Comprehension Soruları

Comprehensionut not
Writing der P
Choose one of the extinct animals
and write about it. What do you
know about that animal? Why did
they become extinct? When did they
become extinct?
hayvonlar don

ComprehensionTASK 3
Match the words to the definitions. There is one extra definition
1. Determinen
A. always telling other people what to do, in a way that is
2. Humble
3. Impatient
B. someone who is good at making decisions quickly and
4. Greedy
with confidence.
5. Generous
C. made, done, or operated by people working together
6. Jealous
D. having a natural ability to do something well.
E. feeling unhappy because someone has something that
7. Talented
you wish you had.
8. Cooperative
F. someone who is willing to give money, spend time etc.,
9. Decisive
in order to help people or give them pleasure.
10. Bossy
G. always wanting more food, money, power, possessions
etc. than you need.
H. very eager for something to happen and not wanting to wait.
I. not considering yourself or your ideas to be as important
as other people's.
J. having a strong desire to do something, so that you will
not let anyone stop you.
K. feeling very ashamed and sad because you know that
you have done something wrong.

Comprehension6. What does Tom Hanks do? Tom Hanks
What is Tom Hanks like?

ComprehensionChoose WAS or WERE and circle it:
He was / were a policeman.
We was / were very happy.
Was/Were you happy?
They wasn't/ weren't interested in.
I was / were at school.
It wasn't/weren't expensive.
Was / Were she your teacher?

ComprehensionA) BMM Hükümeti etkisiz hale getirilmek istenmiştir.
B) Itilaf Devletleri BMM'ye ateşkes ve Yarış teklifle-
rinde bulunmuşlardır.
C) Anadolu'da yeni devletler kurulmak istenmiştir.
D) BMM'ye karşı İstanbul Hükümeti ile İtilaf Devletle-
ri iş birliği yapmıştır.
gibi ş
A) Ör
3. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk özellikle 1789'da gerçekleşen
Fransız İhtilali'nin yaydığı bazı evrensel değerlerden
etkilenmiş bu değerler fikir hayatının oluşmasında bü-
yük rol oynamıştır.
Buna göre;
1. Hürriyet
II. Eşitlik,
III. Manda ve Himaye,
IV. Kişisel Egemenlik
verilenlerden hangileri Mustafa Kemal'in Fransız
Habilali’nden etkilendiği değerlerden olabilir?
I ve II
B) II ve
C) I, II ve III
Il ve IV