Biology Questions
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Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesWhy wouldn t you expect to see growth of the control cells without the plasmid on the LB agar containing ampicillin 2 correct answers must be selected to receive credit Multiple answers Multiple answers are accepted for this question Select one or more answers and submit For keyboard navigation SHOW MORE a The cells contain the pGREEN plasmid b The cells are killed by the ampicillin in the agar U The cells lack the pGREEN plasmid Land Shiding the heat shock step

Human Physiology - Excretory Products & EliminationWhat organ is presented Kidney Dissection Handout Label and add to your presentation in the picture

The Living WorldWhat is defined as the entire function of what something can do in an ecosystem detritivoral niche fundamental niche imaginary niche lized niche

Human Physiology - Excretory Products & EliminationReset H 4 Arcuate artery 3 Interlobar artery 8 Efferent arteriole 2 Segmental artery 6 Afferent arteriole 12 Interlobar 9 Peritubular 5 Interlobular artery vein capillaries 10 Interlobular 7 Glomerulu vein Renal artery Renal vein a Blood flow through kidney Arcuate vein b Blood flow around nephron

Biotechnology & its ApplicationsGo to an online biology forum See what they re talking about Copy Paste the question and answer it on a word docx and upload it to iCollege You are required to give me two questions and answers for full credit on this assignment in a Word or Doc file It can be a theory question it can be a calculation question or it can be an experience or feelings question It needs to be tangentially related to the lab labwork technique molecular biology or cell biology Show calculation show concepts and background to prove you right and show why your method of dealing with troubling PI coworker peers is best You can copy an explanation answer but don t plagiarize if you would like but if they are wrong or it doesn t fully explain the solution you will be marked down The point is that whatever you choose you need to provide a solution an answer and reasoning If you require me to provide you with questions I can Please email me on this if you are confused You can t expect someone to teach you everything You have to be curious find things and learn on your own at times Be a little uncomfortable learning happens when you push yourself This is meant as an easy assignment for you to figure out what other people just like you in biology think about what questions they have and what possible solutions there may be Through troubleshooting process improvements varying interpretations and fixes see manuals see manufacturer recommendations and get creative Sometimes even graduate students have stupid questions to ask online about basic math or theory Key words to search for if you re having trouble finding questions Dilution primer dilution primer reconstitution primer dimer FPLC akta ion exchange spectrophotometry UV Vis

Biological ClassificationListen Select all of the following types of fish that were abundant diverse in the Devonian period acanthodians tetrapods bony fishes chondrichthyans

Animal Kingdomthe figure below Lepospondyli Ichthyostegalia includes Acanthostega and Ichthyostego Sarcopterygian ancestor Dipnoi 419 Geologic time MY ago Coelacanth Devonian Anthracosauria Amniota Diverse Devonian groups includes Eusthenopteron and Tiktoolik See Chapters 26 through 28 for details Lissamphibians Diverse temnospondyl groups Carboniferous Permian PALEOZOIC 252 MESOZOIC Frogs and toads based on Salamanders Caecilians CENOZOIC 66

EvolutionPlant In the appropriate box fill in the two possible phenotypes each poulble genotype and what you expect to observe on a gel when testing that genotype In the larger boxes explain how your thinking that led you to answer the way that you did Genotype Phenotype Genotype Genotype Phenotype I think this because I think this because I think this because Expected Result Expected Result Expected Result I think this because I think this because I think this because

EvolutionSample Phenotype Possible genotype s 1 2 3 4 On the Image of a gel to the right draw in your expected results In some cases you cannot predict whether a particular band will be present or absent on your gel If it is uncertain if a certain band will be present draw it as a dotted line For each lane explain why you predict the results that you drew Lane 1 Ladder Lane 2 1 000 900 800 700 600 500 400 Lane 3 300 200 100

Evolution3 In organisms used for genetics quite anthocyaninless reflect the mutant phenotype while names like DFR refer to the protein the gene produces Why not Just have one name 4 If phenotypes are caused by genotypes can you explain why the genotypic and phenotypic ratios for Mendelian traits are different How is it that a 3 1 phenotypic ratio can be caused by a 1 2 1 genotypic ratio 5 This lab demonstrates how the anthocyaninless gene affects stem color in Brassica rapa Think of another trait you are familiar with for example human height In what ways do you think anthocyaninless is a good model for studying the inheritance of phenotypes In what ways may it not be the best model

Molecular Basis of InheritanceGreen Genotypic ratio of offspring AA Aa aa 4 If you had a plant that developed with a purple stem what type of plant could you cross it to tell if it were homozygous or heterozygous Explain using a Punnett square

Molecular Basis of InheritanceB galactosidase is encoded by the of the lac operon QUESTION 2 extends from the termination codon at the end of an mRNA coding region to the end of the poly A tail QUESTION 3 In prokaryotes nearly all the DNA encodes RNAS or proteins with little between individual transcription units

BiomoleculesPyruvate reacts with which absorbs visible light at nm a a Malonate 450 b ATP 480 c DNPH 510 d PEP 510 Question 6 1 point Listen A What is Vmax a The velocity at which enzyme E is saturated with substrate S b The initial velocity of the enzyme at v S One half of the limiting enzymatic rate

BiomoleculesYou have isolated the enzyme Milleniase from the rare Y2K bug This enzyme cleaves the first two numbers off of four digit dates You flex your skills as an enzymologist and come up with the following graph of initial velocity as a function of substrate concentration A 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 S From the graph estimate KM a 5 b 7 c 35

BiomoleculesO alyzes a The final step of glycolysis b None of these c The final step of the citric acid cycle d The first step of glycolysis Question 2 1 point Listen Tertiary structure of an enzyme forms the catalytic center that is called a Inhibitory site b Negative site c Neutral site

BiomoleculesIt suggests that binding of substrate changes shape of enzyme s active site or of the substrate in order to speed up a reaction in a Lock and key model b Induced fit model c Enzyme affinity model d Michaelis Menten kinetics Question 4 1 point Listen The concept of KM is a the product concentration b the substrate concentration from which VMAX is attained c none of these

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionYou have isolated the enzyme Milleniase from the rare Y2K bug This enzyme cleaves the first two numbers off of four digit dates You flex your skills as an enzymologist and come up with the following graph of initial velocity as a function of substrate concentration 40 35 A 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 10 What is the approximate value of Vmax a 5 b 17 c 35 7 20 20 30 S 40 50 60

The Living WorldVelocity is measured by a None of these b Concentration of product moles reaction time min c Moles Liter d Amount of product mol reaction time min

BiomoleculesWhat is the best combination of Vmax KM for enzymes a Low Vmax High KM b High Vmax Low KM c Low Vmax Low KM d High Vmax High KM

The Living WorldOur enzyme of interest for this experiment is a Pyruvate kinase b ADP phosphatase c ATP kinase d Phosphoenolpyruvate PEP

BiomoleculesWhat is Km a The amount of substrate consumed per unit time b The concentration of substrate at which v S c The substrate concentration at which v 1 Vmax d Vmax

The Living Worldhat is true about Hox genes A The absence of Hox genes in plants and their presence in animals shows that plants are not related to animals B Hox genes are identical in all animals because all animals have the same structures C Hox genes are found in all animals because all animals share a common ancestor D Differences between the Hox genes of humans and those of fruit flies prove the two species do not share a common ancestor

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionCut Out Page INSTRUCTIONS In this activity you will cut out the images below so that you can paste them on the Stages of Meiosis Paste Page Figure out where to best put each image so that the correct stages of meiosis can be represented The Paste Page contains lines with dots so you know where you should paste your images Clear tape will work just as well as glue DIP RRAY

EvolutionDNA sequences from an ancestral species and four modern species that evolved from it are shown below Common ancestor CCGTACATTTCA Cat CCGTACTTTTGA Goldfish CGCTACTATTGA Pigeon CGGTACATTTGA Rhinoceros CCGTACATTTAA Based on these sequences which organism is most closely related to the common ancestor A Cat B Pigeon

EvolutionWhat have scientists determined by studying fossil balls O A How multicellular organisms may have first formed B That water was the environment in which life began C How all life began on Earth OD That multicellular organisms evolved into bacteria

BiomoleculesWhich statement describes vertebrate species during embryologic development OA They start off very similar but take different developmental paths as they grow B Organisms with common ancestors do not develop differences as they grow C Species that have recent common ancestors have few similarities during development D As they grow they become increasingly similar

EvolutionHow is the fossil record evidence for evolution A It shows how species change over time B It shows that embryos of related species are similar C It shows similarities in protein sequences D It shows that new organisms develop instantly

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationThe differentiation of neurons derive from neural crest cells requires the expression of O Neuregulin Edn3 Edn1 Neurturin Steel Fill in the blank

Molecular Basis of InheritanceMelosis 1 MEIOSIS Independent assortment Independent assortment takes place during Metaphase I This is when homologous chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell in a random orientation This results in different combinations of chromosomes in each daughter cell KEY 88 XX XX XX Drag drop the chromosomes from the parent cells into the daughter cells to show how the possible combinations of chromosomes Maternal chromosome came from the mother 88 s OO Paternal chromosome come from the father

Human Physiology - DigestionNotothenia nudifrons is a species of fish that inhabits Antarctic waters and lives at temperatures below 0 C yet maintains membrane fluidity and permeability comparable to mammals with much higher body temperatures What feature of membrane composition would you not expect to find in t species OA High concentrations of phospholipids with relatively shorted fatty acid tails OB High concentrations of cholesterol OC High concentrations of phospholipids with unsaturated fatty acid tails OD High concentrations of phospholipids with saturated fatty acid tails

BiomoleculesQuestion 2 of 10 Which sentence describes biochemical evidence that supports the theory of evolution A ATP is found in all cells and provides energy for life processes OB Animals with common ancestors have similar anatomical structures C Some vertebrates have similar structures early in development D Only some aerobic orbanisms use the Krebs cycle SUBMIT

Human Physiology - Locomotion & MovementWhat is one reason arteries can withstand higher blood pressure than veins Arteries contain only oxygenated blood Arteries have thick walls that contain layers of muscle and connective tissue Arteries contain all types of blood cells whereas veins contain only erythrocytes Arteries have one way valves to prevent blood from flowing bacloud PL

Human Physiology - Locomotion & MovementFigure 39 1 Which area in Figure 39 1 indicates a complete sarcomere 3 2 4 5

Animal KingdomWhere in the body of the Daphnia is the heart located Near the midgut In the tail Adjacent to the second antenna The posterior portion of the body

Biotechnology: Principles and ProcessesSH 8 0 Scan 64 O Penton CH Cl CH C HC s des stirme H Cl Cb CH Cl He 1 Ch C1 26 CHCl HCl HCl CLC Cly HCI 10 S Allerlerin adland rlmosi CH CH C CH CH CH CHS CHA CH2 CH2 CH CH CH CH CH CH CHS SHS CH CH CH3 CH3 CH C CH CH2 CH CH CH CH2 CH3 B CH3 D CHS CHO CHO CH CHO CH A CH CHA CH CH CH 67 24 243 A Be CH 87 CHI CH CH CHI CHO CH CH A CH H CH9 CH CHY CH CH CH CH3 5 Latinos sonuc hand run elde edilic reaksiyon

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)3 In mice dwarfism is caused by an X linked recessive allele and the pink coat is caused by an autosomal dominant allele Coats are normally brownish Suppose a dwarf brown female from a pure breeding line is crossed with a normal sized pink male from a pure breeding line What are the genotypes of the parental mice Define your own gene and allele symbols What will the predicted phenotypic ratios be in the F1 generation for each sex

The Living WorldEXAMPLE history past present ng 1 source geography clue 2 government goods civics 3 culture economics money 4 geography South America inquiry 5 ocean events river 6 money culture 7 citizenship rights customs ocean 8 history monarchy democracy 2 Complete the sentences Use correct capital letters 1 Culture 2 historian is the study of the physical features of Earth is the study of the rights and Words to us historian culture responsibilities of citizens geograp 3 90graphy is the study of money resources goods econom civic ever and services 4 A events 5 economics and way of life studies history includes information about customs In history class you study civics from the past

The Living WorldUNIT 1 EXAMPLE You hear I m Gia I study life science You write I m Gia I study 1 Hi I m Ben I study planets and the life 2 Hello I m Mrs Park In my class you learn about 3 I m Matt I study 4 Hi I m Amy You are in my 5 Good morning I m Mr Dunn Welcome to 6 Hello I m Mr Reed I teach 7 Hey I m Nate My class focuses on the Ea science sonsize to livi engin univ non appli phy things things science class 5 Listen Write yes or no D EXAMPLE You hear Science is a way to solve problems You write yes 1 2 3 science of s

The Living World3 1 2 2 Complete the sentences 4 1 Life science is the study of universe things 2 Scientists nprast things when they think about what is different 3 Earth and space scientists study our planet and the empor 4 Scientists ving Words to use universe contrast non living things when they think about what is the same 5 Physical science is the study of non living things living compare at the science steps in order Investigate together Discuss your ideas

Plant Physiology - Generalwalk through every step that is involved in generating an ATP NADH or FADH2 include the names structures and enzyme for each step From there look up the conversion rates from NADH and FADH2 to ATP and calculate exactly how 30 ATP are formed Also include any step which uses an ATP this will count against the total ATP formed

Cell Cycle and Cell Divisiona Homologous Chromosomes Before Replication b Homologous Chromosomes After Replication c Diploid Somatic Cell 2n 4 after DNA Replication PART 2 MEIOSIS PREPARATION a A cell 2n 4 at Metaphase 1 of Meiosis b How do you indicate homologous pairs of chromosomes Where did this organism get each member of a homologous pair of chromosomes ART 3 MEIOSIS 2n 10 complete on separate pieces of paper and attach to lab results

Ecology - General21 4 Describe two groups of microbes at the vents along with their metabolic activities that facilitate symbiosis and or genera metabolism in these communities How do these organisms interact with the biogeochemistry at the vents and in the deep ocean Ch 21 How does the structure of the host and microbe impact functionality of the symbiosis

Ecology - Environmental IssuesWhich do you think is most deadly A Ground shaking B Liquefaction C Fire D Tsunami E Landslides

Ecology - GeneralRequired information The following information applies to the questions displayed below In 2023 Elaine paid 2 000 of tuition and 680 for books for her dependent son to attend State University this past fall as a freshman Elaine files a joint return with her husband What is the maximum American opportunity tax credit that Elaine can claim for the tuition payment and books in each of the following alternative situations Note Leave no answer blank Enter zero if applicable b Elaine s AGI is 172 500 Note Round your intermediate calculations to the Nearest whole dollar amount American opportunity tax credit

Cell: The Unit of LifeB The ciliated columnar epithelial cells in humans are AIPMT Prelims 2011 known to occur in 1 Fallopian tubes and urethra 2 Eustachian tube and stomach lining 3 Bronchioles and fallopian tubes 4 Bile duct and oesophagus

Molecular Basis of InheritanceQUESTION 24 What was the new name of Beadle and Tatum s hypothesis after it was discovered that some enzymes were composed of more than one polypeptide chain O the One Gene One Enzyme hypothesis the One Gene One Polypeptide hypothesis O the One Polypeptide One Enzyme hypothesis O the One Polypeptide One Gene hypothesis O the One Gene Two Gene hypothesis QUESTION 25 What are the three distinct activities of protein synthesis in the correct order O initiation elongation termination O termination initiation elongation O initiation termination elongation O elongation initiation termination

Principles of Inheritance & Variation (Genetics)What enzyme is responsible for covalently linking amino acids to the 3 end of the cognate tRNA peptidyltransferase O aminoacyl tRNA synthetase O glutamine synthetase RNA polymerase O ATP synthase QUESTION 35 Which of the following is not a normal property of eukaryotic mRNAs O They contain a continuous nucleotide sequence encoding a specific polypeptide O They are found in the cytoplasm and inside the Golgi complex O They are attached to ribosomes when they are translated O Most have a significant noncoding segment that does not direct assembly of amino acids O Eukaryotic mRNAs have special modifications at their 5 and 3 termini QUESTION 36

BiomoleculesThe maximum number of 64 tRNAs that a cell would be likely to have True False QUESTION 30 Which of the phenomena below is responsible for the ability of one gene to code for more than one polypeptide O transcription O alternative splicing O transposition O hybridization exon shuffling QUESTION 31 A tRNA has an anticodon with the sequence 3 UAC 5 What would be the sequence of the complementary codon For the moment do n consider the wobble hypothesis O3 UAC 5 O3 AUG 5

The Living WorldQUESTION 48 Most of the cellular RNA is in mRNAs form True O False QUESTION 49 The initiator tRNA enters the 30S ribosomal subunit at the during prokaryotic protein synthesis QUESTION 50 Another name for protein synthesis is