The Living World Questions and Answers

If subjected to sound frequencies of 25,000 to 100,000 cycles per second, which of the
following would be least affected?
A. a porpoise
B. a house cat
C. a cheetah
D. a bat
E. a human being
The Living World
If subjected to sound frequencies of 25,000 to 100,000 cycles per second, which of the following would be least affected? A. a porpoise B. a house cat C. a cheetah D. a bat E. a human being
Cathie remembers feeling exceptionally exhausted and irritable every January. After years of
struggling with this "winter depression," Cathie went to talk to a physician about her health
concerns. She was diagnosed as having Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. Millions of
Americans are also affected by this disease, which causes anxiety, fatigue, and food cravings.
SAD is associated with lower intensity and abbreviated periods of sunshine. The dark, gloomy
hours of winter along with the shortened days cause this disorder to be the most severe from
November through March. People who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder claim to find
relief with exercise and bright-light therapies.

Based on the passage, where in the United States would a physician encounter the most
cases of SAD?

A. southern Florida
B. northern Minnesota
C. eastern Virginia
D. western lowa
E. southwestern Arizona
The Living World
Cathie remembers feeling exceptionally exhausted and irritable every January. After years of struggling with this "winter depression," Cathie went to talk to a physician about her health concerns. She was diagnosed as having Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. Millions of Americans are also affected by this disease, which causes anxiety, fatigue, and food cravings. SAD is associated with lower intensity and abbreviated periods of sunshine. The dark, gloomy hours of winter along with the shortened days cause this disorder to be the most severe from November through March. People who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder claim to find relief with exercise and bright-light therapies. Based on the passage, where in the United States would a physician encounter the most cases of SAD? A. southern Florida B. northern Minnesota C. eastern Virginia D. western lowa E. southwestern Arizona
Which statement best describes how potassium bonds with bromine?

Potassium will donate an electron to bromine.
Bromine will donate an electron to potassium.
Bromine will donate seven electrons to potassium.
Potassium will share seven electrons with bromine.
The Living World
Which statement best describes how potassium bonds with bromine? Potassium will donate an electron to bromine. Bromine will donate an electron to potassium. Bromine will donate seven electrons to potassium. Potassium will share seven electrons with bromine.
Anthropology is the study of human being to all places and at any time.
The Living World
Anthropology is the study of human being to all places and at any time. True False
Which of the following is an evaluative thesis?

a) Walking and running are both great
forms of exercise, but running offers far
more cardiovascular benefits.
b) Both pigeons and crows live just about
everywhere in the world, but the two
birds look and behave differently.
c) Creating a painting and writing a poem
are both alike and different.
d) Broccoli and brussel sprouts both offer
high fiber, vitamin C, and iron, but differ
in their appearances and flavors.
The Living World
Which of the following is an evaluative thesis? a) Walking and running are both great forms of exercise, but running offers far more cardiovascular benefits. b) Both pigeons and crows live just about everywhere in the world, but the two birds look and behave differently. c) Creating a painting and writing a poem are both alike and different. d) Broccoli and brussel sprouts both offer high fiber, vitamin C, and iron, but differ in their appearances and flavors.
Which report does NOT seem to require your urgent follow-up and further study?
The report about military recruits
The report about seniors at the elder care center
The report about high school students
The report about the kids at camp
The Living World
Which report does NOT seem to require your urgent follow-up and further study? The report about military recruits The report about seniors at the elder care center The report about high school students The report about the kids at camp
Which of the following is an explanatory thesis?

a) Email is a good way to keep in touch;
however, writing a hand-written letter
is more satisfying.

b) Working two part-time jobs is more
stressful, more challenging, and less
lucrative than working one full-time job.

c) Susan is a strong candidate for
president, but Helen is even stronger.

d) The South Pole and the North Pole are
both very much alike but also very
The Living World
Which of the following is an explanatory thesis? a) Email is a good way to keep in touch; however, writing a hand-written letter is more satisfying. b) Working two part-time jobs is more stressful, more challenging, and less lucrative than working one full-time job. c) Susan is a strong candidate for president, but Helen is even stronger. d) The South Pole and the North Pole are both very much alike but also very different.
Based on the following description, draw the cell signaling pathway described (you
only need to draw the pathway in one cell, but show the type of signaling described).
Label all your parts. Circle the signal transduction pathway and put a box around the
cell response. Finally, state what type of signaling this is.

Compound X is released from one cell and activates not only itself, but neighboring cells.
When compound X binds its receptor, some of the serine amino acids on the cytoplasmic
side of the receptor are phosphorylated. Label what type of receptor this is. This leads
to the receptor phosphorylating a cytoplasmic protein (figure out and label what type of
protein this is based on the receptor type). There is a scaffolding protein that
organizes the 4 other proteins involved in signal transduction. Eventually, several genes
are turned on for transcription / expression.
The Living World
Based on the following description, draw the cell signaling pathway described (you only need to draw the pathway in one cell, but show the type of signaling described). Label all your parts. Circle the signal transduction pathway and put a box around the cell response. Finally, state what type of signaling this is. Compound X is released from one cell and activates not only itself, but neighboring cells. When compound X binds its receptor, some of the serine amino acids on the cytoplasmic side of the receptor are phosphorylated. Label what type of receptor this is. This leads to the receptor phosphorylating a cytoplasmic protein (figure out and label what type of protein this is based on the receptor type). There is a scaffolding protein that organizes the 4 other proteins involved in signal transduction. Eventually, several genes are turned on for transcription / expression.
Bob is 67 years old and is experiencing a bout of shingles due to a reactivation of the virus that caused him to have chicken pox when he was a child (the varicella-zoster virus). It is only manifesting only on the right side of his back between T5 and T7.

Relate this scenario to what you know about a dermatome. (Be sure to include a definition of dermatome in your response. ) In
addition, explain why it is only on the right side.
The Living World
Bob is 67 years old and is experiencing a bout of shingles due to a reactivation of the virus that caused him to have chicken pox when he was a child (the varicella-zoster virus). It is only manifesting only on the right side of his back between T5 and T7. Relate this scenario to what you know about a dermatome. (Be sure to include a definition of dermatome in your response. ) In addition, explain why it is only on the right side.
Although most animals and some plants detect and respond to sound vibrations, the precise
sensitivity that we call hearing is rare in the living world. It is highly developed only in birds and
mammals, and the same operational system applies in all vertebrate auditory systems. Sound
waves cause a liquid within the organism's auditory apparatus to vibrate. These vibrations are
picked up by receptors that transmit signals to nerve cells. These cells then communicate the
sound to the brain. Humans can hear vibrational frequencies of 20 to 20,000 cycles per
second; cats respond to frequencies of up to 50,000 cycles per second; and porpoises and
bats pick up frequencies of 100,000 cycles per second.

Which statement does the passage support?
A. Humans have the best hearing of all animals.
B. Cats and porpoises are adapted to hearing low frequencies.
C. Ears are damaged by high frequencies.
D. Some frequencies are beyond the human hearing range.
E. Invertebrates have better "hearing" systems than vertebrates.
The Living World
Although most animals and some plants detect and respond to sound vibrations, the precise sensitivity that we call hearing is rare in the living world. It is highly developed only in birds and mammals, and the same operational system applies in all vertebrate auditory systems. Sound waves cause a liquid within the organism's auditory apparatus to vibrate. These vibrations are picked up by receptors that transmit signals to nerve cells. These cells then communicate the sound to the brain. Humans can hear vibrational frequencies of 20 to 20,000 cycles per second; cats respond to frequencies of up to 50,000 cycles per second; and porpoises and bats pick up frequencies of 100,000 cycles per second. Which statement does the passage support? A. Humans have the best hearing of all animals. B. Cats and porpoises are adapted to hearing low frequencies. C. Ears are damaged by high frequencies. D. Some frequencies are beyond the human hearing range. E. Invertebrates have better "hearing" systems than vertebrates.
Fat can be defined loosely as a source for energy storage in the human body. The human anatomy is designed to carry food reserves to ensure the body's survival when food becomes scarce. However, in our slim-conscious society, many people go to great lengths to keep fat from accumulating on their bodies, sometimes with harmful effects. Fat is more efficient in storing energy than carbohydrates for several reasons. First, fat is a highly concentrated energy source. Second, fat weighs less than the same energy amount of carbohydrates. Third, fat is much more efficient to carry as an energy source because it does not hold water as do carbohydrates. For example, an average 70-kilogram human male normally has about 11 kilograms of fat in his body. This fat represents enough stored energy to keep him alive for a month without eating. The same amount of energy stored as starch would double his body weight. Which view does the passage support? 
A. Being obese is healthier than being underweight. 
B. Reserves of fat serve no purpose in the human body. 
C. Excessive dieting can be detrimental to one's health. 
D. Fats lead to high levels of cholesterol. 
E. One heavy meal each day suffices for usual intake.
The Living World
Fat can be defined loosely as a source for energy storage in the human body. The human anatomy is designed to carry food reserves to ensure the body's survival when food becomes scarce. However, in our slim-conscious society, many people go to great lengths to keep fat from accumulating on their bodies, sometimes with harmful effects. Fat is more efficient in storing energy than carbohydrates for several reasons. First, fat is a highly concentrated energy source. Second, fat weighs less than the same energy amount of carbohydrates. Third, fat is much more efficient to carry as an energy source because it does not hold water as do carbohydrates. For example, an average 70-kilogram human male normally has about 11 kilograms of fat in his body. This fat represents enough stored energy to keep him alive for a month without eating. The same amount of energy stored as starch would double his body weight. Which view does the passage support? A. Being obese is healthier than being underweight. B. Reserves of fat serve no purpose in the human body. C. Excessive dieting can be detrimental to one's health. D. Fats lead to high levels of cholesterol. E. One heavy meal each day suffices for usual intake.
1) Which of these people groups FIRST developed complex society in the region identified in the map?
A) Aryans
B) Sumerians
C) Egyptians
D) Assyrians
The Living World
1) Which of these people groups FIRST developed complex society in the region identified in the map? A) Aryans B) Sumerians C) Egyptians D) Assyrians
An atom consists of three types of smaller particles called:
Protons, neutrons, and positrons.
Positrons, neutrons and electrons
Photons, neutrons and electrons.
Protons, neutrons and electrons.
The Living World
An atom consists of three types of smaller particles called: Protons, neutrons, and positrons. Positrons, neutrons and electrons Photons, neutrons and electrons. Protons, neutrons and electrons.
Which of the following is a qualitative observation?
The boiling point of water is 100°C.
The elephant weighs 14,652 pounds.
The beetle is purple with black spots.
The vervet monkey troop has 17 members.
The Living World
Which of the following is a qualitative observation? The boiling point of water is 100°C. The elephant weighs 14,652 pounds. The beetle is purple with black spots. The vervet monkey troop has 17 members.
details under each main heading from the text.
READING TOOL Main Idea and Details As you read, identify the main idea and supporting
Main Idea
Agriculture and Industry
GM Crops
GM Animals
Health and Medicine
Genetic Testing
Medical Research
Preventing and Treating
Examining Active Genes
Personal Identification
Forensic Science
Fallen Heroes
Establishing Relationships
Evidence and Details
The Living World
details under each main heading from the text. READING TOOL Main Idea and Details As you read, identify the main idea and supporting Main Idea Agriculture and Industry GM Crops GM Animals Health and Medicine Genetic Testing Medical Research Preventing and Treating Disease Examining Active Genes Personal Identification Forensic Science Fallen Heroes Establishing Relationships Evidence and Details
Scientists are discovering many species of bacteria that are able to ingest and break down plastics in the environment environmental parameters in the area after the release?
to ensure the bacteria aren't dying off
to ensure the plastic is being consumed
to know when to add more bacteria when the original set gets used up
to make sure the bacteria doesn't impact the ecosystem around where it was released
The Living World
Scientists are discovering many species of bacteria that are able to ingest and break down plastics in the environment environmental parameters in the area after the release? to ensure the bacteria aren't dying off to ensure the plastic is being consumed to know when to add more bacteria when the original set gets used up to make sure the bacteria doesn't impact the ecosystem around where it was released
Deforestation and forest degradation are the biggest threats to forests worldwide. Deforestation occurs when forests are converted to non-forest uses, such as agriculture and road construction. Forest degradation occurs when forest ecosystems lose their capacity to provide important goods and services to people and nature. Is this sustainable land use? Why or why not? Explain your thinking.
The Living World
Deforestation and forest degradation are the biggest threats to forests worldwide. Deforestation occurs when forests are converted to non-forest uses, such as agriculture and road construction. Forest degradation occurs when forest ecosystems lose their capacity to provide important goods and services to people and nature. Is this sustainable land use? Why or why not? Explain your thinking.
Melissa is younger than Natalie and is older and shorter than Jason. Natalie is taller and younger than Ken, but Ken is taller than Jason.
• List the ages of the four people in order, starting with the oldest.
• List the heights of the four people in order, starting with the tallest.
2nd Oldest
2nd Youngest
The Living World
Melissa is younger than Natalie and is older and shorter than Jason. Natalie is taller and younger than Ken, but Ken is taller than Jason. • List the ages of the four people in order, starting with the oldest. • List the heights of the four people in order, starting with the tallest. Oldest 2nd Oldest 2nd Youngest Youngest Tallest
Scientists have found fossils of cyanobacteria that are more than 3.5 billion years old. How did these cyanobacteria help to change Earth's early atmosphere to allow for the evolution of aerobic organisms?
A Cyanobacteria added oxygen to Earth's atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis.
B Cyanobacteria added carbon dioxide to Earth's atmosphere through the process of cellular respiration.
C Cyanobacteria added methane to Earth's atmosphere through the process of chemosynthesis.
D Cyanobacteria added hydrogen to Earth's atmosphere through the process of nuclear fission.
The Living World
Scientists have found fossils of cyanobacteria that are more than 3.5 billion years old. How did these cyanobacteria help to change Earth's early atmosphere to allow for the evolution of aerobic organisms? A Cyanobacteria added oxygen to Earth's atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis. B Cyanobacteria added carbon dioxide to Earth's atmosphere through the process of cellular respiration. C Cyanobacteria added methane to Earth's atmosphere through the process of chemosynthesis. D Cyanobacteria added hydrogen to Earth's atmosphere through the process of nuclear fission.
Discuss four things that you can do before and during harvest to reduce the likelihood of postharvest rots developing in fruits or vegetables
The Living World
Discuss four things that you can do before and during harvest to reduce the likelihood of postharvest rots developing in fruits or vegetables
Which of the following methods would likely be used to insert DNA into a mammalian cell
The Living World
Which of the following methods would likely be used to insert DNA into a mammalian cell Transformation Microinjection Electroporation
Discuss the five different methods used to reduce postharvest losses
The Living World
Discuss the five different methods used to reduce postharvest losses
During which phase of the cell cycle are chromosomes duplicated?
The Living World
During which phase of the cell cycle are chromosomes duplicated? Cytokinesis Mitosis Meiosis Interphase
During embryonic folding, which germ layer will have the largest number of mitotic cells?
None. They are all undergoing mitosis at approximately the same rate.
The Living World
During embryonic folding, which germ layer will have the largest number of mitotic cells? Endoderm None. They are all undergoing mitosis at approximately the same rate. Mesoderm Ectoderm
The smoke and ash produced by fires started from the searing heat of the burning atmosphere only affected the Americas.
The Living World
The smoke and ash produced by fires started from the searing heat of the burning atmosphere only affected the Americas. True False
What mineral, abundant in the Yucatan region, is missing from the cores recovered
from the Chicxulub Crater Peak Ring?
The Living World
What mineral, abundant in the Yucatan region, is missing from the cores recovered from the Chicxulub Crater Peak Ring? gypsum limestone anhydrite halite
Within miles of the asteroid impact, everything in the path of the shock wave
was decimated and totally destroyed.
400 miles
600 miles
800 miles
60 miles
The Living World
Within miles of the asteroid impact, everything in the path of the shock wave was decimated and totally destroyed. 400 miles 600 miles 800 miles 60 miles
The sand layers drilled at the top of the Peak Ring of the Chicxulub Crater are
considered the world's largest tsunami deposits.
The Living World
The sand layers drilled at the top of the Peak Ring of the Chicxulub Crater are considered the world's largest tsunami deposits. True False
What type of rock formed deep underground indicated the drilling had reached impactiles blasted from the crater?
The Living World
What type of rock formed deep underground indicated the drilling had reached impactiles blasted from the crater? granite basalt limestone andesite
The true killer of the dinosaurs was the blockage of sunlight by sulfur, ash and smoke, stopping photosynthesis on Earth.
The Living World
The true killer of the dinosaurs was the blockage of sunlight by sulfur, ash and smoke, stopping photosynthesis on Earth. True False
4. Coenzymes are...
C. enzymes that coagulated into a semi-solid substance at high temperature
D. biological catalysts
B. enzyme's helpers that transitorily accept or donate atoms or electrons during the reaction
A. enzyme's helpers that bind to the substrate
E. the protein portion of an enzyme
The Living World
4. Coenzymes are... C. enzymes that coagulated into a semi-solid substance at high temperature D. biological catalysts B. enzyme's helpers that transitorily accept or donate atoms or electrons during the reaction A. enzyme's helpers that bind to the substrate E. the protein portion of an enzyme
Match the molecules in the left column with what they are able to bind (right column)
non-competitive inhibitor
competitive inhibitor
The Living World
Match the molecules in the left column with what they are able to bind (right column) substrate non-competitive inhibitor competitive inhibitor
Two important coenzymes that function in metabolism are:
All are important coenzymes
FAD and NAD+.
ATP and acetyl CoA
The Living World
Two important coenzymes that function in metabolism are: All are important coenzymes DNA and ATP FAD and NAD+. ATP and acetyl CoA NADP and ATP
A. increase the activation energy and the reaction rate
E. are used up in a reaction and, thus, cells produce them continuously
C. increase temperature or pressure so the reaction takes place
D. increase the energy of the reactants so the reaction takes place
B. decrease the activation energy
The Living World
Enzymes.... A. increase the activation energy and the reaction rate E. are used up in a reaction and, thus, cells produce them continuously C. increase temperature or pressure so the reaction takes place D. increase the energy of the reactants so the reaction takes place B. decrease the activation energy
Which of the following statements about biofilms is incorrect?
a biofilm is a complex of microorganisms surrounded by an extracellular matrix that attaches to a solid surface
Microbes in the biofilm communicate via quorum sensing
The extracellular matrix in biofilms makes microbes more sensitive to antibiotics
Biofilms are responsible for a high percentage of hospital infections
Biofilms need to attach to a solid surface from which they start growing by adding more cells.
The Living World
Which of the following statements about biofilms is incorrect? a biofilm is a complex of microorganisms surrounded by an extracellular matrix that attaches to a solid surface Microbes in the biofilm communicate via quorum sensing The extracellular matrix in biofilms makes microbes more sensitive to antibiotics Biofilms are responsible for a high percentage of hospital infections Biofilms need to attach to a solid surface from which they start growing by adding more cells.
What are effective uses of social media for emergency management.
The Living World
What are effective uses of social media for emergency management.
What attitudes do you see in images from popular culture-in movies, comics, fashion, dolls, advertisements, magazines, calendar art, billboards, etc.?
The Living World
What attitudes do you see in images from popular culture-in movies, comics, fashion, dolls, advertisements, magazines, calendar art, billboards, etc.?
What are strategies for FEMA social media
The Living World
What are strategies for FEMA social media
How is an emergency management course focused on the "evolution of emergency management"? Provide us an example to see how much we have "evolved" in this type of emergency.
The Living World
How is an emergency management course focused on the "evolution of emergency management"? Provide us an example to see how much we have "evolved" in this type of emergency.
What are some scientific concerns we may have others in the future, which makes studying pandemic events even more important?
The Living World
What are some scientific concerns we may have others in the future, which makes studying pandemic events even more important?
Was John Barry correct in his predictions of what the next pandemic would be like?
The Living World
Was John Barry correct in his predictions of what the next pandemic would be like?
As a result of crossing over, sister chromatids are no longer identical to each other.
Crossing over prevents homologous chromosomes from separating during meiosis I.
For crossing over to occur, homologous chromosomes must align precisely early in prophase I so that
nonsister chromatids can exchange corresponding segments of DNA.
Crossing over occurs at the ends of chromosomes, rather than near the centromeres.
The Living World
As a result of crossing over, sister chromatids are no longer identical to each other. Crossing over prevents homologous chromosomes from separating during meiosis I. For crossing over to occur, homologous chromosomes must align precisely early in prophase I so that nonsister chromatids can exchange corresponding segments of DNA. Crossing over occurs at the ends of chromosomes, rather than near the centromeres.
What are the traits for the five generations?
6. iGen known as Generation Z (1997-2012)
7. Millennials (1981-1996)
8. Gen X known as Generation Xers (1965- 1980)
9. Baby Boomers (born in 1946-1964)
10. Silent Generation (born between the years of 1928 and 1945)
The Living World
What are the traits for the five generations? 6. iGen known as Generation Z (1997-2012) 7. Millennials (1981-1996) 8. Gen X known as Generation Xers (1965- 1980) 9. Baby Boomers (born in 1946-1964) 10. Silent Generation (born between the years of 1928 and 1945)
Finish the following statement. Select all answers that apply.
Species interactions that are mutualistic...:
a. may be destabilized by the evolution of "cheating" in which one species obtains a benefit from the other without providing benefit in return
b. are inherently stable, because the species are likely to become extinct if they do not maintain the mutually beneficial relationship.
c. evolve in order to maintain the balance of nature.
d. begin with one species evolving to benefit the other, in order to induce the other species to evolve reciprocity.
e. show that the notion of "selfish genes" is wrong.
The Living World
Finish the following statement. Select all answers that apply. Species interactions that are mutualistic...: a. may be destabilized by the evolution of "cheating" in which one species obtains a benefit from the other without providing benefit in return b. are inherently stable, because the species are likely to become extinct if they do not maintain the mutually beneficial relationship. c. evolve in order to maintain the balance of nature. d. begin with one species evolving to benefit the other, in order to induce the other species to evolve reciprocity. e. show that the notion of "selfish genes" is wrong.
Orcas (also known as "killer whales") hunt bowhead whales. A biologist wants to know how fast bowhead whales can swim when chased by orcas. She observes female whales being chased by orcas and measures the maximum speed these whales can swim. What will she most likely observe? Why?
a. All of the whales swim the same speed because they are the same species.
b. There will be notable differences among the whales because each whale has had different amounts of nutrition and exercise during its life.
c. There will be notable differences among the whales because each whale has different genes.
d. Both "b" and "c".
e. It is impossible to predict given the information provided.
The Living World
Orcas (also known as "killer whales") hunt bowhead whales. A biologist wants to know how fast bowhead whales can swim when chased by orcas. She observes female whales being chased by orcas and measures the maximum speed these whales can swim. What will she most likely observe? Why? a. All of the whales swim the same speed because they are the same species. b. There will be notable differences among the whales because each whale has had different amounts of nutrition and exercise during its life. c. There will be notable differences among the whales because each whale has different genes. d. Both "b" and "c". e. It is impossible to predict given the information provided.
Why is the operational sex ratio (the relative numbers of males and females available to mate at any given time) often male-biased in natural populations?
a. Because males mate more frequently than females
b. Because the cost of breeding is higher for females
c. Because a male-biased sex ratio increases the number of descendants at the next generation
d. A and B
e. A, B, and C
The Living World
Why is the operational sex ratio (the relative numbers of males and females available to mate at any given time) often male-biased in natural populations? a. Because males mate more frequently than females b. Because the cost of breeding is higher for females c. Because a male-biased sex ratio increases the number of descendants at the next generation d. A and B e. A, B, and C
Compared to asexual reproduction, the greatest disadvantage of sexual reproduction for most sexually reproducing species is:
a. Time wasted in finding mates
b. Half the rate of increase (compared to an asexual genotype) due to production of males
c. Harassment of females by males, resulting in chase-away selection to deter them
d. An increased mutation rate, caused by faulty recombination of genes
e. Energy wasted by males in trying to attract females
The Living World
Compared to asexual reproduction, the greatest disadvantage of sexual reproduction for most sexually reproducing species is: a. Time wasted in finding mates b. Half the rate of increase (compared to an asexual genotype) due to production of males c. Harassment of females by males, resulting in chase-away selection to deter them d. An increased mutation rate, caused by faulty recombination of genes e. Energy wasted by males in trying to attract females
A clade of tropical birds has a larger number of species compared to its sister clade in the temperate zone. Which of the following can explain this pattern?
a. There was a greater amount of cladogenesis in the tropical clade.
b. There was a lower rate of extinction in the tropical clade.
c. An adaptive radiation occurred in the tropical clade but not in the temperate clade.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
The Living World
A clade of tropical birds has a larger number of species compared to its sister clade in the temperate zone. Which of the following can explain this pattern? a. There was a greater amount of cladogenesis in the tropical clade. b. There was a lower rate of extinction in the tropical clade. c. An adaptive radiation occurred in the tropical clade but not in the temperate clade. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.
For each of the following pairs of family members provide the coefficient of relatedness. (Assume these examples are from a typical mammal. Answers can be used more than once or not at all.)
Father and his offspring: r =
Two completely unrelated individuals: r =
Grandmother and her grandchild: r =
Two full-siblings: r =
Two individuals with the same father but different mothers: r=
Two individuals that are asexually produced clones: r =
The Living World
For each of the following pairs of family members provide the coefficient of relatedness. (Assume these examples are from a typical mammal. Answers can be used more than once or not at all.) Father and his offspring: r = Two completely unrelated individuals: r = Grandmother and her grandchild: r = Two full-siblings: r = Two individuals with the same father but different mothers: r= Two individuals that are asexually produced clones: r =
A researcher collects a large number of birds and measures the sizes of their beaks. This species is known to be monogamous so it is possible to determine which two birds are the parents of all the offspring in the nest. After the offspring hatch and reach their adult sizes, the researcher collects beak size measurements for the offspring. If the plot of offspring and midparent mean in beak size shows a positive correlation, what can you say about the heritability of beak size in these birds?
a. The beak size appears to not be heritable at all.
b. Beak size is highly heritable.
c. Natural selection cannot act on beak size.
d. Parents with larger beak sizes tend to have offspring who also have large beak sizes.
The Living World
A researcher collects a large number of birds and measures the sizes of their beaks. This species is known to be monogamous so it is possible to determine which two birds are the parents of all the offspring in the nest. After the offspring hatch and reach their adult sizes, the researcher collects beak size measurements for the offspring. If the plot of offspring and midparent mean in beak size shows a positive correlation, what can you say about the heritability of beak size in these birds? a. The beak size appears to not be heritable at all. b. Beak size is highly heritable. c. Natural selection cannot act on beak size. d. Parents with larger beak sizes tend to have offspring who also have large beak sizes.