The Living World Questions and Answers

provides evidence for
evolution. Darwin
noted that iguanas
from South America
differed from those
A. the Caledonian Mountains.
B. the canopy of the rainforest
C. a neighboring continent.
D. the Galapagos Islands.
The Living World
Biogeography provides evidence for evolution. Darwin noted that iguanas from South America differed from those from A. the Caledonian Mountains. B. the canopy of the rainforest C. a neighboring continent. D. the Galapagos Islands.
The Edict of Milan
in the _ 
Roman Empire.
A. forbade Christianity
B. established religious
tolerance for Christians
C. split the Roman Empire for
D. brought the Roman Empire
back together
The Living World
The Edict of Milan in the _ Roman Empire. A. forbade Christianity B. established religious tolerance for Christians C. split the Roman Empire for good D. brought the Roman Empire back together
Using the alternating method,
where does the following 
explanation belong in the outline
of Body Paragraph 1?
In this instance, the tone is
humorous as the narrator
describes a very important detail
like a frog being in one's food as
"seemingly frivolous," or no big
A. Explanation 1
B. Explanation 2
C. Explanation 3
The Living World
Using the alternating method, where does the following explanation belong in the outline of Body Paragraph 1? In this instance, the tone is humorous as the narrator describes a very important detail like a frog being in one's food as "seemingly frivolous," or no big deal. A. Explanation 1 B. Explanation 2 C. Explanation 3
17. The body will attempt to overcome an increase in the extracellular fluid by
(a) increasing aldosterone and ADH production
(b) decreasing ADH production
(c) increasing aldosterone production
(d) increasing ADH production
The Living World
17. The body will attempt to overcome an increase in the extracellular fluid by (a) increasing aldosterone and ADH production (b) decreasing ADH production (c) increasing aldosterone production (d) increasing ADH production
The cytoskeleton of a
cell is most analogous
to the _ of a human.
A. exoskeleton
B. endoskeleton
C. nervous system
D. integumentary system
The Living World
The cytoskeleton of a cell is most analogous to the _ of a human. A. exoskeleton B. endoskeleton C. nervous system D. integumentary system
Consider the following data for potassium:
You may find additional useful data in the ALEKS Data tab.
Does the following reaction absorb or release energy?
(1) K (g) + eK (g)
Is it possible to calculate the amount of energy absorbed
or released by reaction (1) using only the data above?
If you answered yes to the previous question, enter the
amount of energy absorbed or released by reaction (1):
Does the following reaction absorb or release energy?
(2) K (g) + K (g)
Is it possible to calculate the amount of energy absorbed
or released by reaction (2) using only the data above?
If you answered yes to the previous question, enter the
amount of energy absorbed or released by reaction (2):
Can't be decided with the data given.
Can't be decided with the data given.
X 4 ?
The Living World
Consider the following data for potassium: You may find additional useful data in the ALEKS Data tab. Does the following reaction absorb or release energy? (1) K (g) + eK (g) Is it possible to calculate the amount of energy absorbed or released by reaction (1) using only the data above? If you answered yes to the previous question, enter the amount of energy absorbed or released by reaction (1): Does the following reaction absorb or release energy? (2) K (g) + K (g) Is it possible to calculate the amount of energy absorbed or released by reaction (2) using only the data above? If you answered yes to the previous question, enter the amount of energy absorbed or released by reaction (2): release absorb Can't be decided with the data given. yes no kJ/mol release absorb Can't be decided with the data given. yes no kJ/mal X 4 ?
3. Mrs. Rosen allowed her daughter, Tia, to pick the name for their new kitten they adopted
at the Humane Society. Tia thought about it for a while and finally decided to name her
new kitten, Kitty. Mrs. Rosen thought this name was very odd and common, but she decided
that Kitty was a rose by any other name, and it was just as sweet.
What is the allusion in this sentence?
What does this allusion mean?
***** A
The Living World
3. Mrs. Rosen allowed her daughter, Tia, to pick the name for their new kitten they adopted at the Humane Society. Tia thought about it for a while and finally decided to name her new kitten, Kitty. Mrs. Rosen thought this name was very odd and common, but she decided that Kitty was a rose by any other name, and it was just as sweet. What is the allusion in this sentence? What does this allusion mean? ***** A ****
Which topic sentence belongs in
body paragraph
A. Saki's use of irony suggests the imagination
of a child is more useful than adult authority.
B. Saki's use of tone suggests the imagination
of a child is more useful than adult authority.
C. Saki's imagery suggests the imagination of a
child is more useful than adult authority.
The Living World
Which topic sentence belongs in body paragraph #3? A. Saki's use of irony suggests the imagination of a child is more useful than adult authority. B. Saki's use of tone suggests the imagination of a child is more useful than adult authority. C. Saki's imagery suggests the imagination of a child is more useful than adult authority.
Some incoming wavelengths of solar radiation can be deflected by molecules of atmospheric gases, fine dust, and smoke. What is the term for this process?
The Living World
Some incoming wavelengths of solar radiation can be deflected by molecules of atmospheric gases, fine dust, and smoke. What is the term for this process? Scattering Spreading Diverting Reflecting
Which sentence correctly uses
the second definition for state?
A. Please state the order of the main battles of
the American Civil War.
B. When it comes to math, I am usually in a
constant state of confusion.
C. Though I now live in California, I was raised
in the State of New York.
Multiple Meaning Words
Illustrate-v. to show with pictures or
graphics; v. to provide examples
Infer-v. to hint, imply, suggest; v. to draw a
conclusion through reasoning
Justify-v. to show or prove to be right; v. to
The Living World
Which sentence correctly uses the second definition for state? A. Please state the order of the main battles of the American Civil War. B. When it comes to math, I am usually in a constant state of confusion. C. Though I now live in California, I was raised in the State of New York. Multiple Meaning Words Vocabulary Illustrate-v. to show with pictures or graphics; v. to provide examples Infer-v. to hint, imply, suggest; v. to draw a conclusion through reasoning Justify-v. to show or prove to be right; v. to
For the Aztecs, one
of the benefits of
Chenopods as a
farming technique
A. They provided multiple
harvests throughout the year
B. They were virtually
maintenance free
C. They could accommodate
carts and horses
The Living World
For the Aztecs, one of the benefits of Chenopods as a farming technique was A. They provided multiple harvests throughout the year B. They were virtually maintenance free C. They could accommodate carts and horses
Which of the
following words
shares a word part
- prefix, suffix, or
root - with
A. tentative
B. entertaining
C. unknown
The Living World
Which of the following words shares a word part - prefix, suffix, or root - with "unintended"? A. tentative B. entertaining C. unknown
In this passage from "The Gift of
the Magi," O. Henry uses
concrete details to do which of
the following?
8- Her eyes were shining
brilliantly, but her face had lost its
color within twenty seconds.
Rapidly she pulled down her hair
and let it fall to its full length.
A. visualize the setting
B. understand the plot
C. make inferences about the characters
The Living World
In this passage from "The Gift of the Magi," O. Henry uses concrete details to do which of the following? 8- Her eyes were shining brilliantly, but her face had lost its color within twenty seconds. Rapidly she pulled down her hair and let it fall to its full length. A. visualize the setting B. understand the plot C. make inferences about the characters
What is ironical about the
"nonsense" that the aunt accuses
Nicholas of in sections 1 and 2?
A. The "nonsense" is the absolute truth.
B. The aunt is very protective of the children.
C. The aunt loves Nicolas and believes
everything he says.
The Lumber Room
by Saki
1- The children were to be driven, as a special
treat, to the sands at Jagborough. Nicholas was
not to be of the party; he was in disgrace. Only
that morning he had refused to eat his
wholesome bread-and-milk on the seemingly
frivolous ground that there was a frog in it. Older
and wiser and better people had told him that
there could not possibly be a frog in his bread-
The Living World
What is ironical about the "nonsense" that the aunt accuses Nicholas of in sections 1 and 2? A. The "nonsense" is the absolute truth. B. The aunt is very protective of the children. C. The aunt loves Nicolas and believes everything he says. The Lumber Room by Saki 1- The children were to be driven, as a special treat, to the sands at Jagborough. Nicholas was not to be of the party; he was in disgrace. Only that morning he had refused to eat his wholesome bread-and-milk on the seemingly frivolous ground that there was a frog in it. Older and wiser and better people had told him that there could not possibly be a frog in his bread-
Which part of the sample
introduction is Section 4?
A. This is the hook that gets the audience's
B. This is the introduction of the author and
C. This is the brief summary that recaps the
D. This is the thesis that identifies the literary
devices and a theme or message.
The Living World
Which part of the sample introduction is Section 4? A. This is the hook that gets the audience's attention. B. This is the introduction of the author and title. C. This is the brief summary that recaps the plot. D. This is the thesis that identifies the literary devices and a theme or message.
Which section from "The Gift of
the Magi" has an example of the
narrator making a direct
observation, which points to a
A. Sec. 2: "Which instigates the moral reflection
that life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles"
B. Sec. 9: "Now, there were two possessions of
the ... Young's in which they both took a mighty
C. Sec. 38: "For there lay The Combs ... that
Della had worshipped long in a Broadway
The Living World
Which section from "The Gift of the Magi" has an example of the narrator making a direct observation, which points to a theme? A. Sec. 2: "Which instigates the moral reflection that life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles" B. Sec. 9: "Now, there were two possessions of the ... Young's in which they both took a mighty pride" C. Sec. 38: "For there lay The Combs ... that Della had worshipped long in a Broadway window."
From the highlighted passages in
Sections 32-34, what do you infer
about Nicholas?
A. Nicholas really wants strawberry jam.
B. Nicholas actually thinks he is talking to the
C. Nicholas is quick-witted.
The Living World
From the highlighted passages in Sections 32-34, what do you infer about Nicholas? A. Nicholas really wants strawberry jam. B. Nicholas actually thinks he is talking to the Devil! C. Nicholas is quick-witted.
Which of the following is a cause
of Nicholas' wanting to go into the
Lumber Room?
A. He wanted to get away from his crying
B. His aunt barred him from the room, which
made him want to go into the room.
C. He wanted to see if the strawberry jelly was
in the Lumber Room.
The Living World
Which of the following is a cause of Nicholas' wanting to go into the Lumber Room? A. He wanted to get away from his crying cousin. B. His aunt barred him from the room, which made him want to go into the room. C. He wanted to see if the strawberry jelly was in the Lumber Room.
What is the narrator's point of
view in this excerpt from James
Thurber's "The Secret Life of
Walter Mitty"?
A. Third Person Limited - the narrator knows
the thoughts of only one character
B. First Person - the narrator is a character in
the story
C. Third Person Omniscient - the narrator
knows the thoughts of all the characters
Excerpt: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
by James Thurber
"Back it up, Mac!! Look out for that Buick!"
Walter Mitty jammed on the brakes. "Wrong
lane, Mac," said the parking-lot attendant,
The Living World
What is the narrator's point of view in this excerpt from James Thurber's "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"? A. Third Person Limited - the narrator knows the thoughts of only one character B. First Person - the narrator is a character in the story C. Third Person Omniscient - the narrator knows the thoughts of all the characters Excerpt: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber "Back it up, Mac!! Look out for that Buick!" Walter Mitty jammed on the brakes. "Wrong lane, Mac," said the parking-lot attendant,
Which of the following events
occurs first in the sequencing of
"The Interlopers" by Saki?
A. Two men, whose families are feuding, keep
watch one stormy night, each hoping to kill the
B. The two enemies suddenly come upon one
C. The men make friends and wait to be
The Living World
Which of the following events occurs first in the sequencing of "The Interlopers" by Saki? A. Two men, whose families are feuding, keep watch one stormy night, each hoping to kill the other. B. The two enemies suddenly come upon one another. C. The men make friends and wait to be rescued.
Which literary device(s) would be
best to include as the topic of this
excerpt from "The Gift of the
A. The device of allusion, which appeared
several times in the text and supports the
B. The device of alliteration, which occurs one
time in the text and does not support the theme.
C. The device of simile, which occurs
throughout the text and supports the theme.
The Living World
Which literary device(s) would be best to include as the topic of this excerpt from "The Gift of the Magi"? A. The device of allusion, which appeared several times in the text and supports the theme. B. The device of alliteration, which occurs one time in the text and does not support the theme. C. The device of simile, which occurs throughout the text and supports the theme.
In a very short
amount of time from
620 B.C.E. to 711
B.C.E., Islam had
spread from
to Spain and all
across Africa.
A. China
B. India
C. The Americas
D. England
The Living World
In a very short amount of time from 620 B.C.E. to 711 B.C.E., Islam had spread from to Spain and all across Africa. A. China B. India C. The Americas D. England
Which of the following
is a characteristic of a
literary analysis topic?
A. a literary analysis topic must
focus on between 2 to 3
elements of the text
B. a literary analysis topic must
focus on 1 element of the text
C. a literary analysis topic must
focus on 10 elements of the text
The Living World
Which of the following is a characteristic of a literary analysis topic? A. a literary analysis topic must focus on between 2 to 3 elements of the text B. a literary analysis topic must focus on 1 element of the text C. a literary analysis topic must focus on 10 elements of the text
Which of the
following words
shares a word part
prefix, suffix, or
root - with
A. enlightening
B. softening
C. interesting
The Living World
Which of the following words shares a word part prefix, suffix, or root - with "unenlightened"? A. enlightening B. softening C. interesting
Which of these is a difference
between Benetton's sculpture
and Darwin's poem?
A. The sculpture depicts a moment in time; the
poem describes an entire experience.
B. The sculpture depicts the life of Icarus; the
poem describes his death.
C. The sculpture depicts just one part of Icarus;
the poem describes everything about Icarus.
The Living World
Which of these is a difference between Benetton's sculpture and Darwin's poem? A. The sculpture depicts a moment in time; the poem describes an entire experience. B. The sculpture depicts the life of Icarus; the poem describes his death. C. The sculpture depicts just one part of Icarus; the poem describes everything about Icarus.
How does the marked passage in
Section 4 of Maupassant's "The
Necklace" show how Mathilde
and her husband are different?
A. Mathilde didn't like soup but her husband
B. Mathilde was not accepting of their lifestyle
while her husband was happy for what they
C. Mathilde had tasted better things than her
husband had.
The Living World
How does the marked passage in Section 4 of Maupassant's "The Necklace" show how Mathilde and her husband are different? A. Mathilde didn't like soup but her husband did. B. Mathilde was not accepting of their lifestyle while her husband was happy for what they had. C. Mathilde had tasted better things than her husband had.
Which part of the sample
introduction is Section 2?
A. This is the hook that gets the audience's
B. This is the introduction of the author and
C. This is the brief summary that recaps the
D. This is the thesis that identifies the literary
devices and a theme or message.
The Living World
Which part of the sample introduction is Section 2? A. This is the hook that gets the audience's attention. B. This is the introduction of the author and title. C. This is the brief summary that recaps the plot. D. This is the thesis that identifies the literary devices and a theme or message.
The Byzantine
Empire eventually
shrunk to half its size
A. it could no longer support
the cost of its own defense
B. most people fled after the
split with Rome
C. Emperor Justinian was
terribly unpopular
D. disease ravaged the
outlying communities
The Living World
The Byzantine Empire eventually shrunk to half its size because A. it could no longer support the cost of its own defense B. most people fled after the split with Rome C. Emperor Justinian was terribly unpopular D. disease ravaged the outlying communities
Which of the following shows
irony in Twain's "The Invalid's
A. The box of guns was confused for the body
of the narrator's friend.
B. The cheese, which should be cold, is kept
warm; the people, who should be kept warm,
are freezing.
C. The expressman, Thompson, liked to sing
and was proud of his express car.
The Living World
Which of the following shows irony in Twain's "The Invalid's Story"? A. The box of guns was confused for the body of the narrator's friend. B. The cheese, which should be cold, is kept warm; the people, who should be kept warm, are freezing. C. The expressman, Thompson, liked to sing and was proud of his express car.
What can we infer about how
feels about the aunt based on his
comments in Section 10 ?
10- "He told you twice, but you
weren't listening. You often don't
listen when we tell you important
A. We infer that Nicholas thinks the aunt is
getting to be hard of hearing.
B. Nicholas thinks that the aunt often doesn't
care about the children's needs and concerns.
C. Nicholas feels that the aunt always listens to
the children.
The Living World
What can we infer about how Nicholas feels about the aunt based on his comments in Section 10 ? 10- "He told you twice, but you weren't listening. You often don't listen when we tell you important things." A. We infer that Nicholas thinks the aunt is getting to be hard of hearing. B. Nicholas thinks that the aunt often doesn't care about the children's needs and concerns. C. Nicholas feels that the aunt always listens to the children.
In the early 20th century, what duty fell to many young adults?
A. Educating the children in their community
B. Supporting their elderly parents financially
C. Teaching their parents how to support themselves
D. Providing food for the homeless in their towns
The Living World
In the early 20th century, what duty fell to many young adults? A. Educating the children in their community B. Supporting their elderly parents financially C. Teaching their parents how to support themselves D. Providing food for the homeless in their towns
After the fall of Rome,
an obsession with
developed in
Western Europe
during the Middle
A. power
B. food
C. weaponry
D. God
The Living World
After the fall of Rome, an obsession with developed in Western Europe during the Middle Ages. A. power B. food C. weaponry D. God
What was the direct effect of
Nicholas sneaking into the
Lumber Room?
A. The aunt watches the garden all day.
B. The aunt falls into the rain-water tank.
C. Nicholas misses the trip to Jagborough.
The Living World
What was the direct effect of Nicholas sneaking into the Lumber Room? A. The aunt watches the garden all day. B. The aunt falls into the rain-water tank. C. Nicholas misses the trip to Jagborough.
A "foil" is a character whose traits
contrast with and therefore
the main character's
After reading Saki's "The
Interlopers," you can see that
Ulrich's and Georg's men act as a
foil to Ulrich and Georg in that
A. the men are not as actively and hatefully
part of the feud as their masters are.
B. their men are not loyal to anyone, while
Ulrich and Georg have always been loyal to
each other.
C. their men wanted the feud to keep going,
while Ulrich and Georg kept trying to settle it.
The Living World
A "foil" is a character whose traits contrast with and therefore accentuate the main character's traits. After reading Saki's "The Interlopers," you can see that Ulrich's and Georg's men act as a foil to Ulrich and Georg in that A. the men are not as actively and hatefully part of the feud as their masters are. B. their men are not loyal to anyone, while Ulrich and Georg have always been loyal to each other. C. their men wanted the feud to keep going, while Ulrich and Georg kept trying to settle it.
What is the narrator's point of
view in "The Interlopers"?
A. Third Person Omniscient - the narrator
knows the thoughts of all the characters
B. First Person - the narrator is a character in
the story
C. Third Person Limited - the narrator knows
the thoughts of only one character
The Living World
What is the narrator's point of view in "The Interlopers"? A. Third Person Omniscient - the narrator knows the thoughts of all the characters B. First Person - the narrator is a character in the story C. Third Person Limited - the narrator knows the thoughts of only one character
A source of despair
for Muhammed was
A. The focus on material
wealth and gain in his
B. He did not have a wife
C. His inability to earn a
The Living World
A source of despair for Muhammed was A. The focus on material wealth and gain in his culture B. He did not have a wife C. His inability to earn a living
The Sui Dynasty began
A. Political upheaval
B. Marriage
C. War
D. Default
The Living World
The Sui Dynasty began through_________. A. Political upheaval B. Marriage C. War D. Default
Which line is an example of iambic pentameter?
A. And I do love thee: therefore, go with me
B. But how of Cawdor? The thane of Cawdor lives
C. Fear no more the heat o' the sun
D. To be, or not to be, that is the question
The Living World
Which line is an example of iambic pentameter? A. And I do love thee: therefore, go with me B. But how of Cawdor? The thane of Cawdor lives C. Fear no more the heat o' the sun D. To be, or not to be, that is the question
In Sec. 49 of "The Necklace,"
Mathilde is at the ball "forgetting
all in the triumph of her beauty..."
What is the "all" that Mathilde is
A. She is forgetting that she must return the
borrowed necklace by midnight.
B. She is forgetting that there is to be another
ball the next night, and she must arrange to
C. She is forgetting that though she tries to look
rich (gown, necklace), really she is poor (Sec.
The Living World
In Sec. 49 of "The Necklace," Mathilde is at the ball "forgetting all in the triumph of her beauty..." What is the "all" that Mathilde is forgetting? A. She is forgetting that she must return the borrowed necklace by midnight. B. She is forgetting that there is to be another ball the next night, and she must arrange to attend. C. She is forgetting that though she tries to look rich (gown, necklace), really she is poor (Sec. 51).
In retrospect, the
Crusades can be seen
as the impetus for
A. unification
B. exploration
C. demise
D. feudalism
The Living World
In retrospect, the Crusades can be seen as the impetus for European A. unification B. exploration C. demise D. feudalism
One of the reasons
that the Americas
are somewhat
in the
era from 600 C.E. to
1450 C.E. is
A. they were left out of trade
B. nothing was really
happening there
C. they were unpopulated
D. they were dominated by
religious zealots
The Living World
One of the reasons that the Americas are somewhat insignificant in the era from 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E. is A. they were left out of trade expansion B. nothing was really happening there C. they were unpopulated D. they were dominated by religious zealots
How does the marked passage in
Sections 31-33 of Maupassant's
"The Necklace" show how
Mathilde and her husband are
A. Mathilde's husband thinks simple things can
be beautiful, while Mathilde believes money
buys beauty.
B. Mathilde doesn't believe that flowers are
C. Mathilde's husband is cheap and will only
allow her to buy flowers.
The Living World
How does the marked passage in Sections 31-33 of Maupassant's "The Necklace" show how Mathilde and her husband are different? A. Mathilde's husband thinks simple things can be beautiful, while Mathilde believes money buys beauty. B. Mathilde doesn't believe that flowers are beautiful. C. Mathilde's husband is cheap and will only allow her to buy flowers.
Which passage from "The Gift of
the Magi" is an example of
A. no mortal finger could coax a ring
B. So Della did it.
C. that was all
The Living World
Which passage from "The Gift of the Magi" is an example of imagery? A. no mortal finger could coax a ring B. So Della did it. C. that was all
Dominance in genetics is on a spectrum. A
person with one recessive [?] for sickle cell
disease will still [ ] aspects of the trait, but is
not considered to have the disease.
A locus
C allele
The Living World
Dominance in genetics is on a spectrum. A person with one recessive [?] for sickle cell disease will still [ ] aspects of the trait, but is not considered to have the disease. A locus B DNA molecule C allele
The women of the
Umayyad tribes did
not have to wear
they were still not
equal to men.
A. Veils
B. Dresses
C. Shoes
D. Corsets
The Living World
The women of the Umayyad tribes did not have to wear but they were still not equal to men. A. Veils B. Dresses C. Shoes D. Corsets
Which sentence
below has
a misplaced modifier?
A. I always wanted a Jeep with
huge tires in the color of candy
apple red.
B. I always wanted a Jeep in
the color of candy apple red
with huge tires.
C. I always wanted a candy
apple red colored Jeep with
huge tires.
The Living World
Which sentence below has a misplaced modifier? A. I always wanted a Jeep with huge tires in the color of candy apple red. B. I always wanted a Jeep in the color of candy apple red with huge tires. C. I always wanted a candy apple red colored Jeep with huge tires.
A "foil" is a character whose
attributes contrast with and
therefore accentuate the main
character's attributes.
In "The Invalid's Story"
Thompson is a foil to the narrator
in that
A. Thompson speaks in slang and says what is
on his mind; the narrator is formal and
B. Thompson is shy, and the narrator is brash
and outspoken.
C. Both men are emotional and struggle to
manage those emotions.
The Living World
A "foil" is a character whose attributes contrast with and therefore accentuate the main character's attributes. In "The Invalid's Story" Thompson is a foil to the narrator in that A. Thompson speaks in slang and says what is on his mind; the narrator is formal and calculated. B. Thompson is shy, and the narrator is brash and outspoken. C. Both men are emotional and struggle to manage those emotions.
"The Invalid's Story"?
8- He gasped once or twice, the 9
moved toward the cof--gun-box,
stood over that Limburger cheese
part of a moment, then came
back and sat down near me,
looking a good deal impressed.
After a contemplative pause, he
said, indicating the box with a
"Friend of yourn?"
9-"Yes," I said with a sigh.
"He's pretty ripe, ain't he!"
A. Thompson realized how smelly the cheese
was when he walked closer to it.
B. Thompson thought it was the contents of the
box that smelled, but it was really the cheese.
C. Thompson enjoyed the smell of the cheese,
even though the narrator did not.
The Living World
"The Invalid's Story"? 8- He gasped once or twice, the 9 moved toward the cof--gun-box, stood over that Limburger cheese part of a moment, then came back and sat down near me, looking a good deal impressed. After a contemplative pause, he said, indicating the box with a gesture-- "Friend of yourn?" 9-"Yes," I said with a sigh. "He's pretty ripe, ain't he!" A. Thompson realized how smelly the cheese was when he walked closer to it. B. Thompson thought it was the contents of the box that smelled, but it was really the cheese. C. Thompson enjoyed the smell of the cheese, even though the narrator did not.
The firmware on one of your network routers is out of date, so you download the latest version of the firmware from the
manufacturer's website.
Which order should you complete the following steps in to flash the firmware on the router?
Execute the firmware update.
Make sure the router is not turned off or interrupted
until the update is complete.
up the router's current firmware configuration.
Connect to the router from a computer on the network.
The Living World
The firmware on one of your network routers is out of date, so you download the latest version of the firmware from the manufacturer's website. Which order should you complete the following steps in to flash the firmware on the router? Execute the firmware update. Make sure the router is not turned off or interrupted until the update is complete. Back up the router's current firmware configuration. Connect to the router from a computer on the network.
Under what Athenian
ruler was the golden
A. Alexander
B. Xerxes
C. Darius
D. Pericles
The Living World
Under what Athenian ruler was the golden age? A. Alexander B. Xerxes C. Darius D. Pericles