Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation Questions and Answers

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationDirections Determine if each of the following statements is true or false If the statement is false correct the underlined word to make the statement true 24 Humans depend on Earth s environment for food water shelter and air 25 Most of the energy used by humans comes from solar and wind sources 26 When a renewable resource is depleted it is gone forever 27 Land and its soil is a renewable resource 28 A mixture of chemicals in the air that appears as a haze in the atmosphere is called acid rain 2

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationFill in the Blank 3 The practice of farming which includes the growing of plants as well as the raising of animals 4 List two benefits of reforestation to the environment 5 The process in which once productive land areas are turned into dry and unusable areas 6 A harmful material that enters the biosphere through air water or land is called a What name is given to the uppermost level of soil 8 What term refers to the wearing away of the surface soil by water and wind 9 What name is given to a forest that has never been cut 10 The study of the interaction between humans and the environment 11 This component of soil comes from dead and decaying organisms 12 The raising of aquatic animals for human consumption Word Bank Old Growth Forest Agriculture Desertification Fishery Environmental Science humus veathering O Horizon toxin photosynthesis moderate climate 7

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationDirections Compare and contrast the following pairs of terms 1 Renewable resource Nonrenewable resource

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationHow could observations of a small upheaval from an earthquake be used to explain the formation of entire mountain ranges A Geological changes do not produce a lot of force B Small changes can accumulate over a very long time C Earthquakes long ago must have been much more powerful D Each mountain is formed by a single massive earthquake event

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationThe latitude and longitude of Santiago Chile is closest to 33 26 51 S 70 40 25 W O 33 26 51 N 70 40 25 W O 33 26 51 S 70 40 25 E 33 26 51 N 70 40 25 E

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationIn recent years composting has become more common in American households Composting involves decomposing organic matter in order to make a soil additive Organic matter such as food waste and yard trimmings can be placed in a compost pile or bin Over time bacteria and other decomposers break down the organic matter into humus an important component of fertile soil Which of the following is a benefit of composting O A OB O C COD Households that compost will use less water for their lawns Households that compost may be adding hazardous waste to their soil Households that compost will produce less solid waste Households that compost will attract rodents and pests to their yards

Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation7 Having light or dark colored wings is a heritable trait in peppered moths A peppered moth population experienced the following change in response to a change in its environment Light colored moths Dark colored moths 50 50 Starting population 76 26 Ending population a Use the data to construct an explanation for why the two ending population numbers are so different from each other Make sure to mention fitness in your answer 2 points b How might environmental factors have caused the change in the population Provide an explanation of how at least one abiotic factor and one

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationIntellectual properties include which of the following intangible property real property 0000 separate property public property

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationQuartz sandstone Limestone Shale Oc magma Od hornfels B A Increasing metamorphic grade What is the rock C O a fossil shale Ob feldspar C Magma chambe

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationDirections Select each correct answer The red squirrel is a species of tree squirrel that can be found in parts of Europe and Asia In an experiment a researcher introduced small populations of red squirrels to two different ecosystems at the same time The graph below shows the red squirrel population in both ecosystems over three years Red Squirrel Population Over Time Population in thousands 0 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 5 Time yr Which explanation s could account for the different carrying capacities of the two ecosystems 0 5 1 Nature Reserve City Park 2 The number of trees in the city park may be limited by humans Increased human activity in the city park may disrupt mating opportunities Food may be more abundant in the city park because it is left behind by humans who much larger in area than the city park 2 5 3

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationCompare the native American Societies and different European Colonizers in a double bubble

Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation5 The graphs provided here show both historical and projected data for dissolved CO2 levels and the pH of the ocean Dissolved CO Micromoles Kg 22Historical and Projected Dissolved CO 201 18 16 12 10 1900 1950 2000 2050 Year Ocean pH 8 20 8 10 8 00 7 90 7 80 Historical and Projected Ocean pH 1900 1950 2000 2050 Year According to the data the pH of the ocean will reach 7 90 when dissolved CO levels are in what range

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationThe use of resources from the world s oceans has majorly impacted the biodiversity in these ecosystems What human activities have played an impor role in changing the environment of the oceans

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationConstruct an explanation that describes the cause and effect relationship between natural hazards changes in climate and the availability of natural resources on the components of human societies Be sure your answer contains some of the following descriptions explanations RELATING TO cause and effect for Availability of natural resources Changes in climate Occurrence of natural hazards

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationWhat was the median number of bats in 2021 for the six colonies in the park 304 O204 292

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationWhat are the three greatest demands on water usage Select all that may apply Fracking and mining Generation of power Irrigation 00000 Domestic household uses Industrial uses aside from generating electricity

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationThe video found on the learning materials page refers to beavers as a keystone species What are the reasons for this statement Select all that may apply Beavers dramatically alter an ecosystem Beavers are cute so people will want to protect them Beaver dams stop the flow of water creating more land for human development Survival of wetland biodiversity depends upon the presence of beavers Beaver dams slow the flow of water creating wetlands P response pot displayed

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationMatch each step of the hydrologic cycle with its description Water moves down a surface eventually draining into a lake river etc Water passes through a plant and is released through its leaves Water returns to the Earth as snow ice or rain Water soaks into the soil Heat from the sun converts liquid water to water vapor Evaporation Precipitation Infiltration Transpiration Runoff

Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation2 Water is all around us on land in oceans and throughout the atmosphere Water is constantly moving and changing in a process called the water cycle 3 The water cycle begins with the sun Most of Earth s surface water is in oceans and lakes The sun warms this water and turns it into a gas called water vapor which rises into the air This is called evaporation These drops stick together to form clouds Eventually the clouds become too full of water and the water falls back to Earth as rain snow or ice Back on Earth some water soaks into the ground Some piles up as snow and may become part of glaciers or Ice sheets Lots of water ends up in streams Those streams eventually become rivers which flow into lakes and oceans From there the water evaporates into the sky again and the water cycle starts all over How are paragraphs 2 and 3 organized 1 The paragraphs compare the water cycle with evaporation 2 The paragraphs explain how the water cycle affects the clouds 3 The paragraphs describe the order of events in the water cycle O 4 The paragraphs identify reasons why the water cycle is important

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationIf global consumption remains the same Earth will run out of conventional oil resources about

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationUsing the information with the slides complete the data table below Type of Water Saltwa ter Freshw ater Ice Caps Glacier typ Percen t Total Enter Freshw numeri ater S Groun dwater Surfac e Water Percen t Enter numeri Surfac e Freshw ater cal value only typ cal value only typ typ typ Percen t Enter numeri cal value only typ Lakes Soil Moistu typ re Water Vapor Rivers typ typ

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationAdapting to Survive Cross Curricular Focus Life Science Living things adapt to their environment so they can survive An organism adapts when it develops a behavior that makes it more likely to survive It can also adapt by forming a physical characteristic or body part that helps it survive In a forest biome some trees grow taller than the other plants around them This lets them reach the sunlight Growing taller is an adaptation that helps trees survive Shorter plants have adapted with their behavior They have learned to live in the shade with less sunlight Animals in the forest have a wide variety of adaptations Monkeys have long tails They can use them almost like another hand This helps them swing quickly through the tops of trees They can even do this while holding their babies or gathering food of ball C Answer the Don t forget find or confi 1 What ar 2 What is the passag 3 Is the a behaviora

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationWhen studying a grasslands area for biodiversity your work provided the following data for a 1 acre site purple needlegrass galleta buffalo grass blue grama Total grasses discovered 200 What is the biodiversity index of the buffalo grass 80 0 8 0 20 0 40 20 60 80 40

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationAfter successfully determining the plant biodiversity of a grassland area you are asked by the butterfly research team which biodiversity measuring technique would be best for studying the butterflies Which of the following should you suggest camera trap Quadrant method nitfall tran

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationWhich of the following best defines biodiversity The variety of all forms of life in a defined geographic are The variety of plants and animals in a defined geographic area The number of animals in a defined geographic area The number of species in a defined geographic area

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationType of Population Pair Based on the graph which of the following predictions can be made regarding the ecological speciation of both types of hosts of the An ecologically similar pair of population exhibits greater reproductive isolation increased level of gene flow and increase diverse pair of population C D An ecologically diverse pair of population exhibits a lower reproductive isolation decreased level of gene flow and decreased eos ecologically similar pair of population An ecologically similar pair of population exhibits a lower reproductive isolation decreased level of gene flow and decreased diverse pair of population An ecologically diverse pair of population exhibits a greater reproductive isolation decreased level of gene tow and increased ecologically similar pair of population Inc

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationQ6 4 The graphs below depict hypothesized population dynamics population size vs time for a predator prey system Based on what you ve learned in this tutorial by investigating moose and wolf population cycles which graph best represents a predator prey system and which curve blue or red describes dynamics for the predator species Time N m Time The graph on the left is the best representation and the predator s curve is blue The graph on the left is the best representation and the predator s curve is red The graph on the right is the best representation and the predator s curve is blue The graph on the right is the best representation and the predator s curve is red

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationQ6 3 Imagine two new volcanic islands spring up in the middle of the ocean Each island is quickly founded by a few individuals of a species of aquatic bird that requires an abundance of fresh water to thrive The two islands differ in rainfall one much wetter and one much drier Given that bird carrying capacity is determined by the amount of rainfall and assuming that rainfall is consistent over time what might the growth curves for the bird populations look like over many years N N Time Time Drier Wetter Drier Wetter N Time Wetter Drier Wetter Drier

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationWhich factor influences whether a trait is passed on to the next generation OA The way in which the trait originated OB The complexity of the trait C The helpfulness of the trait for survival in the environment D The length of time that has passed since the trait originated

Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation3 points Atmospheric changes in Earth s history have caused large temperature changes through time How does knowledge of these past connections between atmosphere and climate inform us about modern day climate change Understanding the increased levels of carbon dioxide led to the ice ages humans can avoid causing a new ice age Understanding that increased levels of carbon dioxide led to warmer climates humans can better understand their effect upon global climate and mitigate human caused changes The past atmospheric changes have no effect on modern life because Earth has changed too much

Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation3 points Changes in atmosphere are not the only changes that impact climate How can changes in Earth s orbit impact temperature Changes in orbit change evaporation rates from the oceans Changes in orbit change photosynthesis rates in forests Changes in orbits change moon position and ocean tides The amount and distribution of solar energy reaching the planet s surface changes 0000

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationWhat has happened in the past 150 years that has caused the rise in the rate at which CO is added to the atmosphere Select all that may apply Deforestation decreases CO to be used in photosynthesis The mining of fossil fuels releases methane Increased water levels of the oceans are releasing more oxygen Industrialization Burning of fossil fuels

Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation3 points Which is the most important of these gases in terms of amplification of climate effects Nitrogen dioxide Water vapor Carbon dioxide Methane

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationMy courses SC BIOL1001 M N O The behaviour of a logistica

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationUse the word bank to fill in the blanks below not all words will be used Ozone depletion refers to the Answer of the Answer molecules that screen out much of the Answer from the sun The I atmospheric gases Answer the an Answer occurs when certain energy from the Answer leading to t I 1 Answer in atmospheric Answer I destruction 1 I sun ultraviolet radiation greenhouse effect release ozone temperatures increase trap decrease infrared radiation

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationNow it s time to write your narrative in paragraph form Each plot section paragraphs in length Follow the example format below Paragraph 1 Exposition Paragraph 2 Rising Action Paragraph 3 Climax Paragraph 4 Falling Action Paragraph 5 Resolution Remember the prompt I knew I You have already written your thesis statement based on this prompt Here is a sample narrative to view for help Task Write a narrative based on the prompt I knew when Purpon TI when

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationThe lowest temperature needed to kill all microbes in 10 minutes is the thermal death time TDT None of the choices are correct thermal death point TDP death phase point

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationAn advantage to using by pass fume hoods is that Select one the sash will act as an explosion shield the velocity of the air moving through the hood increases as the sash is lowered the velocity of the air moving though the hood increases as the sash is raised the velocity of the air moves through the louvers and the sash opening

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationFactors that must be considered during the assessment process include O Identification labels emergency contacts leak source odors skin irritation O Ignition sources spilled substance waterways and lakes Research data Odors warning labels spill or leak source environment nearby hazards O Research data spill or leak source nearby hazards emergency contacts

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationWhere do you maintain a current inventory of all chemicals used and stored in your work area O EH S Chemical Inventory Management System

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationWhat does the Globally Harmonized System GHS accomplish Standardizes the way chemicals are used in the workspace globally Standardizes the way chemicals are handled and stored globally Standardizes the way chemicals and hazards are associated with each other Standardizes the way chemicals are classified and hazards communicated globally

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationHazardous Waste Awareness Training records must be maintained for year s and available for immediate inspection by University State Federal and EH S J

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationEach of the articles of the Constitution OA political system established in some countries O The government s obligation to be conducted according to the Constitution The evolving relationship between the state governments and the federal government of the United States

Ecology - Biodiversity & Conservation3 Describe and define levels of biological organization from biosphere to atoms

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationU Case Study How Does Human Activity Affect Rivers Alice and her classmates visited a nearby river Their goal was to determine if pollution from cities and farms affected the water quality of the river Water quality describes the condition of the water including chemical and physical properties as well as biological characteristics Madsyn Sonn Their first task was to take water samples from five sites along the river Alice wore long waterproof waders and collected samples at site A by submerging a container under the water She also measured the water temperature at 65 F She took notes in her field journal about what she observed at the location There was a small waterfall upstream from her collection site and the water was clear Next she collected invertebrates from the site by placing a net in the water and disturbing the rocks nearby The current would carry any animals into the net and then deposited into a bucket to examine back at the lab 1 Summarize the data collected by Alice water quality quantitative qualitative She returned to the lab with her samples which would then be compared to samples taken at the other locations Current River 2 How did Alice collect invertebrate samples 3 What is the purpose of this study Examine the river map What differences would you xpect to find from water sampled at Site A to water ollected at Site B waterfall A B Windy City Spring Cave E D

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationQuestion 32 1 point The plant shown below belongs to which plant division Psilotua dan

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationWhile a prophage genome is integrated into the host cell chromosome it is 1 latent O2 lysogenic O 3 temperate 4 latent lysogenic and temperate

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationAnswer the following questions about the diagram below A Is this an endergonic or exergonic reaction B Is delta G positive or negative C What letter corresponds to the transition state D What letter corresponds to the delta G for the reaction E What letter corresponds to the activation energy for the reaction E R LE B C

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationWhich types of energy would be considered renewable Select all that may apply Natural gas Geothermal Coal Solar panels Windmills