays have the ____
highest energy
largest particles
heaviest particles
most intense color
lowest energy
The Living World
Gamma rays require the heaviest shielding of all the common types of nuclear radiation because gamma rays have the ____ highest energy largest particles heaviest particles most intense color lowest energy
Which line from the text suggests that Mr. Utterson placed greatest trust in the people he had known for many years?
"No doubt the feat was easy to Mr. Utterson; for he was undemonstrative at the best,"
"For all that, the two men put the greatest store by these excursions, counted them the chief jewel of each week,"
"His friends were those of his own blood or those whom he had known the longest:"
"And to such as these, so long as they came about his chambers, he never marked a shade of change in his demeanour"
The Living World
Which line from the text suggests that Mr. Utterson placed greatest trust in the people he had known for many years? "No doubt the feat was easy to Mr. Utterson; for he was undemonstrative at the best," "For all that, the two men put the greatest store by these excursions, counted them the chief jewel of each week," "His friends were those of his own blood or those whom he had known the longest:" "And to such as these, so long as they came about his chambers, he never marked a shade of change in his demeanour"
How many moves is it to convert something from milliliters to liters?
The Living World
How many moves is it to convert something from milliliters to liters? 4 2 3
10. "I like him so much, but I get the feeling that he doesn't like me anymore," Maria confided in her friend Cassandra. "Well, just break up with him," Cassandra replied. "Yeah, but it's not that easy..." Maria tried to explain. "Of course it is," Cassandra countered, and then she left to talk to Kirsty, leaving Maria puzzled. "What's up, Kirsty?" Cassandra asked. "I'm a little bummed out, Cassandra," Kirsty said. "If I don't pass math class, I'm not going to graduate." Cassandra smiled, "Oh, well that's easy." She continued, "Just do all of your homework and ace all of the tests and you'll pass," Cassandra answered smugly. Kirsty frowned, "Yeah, but you don't understand, Cassandra. I'm not good at math. It's very hard for me." Cassandra laughed, "Nonsense, Kirsty. Just do it." Kirsty replied, "Uh, yeah, thanks..." and Cassandra went on to talk to Jenny, who was crying. "What's wrong, Jenny?" Jenny wiped her tears away, "My dog died last night. I'm really sad about it." Jenny put her arm around her. "There, there, Jenny. It's ok. Just get over it," Cassandra said insensitively. Jenny gave Cassandra a cross look as she walked away. Cassandra felt really good about helping so many people with their problems today. What is the theme of the story? We always find others' pain easy. What happens in the story that leads you to believe this? Cassandra's insensitive attitude to her friend's problems made me believe in this theme.
The Living World
10. "I like him so much, but I get the feeling that he doesn't like me anymore," Maria confided in her friend Cassandra. "Well, just break up with him," Cassandra replied. "Yeah, but it's not that easy..." Maria tried to explain. "Of course it is," Cassandra countered, and then she left to talk to Kirsty, leaving Maria puzzled. "What's up, Kirsty?" Cassandra asked. "I'm a little bummed out, Cassandra," Kirsty said. "If I don't pass math class, I'm not going to graduate." Cassandra smiled, "Oh, well that's easy." She continued, "Just do all of your homework and ace all of the tests and you'll pass," Cassandra answered smugly. Kirsty frowned, "Yeah, but you don't understand, Cassandra. I'm not good at math. It's very hard for me." Cassandra laughed, "Nonsense, Kirsty. Just do it." Kirsty replied, "Uh, yeah, thanks..." and Cassandra went on to talk to Jenny, who was crying. "What's wrong, Jenny?" Jenny wiped her tears away, "My dog died last night. I'm really sad about it." Jenny put her arm around her. "There, there, Jenny. It's ok. Just get over it," Cassandra said insensitively. Jenny gave Cassandra a cross look as she walked away. Cassandra felt really good about helping so many people with their problems today. What is the theme of the story? We always find others' pain easy. What happens in the story that leads you to believe this? Cassandra's insensitive attitude to her friend's problems made me believe in this theme.
The Beer-Lambert's law show the relationship between the properties of _____ and _____
standard curve shows the relationship between____ and_____.
The Living World
The Beer-Lambert's law show the relationship between the properties of _____ and _____ standard curve shows the relationship between____ and_____.
parallel structure in the following sentence? When comparing the texts, I noticed they both had ______, important authors, and editing errors. 
A. themes that repeated 
B. repeat themes 
C. repetitious themes
The Living World
parallel structure in the following sentence? When comparing the texts, I noticed they both had ______, important authors, and editing errors. A. themes that repeated B. repeat themes C. repetitious themes
Which of the following sentences is punctuated incorrectly?
A. The photographer took a picture; and he developed it in the darkroom.
B. The photographer took a picture; he developed it in the darkroom.
C. The photographer took a picture; the picture was beautiful.
The Living World
Which of the following sentences is punctuated incorrectly? A. The photographer took a picture; and he developed it in the darkroom. B. The photographer took a picture; he developed it in the darkroom. C. The photographer took a picture; the picture was beautiful.
Which sentence using neither/nor demonstrates proper subject/verb agreement?
A. Neither the boss nor the workers were going to the meeting.
B. Neither the boss nor the workers is going to the meeting.
C. Neither the boss nor the workers was going to the meeting.
The Living World
Which sentence using neither/nor demonstrates proper subject/verb agreement? A. Neither the boss nor the workers were going to the meeting. B. Neither the boss nor the workers is going to the meeting. C. Neither the boss nor the workers was going to the meeting.
The science community has taken the following stance on Global Climate change. "Climate change is the single biggest environmental and humanitarian crisis of our time. The Earth's atmosphere is overloaded with heat- trapping carbon dioxide, which threatens large-scale disruptions in climate with disastrous consequences. We must act now to spur the adoption of cleaner energ sources at home and abroad."
• What position do you take with this statement?
• Explain your reasoning for your position.
• Provide evidence to support your position.
The Living World
The science community has taken the following stance on Global Climate change. "Climate change is the single biggest environmental and humanitarian crisis of our time. The Earth's atmosphere is overloaded with heat- trapping carbon dioxide, which threatens large-scale disruptions in climate with disastrous consequences. We must act now to spur the adoption of cleaner energ sources at home and abroad." • What position do you take with this statement? • Explain your reasoning for your position. • Provide evidence to support your position.
Which of the following is NOT a characteristics of life that is shared by ALL living things? 
Grow and develop
Maintain homeostasis
The Living World
Which of the following is NOT a characteristics of life that is shared by ALL living things? Move Reproduce Grow and develop Maintain homeostasis
What did both Clockwork and Chrysalis experience before they became superheroes?
Both were bitten by animals.
Both gained their powers while trying to help a family member.onsolov srit to
Both were forced from their homes.
Both admired an older sibling.
The Living World
What did both Clockwork and Chrysalis experience before they became superheroes? Both were bitten by animals. Both gained their powers while trying to help a family member.onsolov srit to Both were forced from their homes. Both admired an older sibling.
Why is it important to "flatten the curve" by reducing the peak number of infections during an epidemic?
Flattening the curve hastens the arrival of herd immunity for the population.
Flattening the curve reduces the likelihood of exceeding the health care system's capacity.
Flattening the curve eliminates the need for community mitigation strategies like social distancing.
Flattening the curve reduces the number of people who need to be vaccinated.
The Living World
Why is it important to "flatten the curve" by reducing the peak number of infections during an epidemic? Flattening the curve hastens the arrival of herd immunity for the population. Flattening the curve reduces the likelihood of exceeding the health care system's capacity. Flattening the curve eliminates the need for community mitigation strategies like social distancing. Flattening the curve reduces the number of people who need to be vaccinated.
Select the best answer for the question.
17. What's the central idea of the Deep Ecology movement?
A. Nature has a right to exist in and of itself. For this reason, tampering with nature is mor
B. Understanding ecological principles is the core of conservation.
C. Nature is God's creation, given to humanity to dominate.
D. Nature exists as a resource that should be preserved for future generations.
Mark for review (Will be highlighted on the review page)
The Living World
Select the best answer for the question. 17. What's the central idea of the Deep Ecology movement? A. Nature has a right to exist in and of itself. For this reason, tampering with nature is mor B. Understanding ecological principles is the core of conservation. C. Nature is God's creation, given to humanity to dominate. D. Nature exists as a resource that should be preserved for future generations. Mark for review (Will be highlighted on the review page)
What non-chemical disinfecting treatment is being used to disinfect surfaces ?
a. Chilling the surfaces below -10C because cold kills all microbes, even viruses
b. Pasteurization heat temperatures that kill pathogens
c. Intense UV light
d. Gamma radiation
The Living World
What non-chemical disinfecting treatment is being used to disinfect surfaces ? a. Chilling the surfaces below -10C because cold kills all microbes, even viruses b. Pasteurization heat temperatures that kill pathogens c. Intense UV light d. Gamma radiation
What are the reagents for (simple) positive and negative staining? What results for each?
Why is the staining called "negative" staining.
Compare basic and acidic dyes. Give two examples for each.
The Living World
What are the reagents for (simple) positive and negative staining? What results for each? Why is the staining called "negative" staining. Compare basic and acidic dyes. Give two examples for each.
Q6.8. In SIR models, what two things drive the transmission rate, β?
The frequency of contact between susceptible and infected individuals and the length of the
infectious period
The frequency of contact between susceptible and infected individuals and the probability of
infection per contact event
The length of the infectious period and the probability of infection per contact event
The number of recovered individuals and the probability of infection per contact event
The Living World
Q6.8. In SIR models, what two things drive the transmission rate, β? The frequency of contact between susceptible and infected individuals and the length of the infectious period The frequency of contact between susceptible and infected individuals and the probability of infection per contact event The length of the infectious period and the probability of infection per contact event The number of recovered individuals and the probability of infection per contact event
Select the word or phrase that is redundant and can be removed without changing the
meaning of the text.
Researchers believe that early humans might have possibly faced extinction nearly one
million years ago.
The Living World
Select the word or phrase that is redundant and can be removed without changing the meaning of the text. Researchers believe that early humans might have possibly faced extinction nearly one million years ago.
During World War I, a group that became the FBI worked with which of these associations to seek out sedition and antiwar efforts? 
A. Patriot Organization 
B. American Protective League 
C. Secret Service
The Living World
During World War I, a group that became the FBI worked with which of these associations to seek out sedition and antiwar efforts? A. Patriot Organization B. American Protective League C. Secret Service
Alan had very few responsibilities, but one of them was to clean his room. It did not take long, but Alan still didn't like doing it. One day Alan thought of a way to save some time. Rather than putting everything neatly back in its place, he decided to just throw all the stuff on the floor into his closet. His mom would think that he had cleaned his room, and it would only take a fraction of the time. Alan was pleased with himself for thinking of this brilliant idea. He figured that this would save a lot of time and energy. The next time his room got messy, he piled everything up in the closet and the pile grew. It grew and grew. Then Alan's friend Steve called. "Alan, everyone is playing baseball at the park. Do you want to play too?" Alan loved baseball. "That sounds great, Steve. I'll be right there." Alan went to grab his baseball mitt when he realized that it wasn't in its usual place. Alan thought to himself, I guess it's in the closet. When he opened up the closet door, he was faced with a huge, unnavigable mess, some of which poured out as he opened the door. Alan began digging through the pile in a frantic attempt to find his mitt. He dug and dug, and as he dug his room got messier and messier. Soon his room was the messiest that it had ever been, and he still hadn't found his mitt. Alan sighed in despair. By the time he found his mitt, the boys had long concluded their game and Alan had hours of cleaning ahead of him before he'd be allowed to leave. 
What is the theme of the story? 
What happens in the story that leads you to believe this?
The Living World
Alan had very few responsibilities, but one of them was to clean his room. It did not take long, but Alan still didn't like doing it. One day Alan thought of a way to save some time. Rather than putting everything neatly back in its place, he decided to just throw all the stuff on the floor into his closet. His mom would think that he had cleaned his room, and it would only take a fraction of the time. Alan was pleased with himself for thinking of this brilliant idea. He figured that this would save a lot of time and energy. The next time his room got messy, he piled everything up in the closet and the pile grew. It grew and grew. Then Alan's friend Steve called. "Alan, everyone is playing baseball at the park. Do you want to play too?" Alan loved baseball. "That sounds great, Steve. I'll be right there." Alan went to grab his baseball mitt when he realized that it wasn't in its usual place. Alan thought to himself, I guess it's in the closet. When he opened up the closet door, he was faced with a huge, unnavigable mess, some of which poured out as he opened the door. Alan began digging through the pile in a frantic attempt to find his mitt. He dug and dug, and as he dug his room got messier and messier. Soon his room was the messiest that it had ever been, and he still hadn't found his mitt. Alan sighed in despair. By the time he found his mitt, the boys had long concluded their game and Alan had hours of cleaning ahead of him before he'd be allowed to leave. What is the theme of the story? What happens in the story that leads you to believe this?
Substrate-level phosphorylation occurs when
A phosphate group is transferred from one molecules to another organic molecule
An enzyme mediates the phosphorylation reaction
A kinase is involved
An inorganic phosphate is removed from an organic molecule
The Living World
Substrate-level phosphorylation occurs when A phosphate group is transferred from one molecules to another organic molecule An enzyme mediates the phosphorylation reaction A kinase is involved An inorganic phosphate is removed from an organic molecule
Which of the following is TRUE of normative development?
It occurs when the muscles in the head develop first and work their way down to the feet.
It occurs when the muscles in the neck, trunk, arms, and legs develop before the muscles in the fingers, hands, wrists, and eyes.
It tells adults what to expect from a child at a given age.
It concerns the sequence of physical changes that occur in a child with time and experience.
The Living World
Which of the following is TRUE of normative development? It occurs when the muscles in the head develop first and work their way down to the feet. It occurs when the muscles in the neck, trunk, arms, and legs develop before the muscles in the fingers, hands, wrists, and eyes. It tells adults what to expect from a child at a given age. It concerns the sequence of physical changes that occur in a child with time and experience. Lim
The bacterial transformations done by Griffith which later was continued in Avery, MacLeod and McCarty experiments showed that a non virulent strain of bacteria gets transformed into a virulent strain of bacteria in presence of RNAse but not in presence of DNAase. These experiments suggested that
a. DNA is the molecule of inheritance
b. RNA is the molecule of inheritance
c. chromosomes are made of DNA and proteins
d. proteins are the molecules of inheritance
e. no conclusion could be made: either proteins or DNA were the material of inheritance
The Living World
The bacterial transformations done by Griffith which later was continued in Avery, MacLeod and McCarty experiments showed that a non virulent strain of bacteria gets transformed into a virulent strain of bacteria in presence of RNAse but not in presence of DNAase. These experiments suggested that a. DNA is the molecule of inheritance b. RNA is the molecule of inheritance c. chromosomes are made of DNA and proteins d. proteins are the molecules of inheritance e. no conclusion could be made: either proteins or DNA were the material of inheritance
Wendy's, Burger King, McDonald's, Arby's, and White Castle are all competing in the fast food industry for burger supremacy; which market structure identifies this close knit advertising battle over our money?
Monopolistic Competition
Pure Competition
The Living World
Wendy's, Burger King, McDonald's, Arby's, and White Castle are all competing in the fast food industry for burger supremacy; which market structure identifies this close knit advertising battle over our money? Monopoly Monopolistic Competition Pure Competition Oligopoly
Which of the following best explains why the Battle of Little Bighorn is sometimes referred to as "Custer's Last Stand"?
The Battle of Little Bighorn resulted in the death of General Custer and all two hundred of his troops.
The Battle of Little Bighorn was General Custer's last battle before he retired from the military.
The Battle of Little Bighorn was the last conflict the US military engaged in with the Sioux Indians.
The Battle of Little Bighorn was the final conflict in the American Indian Wars of the late 1800s.
The Living World
Which of the following best explains why the Battle of Little Bighorn is sometimes referred to as "Custer's Last Stand"? The Battle of Little Bighorn resulted in the death of General Custer and all two hundred of his troops. The Battle of Little Bighorn was General Custer's last battle before he retired from the military. The Battle of Little Bighorn was the last conflict the US military engaged in with the Sioux Indians. The Battle of Little Bighorn was the final conflict in the American Indian Wars of the late 1800s.
Density is the number of individuals present in a certain area. Imagine that the population you projected from TO to T8 lived in an area 10m x 10m. At first, the population had a density of 1 organism per 10 m^2 (1/10) or 0.1. By the second time period the density was 0.2. Calculating the density allows you to estimate the average amount of space an organism has in which to live, collect food and produce offspring. 
a) Calculate density from TO to T8; record it in the last accounting column (this is the worksheet in your lab manual). 
b) Now think about what does this mean in the real world. On average, how much space is allotted to each organism at T1, T3, and T8? For example, if at T1 each individual is allotted 5 square meters, how much space does each individual have at T3 and T8? (Note: this is NOT the same calculation you did for density, and think about the number you calculate before you submit-does it make sense?)
The Living World
Density is the number of individuals present in a certain area. Imagine that the population you projected from TO to T8 lived in an area 10m x 10m. At first, the population had a density of 1 organism per 10 m^2 (1/10) or 0.1. By the second time period the density was 0.2. Calculating the density allows you to estimate the average amount of space an organism has in which to live, collect food and produce offspring. a) Calculate density from TO to T8; record it in the last accounting column (this is the worksheet in your lab manual). b) Now think about what does this mean in the real world. On average, how much space is allotted to each organism at T1, T3, and T8? For example, if at T1 each individual is allotted 5 square meters, how much space does each individual have at T3 and T8? (Note: this is NOT the same calculation you did for density, and think about the number you calculate before you submit-does it make sense?)
Based on your reading of the poem Old Ironsides by Oliver Wendall Holmes, what is the tone of the speaker in the first Stanza? 'Aye tear her tattered ensign down Long has it waved on high, And many an eye has danced to see That banner in the sky; Beneath it rung the battle shout, And burst the cannon's roar; - The meteor of the ocean air Shall sweep the clouds no more. 
The tone of the speaker in the poem in the first stanza is joyful.
The tone of the speaker in the poem in the first stanza is reflective.
The tone of the speaker in the poem in the first stanza is angry.
The Living World
Based on your reading of the poem Old Ironsides by Oliver Wendall Holmes, what is the tone of the speaker in the first Stanza? 'Aye tear her tattered ensign down Long has it waved on high, And many an eye has danced to see That banner in the sky; Beneath it rung the battle shout, And burst the cannon's roar; - The meteor of the ocean air Shall sweep the clouds no more. The tone of the speaker in the poem in the first stanza is joyful. The tone of the speaker in the poem in the first stanza is reflective. The tone of the speaker in the poem in the first stanza is angry.
Cathy designs an experiment to investigate how well cups made of different materials
maintain the temperature of a cold drink. Which step will increase the accuracy and
validity of Cathy's results?
A. Use a different beverage in each cup.
B. Conduct the experiment in a cool room.
C. Conduct multiple trials and have another scientist repeat the experiment.
D. Analyze the experimental results and organize experimental data in a table.
The Living World
Cathy designs an experiment to investigate how well cups made of different materials maintain the temperature of a cold drink. Which step will increase the accuracy and validity of Cathy's results? A. Use a different beverage in each cup. B. Conduct the experiment in a cool room. C. Conduct multiple trials and have another scientist repeat the experiment. D. Analyze the experimental results and organize experimental data in a table.
Plasmids are best described as
a. Large pieces of duplicate genomes that can be transferred to another cell
b. Plasma circuits in the cell that can lead to ID - plasmID.
c. Copies of some cell genes transferred by virus infections
d. Small, extrachromosomal circles of DNA that can be transferred to another cell
The Living World
Plasmids are best described as a. Large pieces of duplicate genomes that can be transferred to another cell b. Plasma circuits in the cell that can lead to ID - plasmID. c. Copies of some cell genes transferred by virus infections d. Small, extrachromosomal circles of DNA that can be transferred to another cell
...There had been tenant houses before, but they were not built for that purpose. Nothing would probably have shocked their original owners more than the idea of their harboring a promiscuous crowd; for they were the decorous homes of the old Knickerbockers, the proud aristocracy of Manhattan in the early days. It was the stir and bustle of trade, together with the tremendous immigration that followed upon the war of 1812 that dislodged them. In thirty-five years the city of less than a hundred thousand came to harbor half a million souls, for whom houses had to be found....Their comfortable dwellings in the once fashionable streets along the East River fell into the hands of real-estate agents and boarding-house it's beginnings, the tenant-house became a real blessing to that class of Industrious poor whose small earnings limited their expenses, and whose employment in workshops, stores, or about the warehouses and thoroughfares, render a near residence of much importance...their large rooms were partitioned into several smaller ones without regard to light or ventilation, the rate of rent being lower in proportion to space or height from the street... Neatness, order, cleanliness, were never dreamed of in connection with the tenant-house system... Chapter 1- Analysis Questions 
1) Close Reading: What happened to the population of New York City in the thirty five years following the War of 1812 which resulted in the need for more housing? 
2) Analysis: Was a lot of thought given to how the formerly large rooms were divided?
The Living World
...There had been tenant houses before, but they were not built for that purpose. Nothing would probably have shocked their original owners more than the idea of their harboring a promiscuous crowd; for they were the decorous homes of the old Knickerbockers, the proud aristocracy of Manhattan in the early days. It was the stir and bustle of trade, together with the tremendous immigration that followed upon the war of 1812 that dislodged them. In thirty-five years the city of less than a hundred thousand came to harbor half a million souls, for whom houses had to be found....Their comfortable dwellings in the once fashionable streets along the East River fell into the hands of real-estate agents and boarding-house it's beginnings, the tenant-house became a real blessing to that class of Industrious poor whose small earnings limited their expenses, and whose employment in workshops, stores, or about the warehouses and thoroughfares, render a near residence of much importance...their large rooms were partitioned into several smaller ones without regard to light or ventilation, the rate of rent being lower in proportion to space or height from the street... Neatness, order, cleanliness, were never dreamed of in connection with the tenant-house system... Chapter 1- Analysis Questions 1) Close Reading: What happened to the population of New York City in the thirty five years following the War of 1812 which resulted in the need for more housing? 2) Analysis: Was a lot of thought given to how the formerly large rooms were divided?
This serves as a significant source of different organic carbon compounds for cell biosynthesis and growth.
a. Weight Watchers
b. Chemiosmosis energy pathway
c. Krebs cycle
d. Glycoloysis pathway
e. Anaerobic respiration process
The Living World
This serves as a significant source of different organic carbon compounds for cell biosynthesis and growth. a. Weight Watchers b. Chemiosmosis energy pathway c. Krebs cycle d. Glycoloysis pathway e. Anaerobic respiration process
Find the Total Magnification for each objective lens using the following equation:
Total Magnification = Eyepiece (10x) X Objective (# on Objective lens)
a. objective = 4x
b. objective = 10x
c. objective = 40x
The Living World
Find the Total Magnification for each objective lens using the following equation: Total Magnification = Eyepiece (10x) X Objective (# on Objective lens) a. objective = 4x b. objective = 10x c. objective = 40x
Use the sentence to answer the question.
The sailboat with the yellow stripes on its sails drifted across the lake.
Which of the following is the subject of the sentence?
The Living World
Use the sentence to answer the question. The sailboat with the yellow stripes on its sails drifted across the lake. Which of the following is the subject of the sentence? sailboat stripes sails lake
Which type of microscope is good at viewing a diverse range of specimens because it uses a combination of an ocular and different objective lenses?
A. scanning electron microscopes
B. compuond light microscope
C. dissecting microscope
D. transmission electron microscopes
The Living World
Which type of microscope is good at viewing a diverse range of specimens because it uses a combination of an ocular and different objective lenses? A. scanning electron microscopes B. compuond light microscope C. dissecting microscope D. transmission electron microscopes
Where should the comma go in the sentence below? While getting ready for the dance the doorbell rang at Julie's house. 
A. after the word "while"
B. after the word "ready"
C. after the word "dance"
The Living World
Where should the comma go in the sentence below? While getting ready for the dance the doorbell rang at Julie's house. A. after the word "while" B. after the word "ready" C. after the word "dance"
Where should the comma go in the sentence below? To pass this course with an "A" you will need to study and work hard. 
A. after the word "course"
B. after the word "study"
C. after the word "A"
The Living World
Where should the comma go in the sentence below? To pass this course with an "A" you will need to study and work hard. A. after the word "course" B. after the word "study" C. after the word "A"