Biology Questions

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We often think of evolution as a tree and that s roughly accurate Populations split and diverge and become new species and so one branch becomes two But the concepts of endosymbiosis as well as lateral gene transfer suggest this model of a tree isn t totally accurate after all Discuss why not and what might be a better model for evolutionary history than a perfectly branching tree Start your discussion by copying the figure below and adding lines to it that illustrate at least one major endosymbiotic event that we studied Do this before your written discussion because it will help you see the point I m trying to get you to address Upload discussion and figure Bacteria Puple bacteria Cyanobacteria Ravobectoria Theretogaler Green non sulfur bacteria Gram positives Crenarchaeo Archaea Euryarchaeolu Mechanosarcina Methano bacterium Methanocovyur Thermprojet Pyrodiction Thermococcus celer Eukarya Animals Entamoebae Slime molds Halophiles Pungi Plants Ciliates Flagellates Trichomonads Microsporidia Diplomonad
The Living World
We often think of evolution as a tree and that s roughly accurate Populations split and diverge and become new species and so one branch becomes two But the concepts of endosymbiosis as well as lateral gene transfer suggest this model of a tree isn t totally accurate after all Discuss why not and what might be a better model for evolutionary history than a perfectly branching tree Start your discussion by copying the figure below and adding lines to it that illustrate at least one major endosymbiotic event that we studied Do this before your written discussion because it will help you see the point I m trying to get you to address Upload discussion and figure Bacteria Puple bacteria Cyanobacteria Ravobectoria Theretogaler Green non sulfur bacteria Gram positives Crenarchaeo Archaea Euryarchaeolu Mechanosarcina Methano bacterium Methanocovyur Thermprojet Pyrodiction Thermococcus celer Eukarya Animals Entamoebae Slime molds Halophiles Pungi Plants Ciliates Flagellates Trichomonads Microsporidia Diplomonad
The Ediacara fossils show which kind of preservation O original remains O permineralization O replacement molds
The Ediacara fossils show which kind of preservation O original remains O permineralization O replacement molds
How old is the first evidence for multicellular organisms O about 3 5 Ga O about 1 5 Ga O about 0 5 Ga
How old is the first evidence for multicellular organisms O about 3 5 Ga O about 1 5 Ga O about 0 5 Ga
The Ediacara fauna contains the oldest known multicellular organisms O True False
The Ediacara fauna contains the oldest known multicellular organisms O True False
Endosymbiosis describes O One cell destroying another cell O One cell inside another cell providing a benefit O Two cells living close together to the benefit of both O One cell eating another
Biological Classification
Endosymbiosis describes O One cell destroying another cell O One cell inside another cell providing a benefit O Two cells living close together to the benefit of both O One cell eating another
Acritarchs probably represent cyanobacteria O True O False
Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Acritarchs probably represent cyanobacteria O True O False
What is the primary evidence for endosymbiosis in Eukarya It has been experimentally replicated O The DNA of organelles is very similar to various bacteria O Some organelles show relict multiple membranes There is a fossil that shows the event
What is the primary evidence for endosymbiosis in Eukarya It has been experimentally replicated O The DNA of organelles is very similar to various bacteria O Some organelles show relict multiple membranes There is a fossil that shows the event
Which of the following are attributes of organelles O replicates itself O has own DNA O lives inside other cells O membrane bound may survive outside of the larger cell
Cell: The Unit of Life
Which of the following are attributes of organelles O replicates itself O has own DNA O lives inside other cells O membrane bound may survive outside of the larger cell
Dissolved iron Fe free and unreacted was abundant in the Archean oceans What were the main sources of the Fe hydrothermal activity on the seafloor rain Ostromatolites meteors
Ecology - Ecosystems
Dissolved iron Fe free and unreacted was abundant in the Archean oceans What were the main sources of the Fe hydrothermal activity on the seafloor rain Ostromatolites meteors
EListen water Please list the 4 life supporting properties of explain the big ignificance of each of these properties
Ecology - Ecosystems
EListen water Please list the 4 life supporting properties of explain the big ignificance of each of these properties
Please list and briefly explain the two main processes of an ecosystem
Ecology - Ecosystems
Please list and briefly explain the two main processes of an ecosystem
Which of the following factors have led to the rise in health care costs
Which of the following factors have led to the rise in health care costs
2 Yellowstone and Hawaiian Hotspots Slides 3 and 4 show the path and approximate times of the Yellowstone and Hawaiian hotspot traces a Calculate approximately how fast each of the plates overlying these hotspots are moving in mm year b The Hawaiian hotspot has erupted continuously for hundreds of millions of years According to the map how many calderas have formed from the Yellowstone hotspot the last 17 million years this number is close to the number of eruptions Each yellow circle and age is a different caldera c The Hawaiian hotspot occurs on the Pacific Plate and produces mostly effusive mafic eruptions almost continuously The Yellowstone hotspot occurs on the North American Plate and produces very very very large explosive felsic to intermediate eruptions every few million years The source of the mantle plumes that feed each hotspot is similar both seem to originate at or near the core mantle boundary and will be compositionally the same as it reaches the bottom of the crust Most Hawaiian eruptions are VEI 0 1 Volcanic Explosivity Index the most recent Yellowstone eruptions was VEI 8 The volume of material produced by each hotspot is the same over time but obviously the timing and size of each is very different Talk to your group and come up with a few ideas of why these hotspots produce such different results Hint Think about how their locations are different but also about temperature of magma formation explosive large moderate small on ery large VEI 0 8 Erupted tephra volume 0 0001 km 0 001 km 0 01 km 0 1 km 1 km 10 km 100 km 1 000 km O O Examples Mount St Helens October 1 2004 Mount St Helens December 7 1989 Mount St Helens June 12 1980 Merapi Indonesia 2010 Mount Helens May 18 1980 Pinatubo 1991 Krakatau 1883 Tambora 1815 Mazama 7700 years ago Long Valley Caldera CA 760 000 years ago Yellowstone Caldera 600 000 years ag
The Living World
2 Yellowstone and Hawaiian Hotspots Slides 3 and 4 show the path and approximate times of the Yellowstone and Hawaiian hotspot traces a Calculate approximately how fast each of the plates overlying these hotspots are moving in mm year b The Hawaiian hotspot has erupted continuously for hundreds of millions of years According to the map how many calderas have formed from the Yellowstone hotspot the last 17 million years this number is close to the number of eruptions Each yellow circle and age is a different caldera c The Hawaiian hotspot occurs on the Pacific Plate and produces mostly effusive mafic eruptions almost continuously The Yellowstone hotspot occurs on the North American Plate and produces very very very large explosive felsic to intermediate eruptions every few million years The source of the mantle plumes that feed each hotspot is similar both seem to originate at or near the core mantle boundary and will be compositionally the same as it reaches the bottom of the crust Most Hawaiian eruptions are VEI 0 1 Volcanic Explosivity Index the most recent Yellowstone eruptions was VEI 8 The volume of material produced by each hotspot is the same over time but obviously the timing and size of each is very different Talk to your group and come up with a few ideas of why these hotspots produce such different results Hint Think about how their locations are different but also about temperature of magma formation explosive large moderate small on ery large VEI 0 8 Erupted tephra volume 0 0001 km 0 001 km 0 01 km 0 1 km 1 km 10 km 100 km 1 000 km O O Examples Mount St Helens October 1 2004 Mount St Helens December 7 1989 Mount St Helens June 12 1980 Merapi Indonesia 2010 Mount Helens May 18 1980 Pinatubo 1991 Krakatau 1883 Tambora 1815 Mazama 7700 years ago Long Valley Caldera CA 760 000 years ago Yellowstone Caldera 600 000 years ag
Generate at least two different dichotomous keys based on this data example figure No Mycobacterium No Gram stain Bacilli Motile Not cocci Yes Rhizobium Gram Positive Propionibaterium No Morphology Spirochetes Borrelia Green Yes Gloeocapsa Cocci Staphylococcus
Plant Kingdom
Generate at least two different dichotomous keys based on this data example figure No Mycobacterium No Gram stain Bacilli Motile Not cocci Yes Rhizobium Gram Positive Propionibaterium No Morphology Spirochetes Borrelia Green Yes Gloeocapsa Cocci Staphylococcus
Listen ease explain what is occurring in a chemical reaction What are the names of th rting materials and end materials involved in any chemical reaction
Ecology - General
Listen ease explain what is occurring in a chemical reaction What are the names of th rting materials and end materials involved in any chemical reaction
Listen Please list describe the structure and provide and example for the three main subgroups of carbohydrates What is an isomer
Listen Please list describe the structure and provide and example for the three main subgroups of carbohydrates What is an isomer
Question 39 Listen Please define natural selection and provide a detailed exam action I
Question 39 Listen Please define natural selection and provide a detailed exam action I
BI 6 888 DOOM1111 PCR Amplification DNA extracted from tissue DNA fragments move across the gel DNA sample loaded into wells Electricity applied to the gel 5 7 Why is DNA fingerprinting called a fingerprint a All of a person s DNA is found in their fingers b A person s DNA fingerprint looks the same as a person s physical fingerprint C Everyone s fingerprints is unique just as everyone s DNA fingerprint is unique d The tool used to make a DNA fingerprint is called The DNA Fingerprint Machine c Separate the DNA pieces by size d Compare DNA fingerprints find a match 2 8 What is the first step to making a DNA fingerprint a Cut the DNA into different sized pieces using restriction enzymes b Obtain a sample of DNA and make copies c Separate the DNA pieces by size d Compare DNA fingerprints find a match 9 What is the second step to making a DNA fingerprint a Cut the DNA into different sized pieces using restriction enzymes b Obtain a sample of DNA and make copies
Ecology - General
BI 6 888 DOOM1111 PCR Amplification DNA extracted from tissue DNA fragments move across the gel DNA sample loaded into wells Electricity applied to the gel 5 7 Why is DNA fingerprinting called a fingerprint a All of a person s DNA is found in their fingers b A person s DNA fingerprint looks the same as a person s physical fingerprint C Everyone s fingerprints is unique just as everyone s DNA fingerprint is unique d The tool used to make a DNA fingerprint is called The DNA Fingerprint Machine c Separate the DNA pieces by size d Compare DNA fingerprints find a match 2 8 What is the first step to making a DNA fingerprint a Cut the DNA into different sized pieces using restriction enzymes b Obtain a sample of DNA and make copies c Separate the DNA pieces by size d Compare DNA fingerprints find a match 9 What is the second step to making a DNA fingerprint a Cut the DNA into different sized pieces using restriction enzymes b Obtain a sample of DNA and make copies
Which polysaccharide bond cannot be broken by mammalian enzymes that normally digest polysaccharides O a 1 4 glycosidic linkages OB 1 4 glycosidic linkages O a 1 6 glycosidic linkages OB 1 6 glycosidic linkages O phosphate ester linkages QUESTION 11 Which interaction is most important in enhancing the solubility of macromolecules in water O hydrophobic interactions O nonpolar covalent bonds OH bonds O van der Waals forces O Both hydrophobic interactions and nonpolar covalent bonds QUESTION 12 The presence of polarized bonds is importance in determining molecular reactivit
Which polysaccharide bond cannot be broken by mammalian enzymes that normally digest polysaccharides O a 1 4 glycosidic linkages OB 1 4 glycosidic linkages O a 1 6 glycosidic linkages OB 1 6 glycosidic linkages O phosphate ester linkages QUESTION 11 Which interaction is most important in enhancing the solubility of macromolecules in water O hydrophobic interactions O nonpolar covalent bonds OH bonds O van der Waals forces O Both hydrophobic interactions and nonpolar covalent bonds QUESTION 12 The presence of polarized bonds is importance in determining molecular reactivit
In a living organism where are ionic bonds most likely to be found O in the cytoplasm O between DNA strands O deep in a protein s core where water is excluded Oon the surface of a protein Oon the surface of a lipid QUESTION 41 Free radicals may form when a covalent bond is broken such that each atom that had participated in the bond retained one of the two shared electrons that comprised the bond O True O False QUESTION 42 Antioxidants are able to destroy free radicals in the test tube
In a living organism where are ionic bonds most likely to be found O in the cytoplasm O between DNA strands O deep in a protein s core where water is excluded Oon the surface of a protein Oon the surface of a lipid QUESTION 41 Free radicals may form when a covalent bond is broken such that each atom that had participated in the bond retained one of the two shared electrons that comprised the bond O True O False QUESTION 42 Antioxidants are able to destroy free radicals in the test tube
How do amino acids like hydroxylysine and thyroxine which are not among the 20 amino acids that are inserted into proteins get into proteins O They are inserted directly O They are the result of the alteration of R groups of the 20 amino acids after their incorporation into the polypeptide O They are the result of the alteration of R groups of the 20 amino acids before their incorporation into the polypeptide O There are more than the 20 amino acids that are said to be inserted into proteins O Their atoms are altered by insertion into the polypeptide QUESTION 8 Proteins are often composed of two or more distinct modules that fold up independently of one another They often represent parts of a protein that function in a semi independent manner These modules are called O protein motifs O functionals O domains dominoes QUESTION 9 When two atoms of the same element bond the electron pairs of the outer shell are equally shared O True
Human Physiology - Chemical Coordination
How do amino acids like hydroxylysine and thyroxine which are not among the 20 amino acids that are inserted into proteins get into proteins O They are inserted directly O They are the result of the alteration of R groups of the 20 amino acids after their incorporation into the polypeptide O They are the result of the alteration of R groups of the 20 amino acids before their incorporation into the polypeptide O There are more than the 20 amino acids that are said to be inserted into proteins O Their atoms are altered by insertion into the polypeptide QUESTION 8 Proteins are often composed of two or more distinct modules that fold up independently of one another They often represent parts of a protein that function in a semi independent manner These modules are called O protein motifs O functionals O domains dominoes QUESTION 9 When two atoms of the same element bond the electron pairs of the outer shell are equally shared O True
A molecule that is capable of releasing or donating a hydrogen ion is termed a n O base O hydrion O acid O anachronism O pain QUESTION 20 What kind of bond results from an unequal sharing of electrons O ionic bond O polar covalent bond OH bond O nonpolar covalent bond QUESTION 21 Atoms or molecules that have orbitals containing a single unpaired electron tend to be highly unstable are called
Ecology - Ecosystems
A molecule that is capable of releasing or donating a hydrogen ion is termed a n O base O hydrion O acid O anachronism O pain QUESTION 20 What kind of bond results from an unequal sharing of electrons O ionic bond O polar covalent bond OH bond O nonpolar covalent bond QUESTION 21 Atoms or molecules that have orbitals containing a single unpaired electron tend to be highly unstable are called
The pleated sheet is characterized by orientation of OH bonds parallel to OH bonds perpendicular to O ionic bonds parallel to O ionic bonds perpendicular to Opeptide bonds perpendicular to QUESTION 38 the molecular axis bears a partial positive charge when covalently bonded to an electronegative atom QUESTION 39 Nonpolar molecules contain the charged regions that would attract them to water molecules and are hydrophobic O True
The pleated sheet is characterized by orientation of OH bonds parallel to OH bonds perpendicular to O ionic bonds parallel to O ionic bonds perpendicular to Opeptide bonds perpendicular to QUESTION 38 the molecular axis bears a partial positive charge when covalently bonded to an electronegative atom QUESTION 39 Nonpolar molecules contain the charged regions that would attract them to water molecules and are hydrophobic O True
Carbon atoms can be linked together to form the QUESTION 2 Where are hydrophobic interactions most likely to occur Oon the surface of a water soluble protein O the core of a water soluble protein O in contact with water molecules O between two charged molecules Obetween two ions QUESTION 3 of a virtually unlimited variety of organic molecules is able to dissolve more types of substances than any other solvent
The Living World
Carbon atoms can be linked together to form the QUESTION 2 Where are hydrophobic interactions most likely to occur Oon the surface of a water soluble protein O the core of a water soluble protein O in contact with water molecules O between two charged molecules Obetween two ions QUESTION 3 of a virtually unlimited variety of organic molecules is able to dissolve more types of substances than any other solvent
Water s hydrogen atom attracts electrons better than does oxygen O True O False QUESTION 5 A release of hydrogen ions to a solution would most likely O raise pH O lower pH O buffer pH O change salinity O keep pH steady QUESTION 6 Which of the following is not a macromolecule formed by polymerization O proteins O lipids O polynucleotides Opolysaccharides O DNA
The Living World
Water s hydrogen atom attracts electrons better than does oxygen O True O False QUESTION 5 A release of hydrogen ions to a solution would most likely O raise pH O lower pH O buffer pH O change salinity O keep pH steady QUESTION 6 Which of the following is not a macromolecule formed by polymerization O proteins O lipids O polynucleotides Opolysaccharides O DNA
What level of structure in proteins is held together by intermolecular R group interactions O primary structure O secondary structure O tertiary structure O quaternary structure QUESTION 26 vitamins E and C beta carotene and the parent compound for vitamin A are example of some common examples of antioxidants QUESTION 27 What type of protein secondary structure is characterized as being highly extensible because of its coiled structure OB pleated sheet O double helix Oa helix
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
What level of structure in proteins is held together by intermolecular R group interactions O primary structure O secondary structure O tertiary structure O quaternary structure QUESTION 26 vitamins E and C beta carotene and the parent compound for vitamin A are example of some common examples of antioxidants QUESTION 27 What type of protein secondary structure is characterized as being highly extensible because of its coiled structure OB pleated sheet O double helix Oa helix
plecules the contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms QUESTION 17 Proteins always have a single binding interface and thus not capable of binding several different partners O True O False 3 1 and 2 O2 and 3 QUESTION 18 Why are free ionic bonds of little importance and relatively unlikely to form in living organisms 1 Cells are composed mostly of water which interferes with ionic bonds between free ions 2 Cells are largely hydrophobic 3 They are crystals 01 02
The Living World
plecules the contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms QUESTION 17 Proteins always have a single binding interface and thus not capable of binding several different partners O True O False 3 1 and 2 O2 and 3 QUESTION 18 Why are free ionic bonds of little importance and relatively unlikely to form in living organisms 1 Cells are composed mostly of water which interferes with ionic bonds between free ions 2 Cells are largely hydrophobic 3 They are crystals 01 02
The most electronegative atoms typically present in biological molecules are and O O C O O P OO N O C N O C Na QUESTION 14 molecules can act as either acids or bases STION 15 Under which circumstances would electrons be most likely to be shared equally O when they are equidistant from nuclei O when they are equidistant from each other O when atoms of the same element are sharing them
The Living World
The most electronegative atoms typically present in biological molecules are and O O C O O P OO N O C N O C Na QUESTION 14 molecules can act as either acids or bases STION 15 Under which circumstances would electrons be most likely to be shared equally O when they are equidistant from nuclei O when they are equidistant from each other O when atoms of the same element are sharing them
Functional groups often behave as a unit and give organic molecules their physical properties chemical reactivity and QUESTION 49 What bond is responsible for the branch points in glycogen and amylopectin O a 1 4 glycosidic linkages OB 1 4 glycosidic linkages O a 1 6 glycosidic linkages OB 1 6 glycosidic linkages O 3 5 phosphodiester linkages QUESTION 50 Why do sugars tend to be highly water soluble O because they have only a few hydroxyl groups because of their large numbers of hydroxyl groups O because of their large numbers of sulfhydryl groups O because of their large numbers of methyl groups in aqueous solution
Functional groups often behave as a unit and give organic molecules their physical properties chemical reactivity and QUESTION 49 What bond is responsible for the branch points in glycogen and amylopectin O a 1 4 glycosidic linkages OB 1 4 glycosidic linkages O a 1 6 glycosidic linkages OB 1 6 glycosidic linkages O 3 5 phosphodiester linkages QUESTION 50 Why do sugars tend to be highly water soluble O because they have only a few hydroxyl groups because of their large numbers of hydroxyl groups O because of their large numbers of sulfhydryl groups O because of their large numbers of methyl groups in aqueous solution
Atoms or molecules that have orbitals containing a single unpaired electron tend to be highly unstable are called QUESTION 22 Hydrogen peroxide is normally destroyed in the cell by the enzymes QUESTION 23 in living systems resist changes in pH QUESTION 24 or glutathione peroxidase
The Living World
Atoms or molecules that have orbitals containing a single unpaired electron tend to be highly unstable are called QUESTION 22 Hydrogen peroxide is normally destroyed in the cell by the enzymes QUESTION 23 in living systems resist changes in pH QUESTION 24 or glutathione peroxidase
What kind of noncovalent interaction is typified by interactions between two molecules that are so close together that they can experience weak attractive forces bonding them together OH bonds ionic bonds Ohydrophobic interactions polar covalent bonds Ovan der Waals forces QUESTION 29 Why is silicon not suitable for making covalent bonds stable and strong enough to form the basis of living organisms even though it is just below carbon on the periodic table O Silicon is too large for its nucleus to attract the valence electrons of neighboring atoms enough to hold molecules together sufficiently O Silicon is too small for its nucleus to attract the valence electrons of neighboring atoms enough to hold molecules together sufficiently O Silicon is too large for its nucleus to attract the protons of neighboring atoms enough to hold molecules together O Silicon is too small for its nucleus to attract the protons of neighboring atoms enough to hold molecules together QUESTION 30 Mammals lack the enzyme that hydrolyzes cellulose O True
The Living World
What kind of noncovalent interaction is typified by interactions between two molecules that are so close together that they can experience weak attractive forces bonding them together OH bonds ionic bonds Ohydrophobic interactions polar covalent bonds Ovan der Waals forces QUESTION 29 Why is silicon not suitable for making covalent bonds stable and strong enough to form the basis of living organisms even though it is just below carbon on the periodic table O Silicon is too large for its nucleus to attract the valence electrons of neighboring atoms enough to hold molecules together sufficiently O Silicon is too small for its nucleus to attract the valence electrons of neighboring atoms enough to hold molecules together sufficiently O Silicon is too large for its nucleus to attract the protons of neighboring atoms enough to hold molecules together O Silicon is too small for its nucleus to attract the protons of neighboring atoms enough to hold molecules together QUESTION 30 Mammals lack the enzyme that hydrolyzes cellulose O True
The low molecular weight building blocks of polymers are called O minipolymers monoblocks monomers portions octamers QUESTION 32 Glycogen is the storage polysaccharide in plant O True O False QUESTION 33 Which amino acid is most likely to be found in the core of a protein methionine Oasparagine serine threonine glutamic acid
Cell: The Unit of Life
The low molecular weight building blocks of polymers are called O minipolymers monoblocks monomers portions octamers QUESTION 32 Glycogen is the storage polysaccharide in plant O True O False QUESTION 33 Which amino acid is most likely to be found in the core of a protein methionine Oasparagine serine threonine glutamic acid
Creutzfeld Jakob Disease CJD could be passed from one organism to another organism O True O False QUESTION 35 Superoxide dismutase is an enzyme responsible for the destruction of a type of free radical formed when molecular oxygen picks up an extra electron O True O False QUESTION 36 together
The Living World
Creutzfeld Jakob Disease CJD could be passed from one organism to another organism O True O False QUESTION 35 Superoxide dismutase is an enzyme responsible for the destruction of a type of free radical formed when molecular oxygen picks up an extra electron O True O False QUESTION 36 together
Chaperones help proteins to reach their proper folded state O True O False QUESTION 44 The most stable atoms and thus those that are typically nonreactive are the atoms that have O equal numbers of electrons and protons O equal numbers of electrons and neutrons full inner shells O full outer shells O all covalent bonds QUESTION 45 Which of the following is a nucleotide O phosphate ribose O adenine deoxyribose sugar nitrogenous base
Chaperones help proteins to reach their proper folded state O True O False QUESTION 44 The most stable atoms and thus those that are typically nonreactive are the atoms that have O equal numbers of electrons and protons O equal numbers of electrons and neutrons full inner shells O full outer shells O all covalent bonds QUESTION 45 Which of the following is a nucleotide O phosphate ribose O adenine deoxyribose sugar nitrogenous base
your answer what are the two chemical ingredients for hematite what is the source s for these ingredients what kind of rock BIFs are classified as In your discussion be sure to make direct references to the phot below of a BIF sample
your answer what are the two chemical ingredients for hematite what is the source s for these ingredients what kind of rock BIFs are classified as In your discussion be sure to make direct references to the phot below of a BIF sample
If stromatolites increased in abundance in the late Archean and began releasing massive amounts of oxygen why didn t the atmosphere and oceans become oxic right away other organisms used the iron for lithotrpohy O the oxygen reacted with iron to form red beds on land the oxygen escaped to space O the oxygen reacted with the reservoir of dissolved iron in the ocean to form the BIFS
The Living World
If stromatolites increased in abundance in the late Archean and began releasing massive amounts of oxygen why didn t the atmosphere and oceans become oxic right away other organisms used the iron for lithotrpohy O the oxygen reacted with iron to form red beds on land the oxygen escaped to space O the oxygen reacted with the reservoir of dissolved iron in the ocean to form the BIFS
The oxygen revolution the transition from anoxic to oxic conditions on earth took place abruptly over just a few million years True False
Ecology - General
The oxygen revolution the transition from anoxic to oxic conditions on earth took place abruptly over just a few million years True False
Which two metabolic reactions do cyanobacteria perform O anoxygenic photosynthesis Ofermentation oxygenic photosynthesis aerobic respiration
The Living World
Which two metabolic reactions do cyanobacteria perform O anoxygenic photosynthesis Ofermentation oxygenic photosynthesis aerobic respiration
When during earth history did most of the BIF S form O late Archean early Proterozoic O late Proterozoic O Hadean earliest Archean
Ecology - Ecosystems
When during earth history did most of the BIF S form O late Archean early Proterozoic O late Proterozoic O Hadean earliest Archean
Dissolved iron Fe free and unreacted was abundant in the Archean oceans What were the main sources of the Fe rain weathering of continental rocks meteors stromatolites
Ecology - General
Dissolved iron Fe free and unreacted was abundant in the Archean oceans What were the main sources of the Fe rain weathering of continental rocks meteors stromatolites
What geologic evidence shows that the Archean environment was anoxic O detrital pyrite grains stromatolites O terrestrial red beds banded iron formations
The Living World
What geologic evidence shows that the Archean environment was anoxic O detrital pyrite grains stromatolites O terrestrial red beds banded iron formations
Please list the 4 large biological molecules For each molecule identify its monomer and explain its typical structure
Please list the 4 large biological molecules For each molecule identify its monomer and explain its typical structure
Which type of plate boundary will you most likely find a Stratovolcano Divergent Transform Convergent
Ecology - Ecosystems
Which type of plate boundary will you most likely find a Stratovolcano Divergent Transform Convergent
4 A scientist wants to study mating behavior of deer She observes deer during mating season to obtain data For each male she counts the number of male male fights that he wins and then the number of females that the male mates with The scientist expects that males who win the most fights will mate with the most females a Design a null and alternative hypothesis for this study 2 pt Ho The null hypothesis would be the number of fights a male deer wins will have no effcet On the number of females that deer males with H The alternale hypothesis would be the number of fights a male deer wins will have an affair on the number of females that deer mates wits b What was the scientist s prediction 1 pt c What was the independent variable 0 5 pt The independent variable is the difference in the number of fights the male deer won d What was the dependent variable 0 5 pt The dependent variable is the number of female deer the male deer mate with e What would constitute replication in this experiment 0 5 pt In this experiment replication would involve repeating the study with differnt groups of deer during mating season to confirm if the observed correlation between male fight victories and mating success holds consistently across multiple installer enswing the reliability of the findings Replication helps validate the results and carers whether the
Ecology - Ecosystems
4 A scientist wants to study mating behavior of deer She observes deer during mating season to obtain data For each male she counts the number of male male fights that he wins and then the number of females that the male mates with The scientist expects that males who win the most fights will mate with the most females a Design a null and alternative hypothesis for this study 2 pt Ho The null hypothesis would be the number of fights a male deer wins will have no effcet On the number of females that deer males with H The alternale hypothesis would be the number of fights a male deer wins will have an affair on the number of females that deer mates wits b What was the scientist s prediction 1 pt c What was the independent variable 0 5 pt The independent variable is the difference in the number of fights the male deer won d What was the dependent variable 0 5 pt The dependent variable is the number of female deer the male deer mate with e What would constitute replication in this experiment 0 5 pt In this experiment replication would involve repeating the study with differnt groups of deer during mating season to confirm if the observed correlation between male fight victories and mating success holds consistently across multiple installer enswing the reliability of the findings Replication helps validate the results and carers whether the
MacConkey agar is an example of a medium that is which of the following Choose one or more A differential based on ability to ferment mannitol B differential based on ability to ferment lactose C enriched with blood to support selected human pathogens D selective for Gram positive bacteria E selective for Gram negative bacteria F general purpose suitable for Gram negatives and Gram positives
Microbes in Human Welfare
MacConkey agar is an example of a medium that is which of the following Choose one or more A differential based on ability to ferment mannitol B differential based on ability to ferment lactose C enriched with blood to support selected human pathogens D selective for Gram positive bacteria E selective for Gram negative bacteria F general purpose suitable for Gram negatives and Gram positives
Determine the DNA purity ratio of the next samples and explain if we would typically consider this to be a pure sample or not 0 45 8 Sample A OD260 0 76 and OD 280 9 Sample B OD260 0 161 and OD280 0 084
Determine the DNA purity ratio of the next samples and explain if we would typically consider this to be a pure sample or not 0 45 8 Sample A OD260 0 76 and OD 280 9 Sample B OD260 0 161 and OD280 0 084
If you were to create something that stops viruses from replicating how would it have to be different from creating something that stops human somatic cells from replicating
Human Health and Diseases
If you were to create something that stops viruses from replicating how would it have to be different from creating something that stops human somatic cells from replicating
ren I date and copy iew es of 3 Suggest a control treatment for each of the following experiments a Frogs are captured from ponds with polluted water The investigator records the number of limb deformities 0 5 pt b Patients take different doses of a new medication were monitored for weight loss Species bird bird bird bird bird bird bird bird bird Temp C Female 25 25 25 29 29 29 33 33 33 54 47 49 52 42 50 54 49 48 Male 46 53 51 48 58 50 46 51 52
The Living World
ren I date and copy iew es of 3 Suggest a control treatment for each of the following experiments a Frogs are captured from ponds with polluted water The investigator records the number of limb deformities 0 5 pt b Patients take different doses of a new medication were monitored for weight loss Species bird bird bird bird bird bird bird bird bird Temp C Female 25 25 25 29 29 29 33 33 33 54 47 49 52 42 50 54 49 48 Male 46 53 51 48 58 50 46 51 52
a Run the experiment with the temperature set to 25 C 29 C and 33 C with three replicate trials conducted for reach temperature treatment Export the data and copy and paste the excel raw data below in tabular format similar to lab 2 pt b What was the independent variable 0 5 pt c What was the dependent variable 0 5 pt d Give at least 3 constant variables for this experiment 0 5 pt 2 Identify the dependent and independent variables in the following experiments a Observing the number of nests built by birds in trees that have different densities of limbs 0 5 pt b Length of a regenerating limb of a starfish measured for 4 weeks 0 5 pt c Amount of weight loss for patients taking three different doses of a new medication 0 5 pt 3 Suggest a control treatment for each of the following experiments a Frogs are captured from ponds with polluted water The investigator records the number of limb deformities 0 5 pt b Patients take different doses of a new medication were monitored for weight loss 0 5 pt tint want to study mating behavior of deer She observes deer during mating Species bird bird bird bird bird bird bird bird bird Gizmo Resource 88 C Temp C Female 25 25 25 29 29 29 33 33 33 54 47 49 52 42 50 54 49 48 Male 46 53 51 48 58 50 46 51 52
Biotechnology: Principles and Processes
a Run the experiment with the temperature set to 25 C 29 C and 33 C with three replicate trials conducted for reach temperature treatment Export the data and copy and paste the excel raw data below in tabular format similar to lab 2 pt b What was the independent variable 0 5 pt c What was the dependent variable 0 5 pt d Give at least 3 constant variables for this experiment 0 5 pt 2 Identify the dependent and independent variables in the following experiments a Observing the number of nests built by birds in trees that have different densities of limbs 0 5 pt b Length of a regenerating limb of a starfish measured for 4 weeks 0 5 pt c Amount of weight loss for patients taking three different doses of a new medication 0 5 pt 3 Suggest a control treatment for each of the following experiments a Frogs are captured from ponds with polluted water The investigator records the number of limb deformities 0 5 pt b Patients take different doses of a new medication were monitored for weight loss 0 5 pt tint want to study mating behavior of deer She observes deer during mating Species bird bird bird bird bird bird bird bird bird Gizmo Resource 88 C Temp C Female 25 25 25 29 29 29 33 33 33 54 47 49 52 42 50 54 49 48 Male 46 53 51 48 58 50 46 51 52
4 A scientist wants to study mating behavior of deer She observes deer during mating season to obtain data For each male she counts the number of male male fights that he wins and then the number of females that the male mates with The scientist expects that males who win the most fights will mate with the most females a Design a null and alternate hypothesis for this study 2 pt Ho H b What was the scientist s prediction 1 pt c What was the independent variable 0 5 pt d What was the dependent variable 0 5 pt Species bird bird bird bird bird bird bird bird bird Gizmo Resource Temp C Female Male 25 25 25 29 29 29 33 33 33 54 47 49 52 42 50 54 49 48 545458 SC 46 51 52
The Living World
4 A scientist wants to study mating behavior of deer She observes deer during mating season to obtain data For each male she counts the number of male male fights that he wins and then the number of females that the male mates with The scientist expects that males who win the most fights will mate with the most females a Design a null and alternate hypothesis for this study 2 pt Ho H b What was the scientist s prediction 1 pt c What was the independent variable 0 5 pt d What was the dependent variable 0 5 pt Species bird bird bird bird bird bird bird bird bird Gizmo Resource Temp C Female Male 25 25 25 29 29 29 33 33 33 54 47 49 52 42 50 54 49 48 545458 SC 46 51 52