The Living World Questions and Answers

All human viruses must have the ability to 
1. have only its nucleic acid enter the host cell
2. kill or not kill the host cell
3. multiply in the absence of living cells
4. extracellular uncoat
5. have their nucleic acid replicate in the host cell
A. 1,2
B. 2,5
C. 3,4
D. 4,5
E. 1,4
The Living World
All human viruses must have the ability to 1. have only its nucleic acid enter the host cell 2. kill or not kill the host cell 3. multiply in the absence of living cells 4. extracellular uncoat 5. have their nucleic acid replicate in the host cell choose: A. 1,2 B. 2,5 C. 3,4 D. 4,5 E. 1,4
Use the following passage to answer the next three questions.
It has been hypothesized that people who are heterozygous for the allele that causes the deadly genetic condition cystic fibrosis (which, among other symptoms, reduces fertility) are more resistant o the deadly disease tuberculosis.

If the cystic fibrosis allele protects against tuberculosis the same way the sickle-cell allele protects against malaria, then which of the following should true of a comparison between regions with and without tuberculosis?
Cystic fibrosis deaths should be more common in regions with tuberculosis.
Cystic fibrosis deaths should be less common in regions with tuberculosis.
Cystic fibrosis deaths should be equally common in both types of regions.
Regional differences in the cystic fibrosis death rate should be purely random and unpredictable.
The Living World
Use the following passage to answer the next three questions. It has been hypothesized that people who are heterozygous for the allele that causes the deadly genetic condition cystic fibrosis (which, among other symptoms, reduces fertility) are more resistant o the deadly disease tuberculosis. If the cystic fibrosis allele protects against tuberculosis the same way the sickle-cell allele protects against malaria, then which of the following should true of a comparison between regions with and without tuberculosis? Cystic fibrosis deaths should be more common in regions with tuberculosis. Cystic fibrosis deaths should be less common in regions with tuberculosis. Cystic fibrosis deaths should be equally common in both types of regions. Regional differences in the cystic fibrosis death rate should be purely random and unpredictable.
Which of the following could participate in anion binding?
Asp and Glu
Lys and Arg
Cys and Ser
Lys, Arg and His
The Living World
Which of the following could participate in anion binding? Asp and Glu Lys and Arg His Cys and Ser Lys, Arg and His
Which of the following is an excerpt from a descriptive essay about a door? 
A. I could hear the screen door snap in two due to its decrepit old hinges that were copper and blue.
 B. The second step is to heat up the stove and warm up the pot with oil and cooking grease. 
C. A virtuoso is defined as one who excels in the technique of an art.
The Living World
Which of the following is an excerpt from a descriptive essay about a door? A. I could hear the screen door snap in two due to its decrepit old hinges that were copper and blue. B. The second step is to heat up the stove and warm up the pot with oil and cooking grease. C. A virtuoso is defined as one who excels in the technique of an art.
Select the correct answer.
According to the endosymbiosis theory, scientists believe that early eukaryotes formed from prokaryotes. Why do scientists believe that
prokaryotes existed earlier than eukaryotes?
All prokaryotes are aquatic in nature.
All prokaryotes perform photosynthesis.
Prokaryotes have organelles, while eukaryotes do not.
Certain eukaryote cell structures resemble prokaryotes.
The Living World
Select the correct answer. According to the endosymbiosis theory, scientists believe that early eukaryotes formed from prokaryotes. Why do scientists believe that prokaryotes existed earlier than eukaryotes? All prokaryotes are aquatic in nature. All prokaryotes perform photosynthesis. Prokaryotes have organelles, while eukaryotes do not. Certain eukaryote cell structures resemble prokaryotes.
Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. Lisa eats a banana with her breakfast. As she digests the banana, her blood glucose level increases, which causes the pancreas to produce insulin V A few hours later, her blood glucose level decreases, signaling the pancreas to produce glucagon to increase her blood glucose level epinephrine to increase her blood glucose level insulin to increase her blood glucose level
The Living World
Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. Lisa eats a banana with her breakfast. As she digests the banana, her blood glucose level increases, which causes the pancreas to produce insulin V A few hours later, her blood glucose level decreases, signaling the pancreas to produce glucagon to increase her blood glucose level epinephrine to increase her blood glucose level insulin to increase her blood glucose level
A hydra is an aquatic organism that lives in fresh water. During reproduction an outgrowth begins to form on the parent. The outgrowth continues to develop into the daughter organism and eventually breaks off of the parent. Which type of reproduction does this represent? 
A binary fission
B. budding
C. regeneration
D. vegetative propagation
The Living World
A hydra is an aquatic organism that lives in fresh water. During reproduction an outgrowth begins to form on the parent. The outgrowth continues to develop into the daughter organism and eventually breaks off of the parent. Which type of reproduction does this represent? A binary fission B. budding C. regeneration D. vegetative propagation
Insulin is an important hormone that allows the body to use glucose from food. After an individual eats a meal, glucose travels through the blood stream and reaches beta cells in the pancreas. The glucose causes the beta cells to release insulin. Insulin then travels through the blood stream and attaches to insulin receptors on other cells, which allows them to take in glucose and use it for energy. What does this information best demonstrate? 
A Cells interact with other cells for regulation and homeostasis.
B. A hormone is a protein that performs many functions in the body.
C. Beta cells are not necessary for glucose to be utilized.
D. Only certain cells can use glucose to produce energy.
The Living World
Insulin is an important hormone that allows the body to use glucose from food. After an individual eats a meal, glucose travels through the blood stream and reaches beta cells in the pancreas. The glucose causes the beta cells to release insulin. Insulin then travels through the blood stream and attaches to insulin receptors on other cells, which allows them to take in glucose and use it for energy. What does this information best demonstrate? A Cells interact with other cells for regulation and homeostasis. B. A hormone is a protein that performs many functions in the body. C. Beta cells are not necessary for glucose to be utilized. D. Only certain cells can use glucose to produce energy.
Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
Gene expression in eukaryotes can be regulated at various levels. Certain mutations in flies may cause them to develop an extra set of legs or
which determine the formation and arrangement of body parts in multicellular organisms, control gene
expression by regulation of
The Living World
Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. Gene expression in eukaryotes can be regulated at various levels. Certain mutations in flies may cause them to develop an extra set of legs or wings. which determine the formation and arrangement of body parts in multicellular organisms, control gene expression by regulation of
When a single cell of E. coli reproduces, it first duplicates its DNA. Next, the cell elongates as each copy of DNA is pulled toward opposite ends of the cell. The membrane then pinches inward, dividing the cytoplasm into two halves and producing two daughter cells. What is true about these daughter cells?
A. They are genetically identical to the parent because they are produced by sexual reproduction.
B. They are genetically different from the parent because they are produced by asexual reproduction.
C. They are genetically different from the parent because they are produced by sexual reproduction.
D. They are genetically identical to the parent because they are produced by asexual reproduction.
The Living World
When a single cell of E. coli reproduces, it first duplicates its DNA. Next, the cell elongates as each copy of DNA is pulled toward opposite ends of the cell. The membrane then pinches inward, dividing the cytoplasm into two halves and producing two daughter cells. What is true about these daughter cells? A. They are genetically identical to the parent because they are produced by sexual reproduction. B. They are genetically different from the parent because they are produced by asexual reproduction. C. They are genetically different from the parent because they are produced by sexual reproduction. D. They are genetically identical to the parent because they are produced by asexual reproduction.
When there is a cut in the skin and bacteria enter the body, the immune system responds. First, macrophages approach the area of the cut. Next, the macrophages surround any bacterial cells and engulf them. What feature of the immune system is best described by this scenario?
A self-recognition, which is a part of adaptive immunity
B. the phagocytotic barrier, which is a part of innate immunity
C. the inflammatory barrier, which is a part of innate immunity
D. antigen specificity, which is a part of adaptive immunity
The Living World
When there is a cut in the skin and bacteria enter the body, the immune system responds. First, macrophages approach the area of the cut. Next, the macrophages surround any bacterial cells and engulf them. What feature of the immune system is best described by this scenario? A self-recognition, which is a part of adaptive immunity B. the phagocytotic barrier, which is a part of innate immunity C. the inflammatory barrier, which is a part of innate immunity D. antigen specificity, which is a part of adaptive immunity
Drag each label to the correct location.
Sort the variables of these three studies based on whether they are independent or dependent variables.
Study 1: the effect of light on flowering patterns of plants
Study 2: the effect of penicillin on the growth of E. coli
Study 3: the effect of progesterone on the ovulation of rats
flowering patterns
penicillin growth of E. coli
The Living World
Drag each label to the correct location. Sort the variables of these three studies based on whether they are independent or dependent variables. Study 1: the effect of light on flowering patterns of plants Study 2: the effect of penicillin on the growth of E. coli Study 3: the effect of progesterone on the ovulation of rats light flowering patterns progesterone penicillin growth of E. coli ovulation
Which term defines a well-tested, scientifically supported statement that explains how something works?
A hypothesis
B. law
C. observation
D. theory
The Living World
Which term defines a well-tested, scientifically supported statement that explains how something works? A hypothesis B. law C. observation D. theory
1.Researchers Cohn and Boyer transferred a gene from
an African clawed frog into a bacterium. To accomplish
this, these scientists had to use
(1) enzymes to cut out and insert the gene
(2) hereditary information located in amino acids
(3) radiation to increase the gene mutation rate of the
bacterial cells
(4) cancer cells to promote rapid cell division
The Living World
1.Researchers Cohn and Boyer transferred a gene from an African clawed frog into a bacterium. To accomplish this, these scientists had to use (1) enzymes to cut out and insert the gene (2) hereditary information located in amino acids (3) radiation to increase the gene mutation rate of the bacterial cells (4) cancer cells to promote rapid cell division
What technological advancement was necessary before scientists could begin to observe cells?
A invention of the microscope
B. invention of the balance
C. invention of the telescope
D. invention of the thermometer
The Living World
What technological advancement was necessary before scientists could begin to observe cells? A invention of the microscope B. invention of the balance C. invention of the telescope D. invention of the thermometer
7.From a single monkey, an animal breeder claims that he has successfully cloned two monkeys. He displays the two monkeys, a male and a female, to the public. The claim of the breeder should be rejected because the monkeys 
(1) are twins
(2) have the same parents
(3) are of two different sexes
(4) developed from more than one sperm cell
The Living World
7.From a single monkey, an animal breeder claims that he has successfully cloned two monkeys. He displays the two monkeys, a male and a female, to the public. The claim of the breeder should be rejected because the monkeys (1) are twins (2) have the same parents (3) are of two different sexes (4) developed from more than one sperm cell
Which of the following conditions leads to hurricane season in the Atlantic region?
Wind speeds in the Atlantic Ocean
Warm waters in the Atlantic Ocean
High pressure zones over the Atlantic Ocean
High wind speeds in the upper atmosphere above the Atlantic Ocean
The Living World
Which of the following conditions leads to hurricane season in the Atlantic region? Wind speeds in the Atlantic Ocean Warm waters in the Atlantic Ocean High pressure zones over the Atlantic Ocean High wind speeds in the upper atmosphere above the Atlantic Ocean
Mustard gas removes guanine (G) from DNA. For developing embryos, exposure to mustard gas can cause sérious deformities because guanine 
(1) stores the building blocks of proteins
(2) supports the structure of ribosomes
(3) produces energy for genetic transfer
(4) is part of the genetic code
The Living World
Mustard gas removes guanine (G) from DNA. For developing embryos, exposure to mustard gas can cause sérious deformities because guanine (1) stores the building blocks of proteins (2) supports the structure of ribosomes (3) produces energy for genetic transfer (4) is part of the genetic code
Which of these best describes a situation where science is used?
 Choosing a career after graduation
Brushing teeth after having dinner
Ordering food in a restaurant by looking at a menu card
Predicting the weather by looking at the clouds
The Living World
Which of these best describes a situation where science is used? Choosing a career after graduation Brushing teeth after having dinner Ordering food in a restaurant by looking at a menu card Predicting the weather by looking at the clouds
In a species of plant, the sudden appearance of one plant with a different leaf structure would most likely be the result of 
(1) stable gene frequencies
(2) chromosomal mutations
(3) slow environmental changes
(4) asexual reproduction
The Living World
In a species of plant, the sudden appearance of one plant with a different leaf structure would most likely be the result of (1) stable gene frequencies (2) chromosomal mutations (3) slow environmental changes (4) asexual reproduction
A car weighing 2000kg and placed 1cm away from the fulcrum was lifted with
a muscle contraction applied 200cm from the fulcrum and generating a force
of 10kg. In this scenario, the Mechanical Advantage is equal to:
The Living World
A car weighing 2000kg and placed 1cm away from the fulcrum was lifted with a muscle contraction applied 200cm from the fulcrum and generating a force of 10kg. In this scenario, the Mechanical Advantage is equal to: 20 200 100 1
Cotton plants produce seeds that contain high-quality protein. This protein could be used as a food source except that the seeds are poisonous to humans. Recently, scientists have inserted a section of DNA into the cotton plants that makes the cotton seeds nonpoisonous. The technique for this procedure is known as 
(1) gene manipulation
(2) cloning
(3) reproduction
(4) direct harvesting
The Living World
Cotton plants produce seeds that contain high-quality protein. This protein could be used as a food source except that the seeds are poisonous to humans. Recently, scientists have inserted a section of DNA into the cotton plants that makes the cotton seeds nonpoisonous. The technique for this procedure is known as (1) gene manipulation (2) cloning (3) reproduction (4) direct harvesting
Use quantitative and qualitative results to answer one of the following questions.
1. What happened to your energy & ability to pinch the clothespin as you
progressed through each trial? Why?
2. What might cause one to be able to get more squeezes, in other words, to have
less fatigue? Explain in terms of biological concepts.
3 Suggest how the amount of ATP produced cause your muscle cells to be less
efficient. When did this change in the amount of ATP produced occur in this
investigation? How could you tell?
4. Your muscles would probably recover enough after 10 minutes to operate at the
original efficiency. Explain why.
The Living World
Use quantitative and qualitative results to answer one of the following questions. 1. What happened to your energy & ability to pinch the clothespin as you progressed through each trial? Why? 2. What might cause one to be able to get more squeezes, in other words, to have less fatigue? Explain in terms of biological concepts. 3 Suggest how the amount of ATP produced cause your muscle cells to be less efficient. When did this change in the amount of ATP produced occur in this investigation? How could you tell? 4. Your muscles would probably recover enough after 10 minutes to operate at the original efficiency. Explain why.
If your skin were to come in contact with very cold air, you could experience frostbite. This would be an example of energy transfer via
The Living World
If your skin were to come in contact with very cold air, you could experience frostbite. This would be an example of energy transfer via radiation conduction convection reflection
The act of picking up a cup of coffee from the table represents a biological
example of a:
Both first and second class lever system
Third class lever system
First class lever system
Second class lever system
The Living World
The act of picking up a cup of coffee from the table represents a biological example of a: Both first and second class lever system Third class lever system First class lever system Second class lever system
We become aware of the limitation to using our muscles as they tire during strenuous or
repetitive work. Perhaps our muscles shake as we try to do one more push-up. Or maybe
we find we just can't run any further so we stop to catch our breath. It's a sudden
change that we seem to do involuntarily. Our muscle cells continue to produce ATP to
move, only the way we make it changes. Try this simple investigation to explore this
Materials Needed:
0 a clothespin
a timer
1. Hold a clothes pin in the thumb and index finger of your dominant hand. Open
and open it all the way and close it as fast as possible in 30 seconds while the
other fingers of the hand are held in a neutral position. Attempt to squeeze
quickly and completely, to get the maximum number of squeezes for each trial.
If possible, have a partner record the number so you can continue without
2. Repeat this process for nine more 30 second trials recording the result for each
trial. Do not rest your fingers between trials.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the non-dominant hand. Record all data in a table. You
may find it useful to also graph the results for both hands on one graph in order
to better interpret your results.
Interpretation & Analysis:
Use quantitative and qualitative results to answer one of the following questions.
What happened to your energy & ability to pinch the clothespin as you
progressed through each trial? Why?
1 .
What might cause one to be able to get more squeezes, in other words, to have
less fatigue? Explain in terms of biological concepts.
3 Suggest how the amount of ATP produced cause your muscle cells to be less
efficient. When did this change in the amount of ATP produced occur in this
investigation? How could you tell?
Your muscles would probably recover enough after 10 minutes to operate at the
original efficiency. Explain why.
The Living World
INVESTIGATION --MUSCLE FATIGUE We become aware of the limitation to using our muscles as they tire during strenuous or repetitive work. Perhaps our muscles shake as we try to do one more push-up. Or maybe we find we just can't run any further so we stop to catch our breath. It's a sudden change that we seem to do involuntarily. Our muscle cells continue to produce ATP to move, only the way we make it changes. Try this simple investigation to explore this further. INVESTIGATION: MUSCLE FATIGUE Materials Needed: 0 a clothespin a timer ● Procedure: 1. Hold a clothes pin in the thumb and index finger of your dominant hand. Open and open it all the way and close it as fast as possible in 30 seconds while the other fingers of the hand are held in a neutral position. Attempt to squeeze quickly and completely, to get the maximum number of squeezes for each trial. 4 If possible, have a partner record the number so you can continue without resting. 2. Repeat this process for nine more 30 second trials recording the result for each trial. Do not rest your fingers between trials. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the non-dominant hand. Record all data in a table. You may find it useful to also graph the results for both hands on one graph in order to better interpret your results. Interpretation & Analysis: Use quantitative and qualitative results to answer one of the following questions. What happened to your energy & ability to pinch the clothespin as you progressed through each trial? Why? 1 . 2. What might cause one to be able to get more squeezes, in other words, to have less fatigue? Explain in terms of biological concepts. 3 Suggest how the amount of ATP produced cause your muscle cells to be less efficient. When did this change in the amount of ATP produced occur in this investigation? How could you tell? Your muscles would probably recover enough after 10 minutes to operate at the original efficiency. Explain why. ●
This molecule is Stearic Acid:
It is a:
A. Saturated Fatty Acid
B. Unsaturated Omega-3 Fatty Acid
C. Unsaturated Omega-6 Fatty Acid
D. None of the above
The Living World
This molecule is Stearic Acid: CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-COOH It is a: A. Saturated Fatty Acid B. Unsaturated Omega-3 Fatty Acid C. Unsaturated Omega-6 Fatty Acid D. None of the above
Soaps, detergents, and bile salts have polar hydrophilic heads, and nonpolar hydrophobic tails.
They will
(make soluble in water) fats and oils by forming micelles that surround the tiny fat/oil droplets.
The Living World
Soaps, detergents, and bile salts have polar hydrophilic heads, and nonpolar hydrophobic tails. They will (make soluble in water) fats and oils by forming micelles that surround the tiny fat/oil droplets.
Which evidence belongs in body.
paragraph #1?
A. Ironically, Nicholas finds that "the older,
wiser, and better people" were always in error
(Saki 1).
B. A humorous tone is apparent with words like
"seemingly frivolous" & "quite uninteresting"
(Saki 2).
C. Saki uses imagery when a tapestry is
"glowing in wonderful colors beneath a layer of
dust" (Saki 4).
The Living World
Which evidence belongs in body. paragraph #1? A. Ironically, Nicholas finds that "the older, wiser, and better people" were always in error (Saki 1). B. A humorous tone is apparent with words like "seemingly frivolous" & "quite uninteresting" (Saki 2). C. Saki uses imagery when a tapestry is "glowing in wonderful colors beneath a layer of dust" (Saki 4).
Which part of the sample
introduction is Section 3?
A. This is the hook that gets the audience's
B. This is the introduction of the author and
C. This is the brief summary that recaps the
D. This is the thesis that identifies the literary
devices and a theme or message.
Sample Introduction
1. We all make inferences, and sometimes they
are wrong. 2. This is the case in Mark Twain's
"The Invalid's Story." 3. The story details the
unfortunate misadventures of two men on a
train who mistake a gun box and a piece of
smelly cheese for a corpse in a coffin. 4. In this
story, Twain provides the audience with an
unexpected ending and uses irony to
thematically demonstrate that things are not
always what they seem.
The Living World
Which part of the sample introduction is Section 3? A. This is the hook that gets the audience's attention. B. This is the introduction of the author and title. C. This is the brief summary that recaps the plot. D. This is the thesis that identifies the literary devices and a theme or message. Sample Introduction 1. We all make inferences, and sometimes they are wrong. 2. This is the case in Mark Twain's "The Invalid's Story." 3. The story details the unfortunate misadventures of two men on a train who mistake a gun box and a piece of smelly cheese for a corpse in a coffin. 4. In this story, Twain provides the audience with an unexpected ending and uses irony to thematically demonstrate that things are not always what they seem.
What is the correct name for the colder phase of the ENSO cycle?
A. tropical storm
B. hurricane
C.La Niña
D.El Niño
The Living World
What is the correct name for the colder phase of the ENSO cycle? A. tropical storm B. hurricane C.La Niña D.El Niño
Insulin is
nonpolar and catabolic
nonpolar and anabolic
polar and anabolic
polar and catabolic
The Living World
Insulin is nonpolar and catabolic nonpolar and anabolic polar and anabolic polar and catabolic
Many biological structures are composed of smaller units assembled into more complex structures having functions based on their structural
organization. For the following complex structures, describe the smaller units, their assembly into the larger structures, and one major function of
these larger, organized structures.
a. Nucleic Acids
The Living World
Many biological structures are composed of smaller units assembled into more complex structures having functions based on their structural organization. For the following complex structures, describe the smaller units, their assembly into the larger structures, and one major function of these larger, organized structures. a. Nucleic Acids
• If race is not a biological condition, how and why are meanings of race created!
Why is race about more than biological factors?
How do biological arguments about race both reflect and reproduce racial inequalit
The Living World
• If race is not a biological condition, how and why are meanings of race created! Why is race about more than biological factors? How do biological arguments about race both reflect and reproduce racial inequalit . ·
2. The following statement appears in a U.S. government publication. Note: GE stands for
genetically engineered (another term for genetically modified).
In addition to farmers, seed suppliers, and technology providers, consumers also benefit from
the adoption of GE crops in the United States. Biotechnology developers and seed firms benefit
by charging technology fees and seed premiums [higher prices] to adopters of GE varieties. U.S.
and foreign consumers may benefit indirectly from GE crops through lower commodity [a physi-
cal substance such as food] prices that result from increased supplies.
A. Does this statement give an argument in favor of genetically engineered food sources or an
argument opposed to genetically engineered food sources? What word does the statement
use which tells you?
B. From what you have learned about genetically engineered food sources, give another
argument that would support the position taken in this statement.
C. From what you have learned about genetically engineered food sources, give an argument
that would oppose the position taken in this statement.
The Living World
2. The following statement appears in a U.S. government publication. Note: GE stands for genetically engineered (another term for genetically modified). In addition to farmers, seed suppliers, and technology providers, consumers also benefit from the adoption of GE crops in the United States. Biotechnology developers and seed firms benefit by charging technology fees and seed premiums [higher prices] to adopters of GE varieties. U.S. and foreign consumers may benefit indirectly from GE crops through lower commodity [a physi- cal substance such as food] prices that result from increased supplies. A. Does this statement give an argument in favor of genetically engineered food sources or an argument opposed to genetically engineered food sources? What word does the statement use which tells you? B. From what you have learned about genetically engineered food sources, give another argument that would support the position taken in this statement. C. From what you have learned about genetically engineered food sources, give an argument that would oppose the position taken in this statement.
Muscle cells in athletes often have more mitochondria than
muscle cells in nonathletes. Based on this observation, it
can be inferred that the muscle cells in athletes
(1) have a smaller demand for cell proteins than the
muscle cells of nonathletes
(2) reproduce less frequently than the muscle cells of
(3) have nuclei containing more DNA than nuclei in the
muscle cells of nonathletes
(4) have a greater demand for energy than the muscle cells
of nonathletes
The Living World
Muscle cells in athletes often have more mitochondria than muscle cells in nonathletes. Based on this observation, it can be inferred that the muscle cells in athletes (1) have a smaller demand for cell proteins than the muscle cells of nonathletes (2) reproduce less frequently than the muscle cells of nonathletes (3) have nuclei containing more DNA than nuclei in the muscle cells of nonathletes (4) have a greater demand for energy than the muscle cells of nonathletes
Asexuality reworks the binary because
it encourages everyone to be bisexual, thus disrupting expectations in the binary.
it encourages people to flaunt their sexuality in outrageous ways, which is not allowed in the
it does not align with the binary's expectations that everyone be sexual.
it confuses gender and sexuality.
The Living World
Asexuality reworks the binary because it encourages everyone to be bisexual, thus disrupting expectations in the binary. it encourages people to flaunt their sexuality in outrageous ways, which is not allowed in the binary. it does not align with the binary's expectations that everyone be sexual. it confuses gender and sexuality.
Which of the following can be filled in the insulating jacket of a calorimeter?
The Living World
Which of the following can be filled in the insulating jacket of a calorimeter? Copper Cotton Gold Silver
Read the following excerpt from "Federalist Paper 10" by James Madison, and answer the question
that follows.
"It is in vain to say that enlightened statesmen will be able to adjust these clashing interests, and
render them all subservient to the public good."
Based on the excerpt, what does the word "subservient" mean?
Too submissive
of lesser Importance
Eager to follow
Instrumental in achieving something
The Living World
Read the following excerpt from "Federalist Paper 10" by James Madison, and answer the question that follows. "It is in vain to say that enlightened statesmen will be able to adjust these clashing interests, and render them all subservient to the public good." Based on the excerpt, what does the word "subservient" mean? Too submissive of lesser Importance Eager to follow Instrumental in achieving something
The existence of a math gene
was reported by Benbow and Stanley in their original research
was a construction of the media reports of Benbo and Stanley's work
has been proved to exist by researchers building on the work by Benbow and Stanley
is a useful way to talk about gender differences in math reasoning
The Living World
The existence of a math gene was reported by Benbow and Stanley in their original research was a construction of the media reports of Benbo and Stanley's work has been proved to exist by researchers building on the work by Benbow and Stanley is a useful way to talk about gender differences in math reasoning
As demonstrated
forming new _
by his performance on the mirror-tracing task, H. M. was capable of
memories, but not _
implicit episodic; explicit procedural
implicit procedural; explicit episodic
implicit short-term; explicit long-term
implicit long-term; explicit short-term
The Living World
As demonstrated forming new _ by his performance on the mirror-tracing task, H. M. was capable of memories, but not _ memories. implicit episodic; explicit procedural implicit procedural; explicit episodic implicit short-term; explicit long-term implicit long-term; explicit short-term
Question 3
Which of the following is incorrect with respect to the Sterile Insect Technique?

Wild female flles lay eggs that do not hatch.
Sterile female flies are released in the crop field.
Zap male flles are treated with radiation.
Zap female flies are treated with radiation.
The Living World
Question 3 Which of the following is incorrect with respect to the Sterile Insect Technique? Wild female flles lay eggs that do not hatch. Sterile female flies are released in the crop field. Zap male flles are treated with radiation. Zap female flies are treated with radiation.
(1 point) I have a geothermal heat pump that heats and cools my house. It heats the house by
circulating 285K refrigerant from underground at 1 ATM, and compresses it to 1.15 ATM
inside the pump radiator. What temperature (in Kelvins) is the compressed refrigerant in the
The Living World
(1 point) I have a geothermal heat pump that heats and cools my house. It heats the house by circulating 285K refrigerant from underground at 1 ATM, and compresses it to 1.15 ATM inside the pump radiator. What temperature (in Kelvins) is the compressed refrigerant in the radiator?
Which of the following would NOT give an accurate measure of volume of a liquid:
A. Glass Beaker
B. Graduated Cylinder
C. Syringe
D. All of these would give an accurate measurement of volume
E. None of these would give an accurate measurement of volume
The Living World
Which of the following would NOT give an accurate measure of volume of a liquid: A. Glass Beaker B. Graduated Cylinder C. Syringe D. All of these would give an accurate measurement of volume E. None of these would give an accurate measurement of volume
On your instructor's stove, it takes about 12 minutes to boil 2L H₂O, going from 20°C to
100°C, an increase of 80°C. It only takes 8 minutes to bring fry oil from 20°C all the way
to 190°C, an increase of 170°C! Why?
The Living World
On your instructor's stove, it takes about 12 minutes to boil 2L H₂O, going from 20°C to 100°C, an increase of 80°C. It only takes 8 minutes to bring fry oil from 20°C all the way to 190°C, an increase of 170°C! Why?
There is one, well-established
example of
pleiotropy that is found in tan, [?] cats, in
which a single gene controls coat color and [ ]
The Living World
A There is one, well-established example of pleiotropy that is found in tan, [?] cats, in which a single gene controls coat color and [ ] A Tabby B Egyptian Mau C Siamese
Remember "OIL RIG": oxidation
is losing and [?] is gaining an
A. oxidation
B. reduction
C. translation
The Living World
Remember "OIL RIG": oxidation is losing and [?] is gaining an electron. A. oxidation B. reduction C. translation
(1 point) I took my soccer ball with 5 liters of air at 2 ATM, and went deep sea diving with it.
At 50 meters, the intense water pressure crushed my ball, and now there are only 1.667 liters
in the ball. What is the pressure at my new depth?
The Living World
(1 point) I took my soccer ball with 5 liters of air at 2 ATM, and went deep sea diving with it. At 50 meters, the intense water pressure crushed my ball, and now there are only 1.667 liters in the ball. What is the pressure at my new depth?
She has been diagnosed with the
following conditions: type Il diabetes,
hypertension, and asthma.
For each condition, she sees a different provider
in a different health care institution. However, all
of the institutions are affiliated with a large
regional health care system. Cindy takes five
prescription medications for her conditions and
fills them at three different pharmacies, each
located near one of her providers. In the past,
she has kept her medical records in a box in her
closet. She has become frustrated with the lack
of communication among her providers and her
relationship with them.
Step 2: Create a 8-to-10 slide presentation.
Respond to the following questions, and if
relevant, include your personal experience.
• What types of individuals typically have a
personal health record (PHR)? How does
Cindy fit this profile?
• How could a PHR help Cindy better manage
her diagnoses?
• Why do people choose to have PHRs? Do
you feel Cindy would be one of those
The Living World
She has been diagnosed with the following conditions: type Il diabetes, hypertension, and asthma. For each condition, she sees a different provider in a different health care institution. However, all of the institutions are affiliated with a large regional health care system. Cindy takes five prescription medications for her conditions and fills them at three different pharmacies, each located near one of her providers. In the past, she has kept her medical records in a box in her closet. She has become frustrated with the lack of communication among her providers and her relationship with them. Step 2: Create a 8-to-10 slide presentation. Respond to the following questions, and if relevant, include your personal experience. • What types of individuals typically have a personal health record (PHR)? How does Cindy fit this profile? • How could a PHR help Cindy better manage her diagnoses? • Why do people choose to have PHRs? Do you feel Cindy would be one of those
What is the maximum number of electrons that can be identified
with each of following sets of quantum numbers? If there are
none, enter 0.
a. n = 4, l=0, me = 0, m,
b. n = 6, l=1, m = -1
c. n = 3
m₂ = + 1/1/2
= +
d. n = 3, l = 3
The Living World
What is the maximum number of electrons that can be identified with each of following sets of quantum numbers? If there are none, enter 0. a. n = 4, l=0, me = 0, m, 2 b. n = 6, l=1, m = -1 6 c. n = 3 10 m₂ = + 1/1/2 = + d. n = 3, l = 3 0